Chapter 215 Is It Difficult?

The assessment starts again.

Some candidates who really didn't understand the temperament at all chose to abstain, and they retreated to the side to wait for the assessment.

After this calculation, there are not many people left for the assessment.

The candidates in the previous assessment were originally full of confidence, because many of them were daughters of rich gold, and they were deeply cultivated by their families in terms of rhythm and dance.

But when the assessment really started, they realized that the nightmare was coming.

The temperament assessment and the dance assessment were actually combined.

One candidate for temperament and one candidate for dancing.

Temperament candidates must compose a piece of music on the spot. This piece of music must not only be pleasant to the ear, but must also be created by themselves.

Dance candidates need to dance on the spot according to the music of the temperament candidates.

Therefore, the pressure of the assessment is actually on the temperament assessment.

Because dancing to the tune is what many women learn at home.

Yuan Tong'er looked down at her own brand, and found that she was in the same group as Yuan Deyin.

She immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Heh, Yuan Deyin can make up music, can she?

I'm afraid she will only play casually.

When the time comes, she can play freely, and no one will say anything about her!

Thinking about it this way, Yuan Tong'er has no burden at all.

The people in the previous assessment did not have a tacit understanding, and the assessment requirements were too difficult, so everyone had to stumble to complete the examination.

After the exam, they have to support each other to walk down.

And Miao Jiao's face was also a little ugly.

When they entered the palace back then, they also had to be assessed. The difficulty was similar to today's, but it was not as bad as it is today.

The level of rhythm and dance skills of these candidates is simply unsightly!

"The next group, Yuan Deyin candidates and Yuan Tong'er candidates."

Someone called Yuan Deyin and Yuan Tonger's names.

Yuan Deyin, who was dozing off, woke up suddenly, and she staggered up.

I accidentally tripped halfway and almost fell.

It made the crowd laugh.

Both Mei Qingzhou and Yin Panrong were anxious.

This is how to do?
With Deyin's appearance, she doesn't look like someone who can play music!
"My lord, aren't you worried?"

Wu Xi didn't know when he came behind a certain regent, and asked this question in a worried tone.

As a subordinate of his, seeing the princess in a daze, he felt a little anxious.

If the princess's performance is not good, the prince will also lose face.

"What's there to be afraid of?" Jun Yu raised his eyes and glanced at a certain confused little girl, and then asked in a low voice.

Wuxi: "???"

Is the prince too calm?

But when a melodious piano sound came, Wu Xi looked up in disbelief.

He saw their bewildered little princess, sitting obediently in front of the piano, playing a tune.

He had never heard that song before, but it was extremely nice.

Miao Jiao originally looked a little impatient, but when she heard the piece played by Yuan Deyin, she looked shocked.

She looked back and looked at Yuan Deyin with amazement.

The tempo of this piece is sometimes fast, sometimes slow, gentle and turbulent, and at the same time very well controlled.

This is the first time for Miao Jiao to hear this kind of playing method, which is both novel and pleasant.

On the stage, Chang Changyuan and the old men originally had a serious face.

But soon, they also began to be attracted by the music.

Dean Changyuan looked at Yuan Deyin squarely once, and his eyes were a little more probing.

Yuan Deyin naturally didn't care about the way others looked at her. She was immersed in the sound of her piano, as if she had returned to the days when her mother and concubine were still by her side.

So the sound of the piano, inadvertently blended with my own feelings, and the sound of the piano became more and more tactful.

Yuan Tong'er next to her was in a bad mood.

She doesn't have any dancing talent at all, and now she has to dance according to the tune, especially Yuan Deyin's tune is so strange, so she just twisted a few times, and twisted herself to the ground and sprained her feet.

After the sound of the piano ended, everyone looked at Yuan Deyin with more complicated and shocking expressions.

Yuan Deyin said to Miao Jiao in an obedient tone; "Master, I'm done."

"En." Miao Jiao looked at Yuan Deyin's eyes, and finally felt a little more affectionate.

If this child is cultivated a little bit, he will definitely be quite accomplished in temperament in the future.

"Master, master, I'm healed too." Yuan Tong'er gritted her teeth and dragged her sprained foot down in a dejected manner.

"Yuan Deyin, when did you know how to play the piano? Did you make me dance on purpose?" Yuan Tonger stared at Yuan Deyin resentfully.

She heard that Yuan Deyin couldn't play the piano, so she forced her to play the piano.

But who knows, where is she playing badly?

She was clearly... pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

Hearing Yuan Tong'er's words, Yuan Deyin frowned, and she said quickly: "When did the princess say that she can't play the piano? The princess only said that she didn't play the music by hand, but just watched the concubine play it." That's all."

