Chapter 227 It's Dead Again
After Yuan Deyin finished grooming, she jumped out following Uncle Jiuhuang.

As soon as the results came out, they saw many people waiting for them outside.

"Ah Yu, something happened." Shen Chuannan said to Jun Yu solemnly.

"What's the matter?"

"This morning, someone found a female corpse by the river in the south of the city. The corpse had been hollowed out. This scene was seen by many people. Now the news has been spread by the people, and people are panicking." Shen Chuannan continued to explain .

"Heart again?" Yusheng Xiao got goosebumps.

Hearing the heart now, he remembered in Shen's family cemetery, Xiao Liu's heart was nailed to it, and Li Xiangyang's heart was eaten by a crow, it was so disgusting.

"There are a lot of people in the capital, and there are so many people with mixed eyes. It is not surprising that there are murder cases from time to time. This matter is left to the government to deal with it. Why should so many people be alarmed?"

Just as Tao Lin came over, she happened to hear Shen Chuannan's words, and she asked in a puzzled tone.

"But the problem is that it's not just that a person died. Because in the brothel in the west of the city, a man's heart was also dug out."

"Also, when we went to the government to check, we found that since the middle of last month to now, there have been a total of fifteen homicide cases of heart loss." Wu Xi then explained.

"This, so many? Is there a heart-eating madman?" Yu Shengxiao's face turned pale.

"Could it be the crow's work?" Tao Lin thought of this possibility.

If it was crows that hurt people, there would indeed be so many of them.

"No, I went to investigate. Some people died when their hearts were dug out with a knife, some people died when their hearts were pulled out by a hook, and some people died after their chests were burned and their hearts were roasted..." Wu Xi continued to explain .

"So, these people actually died in different ways, but they all have one thing in common, that is, they lost their hearts?" Tao Lin instantly understood.


"Ah Yu, I think this matter has something to do with the Ghost-Mask Man." Shen Chuannan looked at Jun Yu and said in a serious tone.

Li Xiangyang's matter had just been resolved, but another incident occurred, which was really a headache.

"Now go to the place where the incident happened." Jun Yu flicked his sleeves and wanted to leave.

But Yuan Deyin quickly grabbed his sleeve at this moment: "Uncle Nine Emperors, Deyin is going too."

"No." Jun Yu's face darkened in an instant, and his tone was extremely serious, a tone that was not negotiable.

When she saw that scene yesterday, she was so scared that she couldn't sleep, how could she be frightened again?

"Uncle Nine Emperors, Deyin knows that you are worried about me. But I also want to find out the truth with you and avenge those who died innocently. I'm afraid I still want to find out who is that ghost-faced man." Yuan Deyin shook his head and spoke in a serious tone.

She also has a great posture of following up no matter what.

Knowing that if she disagreed today, she might still secretly follow her.

If this is the case, it is better to put her under the nose and stare at it from the beginning.

Thinking of this, Jun Yu finally compromised.

"Okay, you can follow this king."

Yu Shengxiao yawned and stretched himself. They went to investigate the case, so it's better for him to go back and catch up on sleep.

But just as he was about to turn around and leave, Jun Yu's indifferent voice came from behind him.

"Stop, Yusheng Xiao, you have to follow."

Yu Shengxiao turned around with a puzzled face, "Why? You two, one is the prime minister and the other is the regent. You want to plead for the people, so you are going to investigate the truth. I am a doctor, what are you doing? Autopsy? "

"That's right, it's an autopsy." Jun Yu said expressionlessly.

"Cough cough cough..." Yu Shengxiao almost choked on his own saliva.

"Jun Yu, are you kidding me? I'm a genius doctor, but you actually asked me to do an autopsy!" Yu Shengxiao was about to lose his temper.

But all his anger is meaningless in front of Jun Yu.

Jun Yu gave Wu Xi Wu Zing a direct look, and the two of them immediately walked behind Yu Shengxiao and dragged him away.

