Chapter 231

Aunt Yu Fang doesn't even bother to give Yuan Deyin an extra look.

In her opinion, no matter how Yuan Deyin quibbles today, she will never escape this punishment.

"It's Deyin's fault for not taking good care of the courtyard uniforms, but no one is a sage. The most important thing is to be able to remedy it. Deyin begged Aunt Yu Fang to give him a chance to get Deyin back to get the courtyard uniforms. "

"The hospital uniform is lost, can you still get it back?" Aunt Yufang raised her eyebrows and glanced at Yuan Deyin, with a little more curiosity and disbelief in her expression.

"Sister, can you really do it? This is not a family thing, so stop messing around."

Yuan Ying'er glanced at Yuan Deyin tentatively.

"That's natural. Deyin now knows who took the hospital uniform and where she put it. Now it only takes time to find it. So Deyin begged Aunt Yu Fang I can give Deyin an hour..."

Yuan Deyin shifted his eyes from Yuan Ying'er to Aunt Yu Fang, and said calmly.

"Aren't you procrastinating for time and waiting for the Ninth Prince to rescue you? Let me tell you..."

Aunt Yu Fang had a cold face, and wanted to refuse Yuan Deyin's request.

But Yuan Deyin was not flustered, she smiled and interrupted Aunt Yu Fang.

"Aunt Yu Fang, you are so nervous. Could it be that you have something to do with the person who changed the uniform of the Deyin Academy? That's why you don't want to give Deyin the opportunity to look for it?"

"You, how could I have anything to do with that thief?" Aunt Yu Fang glared at Yuan Deyin angrily.

"Auntie, what she did wrong is what she did wrong. Don't give her a chance."

At this moment, a thin woman behind Aunt Yu Fang said in a low voice.

When Yuan Deyin was speaking to the other party, her eyes instantly fell on the other party.

It was a thin face, and the other party didn't even dare to look at her.

Yuan Deyin vaguely guessed something in his heart.

She turned her head and looked at Wuyi, something flashed in her eyes, but the expressions of the two did not show half.

"Before Deyin was admitted to the hospital, I heard that Aunt Yu Fang was fair and took great care of the students' feelings. Today Deyin just wants to make up for her mistakes. Why can't she even have this opportunity?"

Yuan Deyin said calmly.

Now that Yuan Deyin has talked about this point, Aunt Yu Fang feels that if she disagrees, she will be justified.

Forget it, she wants to see how Yuan Deyin can jump around even if given the chance!

She frowned in disgust, and then said loudly: "Okay, I'll give you half an hour. If you can't find the hospital uniform, the punishment will be doubled."

"Of course it is possible," Yuan Deyin smiled, and then continued, "Then Deyin will look for it first."

After speaking, she quickly turned and left.

The moment she turned to leave, she could clearly feel that the thin woman next to Aunt Yu Fang was a little flustered.

Walking to a place where no one could see, Wuyi behind Yuan Deyin immediately stopped.

"Princess, the woman next to Aunt Yu Fang looks flustered, there must be something tricky. And the servant girl looks at her figure, which is very similar to the woman who bumped into you."

Wuyi's words also awakened Mei Qingzhou.

"That woman entered the academy at the same time as us. Her name is Wu Xiuxiu. She is usually introverted and doesn't like to talk, but she is diligent and diligent, so she has won the trust of Aunt Fang." Mei Qingzhou quickly explained.

"Oh, I understand. That Wu Xiuxiu was so nervous just now, she must have taken away the courtyard uniform. I know which courtyard she lives in, so I'll dig out the courtyard uniform now.

Yin Panrong rolled up her sleeves and said angrily.

But Yuan Deyin reached out and grabbed her.

"Sister Panrong, calm down first. If you were really Wu Xiuxiu, would you put the stolen goods in your room?"

Yuan Deyin asked Yin Panrong patiently.


Yin Panrong was silent for a while, and then shook her head seriously: "No, even someone as unintelligent as me would not do this, and Wu Xiuxiu is even more impossible."

"Ah, what should we do now? Shall we go directly to Aunt Yu Fang's place and point out that the thief is Wu Xiuxiu?" Yin Panrong asked frantically.

"Of course not. Do you think Aunt Yu Fang will believe us?"

Mei Qingzhou reluctantly rejected Yin Panrong's suggestion.

"Both of these methods don't work, so what should we do? Where can we go and make a courtyard uniform with embroidery out of thin air? Also, are we really going to let that little thief Wu Xiuxiu get away with it?"

Yin Panrong continued to be mad.

She has such a violent temper, and she really can't bear this aggrieved anger.

Seeing Yin Panrong's anxious appearance, Wuyi couldn't help laughing.

