Chapter 221 Shen Family Cemetery
In one night, the homes and inns of the people in the entire capital were searched, but no one was found.

"Jun Yu, could it be that they left the city long ago, if not, we have searched for so long, and there is no trace at all?" Yu Shengxiao said in a low voice.

"Impossible, he just saw A Yu chasing to the gate of the city, then cut off Princess Deyin's finger, and then sent that child over to demonstrate." Shen Chuannan shook his head and said helplessly.

All night, they were sleepless.

Even for the emperor in the palace, the lights in the imperial study room were always on.

If it weren't for the fact that the court had to continue this morning, the emperor might have come out of the palace.

"Then what should we do? If Xiao Deyin's hands are not bandaged, she will really make him hurt to death..." Shen Chuannan said with a distressed face.

Now he wished he could personally kill Li Xiangyang who hurt Xiao Deyin.

"Miss Tao, you said it was Li Xiangyang who did it, but do you know what he looks like? Isn't it hard to find someone who looks like him?" Mei Qingzhou looked at Tao Ling and asked seriously.

Mei Qingzhou's hand and Yin Panrong's hand are tightly clenched together.

From last night until now, their hearts have been tense.

If it wasn't for them asking Deyin to go out, nothing would have happened to Deyin, it was all their fault.

"If things were really that simple, Li Xiangyang is the general with the best ability to lurk and disguise in the Guizhou Army in the Southwest. When there was a rebellion in the Southwest, Li Xiangyang relied on his ability to break into the enemy's interior, so that he was almost killed. We turned defeat into victory.”

Tao Lin shook her head.

Out of the corner of her eye, she couldn't help but glance at Shen Chuannan who was beside her.

The southwest rebellion she mentioned was actually the rebellion caused by Shen Chuannan's mother.

After she finished speaking, the atmosphere around her became even more oppressive.

Especially Shen Chuannan, the blood on his face gradually faded.

So, did Li Xiangyang escape their search by relying on disguise?
"What about Endless? Isn't Endless the most powerful human skin mask? Then he should be easy to recognize the same kind." Thinking of this, Yu Shengxiao asked anxiously.

Endless stood up quickly at this time, he shook his head, and said guiltily: "According to the ability of the subordinate, it is true that as long as he appears in disguise, the subordinate will definitely recognize him at a glance. But there are many people in the capital, and There is only one subordinate, no doubt looking for a needle in a haystack."

This method won't work. Could it be possible to let Xiao Deyin wait to die?

Yu Shengxiao was directly discouraged, and the whole person became a little manic.

"Jun Yu, you should think of a way, how afraid should Xiao Deyin be alone?"

Yu Shengxiao turned his head, he threw the jade bone fan aside, and said anxiously to Jun Yu.

This is a matter related to Xiao Deyin's life.

Why Jun Yu didn't come up with any practical solutions other than the infiltration of the aura on his body.

Hearing Yu Shengxiao's complaint, Jun Yu just glanced at him coldly, and then quickly withdrew his eyes.

He said to Wu Xi in a cold voice: "Wu Xi, you continue to lead people to search, the bigger the noise, the better."

"Jun Yu, do you have any brains? Didn't Tao Lin just say that Li Xiangyang's anti-search ability is very powerful. You continue to search and make the noise as loud as possible. You are clearly doing useless work, okay? Make that Li Xiangyang who is hiding in the dark happy!"

Yu Shengxiao stood up, flicking his sleeves, and said angrily.

But Jun Yu didn't seem to hear his words, turned his eyes, took a look at Wu Xi, and asked him to carry out the order.

Wu Xi didn't have the slightest doubt, he nodded seriously: "This subordinate obeys."

After Wuxi withdrew, Jun Yu looked sideways at Wuying who hurried back from the outside.

"My lord, as you expected, I found a girl who died of illness in the slums. The girl's fingers were very similar to those of the princess. Her right palm happened to have a broken little finger. It looked like she was dying, It was chopped off by someone." Wuying replied respectfully.

"Well, settle her funeral properly." Jun Yu said in a soft voice.

The girl who died of illness...finger?
Yu Shengxiao listened to it, but he could feel something tricky.

"Jun Yu, didn't that severed finger belong to Xiao Deyin?" Yu Shengxiao asked in shock.

"If that severed finger really belonged to Yin'er, would this king still be sitting here?" Jun Yu asked in a cold voice, looking sideways at Yu Shengxiao.

Yu Shengxiao: "..."

Makes sense.

Although Jun Yu's reaction last night was also very angry.

But, that's Xiao Deyin!

The little girl he cares about most.

This reaction, as if not anxious enough.

Shen Chuannan and Tao Lin on the side also breathed a sigh of relief.

It didn't belong to Deyin, which proves that Deyin is still safe now.

