Chapter 234 Hui Xuan's True Identity


Yuan Ying'er, who was already in a panic in her heart, was almost so angry that she was about to vomit blood.

The rest of the people stared at Yuan Deyin with sad expressions.

Why is it so exciting?
But Aunt Lou Ping, who was standing beside Yuan Deyin, would not be angry because of Yuan Deyin's "arrogance". Instead, she showed a little smile.

Unconsciously meeting Yuan Yinger, Yuan Deyin turned her head to look at Aunt Yu Fang, and said, "Aunt Yu Fang, the person who took away the uniform of Deyin Academy has been caught, what do you plan to do with her?"

When Aunt Yu Fang heard Yuan Deyin's words, her face darkened instantly.

She looked sideways and stared coldly at Wu Xiuxiu who was kneeling on the ground.

"Those who steal will naturally be expelled from the academy and then sent to officials." Aunt Yu Fang almost gritted her teeth.

The person she valued the most was actually a thief, and a thief who stole Yuan Deyin's things.

It's really good!

On the first day when this group of newcomers entered the academy, not only did Aunt Yu Fang's majesty not stand up, but she was completely humiliated by Wu Xiuxiu.

Especially now that Lou Ping is still watching.

Aunt Yu Fang felt that she had lived for so many years, and she had never experienced such embarrassment like today.

So she punished Wu Xiuxiu without mercy.

Hearing that the aunt who trusted her the most in the past actually said that she would be kicked out and sent to an official, Wu Xiuxiu was completely flustered.

She grabbed Aunt Yu Fang's sleeve tightly, her eyes were red, and she begged bitterly.

"Auntie, I know I was wrong. I won't dare again in the future. Just give me a chance, okay? I really can't be kicked out of the academy, and I can't go to jail either."

There are so many younger brothers and sisters waiting for her to raise in her family.

And she also hopes that after she can succeed in her studies at Weiyang Academy, she can get rid of her humble background.

If we drive her away now and let her go to jail, then she will really be ruined.

"Oh, now you know you're wrong? Then when you embarrass me, why don't you know you're wrong!"

Aunt Yu Fang made a hard face, she raised her hand, and directly threw Wu Xiuxiu away.

Wu Xiuxiu accidentally fell in front of Yuan Ying'er.

Yuan Ying'er lowered her head, and met Wu Xiuxiu's eyes.

Wu Xiuxiu looked happy, she anxiously grabbed Yuan Ying'er's skirt, and said nervously: "Ying'er, please explain to everyone that this matter is not my original intention, it is you..."

Just when Wu Xiuxiu was about to reveal that the instigator was Yuan Ying'er, Yuan Ying'er suddenly leaned over.

From an angle that no one could see, her sharp fingertips pierced directly into Wu Xiuxiu's back, causing Wu Xiuxiu to almost scream out of pain.

But Yuan Ying'er lowered her voice in Wu Xiuxiu's ear and said, "If you dare to say anything nonsense, I'm not sure if your younger brothers and sisters outside are safe or not."


Wu Xiuxiu's eyes widened, her face full of panic.

Now she finally knew why Yuan Ying'er was so kind that day, saying that she had been classmates for so many years and didn't know how their family was, so she insisted on going home with her to have a look.

She was very puzzled at the time.

Her family was extremely poor in a village outside the city.

Although Yuan Ying'er doesn't live in Jiwang's Mansion now, she can be considered as a daughter of a thousand gold. Why did she go to such a backcountry place?

But she didn't think much about it at the time, she just brought Yuan Ying'er there very flattered.

Thinking about it now, it turned out that Yuan Ying'er did it on purpose!
He deliberately found out where her family was, and then used this to threaten her.

She also knew that Yuan Ying'er would really do something to hurt her younger siblings, after all, Yuan Ying'er was an extremely vengeful person...

Thinking of this, Wu Xiuxiu could only swallow back what she was going to say.

"Ying'er, what are you talking to this thief?" Aunt Yu Fang asked Yuan Ying'er with a look of disgust.

Yuan Ying'er turned her head quickly, and said with a very sad look: "Ying'er is just a little sad. After all, I have been classmates for so many years, and I never thought that Xiuxiu would do such a thing. I just told her a few times, I hope she can turn her back on her ways in the future.”

"You are a good boy, unlike some white-eyed wolf, who really wasted my cultivation." Aunt Yu Fang gave Wu Xiuxiu a disgusted look.

Wu Xiuxiu was angry and aggrieved...

In the end, he could only bow his head silently.

"Take her away, I don't want to see her anymore." Aunt Yu Fang shook her hand, not even wanting to look at Wu Xiuxiu more.

After Wu Xiuxiu was dragged away, Aunt Yu Fang didn't want to stay here any longer.

She glanced at Yuan Deyin with an extremely weird look, then turned and left with her head held high.

Yuan Ying'er still didn't forget to say to Yuan Deyin very gently: "Sister, you were frightened today, remember to take a good rest when you go back."

After appeasing Yuan Deyin like a gentle sister, Yuan Ying'er was willing to leave.

"The weasel greets the chicken for the New Year, it's uneasy and kind!"

Yin Panrong looked at Yuan Ying'er's reluctance to look back at Deyin every step of the way, and she was about to vomit.

"Pan Rong." Mei Qingzhou softly called Yin Panrong, reminding her that Aunt Lou Ping was still here.

Only then did Yin Panrong realize that what she was complaining about was wrong, so she quickly stood up, not daring to say anything.

