Chapter 229 Something Happened

"What is this?" Yuan Deyin looked at the wooden figure in his hand and asked curiously.

"I learned this by stealing Zuo Wei's witchcraft. This thing is called Luoyeren, because Luoye is stuffed in it. It is a plant cultivated with the secret technique of Lingye Kingdom, which can be used to psychedelic people If you puncture the sachet inside this thing and leave it in the same room for a long time, others will treat it as a real person." Zuo Qie explained patiently.

His voice is soft and pleasant to hear.

But Yuan Deyin couldn't help laughing, she poked his face, and whispered: "Then what do I want this thing for? Do I want my classmates in the academy to regard this wooden figure as me?"

"Sister, take it with you, maybe it will be useful?" Zuo Qi frowned and pleaded softly.

Yuan Deyin looked at him like this, worried that he was going to cry.

She nodded quickly, "Okay, okay, this is a gift from my brother, and I will naturally accept it."

"It turns out that there is still a need to give gifts, so the teacher also needs to give gifts to my little apprentice."

Wearing a red dress and fanning a jade bone fan, Yu Shengxiao walked in very leisurely, followed by Hua Sumo.

"Master, you have sent Deyin..."

Yuan Deyin wanted to say that he had already sent her a lot of medical books, so there was no need to send any more.

In the end, she couldn't finish her words, so Yu Shengxiao waved to Hua Sumo who was behind her, asking him to bring a piece of paper.

After taking the paper, Yu Shengxiao stuffed it into Yuan Deyin's hand, and said earnestly: "Xiao Deyin, I heard that there are many good medicinal materials in the Medical Skill Pavilion in Weiyang Academy, you can change it When the sun rises, please help me to order back. This is the list, I am afraid that you will forget, so I specially wrote down all the medicinal materials you need."

Yuan Deyin: "..."

She knew that she shouldn't place too much hope on her master.

With a pursed mouth, Yuan Deyin rolled up the piece of paper into his sleeve, and said absently, "Deyin, try your best."

After finishing speaking, she left in a hurry with Wuyi and Cang Ling.

Weiyang Academy is a long way from King Ji's Mansion, and it will take about an hour to arrive there.

When Yuan Deyin got off the carriage, she was a little drowsy.

"Yuan Deyin." Suddenly a sharp voice woke her up.

She turned her head, only to see Jun Chujing walking towards her mightily with seven or eight maidservants.

"Why is she here?" Yuan Deyin's first reaction was to turn around and ask Mei Qingzhou and Yin Panrong suspiciously.

"It is said that it was Taifei Wei who begged in every possible way that the dean allowed her to enter the academy as an auditor." Mei Qingzhou explained softly.

As an auditor, although she can attend classes in the academy, her identity is destined not to be recognized by the academy.

"Yuan Deyin, why don't you kneel down when you see this princess?"

Jun Zhoujing rushed in front of Yuan Deyin aggressively, pointed her finger at her nose and cursed.

She didn't even have the chance to participate in the academy assessment, but Yuan Deyin got three first grades in the assessment.

Although no one dared to say anything to her face to face, she knew very well that those noble girls and girls with low status in Beijing were laughing at her behind her back.

It is said that she is a majestic princess of a country, but she is not even comparable to an orphan girl.

"Why does the princess kneel to you?" Yuan Deyin rubbed his nose in disgust, too lazy to talk to Jun Chujing.

"This princess' father is the former emperor, and your father is just a king with a different surname. In terms of status, this princess is more noble than you. That's all!" Jun Chujing said arrogantly.

In the past, Yuan Deyin was able to whisper, but it was because Uncle Nine Emperors was by her side.

Now that Uncle Nine Emperors is gone, let's see if she doesn't kill her!
Facing Shangjun Chujing's sinister eyes, Yuan Deyin rubbed her eyes, looking very sleepy, shrugged her shoulders, and said calmly: "Okay, the princess heard what you said, you You can go."


Jun Chujing didn't expect that Yuan Deyin didn't listen to what she said so much.

"Hey, Yuan Deyin, this princess is more noble than you, you should kneel down." Jun Chujing muttered loudly again.

"Kneel down, right?" Yuan Deyin looked straight at Jun Chujing at this moment.

"The emperor's elder brother said that Deyin doesn't need to kneel when he sees him. But Princess Chujing, you insist on forcing Deyin to kneel now. Could it be that you are more noble than the emperor?"

Yuan Deyin's eyes gradually became severe.

Jun Chujing froze for a moment, and the blood on her face gradually faded.

She didn't expect Yuan Deyin to be able to speak out to refute her at this moment.

"Ben, this princess naturally didn't mean that she was honored by the emperor, this princess just..."

"No? My princess saw that you provoked my princess repeatedly. It's because you didn't take the emperor's brother and the nine emperor uncles seriously. Also, my princess' father is the prince who was appointed by the previous emperor. You have made great contributions to Chi Yan, and the grandfather of the former emperor also admires him very much. You are insulting this princess like this now, because you don’t take your father seriously, and you don’t even take the grandfather of the first emperor seriously..."