Mei Qingzhou and Yin Panrong also came over, and they stood in front of Yuan Deyin like a calf, staring closely at Yuan Tong'er.

"Look, you admitted it yourself, you said you haven't played it, you just watched your concubine play it, how can you play it?"

Angrily, Yuan Tong'er held on to what Yuan Deyin had said just now.

Yuan Deyin's face turned dark. With a stern face, she seriously corrected Yuan Tong'er's words: "Who said that if you haven't played it before, you can't play it just by looking at it? Is it difficult to play the piano?"

"" Yuan Tong'er almost vomited blood from anger.

The expressions of Mei Qingzhou and Yin Panrong gradually cracked.

Not to mention that Yuan Tong'er was stimulated, they also felt that they had been slandered inexplicably.

Especially Yin Panrong who knows nothing about rhythm, she feels that she is out of place in this world.

Isn't... the rhythm, isn't it difficult?
Yuan Tong'er was worried that her feet would be ruined, so she could only give Yuan Deyin a sneaky look, and then she was dragged down for treatment.

"Deyin, you really just watched your concubine play?" Mei Qingzhou asked Yuan Deyin seriously.

"Well, because the concubine mother plays the music every day, Deyin listens to it and sees how she plays it. I just tried it casually and it succeeded." Yuan Deyin replied obediently.

Mei Qingzhou: "..."

Yin Panrong: "..."

Just, just try it casually and succeed?
Success, is it casual?

Wait, they seem to have forgotten that Deyin's mother concubine is Princess Ji.

That was the talented woman who made a sensation in the capital!
Could it be that this is the legendary talent?
Because Yuan Deyin was the last one to be assessed, after her assessment, basically all candidates' assessment results came out.

Miao Jiao directly called out her grade—A grade.

In the audience, only she and the other two candidates who practiced dancing since childhood were first-class.

Everyone looked at her with envy and jealousy.

Yuan Deyin didn't understand the shock in their hearts. She grabbed her hair and murmured depressingly: "I didn't expect that I would get the first grade. I thought that only the literary talent had the first grade."

"Wait, Deyin, how do you know that you have a grade A in the literary talent assessment?"

Mei Qingzhou and Yin Panrong were shocked when they heard her muttering.

Isn't the level of the literary talent assessment not yet announced? How did she know?
"Because I can ensure that the answers to all my questions are correct." Yuan Deyin raised his head and said softly.

Just at this time, the master in charge of the literary talent assessment also began to read the candidates' grades.

"Ye Xianjing B, Yu Yibing, etc... Yuan Tong'er C, etc... Yuan Deyin, A, etc..."

The sound of "Grade A" was extremely loud, because this was the only grade A in the entire literary talent assessment.

Everyone looked at Yuan Deyin in shock, and even Dean Changyuan stared at her with burning eyes.

Yin Panrong turned her head, covered her mouth, and looked at Yuan Deyin in shock.

"De, Deyin, didn't you say that you haven't read many books yourself? How can you get those weird questions right in the literary talent assessment!"

"It's true that Deyin doesn't read many books, he just read more than half of Uncle Nine Emperors."

While talking, a certain little girl lowered her head and sighed, looking very disappointed.

But the person next to her was going crazy.

It's just more than half of the regent's, isn't that too much?
That's not much!
If it weren't for Mei Qingzhou's pull, Yin Panrong would really want to beat up a certain little princess.

Why did she crush them mortals like this?
As we all know, when the regent was ten years old, he had shown the Palace Bookstore over and over again.

Half of the regent's extensive books are half of the library!
"Sister Panrong, what's wrong with you, you look so red?" Yuan Deyin asked worriedly when she found that Yin Panrong's expression was not right.

"Hey, it's okay, she's just...a little too excited."

Mei Qingzhou patted Yin Panrong on the back, and explained to Yuan Deyin with a smile.

Yin Panrong also cried and smiled, "It's okay, I'm fine, you can continue the assessment."

Over there, the third assessment began - the chess assessment.

Among the people present, except for Yuan Deyin who has two first grades, and the other two people who have one first grade, the rest of them have not passed the assessment, so everyone is staring at the next two assessments.

It was extremely unlucky that Yuan Deyin got the last exam again.

Yuan Tong'er knew that she knew nothing about chess and horseback riding, so in order to avoid embarrassment like dancing, she decided to abstain from both.

But after she abstained, she didn't leave, she just stared at Yuan Deyin from the side.

She didn't believe that Yuan Deyin was so lucky in the first two assessments, but he could still have that kind of luck in the last two assessments!