"Wait a minute, sister, I want to follow too." Zuo Qie suddenly appeared from the side and rushed directly to Yuan Deyin's side.

"Zuo Qi, why are you here?" Yuan Deyin raised his hand to support Zuo Qi.

The moment he saw Zuo Qie appear, the face of a certain regent turned dark instantly.

"We are going to investigate the case, what's the use of you following?" Yu Shengxiao was bullied by Jun Yu, and he had no place to vent his anger. When he saw Zuo Qie appear, he started nagging.

Hearing Yu Shengxiao's words, Zuo Qi glanced at him in disgust.

"I'm here to accompany my sister, do you care if I follow or not?"

I heard that my sister was kidnapped yesterday, and he didn't know about such a serious incident, and he couldn't help her. Now he will follow her no matter what.

This little bastard actually talked back to him.

Yu Shengxiao put on a straight face, planning to continue scolding Zuo Qie.

But Jun Yu interrupted them indifferently at this time, "Okay, there is no delay now, let's go."



Zuo Qie and Yu Shengxiao glanced at each other in disgust.

Yuan Deyin was a little dumbfounded.

These two people, why are they so wrong?

"Zuo Qi, Miracle Doctor Yu is my sister's master. Although he is sometimes unreliable, he is quite a good person. Can you stop getting angry with him?"

Yuan Deyin rubbed little Zuo Qie's head and asked softly.

Hearing what his sister said, Zuo Qi frowned, as if he was thinking about this issue seriously.

After a while, he nodded seriously: "Since he is my sister's master, then Zuo Xie just doesn't get angry with him. By the way, sister, I brought Zuo Mingzhou and Xiaobai."

"Zuo Mingzhou?" Yuan Deyin looked puzzled.

"Didn't you let Huhu be friends with me, but I think Huhu doesn't like its name, so I let it call Zuo Mingzhou." Zuo Qie explained seriously.

Yuan Deyin pursed her lips, this younger brother, and that stupid tiger disliked her name!
Isn't whirring nice?

However, Zuo Mingzhou still sounds better.

Especially if the people in Lingye Kingdom knew that their national surname was assigned to the tiger, they would be pissed to death.

Thinking about it this way, Yuan Deyin felt that the name was very good.

The tiger jumped out with a little white rabbit on its back.

One day the tiger was able to live in harmony with the little white rabbit.

This picture is indescribably inconsistent.

So when Jun Yu and his party appeared by the river south of the city with a tiger and a rabbit, many people were frightened.

Yuan Deyin saw that the people were a little flustered, so she quickly started, rubbed Ming Zhou's head lightly, and said secretly: "Ming Zhou, put your teeth away, don't scare people."

After hearing her words, Ming Zhou hurriedly put his teeth away obediently.

The crowd didn't hear her speak, but they were relieved when they saw her standing next to the tiger and the tiger didn't attack her.

"I heard that Princess Deyin tamed a tiger in the palace, and the emperor rewarded her with that tiger. It turns out that the rumor is true."

"She is so lucky, she can still let a tiger be so close to her."

"That's not true. The Ji King died to protect us. She was a little girl who ran thousands of miles away from the West Sea to defeat the enemy with the Ninth Prince. She deserves it!"


On the other side of the people, they were muttering about Yuande.

There was another group of people standing around the river looking at the corpse.

"Lord Ninth, you are here." Xiao Jun immediately walked over to salute Jun Yu when he saw him.

Yuan Deyin stared curiously at the black gauze hat on his head.

Shen Chuannan noticed it, and quickly explained to her: "This is Lord Xiao Jun, who is in charge of the capital's government."

"This is Princess Deyin, right? I have seen Princess Deyin." Xiao Jun was about to salute Yuan Deyin.

But Yuan Deyin quickly waved his hand, "Master Xiao, you don't need to be too polite, you should hurry up and talk to Uncle Jiuhuang about the case."