Yuan Deyin continued to speak a lot.

"This princess does not, this princess does not, Yuan Deyin, you are talking nonsense!"

Jun Chujing choked on Yuan Deyin's words.

Of course, she also knew that the infamy of Yuan Deyin must not fall on her head, otherwise she would really be doomed.

"The princess is so eloquent, you will tell me if you are dead."

An older court lady immediately stood up. She supported Jun Chujing, who was so angry that she was about to lose her footing, and stared sharply at Yuan Deyin.

Her name is Ziying, and she is one of Dowager Wei's most trusted maids-in-waiting.

Concubine Wei put her next to Jun Chujing this time because she wanted her to help Jun Chujing deal with Yuan Deyin.

Hearing Ziying's yin and yang words, Yin Panrong and Mei Qingzhou wanted to stand up and speak for Yuan Deyin.

But Yuan Deyin, who noticed their actions, quickly raised his hand to block their actions.

She raised her head and smiled slightly at Jun Chujing and Ziying, showing her eight cute little teeth.

She smiled and said: "Thank you for the compliment, the princess also thinks that she is very eloquent. After all, it's really not good to be eloquent when dealing with some idiots who are outspoken."


Ziying and Jun Chujing were almost pissed off by Yuan Deyin.

She was clearly scolding them!

Both Mei Qingzhou and Yin Panrong were holding back their laughter, and Deyin was cursing, in fact... also with a vicious tongue.

"What are you still doing at the door? Do you want me to invite you?"

Suddenly at this time, an angry voice came from the academy.

"Too bad. Aunt Yu Fang must be angry, Deyin, we have to go in quickly."

Mei Qingzhou and Yin Panrong were alone, holding Yuan Deyin's little hand, and hurried into the academy.

Behind them are Wuyi and Cang Ling.

"Who is Aunt Yu Fang?" The little girl couldn't help asking curiously while running with them.

"Aunt Yu Fang is the aunt in charge of things other than our studies. She is very strict. Because she is the person in charge of the Yu family. When the Yu family was established from Weiyang Academy, it was the Yu family who were in charge of the academy. It's my aunt. Besides, Yu's family is also in charge of the keys to the Library Pavilion in the palace, and many ministers in the court want to give her face."

Yin Panrong lowered her voice and explained to Yuan Deyin.

I see……

Yuan Deyin suddenly realized.

After she walked in, she realized that almost all the ten newly admitted students had arrived.

The rest of the people basically brought one or two maidservants, so Wuyi and Cang Ling followed her without looking too abrupt.

But soon, Jun Chujing was standing beside her.

Behind Jun Chujing was a group of mighty people.

The face of Aunt Yu Fang who was standing in front of her immediately sank, matching the navy blue robe she was wearing.

"Bringing so many people to the academy, do you regard the academy as your own home?" Aunt Yu Fang looked at Jun Chujing and said sternly.

"These are all the maids of this princess. This princess is a princess, so what if I bring a few more people?"

Jun Chujing didn't expect that she would be bullied by an old woman when she first entered the academy, and her complexion also darkened, she wished she could yell "bold", and then let the old woman be dragged down to fold her staff for fifty.

"Princess? Jun Chujing student, you may have forgotten. In the academy, no matter who your father is, no matter what your family background is, you are just a student studying. You must listen to the dean, the master, and the head of the school." if."

When Aunt Yu Fang was saying this, she glanced around, and finally took a few extra glances at Jun Chujing and Yuan Deyin.

Yuan Deyin's back stiffened, and he secretly swallowed his saliva.

It was strange, why she felt that Aunt Yu Fang didn't like her very much.

But, isn't it the first time they met? She remembered that she had never offended her.

"You, you little manager, you actually..." Jun Chujing pointed at Aunt Yu Fang angrily, wanting to yell at her.

But suddenly, Aunt Yu Fang took out a whip from her hand.

Her tone became a little colder.

"This is the whip that the Taizu gave to the Yu family when the academy was established. It was used to teach those imperial daughters and noble daughters who tried to rely on their status to be disobedient in the academy. Student Jun Chujing, do you want to Do you want to try the taste of this whip?"

Seeing the royal logo on the whip, Jun Chujing was shocked instantly.

She trembled a bit, then gritted her teeth and said, "My lord..."


"Student dare not, aunt taught me well." Jun Chujing felt extremely aggrieved, but in the end she could only admit cowardice.

Alas, this aunt seems to be very difficult to get along with.

Yuan Deyin murmured in his heart.

As a result, at this moment, Jun Chujing gave her a disgusted look.

Then he gritted his teeth and said, "Hmph, Yuan Deyin, seeing this princess being scolded, don't you feel particularly gloating now. This princess will never let you go."

