Chapter 233 Angry Yuan Ying'er

Wu Xiuxiu went back to her room.

She quickly closed the door, hands and feet trembling.

"How can there be spices..."

She said in a crying voice, she kept pulling her hair, and she was a little manic.

Her family is not well-off, and being able to study in Weiyang Academy can make their family feel proud in that small place, and she can also avoid the fate of marrying a butcher.

However, living in the capital city, with so many wealthy daughters in the academy, she felt inferior.

She was desperate to get more money.

So when Yuan Yinger asked her to help deal with Yuan Deyin, she would give her 100 taels of silver afterwards.

She hesitated for a moment, but quickly agreed.

In her opinion, Yuan Deyin is the princess, favored by the Ninth Prince and the Emperor, even the dean looks at her with admiration, and she can get what she wants easily.

So even if such a precious courtyard uniform disappeared, Aunt Yu Fang would just scold her at most, and it would not do any actual harm to her.

People like Yuan Deyin, who are in the cloud, are wronged and blamed once, and it is considered to be sympathetic to the pain of ordinary people like them.

But who knew that Yuan Deyin was so persistent in finding out the truth.

"Damn it, what does that spice smell like?" Wu Xiuxiu put her hand under her nose and sniffed for a long time.

Although she couldn't smell anything, she felt very uneasy.

She quickly poured a large basin of water into the basin, then reached into it and rubbed it continuously.

Yuan Deyin and the others are estimated to be in the front room now, and she must wash off the damn smell before they arrive.

But suddenly, she remembered something.

Quickly ran behind the flower pot and moved a brick off the wall.

Then a notch is revealed, with a box inside.

This box is for stealing hospital uniforms, and it probably smells like spices.

She had to throw the box away, so that Yuan Deyin would come over, even if she recognized the room and she couldn't find the box, it would be dead without proof.

Thinking of this, Wu Xiuxiu felt less flustered.

She quickly picked up the box.

But when she picked up the box, she found that the box... was very heavy.

She hesitated for a moment, then opened the box with her hands.

As a result, a set of courtyard uniforms were placed neatly, with clearly visible Huixuan embroidery on the skirt of the courtyard uniforms.

With a "bang", Wu Xiuxiu shook her hand and let the box fall to the ground in a panic.

It was also at this time that the door was opened, and a crowd of people stood at the door.

The courtyard uniform with Huixuan embroidery on the ground came into their sight.

it's over...

She, it's over...

There was only one thought in Wu Xiuxiu's mind.

She rushed over and knelt down in front of Aunt Yu Fang.

"Aunt Yu Fang, I didn't steal this courtyard uniform, and I don't know why it's here." Wu Xiuxiu explained frantically.

"So it's you, Wu Xiuxiu..." Aunt Yu Fang sneered.

Although she was smiling, Wu Xiuxiu felt a chill crawling up her heart.

She knew that Aunt Yu Fang probably hated her completely.

"Aunt Yu Fang, you have to believe me, it must be Yuan Deyin who put things here to frame me."

Wu Xiuxiu was still unwilling to admit it, she was still holding on.

"My princess framed you? The courtyard uniform embroidered with Huixuan is on this princess. How did this princess frame you?" Yuan Deyin looked at Wu Xiuxiu with a cold face.

"Yes, Aunt Yu Fang, the courtyard uniform with embroidery is on her body, so the one in my room is not the real courtyard uniform, I did not steal the courtyard uniform!"

Wu Xiuxiu seemed to have finally grasped the straw, she hurriedly followed Yuan Deyin's words to clarify her relationship.

"If you didn't steal the hospital uniform, then why did you come back and wash your hands in a panic when the princess said to check the spices on people's hands, and took the initiative to find this box! The courtyard uniform of the princess was taken by you It was stolen!"

Yuan Deyin said sharply.

"Nonsense, isn't your hospital uniform on you?" Wu Xiuxiu didn't know where her confidence came from, and she directly groaned to Yuan Deyin.

"The princess Deyin is wearing is not the hospital uniform appointed by the dean, but the one on the ground."

At this time, Aunt Lou Ping, who had been silent all this time, spoke again.

Hearing Aunt Lou Ping's words, everyone's shocked expressions switched back and forth between Yuan Deyin's body and the skirt on the ground.

"Aunt Lou, didn't you just say that her hospital uniform is real?"

Aunt Yu Fang's tone was a little angry, she felt that Aunt Lou Ping was deceiving her.