"Don't worry, our princess will not let herself be wronged." Wuyi looked at them and explained.

After finishing speaking, she turned her head and said to Yuan Deyin in a firm tone: "Princess, do you already have an idea?"

Seeing the calm appearance of their princess just now, she already guessed something in her heart.

"Sister Wuyi really understands me. Don't worry, I will not only take back the original hospital uniform, but I will not make it easier for those who plot against me." Yuan Deyin said firmly.

After speaking, she stretched out her hand to Mei Qingzhou.

"Sister Qingzhou, give me the embroidery."


Could it be that she wants to embroider by herself.

The one-hour appointment is approaching.

Yin Panrong and the others were outside anxiously.

Cang Ling clasped her palms and prayed, her palms turned red.

"The maidservant has never seen the princess embroidered before, can she really do it?" Cang Ling looked at the closed door worriedly and asked.

Mei Qingzhou couldn't open her brows either.

She has a deeper understanding of the difficulty of embroidery.

It is simply impossible to do this without the skill of a few years or more than ten years.

Moreover, they just glanced at the embroidery pattern on it. Even her master may not be able to imitate the outline, let alone restore Huixuan embroidery?

Although Deyin looked full of confidence before going in just now, they couldn't let go of their hearts for a moment.

Because she was worried that Deyin was ignorant and fearless. She probably didn't know the difficulty, so she was so confident.

Just when they were extremely worried, the door was suddenly opened.

Yuan Deyin, who was wearing a hospital uniform, walked out slowly with her hands behind her back. She still had a small bell pinned to her waist, which jingled as she walked.

Under the bell, several flowers are blooming amazingly, and there are colorful birds among the flower clusters.

Such beautiful embroidery.

"This, this is similar to the original one."

Yin Panrong covered her mouth and said in shock.

Mei Qingzhou walked over quickly, and she started to touch it lightly.

The touch was completely different from ordinary embroidery, which shocked her.

She knew exactly how ordinary the thread she gave Deyin was.

But the effect of this embroidery is really amazing.

Moreover, the embroidery pattern looks the same as the original one.

She just took a look at Deyin, but she actually wrote it down?
Also, how did she do the embroidery?
Many questions lingered in their minds. Before they could ask them clearly, Yuan Deyin patted their shoulders and said with a smile, "Let's go, let's punish the bad guys."

"Aunt Yu Fang, you are so kind. It is impossible for Princess Deyin to find a hospital uniform. You even gave her a chance..."

"That is, if it were me, I would just punish her directly, lest she get spoiled and think that she is the biggest here."

"The hour is almost here, and no one has appeared yet. She must be afraid, so she should run home."

As they spoke, those people burst into laughter.

"This princess is personally named by the dean to come to the academy. Why does this princess leave?"

Suddenly at this time, Yuan Deyin, who was wearing a plain court uniform, walked slowly.

With one hand resting on her back, her back straightened, she glanced at those people with indifferent eyes, and they felt a bit suffocated.

"Aunt Yu Fang, the courtyard uniform Deyin has been found." Yuan Deyin turned her head, looked at Aunt Yu Fang, and said calmly.

"Find it?"

Aunt Yu Fang immediately stood up from her chair and quickly came to Yuan Deyin's side.

Her eyes were fixed on the embroidery on Yuan Deyin's skirt, as if she was about to pierce a hole.

"Auntie, she must be fake." Wu Xiuxiu said anxiously.

"Oh, student, how do you know that this hospital uniform is fake?" Yuan Deyin asked Wu Xiuxiu with a sideways gaze, tilting his head and smiling.

He looks innocent, but his eyes are a bit sharp.

Wu Xiuxiu's expression froze instantly.

"I, I just think you are that kind of person..."

"Since when did the students around Aunt Yu Fang use their feelings to judge a person's quality?" Yuan Deyin's voice was a little colder, and his eyes were even more scorching.

"I, I..." Wu Xiuxiu choked on her words, not daring to look at Yuan Deyin at all.

This idiot doesn't even have the ability to pretend!

Yuan Ying'er stood beside her, staring at Wu Xiuxiu with disgust in her eyes.

"Sister, classmate Xiuxiu didn't mean anything malicious, she might just be curious about where you found the hospital uniform. And this embroidery, many of our classmates have never seen it before, so it's hard to be sure if it's real."

Yuan Yinger said with a smile.

She sounded like she was reconciling the relationship between Yuan Deyin and Wu Xiuxiu, but if she listened carefully, she could tell that she was saying that Yuan Deyin's embroidery was fake.

After Yuan Ying'er finished speaking, Aunt Yu Fang's complexion became extremely bad.