Yuan Deyin: "???"

Is she sick? Is the princess gloating?
However, knowing that Jun Chujing is a lunatic, Yuan Deyin didn't bother to pay attention to her.

"As long as you are in the academy for one day, you will be under my care. I don't care how noble you dress outside, but inside the academy, you must wear uniforms."

After Aunt Yu Fang's words fell, someone came out with ten sets of hospital uniforms.

Yuan Deyin took a look and found that the court uniform was blue and white. Although the color was extremely plain, the style was pretty.

Wait, the person bringing her clothes is...

When Yuan Deyin saw Yuan Ying'er, who was also wearing a blue and white court uniform, her little face instantly collapsed.

Why on the first day when she entered the academy, she saw two people she didn't want to meet.

"Sister, sister is really proud of you to see you here." Yuan Ying'er said with a smile.

It's like a gentle sister.

Yuan Deyin's hairs stood on end.

She twitched the corners of her mouth expressionlessly, and said, "Thank you."

Then, I took over the hospital uniform.

But one thing she found very strange was why there was a piece of beautiful embroidery on her courtyard uniform, but not on other people's clothes.

Realizing that Yuan Deyin had noticed the embroidery, Yuan Ying'er continued to say with a smile: "Sister, there is Huixuan embroidery on this hospital gown, which is the only one in the whole courtyard, and the dean specially said that it will be given to you."

Yuan Ying'er's voice was deliberately amplified so that others around could hear it.

In an instant, Yuan Deyin received countless jealous looks.

Huixuan embroidery?

That turned out to be Huixuan embroidery!

A lot of people were staring at Yuan Deyin, almost making a hole in her.

Who doesn't know that Huixuan embroidery was lost more than ten years ago?
I'm afraid this dress has been treasured for more than ten years.

The so-called Huixuan embroidery is an embroidered girl named "Huixuan". No one knows her true face, only that she wears a veil every time she appears, and her embroidery is unique in the world. .

When Empress Puyang was still alive, she was appointed to do the embroidery of the palace robes.

How many noble ladies in Beijing wanted to get a piece of embroidery, but they all failed.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Yuan Deyin came, the dean would give her such special treatment, how could people not be jealous?

Sensing those jealous eyes, Yuan Deyin's eyes darkened for a moment, and she immediately understood that Yuan Ying'er wanted to arouse everyone's jealousy towards her, and then regarded her as a thorn in her side.

"Okay, let's go and change your clothes. After changing your clothes, come back and gather. I will take you to your room." Aunt Yu Fang said coldly.

"Deyin, come here, we will take you to change clothes." Mei Qingzhou and the others smiled and waved to Yuan Deyin.

Looking back at Mei Qingzhou and Yin Panrong, Yuan Deyin's depressed mood disappeared instantly.

She trotted over and walked with them.

"Deyin, did that Yuan Ying'er mean that everyone was jealous of you?" Yin Panrong folded her arms and turned to ask Yuan Deyin.

Although she was careless, she could still sense Yuan Ying'er's vicious intentions.

"Well, forget it, I just don't care about these things." Yuan Deyin shrugged.

Suddenly, she smelled something, and she couldn't help turning her head.

"Sister Qingzhou, you smell so good, why does it smell like sweet-scented osmanthus cake?"

"That's right, it's osmanthus cake. I knew you, a greedy cat, would definitely want osmanthus cake when you come to the academy, so I prepared it for you in advance." Mei Qingzhou smiled and took out the osmanthus cake.

"Thank you, Sister Qingzhou." Yuan Deyin thanked obediently.

She held the clothes in one hand, and then wanted to free the other hand to pick up the sweet-scented osmanthus cake.

But at this time, a woman suddenly rushed out of the corner.

She bumped into Yuan Deyin and almost knocked Yuan Deyin down.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." The other party lowered his head and kept apologizing.

Yuan Deyin saw that she was nervous and she was still holding a set of hospital uniforms, maybe she was busy with something.

So she hurriedly said: "It's okay, you can go about your own affairs."

Hearing what she said, the woman quickly left with her clothes in her arms.

"Okay, this is my room. You can change your clothes here. Time is running out. Aunt Yu Fang doesn't like people who are not on time. You have to hurry up." Mei Qingzhou patiently told her.

"Well, I see." Yuan Deyin replied obediently, holding his clothes and preparing to close the door.

"Forget it, those clothes are cumbersome, let me help you." Yin Panrong volunteered, she rolled up her sleeves, and followed in.

But soon, she shouted anxiously from inside: "Qingzhou, something happened!"

problem occurs?
Mei Qingzhou and Wuyi looked at each other, and they quickly opened the door.

As a result, I saw Yuan Deyin and Yin Panrong hugging their clothes with sad faces.

"what happened?"

"Qingzhou, the embroidery on this court uniform is gone." Yin Panrong pointed anxiously at the hem of the dress, and said in a panic.

(End of this chapter)

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