The cub of the Nine Emperor Uncle's family is squeamish again

Chapter 214 I Can't Understand the Title

Chapter 214 I Can't Understand the Title

Hearing Jun Yu's words, everyone could only twist their necks back stiffly.

Yuan Deyin's neck stretched long, and from time to time she turned her head to peek at Jiuhuangshu, her eyes were shining.

It turned out that Uncle Jiuhuang had listened to what she said yesterday that she didn't like being alone in the academy, and had given her such a surprise.

In the pavilion opposite Weiyang Academy, Yu Shengxiao and Tao Lin were standing there.

Yu Shengxiao looked at Jun Yu who was sitting in the family area. He fanned his jade bone fan, shaking his head and muttering, "Jun Yu said that he was dealing with official affairs, but he lied. When did he learn to lie?"

"It's really too much not to bring this genius doctor in to accompany the exam..."

While talking, Yu Shengxiao complained about Jun Yu's coming.

"Master Yu, you might want to be Deyin's family member, but you are not qualified yet." Tao Lin was beside her and said this.

Yu Shengxiao: "..." Thank you for reminding me!

"The assessment has officially started, and now it's time for the literary talent assessment." Li Da said loudly.

Yuan Ying'er and a group of women in charge distributed the papers separately.

When she got to Yuan Deyin's side, she said softly: "Sister, don't worry, I am your sister, and I will definitely help you."

After finishing speaking, Yuan Ying'er quickly turned around and returned to her original position.

What she said just now was neither serious nor serious, just enough for the candidates next to Yuan Deyin to hear.

They turned their heads at the same time, staring at Yuan Deyin warily.

Did they think she was going to cheat?
Yuan Deyin has a headache.

She knew that Yuan Ying'er didn't want to help her at all, but wanted her to be isolated by these people.

Yuan Deyin looked around, only to find an extremely bad thing, that is... Yuan Tong'er was on her left.

People don't want something to happen, in fact, it just happens.

Sensing Yuan Deyin's eyes, Yuan Tong'er sneered arrogantly: "Don't look at Miss Ben, Miss Ben won't help you. When you can't even write a poem, you will know that you regret it."

Yuan Tong'er said this in a very smug tone.

She has made all the preparations, and she will definitely get the first grade in the literary talent assessment.

Because she spent all her savings in the past two days, she invited many scholars to help her compose poems.

It took her two days to memorize all types of poems.

She couldn't believe that none of her poems were hits!
But when she lowered her head proudly and looked at the contents of the test paper, her smile froze instantly.

Because of this topic, they are not asked to write poems.

Eunuch Lida on the stage explained it very thoughtfully.

"This time the assessment is rather special. It is not the assessment of the previous poems, but the literary accomplishment of the examinees. The content in the paper includes astronomy and geography from a hundred years ago to the present. Candidates are required to answer one by one and answer the questions. The time is half an hour, and there are fifty questions in total."

"This, this is too ridiculous, how can a person be so profound and have seen so much knowledge!" Some candidates panicked and couldn't help questioning.

Yuan Tong'er also complained: "That's right, literary talent is just poetry, what's the assessment of profound knowledge!"

"If anyone can't take the exam, go out now." Dean Changyuan glanced at the person who spoke with sharp eyes, and he warned mercilessly.

Dean Chang Yuan has spoken, who dares to say anything?

They don't want to be kicked out.

So in the end, they had no choice but to quickly pick up the brushes and race against time to solve the questions.

But when they started the first question, their expressions froze.

What is this topic?

"Since the previous dynasties, who are the saints of history, medicine, calligraphy, painting, tea, and poetry, and what are their characters?"

"When Taizu opened the dynasty, what grades of exile were proposed?"

This, this, when they were studying on weekdays, the master just showed them poems for them to understand, and they didn't have the habit of reading other books on weekdays.

Why make things difficult for them this year?
Many people were so anxious that they were sweating profusely.

