Chapter 232


Aunt Yu Fang and Wu Xiuxiu spoke at the same time.

Even Mei Qingzhou and the others looked at Yuan Deyin and Aunt Lou Ping in shock.

This did it become real?
"Aunt Lou Ping, take another look, how can this embroidery be real?"

Yuan Ying'er was originally prepared for Yuan Deyin to be scolded.

But who knew that Aunt Lou Ping would actually say such words, so for a moment, she was a little anxious and her tone was a little offended.

"I have studied embroidery for many years, and what I admire the most is Huixuan embroidery. I still have many pieces of Huixuan embroidery in my room. Do you want me to bring them over now and compare them one by one for you?"

Hearing Yuan Ying'er's questioning tone, Aunt Lou Ping's tone also cooled down.

"Aunt Lou Ping, you misunderstood, Ying'er didn't mean that..." Yuan Ying'er's heart sank when she heard that Aunt Lou Ping was angry.

Although Aunt Lou Ping doesn't like to be in charge in the academy, her status with the dean is higher than Aunt Yu Fang's.

If she offends Aunt Lou Ping, all her efforts in the academy for so many years will be in vain, so Yuan Yinger immediately wanted to apologize.

But Aunt Lou Ping didn't want to hear her explanation either, she turned her head to look at Aunt Yu Fang and said, "I can assure you that this embroidery is Huixuan embroidery."

Aunt Yu Fang's smile was stiff, she twitched the corners of her mouth, and then pretended to be relaxed and said: "Aunt Lou, we naturally believe your appraisal."

"Okay, since the embroidery is real, it means that the school uniform has been recovered. Caiying, take all the students to the allocated courtyard." Aunt Yu Fang shook her hands, and wanted to turn around and leave.

But suddenly, Yuan Deyin's crisp voice came from behind her.

"Aunt Yu Fang, have you forgotten something?"

Her words successfully made Aunt Yu Fang's footsteps pause.

She turned her head and stared at Yuan Deyin with an ugly expression: "Student Yuan Deyin, what else do you want?"

"Deyin still remembers that before Aunt Lou Ping came, Aunt Yu Fang swore many times that Deyin's embroidery was not the real Huixuan embroidery. Deyin felt wronged, so she made a bet with her aunt. Do you still remember?"

Yuan Deyin looked at Aunt Yu Fang with a smile like this, looking very innocent and well-behaved, but Aunt Yu Fang who was standing opposite her almost gritted her teeth.

"Student Yuan Deyin, you lost the school uniform, you should get it back, you..." Aunt Yu Fang frowned, trying to change the subject.

"Well, Deyin knew she was wrong, so Deyin apologized very seriously just now. I just don't know, when will Aunt Yu Fang apologize?"

Yuan Deyin continued to ask with a smile.

Is she forcing Aunt Yu Fang?
The other people standing not far from Yuan Deyin looked shocked, as if they were watching a play.

Sure enough, it would be good to have the Ninth Prince backing her up, she is just an orphan from the Prince Ji's mansion, she dared to challenge Aunt Yu Fang.

Some people were thinking sourly while watching the play.

Seeing Aunt Yu Fang's face getting more and more ugly, Yuan Ying'er hurriedly said: "Sister, stop messing around, just find the hospital uniform, it's just a misunderstanding, Aunt Yu Fang didn't target you Meaning. How can you show respect to your elders when you are making such nonsense?"

In the end, Yuan Ying'er directly began to criticize Yuan Deyin.

"Yuan Ying'er, you mean that Aunt Yu Fang is an elder, so even if she did something wrong or made a bet, she shouldn't apologize, right?"

Hearing Yuan Ying'er's aggressive words, Yuan Deyin was not in a hurry, her smiling eyes fell on Yuan Ying'er.

Yuan Ying'er's smile froze, she didn't expect Yuan Deyin to be so unreasonable.

"Sister, what I mean is..." Yuan Ying'er bite the bullet and wanted to continue explaining.

"That's enough. I really misread this matter. I didn't know that it was Huixuan embroidery. I am sorry for the unnecessary misunderstanding. Now, is it okay?"

Aunt Yu Fang interrupted Yuan Ying'er in a cold voice, then gritted her teeth and said to Yuan Deyin.

She stared at Yuan Deyin with anger in her eyes.

She was born in a family, and in this Weiyang Academy, no student has ever dared to embarrass her so much.

Aunt Lou Ping was standing nearby, listening to the back and forth conversations, she quickly guessed something.

She just frowned, but didn't say anything.

"Okay, I've already said what I have to say, you all go away." Aunt Yu Fang gave Yuan Deyin a disgusted look, and she said to everyone impatiently.

But when she was about to turn around and leave, Yuan Deyin called her again.

"Aunt Yu Fang, don't you want to know who stole the hospital uniform and how Deyin got it back?"

When Yuan Deyin said this, his eyes stayed on Wu Xiuxiu beside Aunt Fang for a while.

Sensing Yuan Deyin's gaze, Wu Xiuxiu's face turned pale and her body trembled a few times.

"Who the hell is it!" Aunt Yu Fang stopped and asked in a cold voice.

She almost forgot about it.

It was the damn thief who made her suffer from Yuan Deyin.

In the Weiyang Academy she manages, thieves can still appear, which is clearly a slap in the face for her.

The more she thought about it, Aunt Yu Fang wished she could tear that man apart.

There was a chill on her face, and then she asked loudly: "Come on, since you have found the hospital uniform, then tell who made it, and I will definitely use the hospital rules to deal with her." .”

"This, I'm afraid I can't for the time being." Yuan Deyin shook his head and said with a embarrassed face.

"Why not?" Aunt Yu Fang's voice was a little shrill.

