Chapter 219

Yuan Deyin means that danger is coming.

She wanted to struggle, and she wanted to cry.

But the other party swiftly stuffed her mouth with a piece of cloth, and then tied her hands back.


Yuan Deyin wanted to turn around to see who tied her up.

But a black cloth directly covered her eyes.

Then she was stuffed into a big bag and carried away.

The whole process took only a few blinks of an eye, and she didn't even have a chance to call for help.


"It's strange, why hasn't the princess returned for so long?" Yin Panrong kept looking at the door, feeling a little anxious.

Mei Qingzhou also frowned, feeling a little uneasy.

At this moment, the shop waiter suddenly opened the door and came in with dishes.

He also said with a smile: "Guest officer, your dishes are here."

"Where's Deyin? Why are you alone?" Yin Panrong asked loudly.

What German accent?What is he alone?

The waiter was puzzled, and he asked inexplicably: "Guest officer, what do you mean? Are you looking for another guest officer? But I didn't see her."

"Didn't she go out with you just now? You also said that there are no crucian carp in your building, so let her pick fish." Yin Panrong was so anxious that her voice changed.

"No, guest officer, what are you talking about? I've been waiting downstairs for the food to be served." The waiter shook his head and explained.

"No, it's not him." Mei Qingzhou shook her head quickly and said.

The shop waiter just now didn't look like this.

"Do you know who else in your building came to our box, and he took our friends to pick fish, because there are no crucian carp in your building." Mei Qingzhou asked anxiously.

"How could there be no crucian carp? Our Ruyi Building has enough food every day, and there are still dozens of crucian carp."

The waiter in the shop said in doubt.

"Oops, something happened!" Mei Qingzhou completely reacted at this time.

Something happened to Deyin.

She ran out quickly.

Yin Panrong also reacted, she stomped her feet, and hurried to catch up.

"Two guest officers, what's the matter with you?" Seeing their anxious appearance, the waiter in the shop quickly put down the food, and then chased after them.

"Quickly, tell your shopkeepers to seal up all the exits of Ruyi Building. Something happened to Princess Deyin." Mei Qingzhou turned her head and said coldly to the waiter in the shop.

Princess Deyin...

She, the friend they were talking about was Princess Deyin!

The shop Xiaoer also realized that the situation was serious.

If something happened to Princess Deyin in their store, the Ninth Prince would never let them go.

So he hurried to report the matter to the shopkeeper.

In just a quarter of an hour, the shopkeeper took people to block all the exits, and began to search for people in a large area in the building.

"This girl, the princess, the princess is not in Ruyi Building anymore." The shopkeeper kept stroking the sweat on his forehead.

"Deyin must have been taken away, Qingzhou, what should we do?" Yin Panrong grabbed Mei Qingzhou's arm nervously, her eyes were red.

Although she usually has a carefree personality, she will definitely be at a loss when encountering such a thing.

"Calm down first..." Mei Qingzhou grabbed Yin Panrong with her backhand and kept comforting her, "Now, we have to tell the Ninth Prince about this as soon as possible."

So after they told the shopkeeper to keep an eye on this place, they quickly ran towards the Prince Regent's Mansion.

And at this time, Jun Yu just finished handling affairs in the palace, and was sitting in a carriage, returning from the palace to the Prince Regent's Mansion.

"Wu Xi, have you bought the sweet-scented osmanthus cake yet?" Jun Yu was reading a book by the light of the night pearl, thinking of this, he put down the book, and asked Wu Xi who was just in the carriage in a deep voice.

Hearing what their lord said, Wu Xi's hand paused.

He said guiltily: "My lord, I wanted to buy osmanthus cakes before entering the palace today, but the osmanthus cakes in the east of the city are closed today, so I have to go to the south of the city to buy them, so my subordinates didn't get them..."

No matter what their prince is doing now, as long as he goes out, he will definitely bring sweet-scented osmanthus cake to the princess.

So Wu Xi also knew how big the problem was if he didn't buy osmanthus cake today.

However, Jun Yu in the carriage was only silent for a while, the atmosphere was a bit cold, but he was not angry.

"Let's go to the south of the city now." After a while, Jun Yu's indifferent voice came from the carriage.

Wu Xi was stunned for a moment, and he looked up at the moon that was already high.

I thought it was already so late, it would take a lot of time to go from here to the south of the city, wouldn't it be even later when I returned to the Prince Regent's Mansion?
However, he also understands how much the matter of buying osmanthus cake for the princess is in the prince's heart.

So Wu Xi suppressed his other thoughts and drove to the south of the city quickly.

When the carriage was at the intersection, an old and dilapidated carriage drove towards him.

The coachman was wearing a straw hat and was in tatters. It looked like he was earning a living in the city during the day, but at night he hurried back to the villagers in the village outside the city before the city gate closed.

Wu Xi just glanced at the other party, then quickly withdrew his gaze, and continued to concentrate on driving the carriage.

