The cub of the Nine Emperor Uncle's family is squeamish again

Chapter 225 The king will hold you so he won't be afraid

Chapter 225 The king will hold you so he won't be afraid
Late at night, in the study of the Prince Regent's Mansion.

"My lord, the emperor has sent troops to guard the Shen family's cemetery." Wu Zing said to Jun Yu respectfully.


"Also, lord, the emperor said that the princess was frightened today, so he sent a lot of gifts from the palace, do you need to keep them?" Wu Ying continued to ask tentatively.

Recently, the prince doesn't seem to like too much contact between the princess and the emperor.

He was not sure whether these gifts should be accepted, so he decided to ask the prince.

"Take it." Jun Yu remained indifferent the whole time.

"Obey." After obeying the order without a trace, he withdrew.

"My lord, I heard that the person who took away the princess and attacked you was Li Xiangyang. Where is he now?" Mu Chen asked worriedly.

"Li Xiangyang, it is estimated that he has been gnawed by the crow until he has only a pair of bones." Shen Chuannan answered with a frown.

Originally, he wanted to catch Li Xiangyang and interrogate him for anything else.

After all, Li Xiangyang has involved too many mysteries, which must be solved.

But who ever thought that people would die.

Now many threads are broken.

"By the way, A Yu, this is probably what Li Xiangyang was looking for, Tao Lin and I found it first." Shen Chuannan thought of something, and hurriedly took out the sheepskin map he dug out in another courtyard.

The sheepskin map was handed over to Jun Yu, and the eyes of the others fell.

"Li Xiangyang risked being caught and went all the way north just for this map?" Tao Lin frowned, puzzled.

It stands to reason that Li Xiangyang concealed his identity for so long. During the rebellion, he did not reveal his identity when he personally killed Chen Chaoyu's party. Why would he expose himself now for such a map?

No matter how you look at it, this approach is a bit stupid.

"Could it be, what's the mystery of this map?" Yu Shengxiao asked curiously while fanning the jade bone fan.

"The thing that can make Li Xiangyang risk his life to get it must be something that can completely turn Chen Chaoyu's party around." Jun Yu said coldly.

"Ah Yu, do you know what this is?" Shen Chuannan turned his head and looked at Jun Yu suspiciously.

"If the king guessed correctly, this should be the treasure map of the deep and secluded pool that has been passed down for a long time." Jun Yu looked at Shen Chuannan and spoke slowly.

The treasure map of the deep pool?

Everyone was shocked.

"No, isn't that just a legend?" Yu Shengxiao quickly closed the jade bone fan with a puzzled face.

Indeed, for hundreds of years, there has been a legend circulating in various countries.

That is, in a place called Tanming Youjing, there are a group of treasures that can overthrow the world.

To find the treasure, one must find a map to the Netherworld.

However, it is said that the map has been divided into pieces during the process of being contested hundreds of years ago.

A hundred years ago, there were rumors in the martial arts world that someone had obtained map fragments.

However, these are all rumors, and no one who is alive today has actually seen the map or been able to go to the secluded place.

"Ah Yu, why are you so sure that this map is the map of the Youjing?" Shen Chuannan asked puzzled.

"Because, the queen mother gave me half a map, and that map is very similar to this fragment." Jun Yu lowered his eyes and said indifferently.

Hearing Jun Yu's words, Shen Chuannan and the others suddenly realized.

If it is Empress Puyang, then the credibility will be high.

Because Empress Puyang came from the most mysterious family, the Puyang family.

So far, the rumors about that family have been kept secret.

There are also rumors that the Puyang family is inextricably linked to Youjing.

"Ah Yu, this news must not be spread, otherwise Chi Yan will suffer disaster." Shen Chuannan realized the seriousness of the situation, and he said solemnly.

"But I'm afraid, Li Xiangyang has other accomplices." Tao Lin turned her head and shook her head gently at Shen Chuannan.

Li Xiangyang can do so many things, it is definitely not something that he can do alone.

What she is afraid of now is that the remnant party of the Chen Dynasty has not been eliminated at all.

Meeting Tao Lin's eyes, Shen Chuannan's eyes darkened instantly.

He turned his head to look at Jun Yu, and said firmly: "A Yu, I will definitely investigate this matter. As for how Li Xiangyang was able to enter the Shen family cemetery, as well as the ghost-faced man and black crow in the cemetery, I will tell you You said it."

"Well, you all go back." Jun Yu tapped his finger on the table lightly, and he said softly.


Jun Yu came back from the imperial study, and when he stepped into his bedroom, his brows frowned slightly.

Because he sensed that there was something else in his room.

