Chapter 217 Don't Involve Her

Aware of the death gaze.

Yu Shengxiao quickly covered her mouth and calmed down instantly.

"Xiao Deyin, are you going to school in the future? I heard that Weiyang Academy also has a medical pavilion. Can those quack doctors teach you?"

At the end of Yushengxiao's speech, her tone became extremely disgusting.

"Master, that is a knowledgeable master, not a quack doctor." Yuan Deyin turned her head and corrected Yu Shengxiao's words seriously.

"That's not as good as a finger of this genius doctor, what is that quack doctor!" Yu Chenxiao snorted coldly.

Thinking of something, he quickly grabbed Yuan Deyin's arm, and said in an aggrieved tone: "You have already entered the school to study, so how can the miracle doctor teach you?"

"Deyin can read your handwriting. Anyway, what you write is very simple." Yuan Deyin continued to answer seriously.

Anyway, what you wrote is also very simple...

These words passed into Yu Shengxiao's ears, and he felt his heart was pierced with extreme pain.

But he thought about it, the old guy Chang Changyuan was so angry with Xiao Deyin that he was about to vomit blood today, so he was relieved.

"Okay, okay. But, are you sure you really want to go to school? How tiring studying is." Yu Shengxiao continued to complain.

He said so much nonsense, in fact, he wanted to dispel Yuan Deyin's idea of ​​entering the school.

It was not easy for him to know such a young apprentice who fit his heart.

If she goes to school, who will play with him?

Yuan Deyin didn't know Yushengxiao's careful thoughts, she shook her head, and said with a smile: "Deyin didn't want to go to Weiyang Academy before, but now that there are sisters Qingzhou and Sister Panrong in the academy, why would Deyin want to go to Weiyang Academy?" I really want to go."

Well, the heartless little thing, I don't know if her master will be bored outside?

Yushengxiao muttered aggrievedly in her heart.

The two murmured again, Jun Yu was reading a book at the side, and the atmosphere was rare and warm.

The carriage soon stopped at the gate of the Prince Regent's Mansion.

Yuan Deyin opened the curtain and quickly jumped down.

But when she saw the person standing at the door, her expression gradually became complicated.

"Sister." Zuo Qi called her weakly while hugging a rabbit.

Yuan Deyin frowned, and her first reaction was to look back at Jiuhuangshu, wanting to ask his opinion.

"Follow your own ideas." Jun Yu gave her a calm look, and stepped into the palace first.

Seeing that something was wrong, Yu Shengxiao quickly followed Jun Yu and slipped into the palace.

"Sister." Seeing that Yuan Deyin didn't respond, Zuo Xie called again weakly.

At this time, Xiao Bai in his arms quickly jumped down.

It jumped to Yuan Deyin's feet, and then bit her skirt.

"Cuckoo..." Just look at that little kid, he is crying secretly every day, and he is about to smash this rabbit to the point of deafness.

Cry every day?

Yuan Deyin raised his eyes, only to see that Zuo Qie's eyes were red again.

It's exactly like a little crying bag.

She frowned even more.

She leaned over, picked up the rabbit, and put it in her arms.

Then he walked quickly towards the left Qie.

She still didn't forget to free one hand, took out a handkerchief, and wiped Zuo Xie's face indiscriminately.

"You are a dignified figure in Lingye Kingdom, what are you crying about every day..."

While wiping, Yuan Deyin didn't forget to complain in disgust.

"Sister, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to lie to you... It's just some secrets, I don't know how to tell them. If you still don't believe me, I, I can tell you..."

Zuo Xie took a deep breath, his tone was very sad, he opened his mouth, wanting to tell all his secrets.

"Stop it," Yuan Deyin's tone became much gentler in an instant, and she whispered, "Since it's a secret, then just keep it hidden."

After finishing speaking, she took back the handkerchief, then walked past Zuo Xie with the rabbit in her arms, and went straight into the palace.

"Sister..." Zuo Qie's eyes were red again, and he called out to her nervously.

Was she still unwilling to forgive him?

"What are you still doing in a daze? You still don't come in, do you still want to go back to the Zhuangzi and lean on it?"

Yuan Deyin heard his shout, turned around, and frowned.

My sister let him in!

Zuo Qie seemed to come to life instantly.

He was overjoyed, and then ran to Yuan Deyin's back.

He still didn't forget to test in a low voice: "Sister, are you not angry with me?"

"I wasn't mad at you in the first place."

Yuan Deyin turned back, and learned the appearance of her uncle Jiuhuang. She played her forehead with her fingers.

Zuo Xie never took the initiative to do anything to hurt her from the beginning to the end, but instead helped her a lot.

People are alive, who doesn't have a few last resort secrets.