"A Yu, didn't you find out last night that the severed finger did not belong to Princess Deyin?" Shen Chuannan looked at Jun Yu and asked.


"You, how did you find out?" Yu Shengxiao was shocked.

Why, as a master, when he saw it, he felt that it was Xiao Deyin's finger!

"How can I not recognize Yin'er's fingers?" Jun Yu glanced at Yu Shengxiao again, and sneered.

Yu Shengxiao: "..." I, the master, am not very familiar with my little apprentice, so I can't recognize him, sorry.

"Then why are you still searching all night, Jun Yu, and now let Wu Xi make the commotion as loud as possible?" Yu Shengxiao was still puzzled.

This time, Jun Yu didn't answer, so Shen Chuannan explained first.

Shen Chuannan knocked on the table, looked at Yu Shengxiao and said, "Li Xiangyang chose to use other children's fingers instead of directly using the fingers of Princess Deyin to warn A Yu, which shows that he understands that the complete Princess Deyin will eventually be able to What value does it bring to him..."

"That's right, he's actually trying to test the Ninth Prince's attitude towards Deyin. The more trouble the Ninth Prince makes, the more he can protect Deyin." Tao Lin was beside her and nodded.

So that was the case, Yu Shengxiao patted his chest, barely heaving a sigh of relief.

No matter what, as long as Xiao Deyin is fine for the time being.

"My lord, Goshawk has returned with a letter from the southwest." At this time, Wu Mu quickly came in with a letter.

The goshawks trained by their Regent Palace can travel hundreds of miles at night.

So the prince sent Goshawk to send a letter last night, and now the reply will come.

Letter from the Southwest?

Why did the prince send a message to Southwest?

Tao Lin and Shen Chuannan looked at each other, both of them looked puzzled.

Jun Yu glanced at the contents of the letter, and he sneered, "It really is."

"Ah Yu, what's the matter?" Shen Chuannan asked.

Jun Yu looked up at him, but without any hesitation, he handed over the letter directly.

"This king has suspected for a long time that Li Xiangyang went to Beijing for the Southwest rebellion. There must be something he wants in the capital. So I wrote a letter to the Southwest King overnight. Now, I can finally be sure." Jun Yu explained indifferently .

The southwest rebellion?
Shen Chuannan's heart tightened, but he finally took the letter.

After reading it, until the letter reached Tao Lin's hands, he still couldn't calm down for a long time.

The Southwest King sent people to investigate Li Xiangyang's ancestral home overnight.

It turned out that he was not from the Southwest at all, and that his origins were fabricated.

Moreover, he is inextricably linked with the traitors of the Chen family.

"Li Xiangyang, he turned out to be a member of the Chen family's remnant party. Thanks to my grandfather's trust in him, it turned out that he was also the executioner who killed more than a dozen members of my Tao family..."

After Tao Lin finished reading the letter, she clutched her chest and gritted her teeth, unable to calm down.

Yu Shengxiao also read the letter.

He probably understood a lot of things in his heart.

He murmured carefully: "Perhaps, it was not because he used tricks to get into the army of the Chen Dynasty Remnant Party so easily, but because he was originally from the Chen family."

This is clearly a trick!

After Yu Shengxiao finished speaking, the atmosphere fell into dead silence again.

"So, Ah Yu, do you know where Li Xiangyang is?" Shen Chuannan raised his eyes and looked at Jun Yu with complicated eyes.

"Hmm. I was suspicious at first, but now I'm sure." Jun Yu said coldly.

After the words fell, he immediately got up with a flick of his sleeves.

"Where?" Shen Chuannan and the others also stood up.

"Shen Family Cemetery." Jun Yu said expressionlessly.


Is this the Yuan family cemetery or the Shen family cemetery?

Xiao Deyin lowered his head thinking about this question.

From last night to now, she hasn't taken a drop of water, and her wrists have been rubbed with blood by the rope.

Moreover, the temperature in this room is extremely low.

Yuan Deyin felt that if this continued, she would be frozen to death or starved to death before she was killed.

After cheering myself up in my heart.

She bit the bullet and moved to the side.

Finally, she touched the side table.

The incense burner fell from above with a "bang".

Too bad, it will definitely disturb that Xiaoliu.

Yuan Deyin was anxious and panicked.

She quickly picked up a fragment, held it in the palm of her hand, and desperately cut the rope on her wrist.

The pain from the palm of her hand made her eyes water again and again.

But she held back, not letting herself cry.

She must save herself now.

When she was bleeding her fingers, she finally cut the rope.

She quickly removed the strips from her mouth and eyes.

The eyes were able to see again.

But when she opened her eyes, she found...

A man in black with a ghost face stood in front of her, looking down at her.

(End of this chapter)

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