The cub of the Nine Emperor Uncle's family is squeamish again

Chapter 235: There is one more dead person left

Chapter 235

"Aunt Lou Ping, should Deyin find his own place now?"

The little girl rubbed her palms together and asked in a low voice.

"Well, go quickly." Aunt Lou Ping regained her senses and nodded to Yuan Deyin with a smile.

"Deyin, I'll take you there. Your room should be in the bamboo garden." Mei Qingzhou took Yuan Deyin's hand.

Watching Yuan Deyin and the others leave, Aunt Lou Ping, who was still there, picked up the mountain and river embroidery in her hand.

She began to think deeply, is she not suitable for embroidery?

After all, she thinks that Huixuan's embroidery is actually quite difficult.


"Yuan Deyin." Just as Yuan Deyin was about to step into the bamboo garden, a man with messy hair rushed over.

Sensing the danger, Wuyi raised his sword directly and pressed it against the man's neck, preventing her from taking another half step forward.

"Wu Xiuxiu?" The little girl frowned and looked at Wu Xiuxiu with disheveled hair.

It is estimated that the other party just broke away from her captor and ran over.

"Yuan Deyin, I have a secret to tell you, as long as you are willing to save me." Wu Xiuxiu said anxiously.

If it wasn't for the sword being held against her, she would have rushed over and grabbed Yuan Deyin's sleeve long ago.

"Secret?" Yuan Deyin bulged her cheeks and raised her eyebrows.

Seeing Yuan Deyin's appearance, Wu Xiuxiu was overjoyed, thinking she was interested.

When she was caught at the door, Wu Xiuxiu began to recognize her situation clearly.

If she exposes Yuan Ying'er in front of her, her family will be in danger.

But if Yuan Ying'er is not exposed, she will be cast aside in the prison.

So, she decided to exchange this secret with Yuan Deyin secretly.

As Yuan Deyin's cousin, Yuan Ying'er secretly wanted to harm her...

This secret is definitely valuable to Yuan Deyin.

Just when Wu Xiuxiu thought that Yuan Deyin would definitely make a deal with her, the little girl Yuan Deyin grinned, showing eight small teeth, and she smiled and asked: "You mean to say that Yuan Ying'er actually instigated did you do it?"

"You, how do you know?" Wu Xiuxiu's expression froze, and she stared at Yuan Deyin in disbelief.

"My princess has always known, since the first eye contact between you and Yuan Ying'er, this princess has known."

Yuan Deyin shook his head and told the situation directly.

"Then why didn't you expose Yuan Ying'er in front of Aunt Fang. You saw me being framed by Yuan Ying'er, didn't you feel very happy?"

After the shock, Wu Xiuxiu felt aggrieved and resentful. She questioned Yuan Deyin loudly, as if Yuan Deyin had done something wrong to her.

"Framed? Do you think you were framed? If you don't have any intention of harming others, can Yuan Ying'er use you?"

The little girl's face darkened in an instant, and her tone became a little colder.

Yin Panrong behind her even rolled her eyes.

Yuan Ying'er is not a good person, but does Wu Xiuxiu really think she is a good person?

Hearing Yuan Deyin's indifferent rebuttal, Wu Xiuxiu's face gradually turned pale.

She opened her mouth, but felt a little guilty for no reason, and didn't know where to start.

Finally, she glanced at Yuan Deyin, and then whispered: "You just want to help Yuan Yinger harm me! You are not hurt at all now, and Yuan Yinger is alone. I am the only one who was kicked out of the academy. You are really vicious!"

The little girl let out a breath.

She actually met the second person in this academy who was as shameless as Yuan Ying'er.

It turns out that only shameless people can be easily used by equally shameless people.

"Come here, Wu Xiuxiu is here." Yuan Deyin took a deep breath, then opened his mouth and shouted loudly.

Not long after, a group of people ran over and took Wu Xiuxiu away.

"Deyin, don't ruin your body for irrelevant anger." Mei Qingzhou softly comforted Yuan Deyin.

As a result, Yuan Deyin raised his eyebrows and asked curiously: "Sister Qingzhou, what is an irrelevant person? Did someone show up just now?"

