Chapter 220 Suspected by Li Xiangyang

Yu Shengxiao also saw the fireworks, he didn't even have time to put on his clothes, so he went out quickly.

When he came here, he looked disheveled.

"Jun Yu, what happened, where did Xiao Deyin go?" Yu Shengxiao asked anxiously.

His right eyelid was twitching all the time, feeling uneasy.

Suddenly, his eyes also saw the severed finger that fell on the ground.

In an instant, the blood flowed backwards.

He came over quickly, trying to pick up the severed finger.

But Jun Yu's black eyes swept around, his face was terribly cold, he quickly stood in front of Yu Shengxiao, one step ahead of him, tore off a corner of his robe, and carefully picked up his severed finger.

"Where is that child now?" Jun Yu looked back, staring sharply at the soldier who delivered the letter.

The soldier felt a murderous aura rushing towards his face, his heart trembled, and he said in a trembling voice: "Already, he has already left. He, he also said that someone else gave him money and asked him to deliver the letter, and said that he must send the letter." to be handed over to the General."

"Search, let me search from house to house. Even if you dig three feet, you have to find people."

Jun Yu suppressed his anger, and his voice spread all around.

Everyone felt a burst of coldness and shuddered.

It seems that this severed finger really belonged to Princess Deyin.

Otherwise, Ninth Prince would not be so angry.

The Ninth Prince was angry, no less than the emperor was angry.

"Your officer obeys." Li Jian obeyed, and then quickly mobilized people to search.

"My lord." Wu Ying also rushed over with a team of people.

Behind him are Shen Chuannan and Tao Lin with serious faces.

"Ah Yu, how's the situation?" Shen Chuannan also just came out of the palace.

He, Tao Lin and the emperor had finished reporting on Li Xiangyang's investigation.

As soon as he left the palace, he discovered that something had happened to the Prince Regent's Palace.

Encountered Wuying on the road, Wuying told them that it was Princess Deyin who had been kidnapped.

Shen Chuannan and Tao Lin felt uneasy, so they hurriedly followed.

"Shen Fox, Xiao Deyin's fingers were cut off, and she was sent here, woo woo woo..."

Seeing Shen Chuannan approaching, Yu Shengxiao rushed over crying instantly, looking heartbroken.

Fingers chopped off?

Shen Chuannan and Tao Lin's eyes fell on Jun Yu's rag, and found that there was blood dripping from it.

Their hearts sank instantly.

What exactly does the other party want to do?
If you kidnap someone, you can just blackmail them if you want anything, why do you want to hurt someone!

Shen Chuannan was also anxious and angry.

"Lord Nine, my daughter has a bold guess." Tao Lin looked at Jun Yu and said solemnly.

After speaking, she took out a letter from her arms.

"My daughter suspects that this matter was done by Li Xiangyang."

When Shen Chuannan heard Tao Lin's words, he also hurriedly said: "That's right, Tao Lin and I entered the palace tonight to report to the emperor that Li Xiangyang wrote us a letter to warn us."

Jun Yu took the letter and saw that it was written in blood.

In the letter, he warned Tao Lin and Shen Chuannan not to look for him again, let alone stop him.

If they are still so ignorant and don't call back the people who searched him, then he will definitely make them regret it.

"Now that I think about it, his suspicion is the biggest. Is it because I am obsessed with catching Li Xiangyang, and instead I have harmed Deyin?" Tao Lin looked regretful.

She clenched her fingers tightly.

Xiao Deyin, a girl with no martial arts skills, was taken away.

She was...broken her finger, how much pain and fear she still has.

Thinking about it, Tao Lin's eyes were a little red.

"Don't think like this. Li Xiangyang is a desperado. Even if we don't look for him, he will definitely do something. The most urgent thing is to find him." Shen Chuannan quickly comforted Tao Lin and told her not to Think more.

"Li Xiangyang." Jun Yu said the name coldly, his eyes were bloodshot.

"Wu Ying, you bring people to follow me, search." Jun Yu threw the sword he was carrying aside, and jumped on the horse.

"Your subordinate obeys." Wuying nodded solemnly.

"Li Xiangyang's ability to kidnap Princess Deyin in the capital is definitely not something that one person can do. Tao Lin, General Li, follow me to investigate the flow of people in the capital these days." Shen Chuannan said.

"What about the genius doctor?" Yu Shengxiao asked anxiously.

Something happened to the little apprentice, how can he sit still as a master?
"Li Xiangyang may attack other people around us, you go back to the palace and wait, protect yourself."