Aunt Lou Ping chuckled, she walked over there slowly, and picked up the skirt on the ground.

Then he skillfully lifted the collar of the skirt and pointed to the word "Yuan" on it.

Then he said to everyone: "Every year, I personally prepare the uniforms for the newly admitted students. This year, on a whim, I stabbed everyone's surnames on the back of their collars. Although Princess Deyin's skirt was designated by the dean, But it doesn't affect me to treat people equally and help with tattooing."

When everyone looked over, there was indeed a word "Yuan" on it.

The onlookers quickly helped each other to look, only to find that the collars of the hospital uniforms they just put on had their own surnames on them.

"Don't look at my princess, I don't have this dress on my princess." Yuan Deyin shrugged and said calmly.

"Then you..." Aunt Yu Fang turned to look at Aunt Lou Ping angrily, wanting to ask her why she just said that it was Yuan Deyin's courtyard uniform.

But before she could finish her sentence, Aunt Lou Ping turned her head and said calmly: "Aunt Yu Fang, I just said that the embroidery is real. I never said that the court uniform was from Deyin County. Lord's."

"Deyin just said that the embroidery is Huixuan embroidery, not which Huixuan embroidery it is." The little girl Yuan Deyin also waved her hand and explained obediently.

Everyone was stunned, they thought about it, it seemed that it was really the same thing.

Aunt Yu Fang gritted her teeth, furious in her heart.

On purpose, absolutely on purpose!

She felt that Aunt Lou Ping and Yuan Deyin were deliberately fooling her.

She stared at the embroidery on Yuan Deyin's body, and then said coldly, "Since this courtyard uniform is not the one given by the courtyard, how can this embroidery be the real Huixuan embroidery?"

After finishing speaking, she still looked at Aunt Lou Ping with questioning eyes.

There is a big feeling that if Aunt Lou Ping doesn't explain clearly today, then she won't let it go.

Because of Yuan Deyin's matter, Aunt Yu Fang now tends to regard Aunt Lou Ping as her enemy.

Everyone smelled the imposing manner of the sword being drawn, and their posture of watching the show appeared again.

"Embroideries are all in their own way. Whoever creates a good embroidery will be named after her. Therefore, Huixuan embroidery does not mean that it is the embroidery embroidered by 'Huixuan' herself, but that it is exactly the same as her embroidery technique." The embroidery on Princess Deyin's body is exactly the same as Senior Huixuan's, not bad at all."

Aunt Lou Ping walked to Yuan Deyin's side, and lightly touched the embroidery on her skirt with her upper hand, with an indescribable emotion in her expression.

"Oh, what do you mean to say that the embroidery on the dress she is wearing is indeed not embroidered by Huixuan herself, but it is the same as Huixuan's embroidery technique?"

Aunt Yu Fang understood what Aunt Lou Ping said, but she only thought it was funny.

She laughed out loud mockingly, "Aunt Lou Ping, we are all of the same generation, and I don't want to laugh at you, but are you turning back the more you live? This embroidered Yuan Deyin is now taken out, you are not I want to say that Yuan Deyin embroidered this embroidery by herself, and she knows how to embroider in Huixuan?"

There was a hint in Aunt Yu Fang's tone that it was definitely a joke.

But after hearing Aunt Yu Fang's words, Aunt Lou Ping was not in a hurry to explain.

She turned her head, looked at Yuan Deyin tenderly and asked, "Princess Deyin, tell me, did you embroider this embroidery?"

"It was embroidered by Deyin." The little girl's expression also became serious, and she nodded seriously.

"Students can also guarantee that it was indeed embroidered by Deyin himself."

Mei Qingzhou and the others were still a little dizzy, and Deyin could embroider with Huixuan.

But they can't ask Deyin deeply now. After all, the most important thing now is to help Deyin explain clearly, so she immediately stood up.

"Students can also guarantee that it took Deyin an hour to embroider it." Yin Panrong also stood up and said firmly.

Embroidered in an hour?
Although she was mentally prepared, Aunt Lou Ping was still a little dizzy.

It can be embroidered in an hour. What kind of coincidence can the hands of Princess Deyin do?

Most of the standing onlookers knew how to embroider, and their teeth were sore when they heard Yuan Deyin's words.

Isn't it enough to get three first grades in the entrance examination?To actually crush them in embroidery!

However, apart from jealousy, they still had some small emotions in their hearts, thinking that Yuan Deyin should be lying.

Huixuan is elusive, no one has seen her appearance.

