Chapter 228 Going back home, going to college
"Uncle Nine Emperors, what is written in this note?"

Seeing that their expressions had changed, Yuan Deyin approached them curiously.

Jun Yu took back the note in an instant, freed his clean left hand, held her head, and pushed her down.

"It's nothing important." He said softly.

Doesn't matter?

So why do they look so nervous?

The little girl pursed her lips. She knew that Uncle Jiuhuang must not be telling the truth, but she didn't insist on asking.

"Alright, alright, Uncle Nine Emperors, keep busy."

After the little girl thoughtfully said this to Jun Yu, she turned her head, knelt down, rubbed the tiger's head, and told him very seriously: "Morrow, remember to ask for my opinion if you want to find something in the future, do you understand? "

It ran out suddenly, very scary.

Shen Chuannan and Jun Yu looked at each other, and they turned their heads quickly, searching the crowd quickly, trying to find the suspicious person.

"Okay, the inspection is basically over." Yu Shengxiao stood up at this moment, coughed, and interrupted their search.

"What's the matter?" Shen Chuannan turned around and asked solemnly.

"The deceased didn't have any poison in her throat, and the genius doctor just pierced her body with a needle, so she wasn't poisoned to death. She should have died by cutting open her chest with a sharp weapon and taking out her heart... ..."

Yu Shengxiao's voice was neither soft nor heavy, but it was enough for everyone around to hear it.

In an instant, the faces of all those who heard this turned pale, feeling a little nauseous.

How cruel it would be to cut open a human heart alive.

"Also, I found that she didn't show signs of struggle. It stands to reason that when the murderer showed the murder weapon before committing the crime, the deceased should have been terrified and struggling when he saw it, but none of the deceased..."

Yu Shengxiao frowned and explained.

"So, it might be an acquaintance who committed the crime." Xiao Jun said next to him.

"Not necessarily." Jun Yu stared at the corpse, and suddenly said this in a cold voice.

Yusheng and Xiao looked at him suspiciously, but Jun Yu seemed to have no intention of continuing.

"Lord Xiao, you have to find out the identities of all the deceased, and then bring the information to me." Jun Yu ordered in a cold voice.

"The subordinate obeys the order."

"Shen Chuannan, get rid of the crows in the cemetery first." Jun Yu turned his head, looked at Shen Chuannan and said.

Shen Chuannan opened his mouth, and wanted to say that it is more important to investigate the murderer now, and the matter of the crow can be dealt with later.

But he soon realized that if those crows escaped, the consequences would be disastrous.

And from A Yu's tone, it seems that the crows and the ghost-faced man in the cemetery are related to these murders.

So he nodded quickly: "OK."

"Wuxi, go check the city to see if there are still missing people." Jun Yu continued to order.

"Your subordinate obeys orders." Wu Xi was stunned for a moment, but quickly realized that the prince was suspicious, but were there actually other dead?

"What about this genius doctor, what does this genius doctor do?" Yu Shengxiao approached curiously.

"You, follow Deyin's side." Jun Yu gave Yu Shengxiao a look, and said indifferently.

Is there such a good thing?
Actually just need to follow Xiao Deyin's side?

She has always been used to being enslaved, but Yu Shengxiao is still not used to it.


The people in the yamen carried the body back.

Wu Zuo estimated that he would have to go through several more inspections in the Yamen before he could get more clues.

"Doctor Jade, it's my honor to be able to conduct an autopsy with you today."

Before Ning Luan followed Xiao Jun to leave, he did not forget to bid farewell to Yusheng Xiao excitedly.

Yu Shengxiao waved his hand, and said calmly: "You are proficient in autopsy techniques, and you are also a talent in this field. If you work hard, you will have a bright future in the future."

A certain jade genius doctor really didn't even bat an eyelid when speaking of polite words.

But Ning Luan was very flattered by these words.

"The villain is taught, and the villain will definitely work harder in the future."

After walking a long distance, Ning Luan still did not forget to bow respectfully to Yu Shengxiao.

"Did you see, little apprentice, this is the charm of your master, you can be admired by others even when you go out." Yu Shengxiao grabbed Yuan Deyin's arm and raised his eyebrows.

The corner of Yuan Deyin's mouth twitched. Master, he really is...too narcissistic.

"Master, can you wash your paw before touching me?" Yuan Deyin looked at her master's paw, frowning tightly.

Didn't he wash his hands after the body was examined?

A bloody smell.

Hearing Yuan Deyin's reminder, Yu Shengxiao finally came to his senses, he laughed a few times, and then retracted his claws.

"Yin'er, why don't you go back first, the king still has to investigate the case." Jun Yu leaned over, looking at Yuan Deyin seriously with his black eyes.

Hearing the seriousness in Uncle Jiuhuang's tone, Yuan Deyin frowned slightly.

It's so strange, how Uncle Nine Emperors seems to want to drive her away.

"Okay, then Deyin won't bother you, Uncle Nine Emperors, please be safe." Yuan Deyin nodded obediently, and immediately turned around and left with the tiger and the rabbit.