But after a while after their carriage passed the other's carriage, Jun Yu suddenly yelled coldly from inside the carriage: "Wu Xi, stop."

Before Wu Xi could react, he felt the curtain behind him being torn open, and their prince flew out.

Jun Yu landed on the ground on one side, looking sharply at the direction the carriage left just now.

"My lord, what happened?" Wu Xi was puzzled.

He didn't understand why their prince suddenly showed such a dignified expression.

"My lord can smell the sweet-scented osmanthus cake." Jun Yu lowered his eyes, and dark tides surged in his black eyes.

"My lord, sweet-scented osmanthus cake is also a favorite delicacy of the people in the capital. It's not surprising that you smelled sweet-scented osmanthus cake from the carriage just now." Wu Xi explained softly.

But Jun Yu's expression became more and more icy, and his breath sank.

"In addition to sweet-scented osmanthus cake, I also smell the aroma of milk. Yin'er has been drinking goat's milk very much recently." Jun Yu said coldly.

"My lord, what do you mean?" Wu Xi's expression instantly became shocked.

"Wu Xi, immediately set off fireworks and let the gatekeepers close the gate." Jun Yu ordered coldly.

After speaking, he immediately drew his sword, cut off the rope that supported the horse on the carriage, and then quickly jumped on the horse's back.

He rode straight after him.

There was a chilling aura all over him.

The people passing by and returning home could only hear the sound of horseshoes running and see the flickering black corners of their clothes.

At this time, a gorgeous firework bloomed in the sky.

To the uninformed, this is considered a beautiful sight.

But the entire army in the capital was tense.

This is the communication fireworks of the Ninth Prince.

problem occurs!
The general guarding the city gate saw the gorgeous scene in the sky, he immediately turned his head and said anxiously: "Quickly, close the city gate."

Mei Qingzhou and Yin Panrong ran to the Prince Regent's mansion panting. They opened their mouths and said anxiously to Steward Dong and Wuying: "Jun, something happened to the princess."

Something happened to the princess.

Butler Dong and Wuying's hearts tightened instantly.

Originally, Wuying was supposed to protect Princess Deyin by her side today.

But she took the initiative to refuse, saying that this is the capital city and it is very safe.

And she went out to play with her friends, and she didn't want them to feel restrained, so she didn't let Wuying follow her.

Unexpectedly, there was an accident when he didn't follow him once.

"Where did the accident happen?" Wuying asked urgently.

"Ru, Ru..." Yin Panrong panted, trying to say it was Ruyilou.

But before she could finish her words, Wu Ying saw the gorgeous fireworks in the sky.

Holding the sword in his hand, he said in a serious tone: "It is true that something happened to the princess, but the prince already knows about it."

"Boundless Wumu, you bring some people and search in the city, and never let go of any place."

"Dong Steward, you are now going into the palace to report this matter to the emperor, please order the guards in the palace to dispatch to find someone."

In just a short while, Wuying quickly issued a few orders.

"Yes." Although Wumu Endless and the others were anxious, they knew better that they could only find the princess now if they were more sober.

After speaking, the few of them quickly rode to search.

Mei Qingzhou and Yin Panrong stood where they were, their faces were pale. They supported each other and kept praying in their hearts.

Deyin, you must be fine.

When Jun Yu rode his horse from the city to the city gate, the general guarding the gate, Li Jian, quickly knelt down.

"I see the Ninth Prince, I don't know what happened because the Ninth Prince was eager to seal the city gate?" Li Jian asked anxiously.

"Princess Deyin, was taken away by gangsters. I ask you, have you ever seen a suspicious person leave the city?" Jun Yu said coldly.

Princess Deyin was taken away by thieves?
There was also tension on Li Jian's face.

Who is so courageous to do such a thing at the feet of the emperor!

"Reporting to the Ninth Prince, after receiving your firework message, I immediately ordered people to close the gate of the city, but I have never seen the suspicious person you mentioned." Li Jian turned his head quickly.

Never seen it before?

Jun Yu's eyes darkened severely, he looked back at the road he came from, and the air-conditioning all over his body was a little frightening.

He chased all the way just now, and he has never seen the carriage again.

Could it be that the other party didn't think about going out of the city gate?

Where did they hide?

At this moment, a soldier suddenly ran over, knelt down, and respectfully held up a letter.

"General, a child sent a letter just now."

Li Jian frowned, he reached out to take the envelope, and opened it.

But he touched for a long time, but he couldn't find the letter.

So he simply tossed the envelope down.

With a "da", a bloody finger wrapped in a cloth strip fell out of it.

Rao Ran, Li Jian, who had been on the battlefield, also turned pale and took a few steps back when he saw this scene.

Jun Yu looked over, his pupils dilated when he saw the half finger on the ground.

Because the half of the finger on the ground is very small.

At first glance, it was the finger of a little girl.

(End of this chapter)

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