Chapter 224 Hide away
While Shen Chuannan was talking to Yusheng Xiao, Yuan Deyin also heard the movement.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, I heard Master Shen and Master's voices." The little girl whispered to Jun Yu.

The sarcophagus was not spacious, and it became very crowded after being stuffed with two people. He had to carefully protect the little girl so as not to overwhelm her.

Hearing her words, he responded in a low voice: "They also followed, and they probably encountered bats as well."

"Uncle Nine Emperors, this sarcophagus, could it be the home of Mr. Shen's deceased elder? Will we lie down..."

Thinking of this, Yuan Deyin's back became stiff, and his face changed a little.

"Don't panic, in Chiyan, every family cemetery puts corpses in wooden coffins. And the dead need to be buried in the ground." Jun Yu explained in a deep voice.

So it turned out that Yuan Deyin's hanging heart fell instantly.

"Then why are there so many sarcophagi placed here?" Yuan Deyin's curiosity was aroused again.

"That's because the sarcophagus is used to house the people buried with him." Jun Yu's voice became colder.

To accompany, to be buried with?
Yuan Deyin's little face turned pale again in an instant.

Sensing her fear, Jun Yu raised his hand and patted her on the back lightly.

"The Shen family naturally thinks this is cruel, so every time the ancestors of the Shen family enter the cemetery, they just place empty sarcophagi here, and there are no real burial people." Jun Yu explained softly.

so far so good……

Yuan Deyin stuck out her tongue, which almost scared her to death just now.

"Neighbors, stop chatting, we have to find a way to get out." At this time, Yu Shengxiao's wailing sound came.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, are there any crows outside?" Yuan Deyin tugged on Jun Yu's sleeve in a low voice.

Jun Yu raised his hand, one big hand grabbed her fluttering little paw, and the other big hand placed on the wall of the sarcophagus.

After being silent for a long time, he slowly opened his eyes, his eyes indifferent: "I have already left, hold me tight."

After finishing the words, he grabbed the little girl's waist, and the wind of his palm swept out, causing the sarcophagus torn apart.

And he hugged the little girl, first flew up and out, and then slowly fell down.

Yuan Deyin, with short hands and legs, hangs tightly on his body.

Looking down, Yuan Deyin found that the sarcophagus had become a pile of powder.

At this time, when Shen Chuannan heard such a big commotion, he naturally knew that there was nothing wrong outside.

He grabbed Yu Shengxiao's arm and said in a cold voice: "Grab it well."

The next moment, the sarcophagus they were in was also shattered into powder.

However, unlike Jun Yu and Yuan Deyin's dryness, Shen Chuannan and Yusheng Xiao were both thrown on their bodies by powder, and they felt ashamed.

Especially Yu Shengxiao, with disheveled hair and scratches on his face.

"Master, how is your face?" Yuan Deyin asked worriedly when she noticed something was wrong on Yu Shengxiao's face.

Hearing Yuan Deyin's words, Yu Shengxiao quickly took out the medicine and covered his face.

"Damn the crow, you dared to grab the face of this genius doctor. This handsome face that fascinates thousands of girls will no longer exist in this world. When the genius doctor catches those crows, he must roast them ..."

Yuan Deyin just asked a question, but Shen Chuannan kept cursing.

The corner of Yuan Deyin's mouth twitched. She probably knew that it was the crow that did it.

"Shen Fox, your cemetery is strange enough to have crows." Yu Shengxiao turned her head and glared at Shen Chuannan angrily.

Hearing Yu Shengxiao's words, Shen Chuannan's face also darkened.

"The Shen family doesn't have the habit of raising crows."

"Then what's going on here, the crow, he couldn't have come here by himself..." Yu Shengxiao continued to mutter.

"It's true that they didn't come here by themselves. Those crows are very weird and powerful. Someone must be manipulating them." Jun Yu said indifferently.

Listening to Uncle Jiuhuang's words, Yuan Deyin instantly remembered the matter of the black-faced man.

She quickly turned her head and asked: "Master Shen, master, did you see a person wearing a ghost mask just now?"

"The person with the ghost mask?" Shen Chuannan and Yu Shengxiao frowned and shook their heads at the same time.

"We almost searched the Shen family's cemetery, but we didn't see anyone else." Yu Shengxiao took out his jade bone fan and fanned it melodiously.

He just needs to make sure that Shen Fox and Jun Yu are by his side, and his life will never be in danger, so now he can fan the fan leisurely.

"It really disappeared out of thin air..." Yuan Deyin frowned.

She also told Shen Chuannan and Yusheng Xiao about her encounter with the ghost-faced man.

After hearing her words, Yu Shengxiao frowned, holding his fan, whispered: "Could it be that these crows are related to that ghost-masked man, what the hell is he?"


At this moment, a desolate roar came from outside the door.

Shen Chuannan and Jun Yu went out quickly.

When going out, Jun Yu didn't forget to hold the little girl's hand, and said solemnly: "Follow me."

They came to another stone room, only to see a group of crows surrounded Wuxi and Tao Lin.

