Chapter 216 Interested in Uncle Nine Emperors

Unlike the collapse of others, Jun Zhouhan's face was full of relief.

He coughed softly, and then said seriously to Eunuch Li Da: "Let's start the next assessment."

"Mother, why is Yuan Deyin so lucky!"

Jun Chujing watched on the stage. She held back for a long time, and finally couldn't help but speak sourly.

Concubine Wei's complexion was not much better either.

She stared at Yuan Deyin with a dark face.

Her daughter is a majestic princess of a country, but she can't win against a mere princess!
"It must be because Jun Zhouhan and Jun Yu are partial to their beliefs, and they leaked the questions to Yuan Deyin in advance."

Concubine Wei said in a resentful tone.

Over there, the equestrian master has come out.

Yin Panrong hurried over.

Because this was the last chance, many candidates who didn't have a single first class hurried over to gather.

Even though many of them have mediocre riding skills, they have no choice but to give it a go.

"Princess Deyin, please." The masters looked at Yuan Deyin with smiles.

Dean Chang Yuan was also staring at Yuan Deyin.

Everyone was waiting for Yuan Deyin to ride a horse.

Yin Panrong also turned around and waved to Yuan Deyin, "Deyin, what are you doing there? Come here quickly."

"I won't pass. I will abstain from the equestrian test."

Yuan Deyin waved his hand, and then sat down on the chair next to him.

"Yuan Deyin, you actually abstained?" After Jun Chujing heard Yuan Deyin's words, she immediately stood up screaming.

Her angry appearance looked like Yuan Deyin had done something heinous.

"Why can't the princess abstain from power?" Yuan Deyin folded her arms, she looked at Jun Chujing leisurely, and asked in return.

"You, you are a coward if you abstain..."

Jun Chujing knew that Yuan Deyin had never learned riding skills, so she waited wholeheartedly to see her make a fool of herself.

But now that Yuan Deyin actually said that she had abstained, how could she not be angry?

She can only stimulate Yuan Deyin with a provocative method.

But Yuan Deyin was not fooled at all. She yawned, and then said slowly: "Our ancestors once said that knowing what you know is knowing, and what you don't know is knowing. This is knowledge. Deyin has never ridden a horse, so he confessed in advance and chose What's wrong with abstaining? You encourage people who don't know to do things you're not good at, what's your intention?"

At the end, Yuan Deyin asked Jun Chujing back.

"You..." Jun Chujing choked on Yuan Deyin's words.

Yuan Tong'er jumped up excitedly as if she had caught Yuan Deyin's braid.

Then he said loudly: "Yuan Deyin, you can't even ride a horse..."

"Why does this princess know how to ride a horse? When I used to go out, there was always a carriage from the Jiwang Mansion, and later I was picked up by Uncle Nine Emperors. Why did this princess bother me so much to learn how to ride a horse?"

When Yuan Deyin heard Yuan Tong'er's words, instead of being angry, he rubbed his nose and replied disgustedly.

Everyone: "..."

Why did we hear a hint of showing off?
On the side, there are a few women who have a good relationship with Yuan Tong'er and can't bear to watch Yuan Tong'er being bullied.

So they lowered their voices and said, "This Princess Deyin is nothing more than that, thanks to how powerful we thought she was..."

"Well, this princess is indeed very ordinary..." Yuan Deyin was not in a hurry to get angry when she heard their mutterings, but nodded in agreement.

She took the initiative to walk in front of those women, and then shook her head while sighing with emotion: "Hey, this princess is indeed too ordinary. It took me all morning to get three first grades. It is really useless."

Those women: "..."

Everyone: "..."

"But judging from your tone, you must be very powerful people. How about it, you go to the equestrian assessment, so that the princess will worship you."

Yuan Deyin suddenly turned her head and said expectantly.

"Horse, equestrian test?" The faces of those women changed drastically in an instant.

Because they are not good at equestrian skills.

They didn't even learn horsemanship at all.

They are also planning to give up the exam, and plan to come back for the next exam, after all, they don't have a single first class.

But Yuan Deyin's words now completely make it difficult for them to get off.

Without giving them a chance to refuse, Yuan Deyin turned to Jun Zhouhan and said, "Brother Emperor, their equestrian skills sound really good, or let them start the assessment right now, so that Deyin can steal division."

When Jun Zhouhan raised his eyes, he could see the cunning in the eyes of a certain little girl.

She was like a little fox secretly playing tricks.

He held back his smile, turned his head, and when his eyes fell on those women, his expression instantly became indifferent.

"Eunuch Lida, haven't you heard the princess' proposal? Send these people to the racecourse."

"No, Your Majesty, Your Majesty, please forgive me..."

Those women knew how to be afraid.

But Eunuch Li Da didn't give them a chance to resist at all.

A few strong guards came over, picked them up like chickens, and threw them on the horses in the racecourse.