She suspected that Yuan Deyin was teasing her on purpose, so her complexion became more and more bad.

When Wu Xiuxiu and Yuan Ying'er on the side heard Yuan Deyin saying that they couldn't do it for the time being, their hearts were a little relieved, and they could take a breath.

But what Yuan Deyin said next made their hearts tense again.

Yuan Deyin said: "Because Deyin was careless, Uncle Jiuhuang found a magical spice from the herdsmen in the West Sea and asked Deyin to carry it with him. Anything that Deyin touched would be stained with it. The smell. Deyin followed the smell to find the hospital uniform..."

There is such a miraculous thing?
The first one who was confused was Wuyi standing behind Yuan Deyin.

When did the prince find the herdsmen of Xihai?
Didn't they go to war then?Where are the shepherds?

Wait, the princess probably wants to...

Wuyi quickly realized, she coughed in a low voice, and then added seriously: "That's right, since using that spice, even if a thief steals the princess's things on the street, the prince can Catch the thief in no time, and send him to the sky prison himself."

When Wu Yi said the last sentence, his eyes deliberately stopped on Wu Xiuxiu and Yuan Ying'er.

Wu Xiuxiu's face turned pale.

While Yuan Ying'er was flustered, she was also filled with overwhelming jealousy.

Why does Ninth Prince treat Yuan Deyin so well? He always thinks about her!
"Then tell me, what else did you find!" Aunt Yu Fang said to Yuan Deyin impatiently.

She looked at Yuan Deyin's face more now, and she felt extremely unhappy.

Yuan Deyin naturally knew that Aunt Yu Fang didn't like her, so she shrugged and looked at her with a brighter smile.

"Deyin was found in the other courtyard of the student, but all the other courtyards of the students are the same. I don't know whose room belongs to that room. However, I also smelled the familiar smell of spices near here. I guess the thief It's hidden among the crowd." Yuan Deyin continued to answer.

"It's really unreasonable." Aunt Yu Fang was angry with a dark face.

This is really provoking her majesty!
"Yuan Deyin, since you provoked this matter, you must find out the thief who insulted the teacher." Aunt Yu Fang said to Yuan Deyin in a cold voice.

There was a kind of vowel sound in her tone. If she couldn't find someone else, she would never let her go.

"Aunt Yu Fang, Deyin naturally wants to find the thief. It's just that there are so many people now, the smell of spices is mixed with other rouge powder, and it's hard for Deyin to distinguish..."

Yuan Deyin hung his head, looking very embarrassed.

"Okay, let all the students go back to their own houses now. Then let the princess go to everyone's house to smell the incense. In this way, not only can you recognize the house where the hospital uniform is found, but you can also smell the person Spices, make sure to get people out."

Aunt Lou Ping actually stood up and spoke. Her voice was soft and calm, which was very comfortable to listen to.

But everyone was more shocked.

Even Aunt Yu Fang stared at her strangely.

After all, all the elders in this academy know that Aunt Lou Ping is the least meddling person.

I'm afraid that the willingness to come to appraise this time is probably because of "Huixuan Embroidery".

But why should she come up with an idea now? ,

And it sounded like she was trying to help Yuan Deyin find a way.

Also, she called Yuan Deyin "Junzhu", which is much gentler than calling Yuan Deyin a student.

"Aunt Yu Fang, what do you think of my idea?" Aunt Lou Ping looked at Aunt Yu Fang calmly.

She invited the person here, and Aunt Yu Fang is not easy to offend.

Besides, she really wanted to catch that little bitch who was a thief under her nose.

So she quickly nodded with a cold face: "Aunt Lou's suggestion is very good, let's do it like this."

"Now everyone, go back to your own room." Aunt Yu Fang turned her head and ordered in a cold voice.

Wu Xiuxiu glanced at Yuan Ying'er nervously, wanting to ask for help.

Yuan Ying'er frowned and glared at her, then quickly withdrew her gaze, pretending that she and Wu Xiuxiu had a very bad relationship.

"What are you still doing here? Hurry up and go back to your own rooms!"

Aunt Yu Fang is now suffocating anger, so when she faces Yuan Ying'er and Wu Xiuxiu, whom she values ​​very much on weekdays, her tone can't get better.

"Yes, aunt." Yuan Ying'er and Wu Xiuxiu lowered their heads, concealing their different expressions, and hurried back.

Mei Qingzhou and Yin Panrong hurried back to their room in order not to fall into the trap.

Now there are only Yuan Deyin, Wuyi, Cang Ling, Aunt Yu Fang, Aunt Lou Ping and a few maidservants left here.

"Okay, they've already gone back, you can go smell the incense." Aunt Yu Fang said to Yuan Deyin impatiently.

Caiying, who was behind her, immediately came out to lead the way, "My lord, the student's other courtyard is ranked first in Taoyuan, followed by Bamboo Garden, Apricot Garden... Let's start with Taoyuan first."

"No, why do we come in order? Isn't random better?" Yuan Deyin suddenly stopped Caiying and said meaningfully.

"Random? What if someone is missed?" Aunt Yu Fang's first reaction was to disagree with Yuan Deyin's approach.

She has a lot of opinions on Yuan Deyin now, so once Yuan Deyin makes any move, she wants to deny it.

"I think it's good to be random. It just so happens that I haven't visited the Academy for a long time, so let's take this opportunity to visit today." Aunt Lou Ping said with a smile.

She also looked at Yuan Deyin and nodded.

Hearing Aunt Lou Ping's words, Aunt Yu Fang felt that she had been stabbed in the heart.

What's going on with Lou Ping today? It looks like she is deliberately favoring Yuan Deyin!
(End of this chapter)

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