Chapter 218 De Yin was captured
"Dong Butler, this genius doctor is hungry, let me get you something to eat."

Yu Shengxiao walked into the hall and said to Butler Dong with a smile.

"Okay." Steward Dong also gave Yu Shengxiao an extremely kind smile.

Yu Shengxiao flicked his sleeves, then sat down on the chair.

The cook in the Prince Regent's Mansion used to be mediocre, but after Xiao Deyin came, he was abruptly ordered by Jun Yu to improve his cooking skills.

So Yu Shengxiao also felt that the food at the Prince Regent's Mansion was getting better and better, and he also liked to come here to eat and drink.

After waiting for a while, Butler Dong brought in the dishes with everyone.

Yu Shengxiao stretched her neck, looking forward to it.

As a result, he saw dozens of wine jars in front of him.

Steward Dong also thoughtfully stepped forward to pour him wine bowl by bowl.

"Dong Butler, what... do you mean?" Yu Shengxiao asked suspiciously.

For some reason, he suddenly felt uneasy.

"Doctor Jade, our lord ordered us to prepare this, and said that you must finish drinking it." Steward Dong explained with a smile.

Yu Shengxiao: "???"

He understood.

He just said, why did he secretly abduct Xiao Deyin out for a drink? After Jun Yu found out about such a big matter, Jun Yu remained silent.

He almost thought that Jun Yu had changed his mind.

It turned out that the other party had been remembering it all along, and was secretly waiting to teach him a lesson.

"If...cough, what the miracle doctor said was if, what if the miracle doctor didn't finish drinking?" Yu Shengxiao asked biting the bullet.

"My lord said that the top ten hidden guards will treat you well." Steward Dong continued to say with a smile.

Yu Shengxiao: "..."

Well, drink it.

"By the way, where did Shen Chuannan go?" Yu Shengxiao asked curiously while drinking, turning her head.

He was still thinking, should he call Shen Chuannan to save him?
"Master Yu, Master Shen is with Miss Tao now." Steward Dong continued to answer.

What this means is, don't disturb others.

Yu Shengxiao: "..."

Well, it was a wrong payment after all.


"Sister Qingzhou, sister Panrong, why do we go shopping?"

Yuan Deyin followed behind Mei Qingzhou and Yin Panrong, she poked out a furry head and asked curiously.

With such a fine weather, wouldn't it be nice to sit in the palace and wait for Ji Xia to make delicious food?
Why do you have to go out and go shopping?

"You, girl, why are you so lazy?" Yin Panrong complained carelessly about Yuan Deyin.

"Deyin, the shopping will be over soon. You will enter the academy to study in a few days, and there are a lot of things to prepare in advance. Otherwise, you will not be able to come out for a long time, and it will be bad if you lack something." Mei Qingzhou explained patiently.

Although she knew that according to Yuan Deyin's identity, the people in the palace should have prepared everything for her.

But it's best to prepare yourself too.

When Yuan Deyin heard Mei Qingzhou's words, she woke up instantly.

She turned her head quickly and asked in shock: "Sister Qingzhou, what did you just say? Why can't you come out after entering the academy?"

"Don't you know? The students of Weiyang Academy have to study in closed mode within three months after entering the academy. During these six months, unless there is something special, they are not allowed to come out. We are all in the academy After waiting for a long time, you can come and go freely."

Yin Panrong quickly explained.

Yuan Deyin's face froze instantly.

Soon, she pursed her mouth and said in a sad tone: "I haven't played enough, why am I going to be locked up?"

"Don't worry, we will always be with you. I am your companion, dear Princess Deyin, you have to remember this."

Mei Qingzhou started, poked Yuan Deyin's swollen cheeks lightly, and said with a smile.

"That's right, I have already agreed with my mother that I will study hard in the academy for the past six months. My mother is eager to drive me up immediately."

Yin Panrong shook the tassels around her waist, and said in a leisurely tone.

"I don't need to report to anyone." Mei Qingzhou sighed and shrugged.

Everyone in the Mei family was exiled, and only she survived because of the great grace of the emperor.

As for whether the Mei family is dead or alive, it is no longer within the scope of her concern.

Because those people killed her mother and younger brother, they all deserve to die.

Hearing the loneliness and coldness in Mei Qingzhou's tone, Yuan Deyin and Yin Panrong looked at each other.

They quickly took Mei Qingzhou's arm, and Yuan Deyin said with a smile: "Sister Qingzhou, what do you think I should prepare?"