Shen Chuannan patted Yu Shengxiao on the shoulder, and then quickly led the people away.


Yuan Deyin was in a coma for a while, but when she was thrown into the carriage, she had already woken up.

She was blindfolded, her mouth was gagged and her hands were tied, so she had no idea what was going on.

But she vaguely heard a person sitting in the carriage, and another person driving the carriage outside.

During the period, she heard the carriage driver outside whispering to the people inside that the Ninth Prince was chasing him.

She was overjoyed, Uncle Nine Emperors must have noticed something was wrong and came to save her.

But who knows, the other party also changed direction directly because they sensed Uncle Nine Emperor's movements.

They didn't leave the city, but they picked her up from the carriage and drove her around.

In the end, she was thrown directly to the ground.

The fall hurt her all over, but she still didn't dare to make a sound, she could only grit her teeth and pretend to be asleep.

But her heart was beating extremely fast, for fear that the two of them would find out that she was pretending to be asleep and kill her directly.

"Xiao Liu, what's going on outside?" A middle-aged man's voice sounded, with a somewhat chilly tone.

Hearing Yuan Deyin was horrifying.

"Brother, I have already cut off a little girl's finger as you ordered, and sent it to Jun Yu." Xiao Liu replied quickly. The moment he spoke, his eyes still looked like Yuan Deyin's.

Hearing this, Yuan Deyin's breathing tightened, and his heart beat suddenly accelerated.

Broken a little girl's finger?
How could they be so cruel!

But she quickly thought that the other party could even kidnap her, and maybe kill her soon.


Perhaps, in their eyes, it is nothing at all!
What do they use other people's severed fingers to give to Uncle Nine Emperors?
Could it be that it was used to pretend to be her severed finger?

Use this to warn and threaten Uncle Nine Emperors?
After Yuan Deyin had this guess in her heart, she kept praying, Uncle Nine Emperors, don't believe it.

On the side, the middle-aged man continued to speak: "Then what is Jun Yu's reaction?"

"Of course he is very angry. He has now ordered the closure of the city and started to mobilize troops and horses to search from house to house. Our investigation is indeed correct. He really cares about this little girl's film. If there is something wrong with this little girl's film, it will definitely irritate everyone. His." Xiao Liu's tone was a little smug.

"What about the others, what's the reaction?"

"The one in the palace has also started to send people out to search. Shen Chuannan and Tao Lin probably feel uncomfortable now. If it wasn't because they pushed us to this point, would we take the risk of grabbing the little girl's film? ?” Xiao Liu asked disdainfully.

"Okay, let's not talk so much now. The more flustered and nervous they are now, it will be good for us. It only takes three days, and we will get the things. If we can't get the things, then the Deyin princess will Let her be buried with us."

The middle-aged man spoke indifferently.

"But big brother, now that their people are looking for us outside, wouldn't it be easy for us to be discovered?" Xiao Liu's tone was a little worried.

"Don't worry, even if they search all the way, no one will find this place in a short time. We are safe, you keep an eye on Yuan Deyin, I will go find something."

"Big brother..."

"Don't worry, I will find it, you just take it here."

Soon, Yuan Deyin heard someone open the door and go out.

After a while, Xiao Liu who stayed here also opened the door and went to the next room.

With Xiao Liu's appearance, she seemed to think that she was a comatose little girl, not worthy of his guarding here.

Yuan Deyin could only calm down and think carefully when the voice could no longer be heard.

The voice of Xiao Liu just now was so familiar...

By the way, that was the voice of the "shop boy" from Ruyilou.

I'm afraid, this Xiaoliu is not a shop boy at all, but mixed in.

But, what is the real identity of the other party, and why should she be arrested?

They said just now that they would find that thing within three days. What exactly is it?

Also, who is that middle-aged man?
Why did they specifically mention Mr. Shen and Sister Lin, and they also said that Mr. Shen drove them to this point.

Could it be that they are the traitors that Sister Lin said?

That middle-aged man should be Li Xiangyang!
Yuan Deyin wanted to understand many things in an instant.

I don't know how Uncle Jiuhuang is doing now, he must be very worried.

Judging from the tone of those two people just now, Uncle Nine Emperors probably thought that the severed finger belonged to her, and how anxious he must have been.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, you must calm down and don't let them lead you by the nose." Yuan Deyin said silently in her heart.

By the way, what is this place?

Why is Li Xiangyang so sure that Uncle Nine Emperors won't be able to come here in a short time?

Is there any place in the capital that Uncle Nine Emperors can't find?
Could it be, here is...

(End of this chapter)

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