Her last words just happened to be heard by Wu Xiuxiu who was dragged not far away.

Immediately, Wu Xiu was so delicate that she bit her tongue and vomited blood.

Mei Qingzhou: "..."

Yin Panrong: "..."

She is so poisonous.

"Hahaha, you are indeed my friend of Yin Panrong, but you are so angry that you don't pay for your life." Yin Panrong said with a smile, holding Yuan Deyin's shoulder.

"Okay, after so much tossing around, Deyin should be exhausted, let's take her to her room quickly." Mei Qingzhou patiently told Yin Panrong.


"Princess, just now this servant went to help you find the nanny in charge. You live in the south side of the bamboo garden. Cang Ling already wants to help you put away your burden." Wu Yi immediately reported to Yuan Deyin.

Before Yuan Deyin could speak, Yin Panrong became a little anxious.

"There are four houses in Zhuyuan, the southeast, the northwest, and the south house is a side room. Why did you let Deyin live in the side room? The main room..."

"Sister Panrong, didn't Deyin tell you all about it? There is no princess here, and Deyin is also a student. And the south-facing house is so nice. It faces south and has light."

Yuan Deyin patted his palm, very satisfied with his residence.

"But Princess, this servant wants to tell you some bad news." Wuyi looked at Yuan Deyin with a suddenly embarrassed expression.

"Not so good news, what news?" Yuan Deyin's heart tightened.

Why did she feel uneasy in her heart.

Sure enough, she was right to be uneasy.

Because Wuyi said: "The current owner of the main house in Zhuyuan is Yuan Ying'er."

Yuan Deyin: "..." Why is Yuan Ying'er so haunted!

"Huh? I remember that Yuan Ying'er doesn't live in Zhuyuan." Mei Qingzhou frowned.

"My servant just asked, Yuan Ying'er just changed the house today. The reason is that the princess is her younger sister, and she wants to take care of the princess." Wuyi explained blankly.

"Hehehehe..." Yin Panrong sneered.

It's a weasel giving New Year greetings to a chicken, uneasy and kind!

"Deyin, I'll go talk to the nanny in charge and ask her to change the dormitory for you."

Mei Qingzhou patted Yuan Deyin's shoulder lightly, telling her not to worry.

But who knows, a certain little girl secretly took out a piece of sweet-scented osmanthus cake from nowhere, and said calmly while chewing on it: "You don't need to call me, just live in the same yard as Yuan Ying."

"However, Yuan Ying'er felt uneasy and kind when she saw it, what should you do if she wants to attack you again?" Yin Panrong's tone was a little anxious.

"It's because she wants to do something to me that I think it's good for her to be in the same yard as me." The little girl explained with a smile.


"Keep the enemy under your nose to ensure that she doesn't jump around." Mei Qingzhou gave Yin Panrong a look, and she understood Yuan Deyin's meaning.

I see……

Yin Panrong suddenly realized.

"Qingzhou, Pan Rong." Suddenly a soft voice called out from in front of them.

Yuan Deyin looked up, only to see a delicate-looking woman walking out of the room, wearing a courtyard uniform and holding a laundry tub.

"Smoke." Mei Qingzhou also smiled and nodded to the other party.

"Hanyan, go do the laundry!"

Yin Panrong took the initiative to jump forward, wanting to get close to He Hanyan.

But He Hanyan quickly took a step back, her expression was somewhat unnatural.

"Well, it's very hot, and the clothes are smelly. I have to wash them quickly. Me, I'm going to do the laundry first."

After He Hanyan finished speaking to Yin Panrong, she also nodded to Mei Qingzhou and Yuan Deyin, then quickly turned and left.

"Who is she?" Seeing He Hanyan leaving in a hurry, Miss Yuan turned her head and asked curiously.

"Hee hee, her name is He Hanyan, she is from Ganzhou, and she was admitted to the academy in the same batch as Qingzhou. Hanyan is very hardworking, and she is also very good at chess. When there is a chance, you can play chess together..." Yin Panrong explained with a smile.

"Oh." Yuan Deyin frowned and nodded.