"My lord, the Princess has come to your room." At this time, Wu Ying landed behind Jun Yu and said to him respectfully.

Jun Yu's eyes darkened a bit, he said "um" indifferently, and then continued to walk inside.

Seeing that their lord had no objection, Wuying quickly withdrew.

Jun Yu walked in and lit the oil lamp.

As a result, I saw a little girl hugging a pillow, leaning on a chair, drowsy.

Unaware of the light, she woke up with a start.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, you are back." She said softly, her eyes sparkling.

She quickly jumped off the chair, then ran in front of him, raised her head, and begged in a low voice: "Uncle Nine Emperors, can Deyin sleep in your chair tonight?"

Sleeping in a chair?
Jun Yu looked sideways at the chair not far away.

Although the chair is spacious, it must be uncomfortable to accommodate one person to sleep.

"Why sleep on a chair?" He said hoarsely, frowning slightly.

Hearing his words, Yuan Deyin lowered his head, looked at his feet, and twirled his fingers uneasily.

"Deyin, when Deyin was sleeping in her room just now, she had a nightmare."

Her voice was very depressed and wronged.

Having a nightmare?

Jun Yu looked at her little furry head, and instantly understood that it was the scenes today that scared her.

"Sleep on the bed." Jun Yu said, uttering these three words.


Yuan Deyin raised his head instantly, and looked at Uncle Jiuhuang with surprise.

But her little face soon collapsed.

"But, Uncle Nine Emperors, Deyin is in bed, what do you do? Do you want to sleep with Deyin?" she asked in a low voice.

With a sound of "da", a certain prince punched her on the head with a black face.

"It's messing around again. Men and women are different, have you forgotten what I said? You are still a girl, how can you sleep with a man? You are not allowed to say such things to other men in the future."

With a straight face, Jun Yu corrected her words in a serious tone.

"Oh..." Yuan Deyin shook his head.

She was just joking, why did Nine Emperor Uncle suddenly become so fierce.

"Sleep, I will accompany you by your side." Jun Yu said softly.

"Yes, but didn't you just say that men and women are different and cannot sleep together..." The little girl continued to raise her head and said anxiously.

"This king has other arrangements." Jun Yu lowered his eyes and gave her a helpless look.

This little guy, why is he so obsessed with being with him?

After speaking, he turned around, went to get the quilt, and laid it under the bed.

"Okay, I will sleep under the bed tonight, so you won't be afraid."

After Jun Yu laid out the quilt, he raised his eyes, looked at a certain little girl and said.

At this time, the little girl had already hugged the pillow and quickly climbed onto his bed.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, go to sleep." The little girl said cheerfully.

Jun Yu withdrew his eyes, took off his coat and shoes, and swept his hand over the oil lamp, and the light was extinguished.

In the dark, Jun Yu's hearing is sharper.

He could hear the shallow breathing of the little girl on the left, as well as her tossing and turning.

"Why don't you sleep? Are you still afraid?" He asked in a deep voice.

"No, Uncle Nine Emperors, why does your bed smell like osmanthus cakes? Do you, like Deyin, steal osmanthus cakes on the bed?" The little girl sniffed the quilt and asked curiously.

Jun Yu: "..."

This question, my lord, will not answer.

After not hearing an answer for a long time, the little girl frowned, but she was not attached to the answer.

She rubbed her nose, turned over, turned around, and asked curiously: "Uncle Nine Emperors, De Yin still can't sleep, can you tell stories?"

"will not."

"Then can you sing nursery rhymes?"

"will not."

"Then what do you do?" the little girl asked.

Jun Yu: "..."

"Uncle Nine Emperors, why don't you talk anymore, Deyin is still scared and can't sleep." The little girl said in a muffled tone, a little aggrieved.

When Jun Yu thought of the scenes in the cemetery, and when she was taken away, she was alone, and she must have been extremely flustered.

Sighing silently, he lifted his quilt and stood up.

When Yuan Deyin heard the movement, her ears immediately perked up.

But because it was pitch black all around, she couldn't see anything, so she had no idea what Uncle Nine Emperors was doing.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, do you think Deyin is too noisy and you are going to go out to sleep, I'm sorry, Deyin didn't do it on purpose..." Yuan Deyin was a little anxious.

She thought Uncle Jiuhuang was going out, and she was anxious, so she wanted to get up.

But suddenly, a big hand pressed down on her shoulder and held her back.

Jun Yu lay down beside him, then took her into his arms, put his chin on the top of her head, and patted her on the back lightly.

"Sleep, I won't be afraid if I hug you." He said softly.

(End of this chapter)

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