Jun Yu gave Wu Xi a look, and Wu Xi and several hidden guards immediately followed Yuan Deyin in step.

Yu Shengxiao walked over to Yuan Deyin with the jade bone fan without realizing it.

"I didn't expect that kid Jun Yu to be so considerate, and he was worried that you would be exhausted, so he told you to go back first." Yu Shengxiao said with a smile beside Yuan Deyin.

But Yuan Deyin walked to a place where Jiuhuangshu couldn't see, stopped, and looked at Yushengxiao seriously.

"Master, do you really think Uncle Nine Emperors let me go back to the Palace because he thought I was tired?"

"Isn't it?" Yu Shengxiao stopped fanning and raised his eyebrows.

"If he was afraid that my sister would be exhausted, he wouldn't have let her come with me in the first place." Zuo Qi raised his head and gave Yu Shengxiao a disgusted look.

Being disgusted by an eight-year-old boy, Yu Shengxiao's face darkened again and again.

"Then what do you mean Jun Yu?" Yu Chenxiao asked Zuo Qi angrily.

"Master, I suspect that the content on that note is related to me." Yuan Deyin said in a lonely tone.

If not, Uncle Nine Emperors would not be so eager to let her go back to the palace, and let Brother Wuxi and the others stay by her side.

Is the content on the note related to Xiao Deyin?

Yu Shengxiao's smile also gradually faded?
What has actually happened……


As soon as Yuan Deyin returned to the gate of the Prince Regent's Mansion, he saw Yin Panrong and Mei Qingzhou walking around the gate, looking very anxious.

"Sister Qingzhou, sister Panrong, why are you here?" Yuan Deyin hurried over.

The moment they saw Yuan Deyin, Yin Panrong and Mei Qingzhou surrounded her nervously and checked her from head to toe.

"Deyin, are you okay?" Yin Panrong asked worriedly.

Although Deyin had asked his maid to tell them that she had returned safely.

But last night, their hearts were hanging.

"Deyin, I'm sorry, if we hadn't called you out, you wouldn't..." Mei Qingzhou said with a guilty expression.

Before she finished speaking, Yuan Deyin knew what she was going to say next.

She shook her head quickly and said firmly: "You two sisters, don't feel guilty, you Yodeyin went out with good intentions. Besides, who knows what happened unexpectedly. We should blame the person who abducted me. "

But they will continue to feel guilty, Yuan Deyin quickly changed the subject.

"By the way, you came to the Prince Regent's Mansion not just to apologize to me." Yuan Deyin leaned his head over and asked curiously.

"Of course not," Mei Qingzhou shook her head with a smile, "Actually, it was Dean Changyuan who asked us to come to you. The college has just received a new notice. The students who passed the examination will be admitted today. Even if Even if you don’t register with the Ministry of Rites, you still need to enroll.”

"Ah, today, so early?"

Yuan Deyin's small face wrinkled in an instant. She still wanted to play outside longer and accompany Uncle Jiuhuang to find the ghost-masked man.

Seeing Xiao Deyin's wrinkled face, Mei Qingzhou and Yin Panrong shook their heads helplessly.

In fact, they are also a little curious why the admission time is so fast this time, and there is no buffer time for these new admissions.

Dean Changyuan seems to be very eager to get Deyin into the academy as soon as possible.

"Xiao Deyin, if you don't, you should go. It's so dangerous outside now, and there will be fewer people in the academy, so it will be safer."

Yu Shengxiao listened to their words from the side, he bowed his head in thought for a while, and then expressed his opinion.

When Yuan Deyin heard it, he thought it made sense.

Moreover, since the college has issued such a notice, she can't rely on her status as princess to be special.

So, she nodded quickly: "Okay, sister Qingzhou, sister Panrong, wait for me, I'll clean up briefly, and I'll go to the academy with you."

After Yuan Deyin finished speaking, she held up her skirt and quickly ran into the palace.

In fact, Wuyi and Cang Ling had already prepared clothes and cakes for her.

She only needs to put in a few books given by Master, and basically brings everything she needs.

"Princess, you can let the servants follow you." Ji Xia and the others looked at Yuan Deyin with red eyes.

Yuan Deyin sighed silently, she turned her head, and said in a serious tone: "Ji Xia, Lan Qiu, Xuan Ying, this princess is going to study in the academy this time. The academy is different from the palace, it doesn't need so many people to wait on you, You just wait in the palace and wait for the princess to come back."


Ji Xia and the others wiped their eyes, then said to Cang Ling and Wuyi in a serious tone: "Sister Cangling, Sister Wuyi, this time you are with the princess, you must take good care of the princess."

"Well, I will, and you have to take care of yourselves too."

Like a warm big sister, Cang Ling patted their shoulders lightly.

"Princess, the carriage is ready and ready to go." Wuyi walked to Yuan Deyin and said respectfully.

"Yeah." Yuan Deyin turned her head, and was about to turn around and leave.

But at this time, Zuo Qie hurried in with something in his arms.

"Sister, this is for you." He stuffed a wooden figure carved from wood into Yuan Deyin's hand.

(End of this chapter)

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