Chapter 222 Xiaoliu is dead
After Li Xiangyang came out of the Shen family cemetery, he looked around and found that there was no one around, so he left quickly.

Dodging the passing crowd, he walked towards a deserted courtyard in the east of the city.

Pushing open the dilapidated wooden door of the other courtyard, he walked in quickly.

In front of him is a towering tree.

He squatted under the tree and quickly scraped the dirt away.

But the deeper the soil was dug, the more irritable his expression became.

"Damn it, why didn't it, it was clearly agreed to be placed here..." Li Xiangyang gritted his teeth and said.

"Are you talking about this?" Suddenly at this moment, an indifferent voice sounded from behind him.

Li Xiangyang's body froze, he stopped digging, and turned his body back stiffly.

As a result, I saw Shen Chuannan standing behind him at some point, looking at him with a wooden box.

That wooden box...

Is it?

As soon as Li Xiangyang's face changed, he rushed over and wanted to snatch the wooden box away.

But Shen Chuannan dodged, and he jumped straight to nothing.

"Li Xiangyang, can you explain, what is this thing?" Shen Chuannan opened the wooden box in front of Li Xiangyang, and then took out the contents.

It turned out to be a small piece of sheepskin map.

Li Xiangyang was overjoyed when he saw the map, and there was an uncontrollable hotness in the depths of his eyes.

Facing Shen Chuannan's sharp eyes, he let out a breath, and then chuckled.

"Master Shen, you've been investigating me for so long, aren't you curious about my identity? Or, aren't you curious about why I have to come to the capital?"

"Of course the truth is known. You came here for this thing."

Shen Chuannan glanced at the map in his hand, and said calmly.

"That's right, but you know, who do I want to get this map for? I'm for your Chen family!" Li Xiangyang said loudly.

"The Chen family? Are you a member of the Chen family's remaining party?" Shen Chuannan looked at Li Xiangyang like this, and asked calmly, his eyes were indifferent, unable to see other emotions.

"That's right, I don't want to hide things from you anymore. Although I am Chi Yan's general, I regard Jun's family as enemies, and I am loyal to your mother. This world should belong to the Chen family..."

Seeing that Shen Chuannan was unmoved, Li Xiangyang continued to say anxiously: "Master Shen, you are the son of Princess Chen, and you have half of the blood of the Chen family. Now that the princess is gone, you should take it as your duty to overthrow the Jun family."

"Overthrow the Jun family and recover the Chen family? Heh, who told you that this Chi Yan belongs to the Chen family?" Shen Chuannan looked at Li Xiangyang with a sarcastic expression.


Hearing that Shen Chuannan didn't listen to his persuasion, Li Xiangyang was angry and hated.

"I shouldn't have pinned my hopes on you. The princess was killed by your Shen family. Neither you nor your father are good things!"

Li Xiangyang gritted his teeth and said.

As he spoke, he drew his sword.

Since Shen Chuannan can't be said, he can only meet him in battle.

Hearing that Li Xiangyang mentioned his father and mother at the same time, Shen Chuannan's gentle face showed a bit of anger.

He put his hand on the sword at his waist, and the tense atmosphere was ready to go.

"Shen Chuannan, let me ask you again, do you still have your mother in your heart? Are you really willing to be Jun Yu's lackey? Are you worthy of your mother and the Chen family? If you can wake up in time, then this map will be a key The way to revitalize the Chen family."

At this time, Li Xiangyang still wanted to persuade Shen Chuannan.

After all, the blood of the Chen family is flowing on Shen Chuannan's body, which is the key to the Chen family's comeback.

"Is Shen Chuannan worthy of the Chen family? It is clearly the Chen family who is sorry for Shen Chuannan!"

At this moment, an angry voice came from the side.

Holding the sword, Tao Lin jumped over from the other side of the wall.

She heard clearly what Li Xiangyang and Shen Chuannan said just now.

Anger burns in my heart.

For so many years, their Southwest Guizhou Army has raised such a white-eyed wolf for the imperial court.

How sad my father would be if he found out.

Grandpa Quanxia knows, but he can't feel at ease.

Seeing Tao Lin appear, Li Xiangyang clenched his teeth a little more.

He stared at Shen Chuannan angrily: "You actually conspired with the enemy, have you forgotten that it was the Tao family and the Jun family who killed your mother?"

"I haven't forgotten, especially I haven't forgotten that you killed my mother. My mother didn't want to rebel at all. She didn't have such big ambitions, but you forced her. And the dozen lives of the Tao family, all of them It is your debt."

Shen Chuannan clenched his fists and stared at Li Xiangyang with red eyes.

Sensing Shen Chuannan's mood swings, Tao Lin turned her head and gave him a complicated look.

She always thought that he was strong enough, but when it came to his father and mother, he felt worse than anyone else.

"Stop talking nonsense, Li Xiangyang, I will definitely catch you personally and plead guilty to the emperor."

Tao Lin quickly turned her head and attacked Li Xiangyang, absolutely not giving him a chance to provoke Shen Chuannan again.