Seeing their restrained appearance, Aunt Lou Ping couldn't help laughing.

"Don't be nervous. In this academy, who is a human and who is a ghost? As long as I am not blind, I can still tell." Aunt Lou Ping explained softly.

So, Aunt Lou Ping also saw that Yuan Ying'er had something wrong with her?
Yin Panrong almost rushed over to give Aunt Lou Ping a hug.

"Princess Deyin, why don't you let student Wu Xiuxiu apologize to you?" Aunt Lou Ping's gentle eyes fell on Yuan Deyin.

It was all because of Wu Xiuxiu that Yuan Deyin suffered an indiscriminate disaster on the first day of school.

Logically speaking, she should have received Wu Xiuxiu's apology.

"It's not a sincere apology, what's the use of saying it?" Yuan Deyin shrugged and replied in a relaxed tone.

Although she is young, she is alive and well.


"Since you say it's useless to apologize if you don't mean it, why do you insist on asking Aunt Yu Fang to apologize?" Aunt Lou Ping continued to ask.

There was a little more worry in her tone at this time.

Although she didn't have much contact with Aunt Yu Fang, she also knew that Aunt Yu Fang was a very vengeful person.

Princess Deyin offended her like this on the first day of entering the academy, and it would not do her any good in the future.

"Aunt Yu Fang has preconceived ideas and hates Deyin. No matter how many good deeds Deyin has done, she still thinks Deyin is a bad person. Then why does Deyin still spoil her? Uncle Nine Emperors said, I am not easy to be bullied... ..."

At the end, the little girl Yuan Deyin's tone became arrogant.

"Cough, cough, cough..." Aunt Lou Ping was so amused by Yuan Deyin that she coughed.

These words really seem to be able to be said by the Regent.

"Aunt Lou Ping, don't call Deyin the princess. Deyin is here to learn." The little girl said softly.

"it is good."

It was just a title, and Lou Ping was not persistent, so she nodded immediately.

"Deyin, may I ask you a question, is your relationship with senior Huixuan really a master-student relationship?"

Lou Ping saw that there was no one else around, so she asked Yuan Deyin in a serious tone.

Because she always felt that Yuan Deyin was hiding something.

"Actually, strictly speaking, she is not my master..." The little girl wrinkled her face and shook her head.

Isn't it her master?
Yin Panrong and Mei Qingzhou were shocked, why did Deyin lie?

But before they finished thinking about it in their hearts, Yuan Deyin added seriously, "She is Deyin's mother and concubine."

Senior Huixuan turned out to be... Princess Ji?

This time, let alone Mei Qingzhou and Yin Panrong were shocked, even Aunt Lou Ping looked dazed.

Although Princess Ji is beautiful and unlucky, she is much younger than her in terms of age.

It turned out that senior Huixuan was not a late old man at all, but the stunningly talented Princess Ji.

"I see..." Aunt Lou Ping shook her head and smiled.

If someone said that any young woman was "Hui Xuan", she would not believe it.

But if this young woman is Princess Ji, then she basically believes it.

Because the talent of Princess Ji is obvious to all.

"Huixuan embroidery was originally created by Princess Ji." Mei Qingzhou also shook her head and smiled wryly.

It turned out that the person she had always admired was Deyin's concubine mother.

"But Deyin, why did your concubine use the pseudonym 'Huixuan'? Besides, so many people are discussing her, and she has never appeared before."

Yin Panrong asked curiously.

After her words fell, the curious eyes of Mei Qingzhou and Aunt Lou Ping also fell on Yuan Deyin.

They also wanted to know what was going on.

Meeting their curious eyes, the little girl Yuan Deyin shrugged helplessly, she sighed, and explained softly: "The pseudonym is because the concubine mother thinks Huixuan sounds good, so she just named it casually. She never thought of it herself. My own embroidery will be liked by so many people."

The strong... really are very casual.

The corner of Yin Panrong's mouth twitched.

"Then why didn't she show up when everyone was discussing Huixuan's embroidery?" Yin Panrong couldn't help but continue to ask.

"Because the concubine mother always felt that her embroidery was actually very ordinary. The world praised her craftsmanship too much. She couldn't bear it, so she didn't want to come out."

The little girl raised her head, stared into a pair of bright eyes, and explained very seriously.

Yin Panrong: "..."

Mei Qingzhou: "..."

Aunt Lou Ping: "..."

Very, normal?

"Why does Princess Ji feel that her embroidery is so-so?" Aunt Lou Ping was a little dumbfounded.

This is an embroidery that no other embroiderer could have created in her entire life, but Princess Ji said it was very ordinary?
"Actually, it's not just my concubine who thinks this way, Deyin also has the same idea. Huixuan's embroidery is really simple. This embroidery method was thought up by Deyin and concubine mother together."

A certain little girl began to explain seriously.

"Also, Aunt Lou Ping, in fact, the mountain and river embroidery that I gave you just now was not embroidered by my concubine. It was Deyin who lied to you because she was worried that you didn't want it. In fact, it was embroidered by Deyin herself."

The little girl also explained softly about the handkerchief.

"Then, you embroidered the mountains and rivers... Then, you said you still have a box of handkerchiefs like this in your home..."

"Hee hee, in fact, it was all embroidered and played by De Yin when he was bored, and it took only a few days to finish." The little girl covered her mouth and explained embarrassedly.

Aunt Lou Ping: "..." I suddenly wanted to be quiet.

(End of this chapter)

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