Finally, after all the previous candidates had finished their examinations, and four of them got the first grade, it was Yuan Deyin's turn to take the examination.

Yuan Deyin rolled up his sleeves, ready to start playing chess with his chess master.

As a result, Dean Changyuan came down directly from the stage, pulled the teacher away, and sat opposite Yuan Deyin.

"The dean will personally assess you." He said seriously with a straight face.

Dean's assessment?

Everyone was shocked.

This princess deserves to be a princess, and she has special treatment.

But more people are holding the attitude of watching the show.

After all, everyone knows that Dean Changyuan's level of chess skills is unfathomable. Over the years, only the regent can win against him.

"Lord Nine, since you recommended Princess Deyin to come to Weiyang Academy, old man, you need to examine him carefully."

Chang Yuan looked at Jun Yu, stroked his beard, and smiled leisurely.

"President Changyuan, you can't beat me in chess, and you actually put your mind on Yin'er. I hope you don't regret it."

In the end, Jun Yu actually said such a meaningful sentence.

"As the dean, I assess a student, why do you regret it?" Chang Changyuan flicked his sleeves with a serious look on his face.

"Dean, actually, Uncle Nine Emperors, never taught me how to play chess. When I played chess before, I never won." Yuan Deyin waved his paws and quickly confessed.

"Then you have to accompany the old man to finish this game of chess." Dean Chang Yuan said sternly.

He had no intention of giving in.

Although he is already old, it is a bit incompetent to win a little girl.

But it would be great to dampen Jun Yu's spirit!
"My lord, Chang Yuan is not ashamed, but because he couldn't beat you, he started to bully the little princess." Wu Xi complained angrily when he saw this scene.

But he found that after he had finished speaking, their lords were still unmoved, and they were still sipping tea in a calm and relaxed manner.

He became even more anxious.

"My lord, the princess is about to be bullied, why aren't you worried at all?"

"It's not certain who bullies whom." Jun Yu said meaningfully without raising his head.

Wu Xi didn't understand at first, until half an hour later, he saw Dean Chang Yuan lost the game while wiping his sweat non-stop.

He covered his mouth in shock.

"Hey, what's going on here?" Wu Xi whispered.

"Little princess, where did you learn this chess skill?" After Chang Yuan wiped off his sweat, he looked at Yuan Deyin urgently, his eyes were full of shock.

Jun Zhouhan also walked over clapping, his mouth full of gratified smiles.

Looking at the fight on the chessboard just now, he was terrified.

But Xiao Deyin was able to survive the scheming layout of Dean Changyuan and even won.

It really surprised him.

"Xiaoyin, you really didn't learn your chess skills from Uncle Jiuhuang?" Jun Zhouhan smiled at Yuan Deyin.

If it wasn't taught by Uncle Nine Emperors, how could they have won over Dean Changyuan?

Not only Jun Zhouhan, but Chang Changyuan and a group of people were all staring at Yuan Deyin to answer.

"It's really not taught by Uncle Jiuhuang. Deyin's chess skills are learned from his father. In the past, Deyin also played chess with his father, but Deyin has never won." The little girl Yuan Deyin was very excited. Answer seriously.

It turned out to be the Halberd King...

Everyone looked slightly shocked again.

"This is the first time Deyin has won a game of chess, thank you Dean Changyuan." Yuan Deyin stood up and bowed to Changyuan with a smile.

For a long time, I don't know whether to laugh or cry.

I just feel, heartbroken.

"I didn't expect that Ji Wang's chess skills are so good." Chang Yuan sighed, and there was praise from someone who was stronger than himself in his tone.

"That's natural. This king's chess skills were originally taught by the Ji Wang." Not far away, Jun Yu slowly put down the teacup and replied calmly.

Everyone: "..."

That's it!

No wonder he was so calm.

No wonder Chang Chang Yuan was abused so badly?

Dare to let your freshmen and juniors stay here, specially waiting for Dean Changyuan to come and abuse him.

Seeing everyone's distorted expressions, Yuan Deyin couldn't help but turned around and asked, "Uncle Nine Emperors, is Father's chess skill very good?"

Very, very good?
Listen, is this a question people ask?
You defeated Dean Changyuan with the chess skills your father taught you, do you think you are good?
When a Lord Regent heard the little girl's words, he said in a calm voice, "It's okay, that's all."


That's it...

When everyone turned their heads, they saw that Chang Yuan was already vomiting blood.

 Today is the second day of the college entrance examination. I wish all the cubs in the examination room can be as calm as Xiao Deyin, and they can do all the questions.

(End of this chapter)

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