"You greedy cat, naturally you have to prepare more delicious food." Mei Qingzhou said with a smile, she looked like she had seen through Yuan Deyin's little thoughts.

Yuan Deyin's eyes lit up, and his ears couldn't help pricking up.

Her little face was flushed, and she rubbed her fingers together, and said excitedly, "Then why don't we hurry up?"

But at this moment, some people passing by were muttering and discussing something.

Those voices just reached their ears.

One of them said: "I heard that the Mei family has collapsed, and Mei Qingxue can't do it anymore. But isn't she the most beloved concubine of the previous emperor? The new emperor agreed to her living in the palace as his wife at the beginning. Why are you saying you want her head now?"

"You, you only know one, not the other." The other person shook his head, "The dirty things that Mei Qingxue did have provoked Holy Wrath."

"Huh? What did she do?"

"Mei Qingxue was involved in the empress's attempt to blow up the palace. Tell me, should she lose her head..."

"Such an important matter! It seems that the emperor really can't tolerate her..."

The voice of that discussion went further and further away.

But Yuan Deyin and the others have already heard the most critical information.

That is, Mei Qingxue will be beheaded.

"Qingzhou, you..." Yin Panrong turned her head to see Mei Qingzhou's expression.

As a result, Mei Qingzhou breathed a sigh of relief, and then said: "I finally got this woman down, and it's not in vain for me to wait for so many years. My mother and younger brother, the spirits in heaven, can rest in peace."

"Sister Qingzhou, you still have us." Yuan Deyin leaned over and took the initiative to embrace Mei Qingzhou.

"Okay, stop talking about those unlucky people, I'll take you to buy delicious food."

Mei Qingzhou rubbed Yuan Deyin's head, and then took her to the nearby snack street.

There is a very famous snack street in Beijing.

Yuan Deyin was dragged by Mei Qingzhou, her stomach was full and her cheeks were bulging along the way.

"Sister Qingzhou, there is a restaurant next to it. We have been shopping for so long. Shouldn't we have dinner?"

Yuan Deyin asked inarticulately.

Mei Qingzhou and Yin Panrong saw that a certain little girl couldn't finish her mouth, so they began to think about the appearance of the food in the restaurant, and they looked at each other helplessly and smiled.

"Let's go, let's go in." Mei Qingzhou patted Yuan Deyin's head lightly, and led her in.

"Three guests, please come here. Would you like to eat in the lobby or in the private room?" The shop waiter came over very enthusiastically.

"Box." Mei Qingzhou said lightly.

When he arrived at the box, Yuan Deyin sat down and quickly ordered food.

"Deyin, can we finish all these dishes?" Yin Panrong was shocked when she heard Yuan Deyin's report of so many dishes.

With such a small body, she can eat so much!

Fortunately, the Prince Regent has enough property, otherwise, his salary would not be able to support Deyin.

Hearing Yin Panrong's words, Yuan Deyin shook his head and said in a serious tone: "Don't be nervous, Sister Panrong. Not all of these dishes are for us to eat, some of them I want to take away for Uncle Jiuhuang .”

It turned out to be for the Ninth Prince.

Yin Panrong and Mei Qingzhou were slightly shocked.

"Then the many things you bought just now were also for Uncle Jiuhuang?" Mei Qingzhou asked in a low voice.

"Yes." Yuan Deyin nodded seriously.

very nice.

It turns out that raising a cub is so considerate.

Mei Qingzhou and Yin Panrong looked at each other, filled with emotion.

"Girl, the cook of our Ruyi building said that the braised crucian carp you ordered is gone. Now I want to give you another fish, but there are many kinds of fish in our building, so you need to choose it yourself."

The waiter suddenly walked in and explained patiently.

"Understood, this county... I'll go now." Yuan Deyin nodded quickly.

"Let me go, Deyin, sit down." Mei Qingzhou stood up quickly.

But Yuan Deyin blocked her movement.

She is the princess, how can she be allowed to do these chores?

"In front of food, we are all ordinary people, don't treat me as a princess." Yuan Deyin said to Mei Qingzhou in a low voice.

After speaking, she quickly followed the waiter out of the shop.

Mei Qingzhou and Yin Panrong had no chance to stop her.

Yuan Deyin followed the waiter down the stairs, and then walked to the right side of the backyard.

Go around an aisle, then turn left again.

Going further and further away.

Yuan Deyin frowned, she turned her head, and asked in a low voice: "Is the back kitchen of your Ruyi Building so far away, you..."

Before she could finish her sentence, a big hand suddenly came around from behind and directly covered her mouth...

(End of this chapter)

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