"Damn...Tao Lin, if you dare to attack me, believe it or not, Yuan Deyin will not be able to live to see the sun tomorrow."

Seeing Tao Lin's menacing attack, Li Xiangyang gritted his teeth and warned.

"The truth wants to tell you one thing, do you really think we can find this place, and find out where you imprisoned Princess Deyin?"

Shen Chuannan sneered, he also raised his sword, and quickly joined the decisive battle.

Li Xiangyang was sweating coldly, and when he fought, it was obvious that he had no energy left.

At the same time, he was still flustered.

What does Shen Chuannan's words mean?
Could it be that Jun Yu has already gone to the imperial tomb of the Shen family?

When Jun Yu stepped into the Shen family's cemetery, a gust of cold wind blew, making it very chilly.

As a century-old family of the Shen family, the renovation of the cemetery already has the specifications of an imperial tomb.

When Yu Shengxiao walked in, he felt like he was walking in a maze.

And the further you go inside, the more eerie it feels.

"This genius doctor knows why Li Xiangyang's grandson chose to lock him up in this place. First, because this is the cemetery, or the Shen family's cemetery, out of respect, the searchers will not come in; second, this It's too gloomy, can people really stay in this place?"

Yu Shengxiao felt his teeth chattering when he was speaking.

He kept hiding behind Jun Yu, for fear that something would pop out of him suddenly.

As he walked, he still did not forget to cooperate with his hands to pray for the petition, and kept apologizing: "The ancestors of the Shen family, you adults have a lot, don't blame us for disturbing you. We are just here to find someone."

Seeing that the more you go inside, there are more and more forks.

Yu Shengxiao tentatively said, "Jun Yu, it's getting darker and darker, why don't we go in when Shen Chuannan comes?"

"Yin'er can't wait." Jun Yu threw him such a cold sentence.

After the words fell, Jun Yu continued walking inside without hesitation.

Yu Shengxiao: "..."

Well, the little German tone is more important.

Gritting his teeth, Yu Shengxiao had no choice but to follow.

They came to a stone gate.

"Why didn't there be a switch to open the door? Wuxi, or else you could smash it with a palm of your own internal force." Yushengxiao walked to Wuxi's side and urged.

"These cemeteries will have organs. If they are damaged rashly, the organs will be activated. At that time, let alone the people outside are in danger, the people inside will not be safe." Wu Xi explained with a frown.

If this method does not work, then what should be done!Yusheng Xiao was discouraged.

Fortunately, Shen Chuannan and Tao Lin hurried over at this time.

They were followed by Wuying, who dragged Li Xiangyang, who was covered in blood and holes.

For Li Xiangyang, Jun Yu just glanced at him indifferently, and then withdrew his eyes.

"This is the underground entrance to the Shen family's cemetery, and it must be opened with the Shen family's jade pendant." Shen Chuannan explained to Jun Yu.

As soon as his voice fell, the atmosphere became a little weird.

Since the Shen family's jade pendant was needed to open it, how did Li Xiangyang open it?

"Hehehe, Mr. Shen, how do you think I opened this stone wall?"

At this time, Li Xiangyang raised his blood-stained face and stared at Shen Chuannan strangely.

His peripheral vision still fell on Jun Yu's body leisurely, and he smiled mockingly, "Jun Yu, do you really believe in the son of the Yu Party you speak of?"

This is clearly a blatant attempt to sow discord.

Shen Chuannan's face darkened instantly.

He wanted to speak.

But at this time, a figure has already walked past him quickly and rushed directly in front of Li Xiangyang.

Yu Shengxiao came up to Li Xiangyang and slapped him hard.

"You are so ugly, you also want to slander Shen Fox, hum!"

Several of Li Xiangyang's teeth were knocked out, which shows how hard Yushengxiao's slap was.

"Shen Fox, what are you still doing in a daze, why don't you open the stone gate quickly and save people!" Yu Shengxiao turned her head and said anxiously to Shen Chuannan.

"Open the door." Jun Yu also said coldly.

His expression was only worried about the safety of the little Deyin girl inside, and he was not affected by Li Xiangyang's words at all.

Shen Chuannan took a deep breath and suppressed all other emotions in his heart.

He quickly took out the jade pendant, and then opened the stone door.

As soon as the door opened, a chilly breath rushed over.

Shen Chuannan pressed a raised stone, and with a few "clicks", the Ye Mingzhu hiding in the dark was bounced out, and the surroundings began to brighten.

This is a very long stone steps.

Jun Yu flicked his sleeves and walked quickly.

Going down, there are actually several stone gates.

Before they could push the door open, the door was opened from the inside.

Shen Chuannan and Jun Yu looked at each other and walked in quickly.

As a result, when they stepped into the stone gate, they smelled a bloody smell.

In front of them, in a room made of wood, Xiao Liu was pierced through his limbs and heart by wooden stakes.

His eyes protruded, and blood flowed all over the place.

(End of this chapter)

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