Xiao Jun came to his senses, turned his head to look at Jun Yu, and said in a serious tone: "This female corpse was found by people nearby to fetch water in the morning. At that time, some dogs wanted to share the corpse. Fortunately, the people nearby The whole body was protected, but the heart couldn’t be retrieved no matter what. Right now, Zuo Zuo is still investigating the cause of death.”

"Yu Shengxiao, go over and help." Jun Yu gave Yu Shengxiao a cold look.

Yu Shengxiao: "???"

This guy Jun Yu really treats his miracle doctor as a job.

Although he was full of anger, in the end, Yu Shengxiao could only compromise, carrying his medicine box and walking over.

If Master knew that those saving tools he left behind were taken for autopsy, I wonder if he would be so angry that he would get up from the grave.

Yu Shengxiao walked over, and the person who was doing the autopsy was a man who was nearly 30 years old. When he saw Yu Shengxiao's face, he stood up quickly with a slightly excited expression.

"You, you are the Jade Doctor." The other party couldn't find his own voice.

"You actually recognize the appearance of this genius doctor? Who are you?" Yu Shengxiao took out the tools, and kept moving his hands. He raised his head and asked curiously.

"The villain called Ning Luan, it was the work of the yamen. I saw you treat a pregnant woman who almost died twice in Liangzhou a few years ago. Your medical skills are shocking. The villain has always regarded you as an idol... ..."

Ning Luan's voice almost shed tears.

"Wait, don't cry, I'm a little embarrassed by what you said... Ahem, although what you said is the truth..." Yu Shengxiao waved her hand and said without any shame.

"Doctor Yu, use the tools of a villain." Ning Luan hurriedly handed over the autopsy tools.

Yu Shengxiao glanced at it, thinking that he still had to take Master's feelings into consideration, even though Master's bones had already melted.

So he reached out to take the autopsy tool and nodded: "Okay, I'll use yours. But what I'm good at is saving people. As for the research on corpses, I have to rely on you."

Yuan Deyin and Shen Chuannan looked at each other, they looked shocked, it was the first time they saw their master (Yu Shengxiao) be humble.

The autopsy process was a bit long, and Jun Yu, Shen Chuannan, and Tao Lin were investigating the surrounding environment.

Yuan Deyin and Zuo Qi stood on the same spot, a tiger and a rabbit, with several hidden guards behind them, which was really boring.

"Sister, why do you think the murderer is so attached to people's hearts?" Zuo Qie raised his head and asked curiously.

"I don't know, maybe the other party is just a pervert who just dug out people's hearts to cause everyone to panic." Yuan Deyin shook his head and said angrily.

"Huhu... No, tomorrow, where are you going?"

Yuan Deyin realized that the moment he was talking to Zuo Qi, the tiger and the rabbit flew out like arrows off the string, heading straight for the corpse.

The officials of the government around the corpse saw a tiger rushing towards them, and they all backed away in fright.

"Morrow." Yuan Deyin was worried that it would hurt people, so she held up her skirt and hurried to catch up.

Fortunately, when he got to the corpse, Ming Zhou raised his claws and kept digging the soil.

Jun Yu and Shen Chuannan also walked over quickly when they heard the commotion here.

Just as Jun Yu walked up to the tiger, its paws suddenly stopped.

Only then did everyone realize that there was a bloody heart under the dirt.

"Ouch..." Even though there were many officials present who had seen bloody scenes, they still couldn't help feeling sick when they saw this scene.

Yuan Deyin just glanced at it, and she quickly stepped back.

There was no wave in Jun Yu's eyes. With a calm face, he took the cloth from Wu Xi and bent down to pick up the heart.

But suddenly, he saw that a piece of paper was stuffed in that heart.

He handed the letter to Yu Shengxiao, and then took out the note.

Shen Chuannan also came over, wanting to see what was on the note.

The ink was also really strange, the note was soaked with blood, but the words were still clearly visible.

Jun Yu glanced at the handwriting, and his expression froze instantly.

Because it says on the note.

"Next person, Yuan Deyin."

(End of this chapter)

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