The horses sensed someone on their backs, and they began to growl, and then began to gallop.

The women could only hug the horse's neck, screaming on it, and finally rolled down directly.

Yuan Tong'er was so frightened that she hid quickly, for fear that she would be caught on the horse because of what she said just now.

It was only at this time that everyone suddenly realized.

This soft little princess is actually not easy to mess with.

The rest of the women's equestrian assessments were basically over, and three of them won the first class.

Some are happy and some are sad.

And Yuan Deyin also became the first candidate in the history of Weiyang Academy to win three first grades.

Jun Chujing and Concubine Wei couldn't see Yuan Deyin's state of mind, and they all returned to the palace with dark faces in the end.

And Yuan Tong'er also ran away in desperation, because she was afraid that Yuan Deyin would settle accounts later.

"Ying'er, Princess Deyin is your sister, right? The daughters of your Yuan family are indeed intelligent."

Ma Shengqi, the master of the literary talent test, stroked his beard, and said to Yuan Ying'er with a smile.

He didn't know that Yuan Ying'er had already been kicked out by Prince Ji's mansion.

He thought that she and Yuan Deyin were still close cousins.

He also told Yuan Ying'er in a solemn tone: "In a few days, Princess Deyin will definitely come to the academy to study. At that time, you can let her come directly to our Wencai Pavilion."

Weiyang Academy is very large and is divided into five pavilions.

One is the Wencai Pavilion, the other is the Music and Dance Pavilion, the other is the Chess Pavilion, the other is the Medicine Pavilion, and the other is the Equestrian Pavilion.

Although the masters of these five pavilions give lectures to students every day.

However, students can choose one or more proficient subjects as their main learning content.

This led to the masters of these Xueyi Pavilions robbing students one after another.

Generally speaking, during the assessment, whichever one gets the first grade in the assessment, or which subject the examinee is best at, the examinee will choose that Xueyi Pavilion.

For example, Yin Panrong is good at equestrianism, so she chose the equestrian pavilion.

But Yuan Deyin is proficient in everything except equestrianism.

So now the master in charge of the Art Pavilion of the Four Universities must have something in mind.

Hearing Ma Shengqi's words, Yuan Ying'er's expression twisted.

It seems that Master Ma is very satisfied with Yuan Deyin.

In the past, Mr. Ma's most important person was her.

Now Yuan Deyin is here...

Yuan Ying'er felt a crisis.

She gritted her teeth, and then smiled, "Master Ma, don't worry, the student will definitely tell Sister Deyin about this."

"Hey, Princess Deyin, when is it convenient for you to come to the academy to study?"

Chang Chang coughed, kept stroking his beard, and secretly glanced at Yuan Deyin with his eyes.

After several performances by Yuan Deyin, a certain dean has gone from resisting her admission to the academy to now wishing that she would move into the academy immediately.

Yuan Deyin was frightened by Changyuan's enthusiasm.

She quickly turned her head and asked Uncle Nine Emperors for help with her eyes.

Jun Yu immediately put down the teacup, stood up, and walked over here slowly.

"Isn't it still a few days before the rankings are released? It won't be too late to enroll again after the rankings are released." He said quietly.

A certain prince's selfishness is obvious, he just wants a certain little girl to stay in the mansion longer.

As a result, after he finished speaking, Chang Yuan immediately gave an order to the people behind him: "You, go and release the list now."

Everyone: "..."

What about the one who disliked Princess Deyin?
Why are you so impatient now?
"President Chang Yuan, you have to choose the day and time for the release of the list, and you can't come here at will."

Jun Zhouhan also coughed softly to remind Chang Yuan.

It is rare for him and Uncle Nine Emperors to have a tacit understanding on this matter.

None of them wanted a little girl to go to college too early.

And a certain little girl had the same idea as them.

She still wants to play outside for a while longer.

So Yuan Deyin hurriedly shook his head obediently and replied: "Dean, when the admission time is up, Deyin will be admitted to the academy, you don't have to worry."

Oh, don't worry?

What if you learn from your Jiuhuangshu and don't want to learn from the old man?Chang Chang murmured in his heart.

But I was worried that after I said what was in my heart, I would scare away a certain little princess.

So he tried to keep his tone as gentle as possible, and said with a smile: "Okay, the old man is waiting for you here."

Let the dean wait quietly... What a treat.

Many people's jealous eyes fell on Yuan Deyin.

But Yuan Deyin didn't seem to notice it, she stretched and then yawned a little.

At the same time, he tugged on Jiuhuangshu's sleeve with his small hands, raised his head, and said in a slightly aggrieved tone: "Jiuhuangshu, those questions just now were too simple, and they exhausted Deyin. Can Deyin go back sooner?" sleep?"

Everyone gritted their teeth when they heard this.