"Deyin, what's wrong with you?" Mei Qingzhou found that Yuan Deyin's expression was not right, so she asked worriedly.

"It's okay." Sensing Mei Qingzhou's worried eyes, Yuan Deyin quickly raised his head and shook his head.

She just smelled a very light, very light strange smell from Sister He Hanyan from a distance.

However, she couldn't distinguish the smell for a while.

"Okay, what are you still doing here? Don't you think the sun is not enough?"

Yin Panrong smiled and slammed Yuan Deyin's elbow with her elbow, and then dragged her directly into the yard.


In the Yamen of the capital.

Jun Yu stood at Yusheng Xiao and Ning Luan was doing the autopsy.

Because in just half a day, their people found a few more corpses.

These corpses are severely decomposed, and it looks like they have been dead for a long time.

The autopsy room was full of rancid smell, Yusheng Xiao used a cloth to surround her nose tightly, Xiao Jun stood beside Jun Yu, frowning from time to time, almost couldn't bear the smell.

Only Jun Yu never frowned.

He exuded an awe-inspiring aura, and his black eyes were staring at Yu Shengxiao and the others' movements.

Finally, it was completely tested.

Yu Shengxiao threw away the tools, washed his hands, and rushed out quickly.

Jun Yu followed slowly.

"Huh..." Yu Shengxiao was panting while patting his chest.

Seeing Jun Yu coming out, he shook his head, took out his jade bone fan from his sleeve, and kept fanning himself.

Shen Chuannan had been standing outside the whole time. When he saw Jun Yu coming out, he immediately said, "A Yu, as you expected, in just half a month, many people died in the city, and the cause of death was all because of being arrested." Hollowed out the heart."

"Have you found out their identities?" Jun Yu asked Xiao Jun behind him in a deep voice.

Xiao Jun immediately took out a very long paper.

"Although there were many dead, their faces were recognizable. Therefore, through the portraits, the officials found out their family members and learned about their conditions. Among those who were examined just now, the first one called Meng Tu. He was a The beater disappeared half a month ago; the second one is a brothel girl, Liu Fu, who mysteriously disappeared five days ago; the third one is a carpenter named Guo Qiang, who disappeared three days ago..."

Hearing Xiao Jun tell the identities of the murdered people, Shen Chuannan's expression became more dignified the more he listened.

"Ah Yu, these people have nothing to do with the fact that their hearts have been dug out." He raised his eyes and said to Jun Yu in a complicated tone.

Could it be that the person behind the scenes is only attached to people's hearts, and as for the target of attack, is it random?

Then why did he focus on Princess Deyin?
"Where is Yin'er now?" Jun Yu turned around and asked Wu Xi sharply.

"Reporting to the lord, Wuying just sent a letter. Today, the princess has entered the academy to study. But the subordinates have already asked them to strengthen their protection." Wuxi replied quickly.

Jun Yu pursed his thin lips and did not speak for a long time, no one knew what he was thinking.

"Lord Xiao, how many corpses are there?" After a long silence, Jun Yu suddenly asked.

Xiao Jun was stunned for a moment, and quickly replied: "The officer followed your order, and also sent more people to search the whole city carefully. Now, there are ten corpses found. The subordinates believe that there should be no one who died of heart failure. People..."

After hearing Xiao Jun's answer, Jun Yu turned and went back to the autopsy room.

Sure enough, ten corpses were neatly arranged.

There is also a sign under each corpse, writing the details of the deceased.

"Because their deaths were so ugly, the officials ordered people to find out their identities and record their birth dates. When the real culprits are found out, they can find monks to save them."

Xiao Jun noticed that Jun Yu had noticed the wooden sign, and he explained in a complicated tone.

As the parent official of the capital, he failed to protect these common people.

All he can do now is to find out the real culprit and let these dead people rest in peace.

"Are you sure there are only ten?" Jun Yu's eyes swept across the wooden signs, and the sharp light in his eyes became more intense.

"Report to the lord, yes." Xiao Jun nodded firmly.

"No, there is one more."

Jun Yu's tone seemed a little gloomy in this quiet autopsy room.

(End of this chapter)

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