The person lying on the ground turned out to be Li Xiangyang.

He fell into a pool of blood, and his chest was empty. Looking closely, there were several crows eating his heart not far away.

The tragic death was no less than that of Xiao Liu who was crucified to death.

"Hmm..." Although Yu Shengxiao was a doctor, he couldn't help but feel nauseous when he saw this scene.

Before Yuan Deyin could see the appearance clearly, a big hand covered his eyes.

Jun Yu's serious voice came from above his head: "Don't look."

There, they were struggling with the onslaught of crows.

But little effect.

These crows move freely and in large numbers, and their attack power is no less than that of a top expert.

As soon as they stabbed down, more crows came up.

After a while, quite a few guards were already covered in scars.

"Take off your clothes." Jun Yu looked sideways, and his indifferent eyes fell on Yu Shengxiao.

"You, what do you want to do?" Yu Shengxiao crossed his hands to cover his chest, staring at Jun Yu warily.

Seeing his actions, Jun Yu's face darkened even more.

"Shen Chuannan, come here." He didn't even bother to look at Yu Shengxiao, but turned his head and spoke to Shen Chuannan.

Shen Chuannan instantly understood what it meant.

He walked over directly, regardless of Yu Shengxiao's resistance, and directly took off his outer robe.

Yu Shengxiao was stripped to the point where only her underwear was left, and she shivered and curled up in a corner.

Holding Yushengxiao's robe, Shen Chuannan picked up a stick from the side, rolled the robe around the stick, and then took out a torch. Soon, the robe was burned, and the stick became a torch .

He moved forward with a torch, and the crows that had swooped over just now began to flee in all directions.

"Quick, get out of this place." Shen Chuannan ordered solemnly.

Tao Lin hurriedly led a group of people, Wu Xi led a group of people, Jun Yu held the little girl in his arms, and Yu Shengxiao in the corner with his hand, and quickly evacuated from this place.

When they retreated to the door, there were crows trying to attack them.

It was only because Shen Chuannan blocked them with a torch that they did not dare to act recklessly.

"Close the door." Seeing that everyone had withdrawn, Shen Chuannan quickly also withdrew. Immediately, someone helped to close the stone door, and also kept the crows inside.

Shen Chuannan threw the torch aside, and he wiped the sweat from his forehead vigorously.

Fortunately, the ancestors of the Shen family have all been buried in the ground, and the cemetery is just a decoration.

Otherwise, the ancestors would not be at peace with such a commotion today.

"Are there any other gaps in the cemetery?" Jun Yu looked at Shen Chuannan and asked.

Shen Chuannan immediately understood Jun Yu's concerns.

He was worried that the crows would come out of the gap and hurt people and things.

"Don't worry, all places in the Shen family cemetery are closed. As long as this door is well guarded, those crows will not be able to escape and harm people." Shen Chuannan said in a serious tone.

"But, since there is no gap, how did those crows get in? Also, how did that black-faced man get in, and how did he disappear out of thin air?"

The little girl wrinkled her face and asked several questions in succession.

After her words fell, Shen Chuannan fell into silence.

He also wanted to know the answer to this matter.

Li Xiangyang can enter the Shen family cemetery, and the ghost-masked man can enter. Could it be that there is some secret in it?

"Wuxi, you send people to guard this place. Wujing, you enter the palace and report this matter to the emperor. Wuying, you go to the prison to receive punishment." Jun Yu ordered in a cold voice.

"Yes, my lord, my subordinates obey." The three secret guards obeyed.

Yuan Deyin looked at Wuying's firm back, and her heart sank.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, why did you let Brother Wuying go to the prison?" She asked anxiously.

"He didn't protect you well, so he must be punished." Jun Yu said expressionlessly.

"Uncle Jiuhuang, it's Deyin who didn't let Brother Wuying follow, it's none of his business." Yuan Deyin hurriedly grabbed Jiuhuangshu's sleeve and explained anxiously.

"My lord, this matter is indeed my subordinate's fault, and my subordinate is willing to accept the punishment." Wuying heard that the little princess was begging for him, so he hurriedly turned around and knelt down to plead guilty.

The atmosphere froze instantly.

Yu Shengxiao was worried.

Little Deyin, don't you know that no one can disobey your Nine Emperor Uncle's order?
Since he asked Wuying to go to the prison to accept punishment, let him go.

You are still pleading with your Uncle Nine Emperors, are you afraid that he will not give Wuying a heavier punishment?
Just when everyone was worried.

A steady "OK" came to their ears.

"Huh?" Yu Shengxiao turned her head in shock, only to see a certain regent raising his hand and gently rubbing the head of a certain little girl.

"I don't need to punish Wuying, but you must promise me that you must go out without a hidden guard."

"Well, Deyin understands." The little girl promised obediently.

Yu Shengxiao: "???"

So easy to compromise?

Jun Yu, are you still a cold-faced Rakshasa?
"Just get used to it." Shen Chuannan gave him a very calm look at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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