"I gave you an hour, not for you to find a fake courtyard uniform to fool me." Aunt Yu Fang said to Yuan Deyin in disgust.

"Why does Aunt Yu Fang think that this hospital uniform is fake? How about we find someone to identify it?" Yuan Deyin said in a neither humble nor overbearing tone.

"Okay. Yingcai, go and call Aunt Lou over here." Aunt Yu Fang ordered her maid directly.

Who is Aunt Lou?
The first reaction of the little girl Yuan Deyin was to frown.

Aware of her doubts, Mei Qingzhou behind her quickly explained.

"Aunt Lou Ping is the aunt with the best embroidery in Weiyang Academy. She has studied Huixuan embroidery for many years. As for whether it is genuine Huixuan embroidery, she can tell at a glance..."

While talking, Mei Qingzhou's expression became a little nervous.

They knew best that it wasn't Huixuan's embroidery at all, but the embroidery that Deyin didn't know how to get on.

Yin Panrong beside them was a little restless.

Seeing their nervous appearance, Yuan Ying'er and Wu Xiuxiu looked at each other.

There was some worry in the eyes of the two of them, but now they have completely calmed down.

Because they were sure that what Yuan Deyin was wearing was a fake, and they would stare at Aunt Lou Ping to expose Yuan Deyin's lies.

I'm afraid that at that time, Yuan Deyin will only be more embarrassing.

Thinking of this, Yuan Ying'er almost sneered.

"Aunt Yu Fang, why do you think Deyin's body is fake Huixuan embroidery? You make Deyin so sad."

The little girl was downcast, looking very aggrieved.

"Heh, I've been in charge of students in Weiyang Academy for so many years, what kind of person haven't I seen? Your little trick is not enough for me. If your embroidery is real, I will show it in front of all the students in the academy." , apologize to you personally."

Hearing that Yuan Deyin wanted to refute her, Yufang's expression turned cold in an instant, and she even put down her harsh words.

"However, if the embroidery is really fake, you have to leave Weiyang Academy immediately, no matter whether it is the emperor or the Ninth Prince, you will never set foot in this place for the rest of your life."

"Okay." Yuan Deyin nodded without hesitation.

It was too late for Mei Qingzhou and the others to stop her.

Seeing that it was done, Mei Qingzhou and the others covered their heads and sighed.

Deyin shouldn't have agreed to such a request!
Because the embroidery is fake.

Just when the atmosphere was extremely delicate, Ying Cai came back, followed by Aunt Lou Ping.

Aunt Lou Ping's yard is nearby, so I came over quickly.

"Aunt Yu Fang, what do you want from me?" Aunt Lou Ping asked from a distance.

Aunt Lou Ping and Aunt Yu Fang are about the same age, but they give off a gentle appearance that has been quiet for years.

I don't know if it's because of studying embroidery all the year round, although the corners of her eyes are already wrinkled, but her brows are gentle.

"A student lost the only Huixuan embroidered school uniform in the academy, and later got a fake one to fool him. I said she still talked back and insisted on asking you to identify it." Aunt Yu Fang said in a bad tone Said.

"Huixuan's embroidered hospital uniform is missing?" Aunt Lou Ping heard Aunt Yu Fang's words, her first reaction was not to blame Yuan Deyin, but worried about the courtyard uniform.

"Aunt Lou Ping, I haven't lost the Huixuan embroidered uniform, it's on Deyin's body." Yuan Deyin said to Aunt Lou Ping obediently at this time.

"Student Yuan Deyin, do you think Aunt Lou Ping would believe your nonsense, this embroidery is fake, this..." Aunt Yu Fang sneered at Yuan Deyin in a cold voice.

But before she could finish her words, Aunt Lou Ping raised her hand.

"do not speak."

She walked slowly towards Yuan Deyin, staring at the embroidery on Yuan Deyin's skirt with burning eyes, her face was full of heat, vaguely complicated.

Soon, she came to Yuan Deyin and touched the embroidery with her hands.

"You said this embroidery is Huixuan embroidery?" Aunt Lou Ping stared at Yuan Deyin closely and asked in a strange tone.

When the rest of the people heard Aunt Lou Ping's words, they instantly made up their minds.

I'm afraid that Aunt Lou Ping sensed that she was being tricked and wanted to scold Yuan Deyin.

"Yes." Yuan Deyin said firmly.

Mei Qingzhou and the others felt ashamed.

Yuan Ying'er and Aunt Yu Fang were full of excitement, and they stared at Lou Ping and said that the embroidery was fake, and they could punish Yuan Deyin.

Just when they were full of anticipation, Aunt Lou Ping suddenly put down the skirt and said with a smile, "That's right, this is Huixuan embroidery."

(End of this chapter)

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