Can the little princess be a little more humble?Do you have to drive them crazy?
"Of course it is possible." Jun Yu lowered his eyes and rubbed the head of a certain little girl skillfully.

As if the small movements are smooth, the corner of his mouth still has a curve that outsiders have never seen.

When many people saw this scene, their eyes widened in shock.

Ninth Prince just now... yes, did you laugh?
Yuan Ying'er also saw this scene, she tore her handkerchief abruptly, broke her fingernails, and blood flowed.

But none of these pains could compare to the jealousy and resentment in her heart.

Yuan Deyin's position in the heart of the Ninth Prince is becoming more and more important.

She must get rid of this thorn as soon as possible!

Now that the assessment was over, after Jun Yu and Jun Zhouhan resigned, they took the little girl out of the academy.

"Lord Nine."

Yuan Ying'er suddenly followed and called out to Jun Yu in a gentle tone.

Jun Yu frowned when he heard the voice.

He glanced sideways at a certain little girl, and then looked back at Yuan Ying'er.

Seeing Jun Yu turning his head, Yuan Ying'er's heart beat wildly.

She clutched her handkerchief and said shyly, "Lord Nine, Sister Deyin will come to the academy to study in a few days. She is still very new to the academy, and she may not be used to everything. If you don't worry, you can ask the people The woman took care of her..."

"My lord, I don't worry about you." After hearing Yuan Ying'er's words, Jun Yu said directly in a cold voice.

"What... what?" Yuan Ying'er froze for a moment, looking at Jun Yu in shock.

"Put away your hypocrisy, I don't have time to make false claims with you."

Jun Yu withdrew his eyes indifferently, and didn't even bother to say a word to Yuan Ying'er.

He turned his head, and still did not forget to tell Xiao Deyin in a serious tone: "Yin'er, stay away from her in the future, do you understand?"

"Well, Uncle Nine Emperors, Deyin knows." Yuan Deyin grabbed his sleeve with his little claws and nodded seriously.

The conversation between the two reached Yuan Ying'er's ears, and it almost made her vomit blood.

She clutched the handkerchief, which was torn again.

There was fierce anger hidden in her eyes, wishing she could kill Yuan Deyin quickly.

After Yuan Deyin climbed into the carriage, it turned out that there was an unexpected visitor in the carriage.

"Master, why are you here, where is Sister Lin?" Yuan Deyin looked at Yu Shengxiao who was stealing her sweet-scented osmanthus cake in the carriage, and he was in a bad mood.

"She left immediately after seeing you got three first grades. It is said that she is going to continue to track down the traitor." Yu Shengxiao gnawed on the sweet-scented osmanthus cake and said inarticulately.

Soon, a box full of sweet-scented osmanthus cakes almost bottomed out.

While eating, he still did not forget to say with emotion: "It turns out that the sweet-scented osmanthus cake is so delicious, Xiao Deyin, you should prepare more for the teacher in the future."

"You..." Yuan Deyin was about to cry.

Why is there still a master and an apprentice grabbing food.


Jun Yu came up at this time, his black eyes swept across Yu Shengxiao's face, and he instantly understood what happened.

When Xiao Deyin was about to cry, he took out a pack of oiled paper from his long sleeve, holding the sweet-scented osmanthus cake in it.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, why do you have sweet-scented osmanthus cake?" Yuan Deyin felt relieved when he saw this.

"There is a greedy cat by my side, how can I do it if I don't bring some food with me?"

Jun Yu frowned slightly, he raised his hand, and stuffed the sweet-scented osmanthus cake into the little girl's hand.

With sweet-scented osmanthus cake, Yuan Deyin didn't bother to argue with Yusheng and Xiao.

She obediently sat down beside her, held the sweet-scented osmanthus cake with both hands, and gnawed it slowly.

But when she remembered something, she quickly turned her head and said to Jun Yu in a serious tone: "Uncle Nine Emperors, De Yin suspects that Yuan Ying'er has thoughts about you."

"Cough, cough, cough..." Jun Yu didn't respond, but Yu Shengxiao coughed badly.

He took a deep breath, then looked at Yuan Deyin gossipingly, and said excitedly: "This idea... is this idea that this miracle doctor thought of?"

"Hahaha, Xiao Deyin, how did you find out?" Yu Shengxiao still didn't forget to ask this question.

"It's very simple. The way she looks at Uncle Nine Emperors is like looking at pork." The little girl returned seriously.

See the pork?

Is this comparing Yuan Ying'er to a tiger and Jun Yu to a pork?

Jun Yu's face gradually darkened.

Yu Shengxiao was just in a daze for a few seconds, and then started laughing wildly.

"Hahaha, Jun Yu is pork, so funny..."

"If you laugh again, I will turn you into a pile of dead meat." Jun Yu turned his eyes sideways, and his indifferent eyes fell on Yu Shengxiao's face like this.

(End of this chapter)

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