The reason why she has been ignoring him is actually waiting for his attitude.

An attitude that said he would never lie to her again.

"By the way, you can take Xiaobai to see Huhu, they will definitely become good friends." Yuan Deyin thought of this, she turned around and stuffed Xiaobai into Zuo Qie's arms.


Could it be a female rabbit?
A certain rabbit muttered in his heart, and instantly showed shyness, and his heart was beating wildly.

"Huhu is in Taoyuan in the backyard."

"Yeah." Zuo Qi nodded.

He hugged Xiaobai and ran away quickly.

One person and one rabbit quickly pushed open the door of Taoyuan.

Xiaobai was expecting it with all his heart, but the moment the door opened...

It saw that a big tiger was biting the bloody meat "bajibaji".

Hearing the movement, the tiger turned his head, bared his teeth, and showed a fierce look in his eyes.

Especially when staring at it, the tiger also salivated.

! ! ! !

A certain Xiaobai almost cried out.

When Huhu saw the stranger breaking into his own domain, he grinned and rushed over.

Yuan Deyin came from behind.

She originally thought that if the tiger was so close to her, it would be no different to other people, so she was relieved to let Zuo Qie bring the little white rabbit over first.

But who knew, when she came here, she saw this terrifying scene.

Her heart skipped a beat, and she quickly shouted, "Hoo, stop."

But a strange thing happened. When the tiger's paw fell in front of Zuo Qi, it instantly settled down.

Not only did it gently lift its paws, it also rubbed its big head against Zuo Qie's leg affectionately.

It's completely like a kitten, how can it look like a king of the mountain?

"Zuo Xie, what's going on?" Yuan Deyin walked to Zuo Xie's side with a shocked tone.

"Sister, in fact, Lingye Kingdom has a secret technique that will make animals trust us. So you don't have to worry, this tiger has already regarded me as one of its own." Zuo Qie turned his head and said seriously to Yuan Deyin.

Since my sister is willing to trust him, he can't hide everything.

Some things that should be explained still need to be explained, so as not to make my sister sad again.

Hearing Zuo Qie's words, Yuan Deyin was shocked.

"Lingye Kingdom still has such a secret technique, so will other people in Lingye Kingdom do the same? Will they train animals to attack people from other countries?"

Yuan Deyin immediately thought of the stakes.

There are many powerful animals in this world.

If those powerful animals are used by people with a heart in Lingye country, the disaster that will be brought to other countries will be absolutely devastating.

"Sister, don't worry, not everyone can learn this secret technique."

Zuo Qie could see Yuan Deyin's worry, so he quickly explained.

"Communicating with animals is a secret art that only the royal family of Lingye Kingdom can come into contact with, and the members of the royal family must be the direct princes to learn it."

"In Lingye Kingdom, who knows these secret techniques?" Yuan Deyin asked worriedly.

Zuo Qi shook his head, and said in a firm tone: "As far as I know, only I know it. This secret technique can only be learned by those who are familiar with it. At the beginning, Zuo Wei spent a lot of effort, but he couldn't comprehend half of it. The ancestors of Lingye Kingdom and the current emperor all thought this secret technique was fake, because none of them succeeded."

"how about you……"

"Sister, do you trust me?"

"Letter." Yuan Deyin nodded without hesitation.

Zuo Xie's tense little face instantly relaxed, he smiled happily, and his tone became much more relaxed.

"I learned this secret technique secretly from Zuo Wei. I don't know how I learned it. It seems that the secret technique chose me in the dark. But sister, don't worry, except you , no one knows that I know this secret technique, even the people of Lingye Kingdom..."

Zuo Qie also assured Yuan Deyin seriously.

Looking at his serious eyes, Yuan Deyin naturally knew that he would not lie to her now.

She suddenly remembered his determined tone just now.

She raised her hand, grabbed his arm, and asked in a puzzled tone: "You have been imprisoned by Zuo Wei for so long, but you seem to know the current situation of Lingye Kingdom's royal family very well. How did you do this, could it be, Is it by these animals?"

"It's, it's not. I can only let these animals treat me as the same kind and get close to me, but I can't let them talk to me or send me messages. The ones who really help me collect information are other witch spirits. " Zuo Qie continued to explain.

"Other witch spirits?"

"That's right, Wu Lings have their own ways of contacting each other. Although we have the blood of Lingye Kingdom on our bodies, we are like beasts trampled under the feet of those direct princes, so we are consciously connected. I look forward to one day destroying those who harmed us..."

"Sister, I'm the only witch spirit who escaped. If it wasn't for you, I would have died too."

At the end, Zuo Qie's eyes turned red again.

After uncovering his scar, Yuan Deyin was also very sad.