Mei Qingzhou and Yin Panrong didn't know this time was special until they heard the rules. They looked at each other with anxiety.

Deyin said just now that she doesn't read much, and she doesn't understand these academic topics at all.

How good is this!
Of the four assessments, and only this assessment, she has a slight chance of winning.

Seeing the flustered looks of the candidates, Chang Changyuan stroked his beard in relief, with a look of godliness.

He had known for a long time that these candidates would memorize poems at home for assessment, so every year recruited were some nerds who could only memorize poems.

This has gone against their original intention of establishing this academy.

Also, that kid Jun Yu actually used the original book to lure him to change his principles.

Did he do so much just to enroll the master of Deyin County?
Then he is not as good as he wants!
Dean Chang Yuan loves and hates this former student.

He stroked his beard and shot at Jun Yu with a provocative look.

It seemed to be saying——

Even if you ask the dean to change the principle, there is no way.

The dean will also change the rules. There is absolutely no way for that little girl to pass the assessment.

Jun Zhouhan was sitting in the middle, and he could naturally sense how childish the dean next to him, who was highly respected in front of outsiders, was acting provocatively towards Uncle Nine Emperors.

He sighed silently.

It seems that Dean Chang Yuan still holds a grudge.

Back then, Dean Changyuan had been the tutor of Uncle Nine Emperors for a period of time, and was very satisfied with Uncle Nine Emperors' talents, so he hoped that Uncle Nine Emperors would succeed in worshiping him.

But it was obvious that Uncle Nine Emperors was not willing at all.

Therefore, Dean Chang Yuan is still brooding.

He sincerely hoped that the little "personal grievances" between Dean Changyuan and Uncle Nine Emperors would not involve Xiaoyin.

Jun Yu didn't seem to notice Dean Changyuan's provocation like an old urchin, and his indifferent eyes fell on Yuan Deyin.

And over there, Yuan Deyin held his small face and swayed his feet.

She was looking at the topic slowly, unwilling to write for a long time.

The people next to her, even Yuan Tong'er, who couldn't understand the topic at all, bit the bullet and wrote.

In the entire examination room, she was the only one who was looking at the questions in boredom.

Chang Yuan and other masters on the stage have been observing all the candidates, and Yuan Deyin is naturally within their observation range.

Seeing Yuan Deyin's appearance, they looked at each other and shook their heads in unison.

This Princess Deyin, the literary talent test is probably abolished.

Could it be that she read all fifty questions and found that she couldn't do any of them?

I heard that she grew up in Zhuangzi since she was a child, so it is normal for her to be behind in her knowledge.

She wanted to pass the examination and enter Weiyang Academy, so she probably failed.

Everyone denied Yuan Deyin in their hearts.

But at this moment, Yuan Deyin finally finished reading the last question, and she put it aside.

Then he took out the paper for answering the question and quickly stained it with pen and ink.

Without blinking her eyes, she calmly began to write down the answer in her heart on the paper.

The wrist is flexible, and the aura of the whole person has changed. It is not at all like the silly little girl who held her chin and shook her feet just now.

This, did she suddenly think of the answer?
Everyone's eyes couldn't help falling on her.

But they discovered that she had been writing on paper.

She didn't even give one of the papers on the side.

"Is the princess answering the question?" A teacher couldn't help asking in a low voice.

The wife next to him shook his head firmly.

"Impossible. If she was answering the question, how could she only read the paper once, and then never read it again. I suspect that she is writing indiscriminately."

"That makes sense." The other masters nodded.

Finally, the incense burnt out and the time has come.

"The time is up, the literary talent assessment is over." The female head of Weiyang Academy quickly stepped forward to put away all the papers.

"Wait a minute, Miss Ben hasn't finished writing yet."

Yuan Tong'er still had a few questions to write, and the papers were taken away. She complained, but the woman in charge would definitely not show mercy.

After the papers were collected, Eunuch Li Da shook the whisk in his hand, and then said loudly: "All candidates, please move to the rhythm and dance assessment venue now. The master will review the papers for the literary talent assessment, and I will give the judgment later."