And how old is Yuan Deyin?How can you do embroidery so well.

She is lying.

Aunt Yu Fang also said in a cold voice: "How is it possible? A little girl can embroider with Huixuan?"

"Because Huixuan is Deyin's master." Facing everyone's suspicious eyes, the little girl replied calmly.

"Your master?" This time, even Aunt Lou Ping's expression was hard to calm down.

"Sister, how can you lie to me? I'm your elder sister. I didn't know you could embroider and knew Senior Huixuan..."

Yuan Ying'er, who was standing beside her, couldn't help but speak.

Her tone sounded like she was joking, but the sour tone could hardly be hidden.

"You and your mother have occupied the magpie's nest for so long, and this princess doesn't live with you. You don't know that there are many things about this princess, and you need to tell the princess personally. You?"

Yuan Deyin looked sideways, and spoke to Yuan Ying'er directly and indifferently.

Yuan Deyin was choked, and his expression was a little distorted and stiff.

"Whatever you say is what you say, do you think we are easy to fool?" Aunt Yu Fang is still unwilling to believe that Yuan Deyin is telling the truth.

"Hey, Aunt Yu Fang really doubts De Yin again." The little girl shook her head, looking very disappointed.

As she spoke, she took out a handkerchief from her pocket: "This is the handkerchief Master embroidered for Deyin himself."

Everyone looked closely, and the corner of the handkerchief was a shocking map of mountains and rivers.

This time, it was difficult for them to have any doubts in their hearts.

Because that is the most famous Shanhe Embroidery of Huixuan, which is famous all over the world.

Present the entire Chiyan mountains and rivers on a small handkerchief.

It is impossible for fakes to appear, because so far, even the most powerful embroiderer in the palace has not been able to do this step.

"This... actually have senior Huixuan's embroidery..."

Aunt Lou Ping's eyes were moved, and her voice was trembling. She raised her head and wanted to touch the handkerchief cautiously.

But Yuan Deyin quickly put the handkerchief into her hand, and said softly, "Aunt Lou, Deyin sees that you like this handkerchief very much, so I will give it to you."

"This..." Aunt Lou Ping froze for a moment.

This handkerchief is so precious, even though she is an elder, she shouldn't accept it.

She wanted to push the handkerchief back.

But Yuan Deyin waved his hand: "It's okay, there are still many in Deyin's house, and Master made a box for Deyin."

Everyone: "..."

People are so different.

Their teeth are dying.

Hearing Yuan Deyin's words, Aunt Lou Ping returned the handkerchief without insisting. She nodded with a smile: "Thank you Princess Deyin. Also, please help me and Senior Huixuan to thank you too .”

Help say thank you...

When Yuan Deyin heard Aunt Lou Ping's words, a look of loneliness flashed in her eyes.

"Student Deyin turned out to be Huixuan's apprentice. Why didn't you say something so important earlier?"

Aunt Yu Fang said this in a strange way, with a sour tone.

Luckily, Lou Ping said a few words for Yuan Deyin and got a Shanhe handkerchief.

You know, that handkerchief is hard to find outside now.

She looked at Yuan Deyin tentatively with her eyes, thinking that Yuan Deyin would give her one too.

But Yuan Deyin let the corners of her eyes blink and twitched, but she didn't let go.

I really have no eyesight!
In the end, Aunt Yu Fang could only look away angrily.

"My sister is really good. It seems that my sister neglected to take care of her before. She didn't even know that she has such a great ability. It's great that you can learn from Senior Huixuan. Otherwise, you wouldn't have learned so well. No Like me, I haven't been able to find a good master these years, so the things I embroider are not good-looking."

Yuan Ying'er endured her jealousy and anger, and greeted Yuan Deyin with a smile.

Let her be polite, and she insists on giving herself a compliment.

He said that he was not good at stabbing because he did not have senior Huixuan as his master.

It seems that as long as she can find the master, she can be as powerful as Yuan Deyin.

"You are wrong. Master has never really taught this princess. All along, this princess has been watching Master's technique and imitating it."

Yuan Deyin glanced at Yuan Ying'er, and then gave her a very indifferent look.

Yuan Ying'er's smile froze, and she laughed a few times dryly: "Then sister, you must have put a lot of effort behind your back, unlike me, who only learned embroidery for half a year..."

"No, the princess has only learned it for three months. Embroidery, isn't it enough to have hands? Is it difficult?" Yuan Deyin asked.

(End of this chapter)

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