Thinking that there are still so many tortured witch spirits in Lingye Kingdom, she felt even more sad.

She raised her hand, rubbed Zuo Qie's head, and said seriously: "Sister promises you, she will find a way to rescue your little friend."

"Thank you sister." Zuo Qi sniffled and suppressed the astringency in his eyes.

He has relatives in Lingye Country, but those relatives treat him like a beast.

elder sister……

She really seems to be a dear sister.

"Then you fell into the lake again before, and you sent me a letter. Did your little friend from Lingye Kingdom tell you that?"

When Yuan Deyin thought of this, she asked in a puzzled tone.

"Well, yes." Zuo Qi nodded obediently.

"Then you have to hide your secret technique well, and don't reveal it in front of other people." Yuan Deyin urged in a serious tone.

If other people find out that he has such abilities, they may not live in peace and may even hurt him.

Hearing her exhortation, Zuo Xie felt a warm current flow in his heart.

He nodded seriously: "I will, thank you sister."

"By the way, you said that you let animals be intimate with you because you learned the secret technique, then I..." Yuan Deyin frowned, wanting to ask about his own situation.

Before she could finish her words, Zuo Xie understood in an instant.

"Does sister want to say that she understands the words of animals?" Zuo Qi asked quickly.

Although Yuan Deyin didn't tell Zuo Qie that he could understand the words of animals, he could still notice a thing or two by virtue of his own observation.

"Well, that's what I want to ask. Is the reason why I can hear the words of animals related to the secret technique of your Lingye Kingdom?" Yuan Deyin asked curiously.

"No. Lingye Kingdom's secret arts can only make us get closer to animals, but they can't let us understand the words of animals."

Zuo Qie shook his head seriously and explained.

"Then my situation..."

Yuan Deyin frowned, his expression becoming more and more puzzled.

"Maybe... sister, you are the one who is destined." Zuo Qie suddenly said in a strange tone.

"Destined person, what does this mean?"

"I've read in the book that records secret arts that there are indeed people who communicate with animals in this world. One is people who are connected with animal blood, similar to werewolves, but my sister is obviously not. Then only The other one is the destined person." Zuo Qie explained in a serious tone.

"Tell me more carefully." Yuan Deyin was a little anxious.

"The so-called destined person is a person who can connect humans and animals. But the introduction, the secret technique is also extremely vague." Zuo Qi shook his head helplessly.


Yuan Deyin sighed silently.

Originally, I wanted to know what was going on with me, but I didn't expect it, and I didn't elaborate on the secret technique.

"Sister, you also have to hide this ability of yours. Because Ling Yeguo has never stopped looking for this destined person." Zuo Qie's tone became more and more dignified.

What he meant by this was that it doesn't matter whether my sister is such a destined person or not.

But as long as the people of Lingye Kingdom discover her ability, she may be in danger.

"I know this, I will never show it to outsiders in the future." Yuan Deyin nodded seriously.

Hearing her words, Zuo Qi was taken aback for a moment, then the corners of his mouth curled.

Does sister mean that he is not an outsider?

"Xiaobai, Huhu?" Yuan Deyin turned her head, only to find that the two guys ran out at some point.

No, Huhu probably ate Xiaobai.

Thinking of this possibility, Yuan Deyin's heart tightened.

She hurried out.

Zuo Qie still stopped in place.

After Yuan Deyin disappeared, a figure came out from behind Zuo Qie.

"You actually eavesdropped on me." Zuo Qi looked back at Jun Yu, his tone a little angry.

"This Prince Regent's Mansion belongs to me, so naturally this Taoyuan belongs to me. I'm in my own territory, so it's considered eavesdropping?" Jun Yu snorted coldly, his tone extremely disdainful.


Zuo Qi was so angry that his face turned red.

Jun Yu is a black-bellied wolf, and if he argues with him, he is doomed to lose.

So in the end, Zuo Qi was directly discouraged.

He bit it, and said: "Since you have heard the words, then you still don't protect my sister well. If my sister is caught by people from Lingye Kingdom, I will definitely not let you go."

Jun Yu glanced sideways, glanced at him coldly, and then said indifferently: "If the people of Lingye Kingdom dare to do something to her, I don't mind. Let your royal family change their surname first."

"You are speaking loudly. I also hope that the so-called royal family of Lingye Kingdom will change their surname. But don't underestimate those disgusting guys. Witchcraft is inherently sinister."

Zuo Qie also snorted coldly.

At the end, he didn't forget to remind, "After the news of Zuo Wei's death was reported back to Ling Ye Kingdom, they have been preparing for the attack. I have received news from other witch spirits. They will definitely have something to do with Chi Yan in the near future. .”

"It doesn't matter if you have something to do, but don't get your sister involved."

(End of this chapter)

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