Take the exam now?

Many examinees have ugly faces. They have just finished so many questions, their heads are dizzy, and they don't even have a chance to rest.

However, now they can only adjust their status as soon as possible, so that they can perform better in the next three assessments.

Because they all felt that they would never pass the literary talent test.

How could a normal person be able to solve these fifty questions?

Many of those questions were new to them, and even if they could answer it, it was only half the answer.

"Yuan Deyin, did you write scribbles just now?" Yuan Tong'er stood up from her seat, just in time to see Yuan Deyin also getting up, she spoke in a bad language.

"What does it have to do with you?" Yuan Deyin gave her a disgusted look, then quickly turned and left.

"You..." Yuan Tong'er was behind, so angry that her nose was about to crooked.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, Deyin is going to take a temperament test." Yuan Deyin ran over there, not forgetting to wave his hand at Junyu.

"Hmm." Jun Yu remained extremely calm from beginning to end.

This can be regarded as Mei Qingzhou's home court. She quickly walked to Yuan Deyin's side and whispered: "Wait a minute, you go to dance. You haven't learned the guzheng before. It's very difficult, and the request given by the master this time is very difficult. Tricky. You can dance a few times as you like, and for the rest, I will plead with the master for you."

After finishing speaking, she gave Yuan Deyin a wooden sign saying "Dance".

Although Mei Qingzhou lowered her voice, Yuan Tong'er, who followed Yuan Deyin, heard her words.

Her eyes instantly became stern.

Hmph, someone actually helped Yuan Deyin!

She quickly ran past Yuan Deyin, then ran to Miao Jiao, the wife in charge of rhythm and dance, and said loudly, "Ma'am, I want to report that just now..."

She wanted to tell about Mei Qingzhou and Yuan Deyin.

Yuan Deyin looked at this side, and instantly guessed Yuan Tonger's mind.

Her complexion changed, and she stood up quickly, and at the same time raised the wooden sign in her hand: "Master, this is the sign that the examinee picked up just now. I don't know what it is for?"

This matter is not only related to her, but also to sister Qingzhou.

She can't hurt sister Qingzhou!
"What did you find? It's clearly..." Yuan Tong'er gritted her teeth and wanted to continue to file a complaint.

But Yuan Deyin interrupted her again: "Yuan Tong'er, the assessment is about to start, what should you do if you make such a big noise and affect everyone's assessment?"

After her words fell, many people looked at Yuan Tong'er with unfriendly eyes.

"I, I just want to..." Yuan Tong'er continued to open her mouth.

"Okay, stop arguing, the assessment is indeed about to start, I will randomly arrange for you to take the dance test or the temperament test..." Miao Jiao interrupted Yuan Tong'er in a cold voice.

Her eyes also scanned Yuan Deyin and Mei Qingzhou, and her brows were tightly frowned.

She came out of the music workshop in the palace, and she has seen a lot of scheming among women.

So with just one glance, she knew that it must be Qingzhou who gave the brand to Princess Deyin.

She is a person who loves talents, and she also takes pity on Qingzhou.


Sensing a stern look from the other side of the stage, Miao Jiao just felt a headache.

It seems that the dean doesn't like Princess Deyin very much.

Taking a breath, Miao Jiao had no choice but to keep a straight face, and said seriously: "It seems that some students have some doubts about the German Yin candidates, so how about this, German Yin candidates, this time you take the initiative to test the temperament, not the wooden card in your hand Are you good at dancing?"

Yuan Deyin knew that this was a compromise made by the master in order to keep sister Qingzhou, she breathed a sigh of relief, and then replied obediently: "Of course it is possible."

"Master, can you give me the wooden sign in her hand?" Yuan Tong'er asked urgently.

She just heard that Mei Qingzhou said that the rhythm is difficult.

The dance assessment must be easy, so she should choose dance!

"Okay." Miao Jiao responded directly.

(End of this chapter)

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