Chapter 237 Deyin Only Likes You
"Princess, it's late at night, do you want to go back and rest?"

Wuyi looked at the night, their little princess was like a little rabbit, jumping up and down on the cobblestones in the bamboo forest behind the bamboo garden, she hurriedly persuaded her.

"It's okay, Sister Wuyi, Deyin knows the bed, and I'm sure I won't be able to fall asleep when I go back to sleep now. It's better to let me be tired from playing outside, and I may sleep better when I go back."

Yuan Deyin turned her head away and acted like a baby in a low voice.


Every time the princess acts like a baby, she will definitely compromise.

Wuyi looked towards the dark place, and nodded to Wuying and Wumu in the dark.

Now is an extraordinary time, and we must pay great attention to protecting the safety of the princess.

"Uncle Nine Emperors?"

Yuan Deyin was bouncing up and down, and suddenly saw the Nine Emperor Uncle in black standing in front of him, his tall body almost blending into the night.

She hurried towards him.

"Be careful, don't fall." Jun Yu saw her running so fast, his eyes darkened instantly.

He moved forward quickly and caught her.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, why did you come to Weiyang Academy?" the little girl raised her head and asked excitedly.

"Passing by, I stopped by to see you." Jun Yu replied without changing his expression.

Yu Shengxiao, who rushed over from behind, just heard this, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

Drop in?Which way is this along?
dog man!
"Then, did Uncle Nine Emperor bring sweet-scented osmanthus cake to Deyin?" the little girl rubbed her hands and asked expectantly.

Her eyes were shining like stars in the sky.

"No." Jun Yu said these two words directly.


The stars in the little girl's eyes dimmed instantly.

She lowered her head, puffed her cheeks, and looked aggrieved.

The osmanthus cake that Sister Qingzhou gave her is gone, but she still wants to eat it.

Just when she was feeling extremely lost, a certain prince suddenly chuckled.

After he laughed, his piercing brows were like the breeze and the moon.

He raised his hand, and gently rubbed the bulging cheeks of a certain little girl with calloused fingertips.

The little girl who was frustrated by the poke raised her head, her little face wrinkled into a ball.

But soon, she was stunned.

Because she found that Uncle Nine Emperors had already held a bag of sweet-scented osmanthus cake in his left hand.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, didn't you say you didn't bring it?" The little girl pursed her lips and said in a slightly aggrieved tone.

As she spoke, her little paw reached into his left hand very skillfully, and brought the sweet-scented osmanthus cake over.

She quickly spread out the greased paper and gnawed carefully.

"My lord was just lying to you just now." Jun Yu said in a deep voice.

Since he knew that she loved sweet-scented osmanthus cake, how could he be willing to let her down?
"Uncle Nine Emperors, have you been with Master for a long time, and you have learned to deceive people from him?" Yuan Deyin rubbed his nose and snorted.

"Xiao Deyin, what you said is wrong, how did this miracle doctor lie?"

Yu Shengxiao originally wanted to squat in the dark for a long time, but when he heard a little girl muttering, his hair exploded in an instant, and he just jumped out.

"Master, why are you here?" Yuan Deyin's eyes lit up when he saw Yu Shengxiao.

"This miracle doctor..."

Yu Shengxiao originally wanted to talk about how he sacrificed himself, how he dedicated himself, and then planned to come here to protect her.


Before he could finish his sentence, a certain lord regent explained in a low voice: "From tomorrow onwards, he will be the master of the Medicine Pavilion of Weiyang Academy."

"Has Master come to Weiyang Academy too?" Yuan Deyin looked excited.

"Well, are you feeling very excited now?" Yu Shengxiao raised her eyebrows, and asked Yuan Deyin leisurely while fanning the jade bone fan.


"Are you excited because you can see Wei Teacher every day?" Yusheng asked in a low voice.

In the end, a certain little girl explained seriously.

"No, it's because the masters of Weiyang Academy can go out casually, so every time you go out, you can bring osmanthus cake to Deyin, so Deyin is very excited."

Yu Shengxiao: "???"

The friendship between our master and apprentice, you actually use osmanthus cake to measure it?

What makes Wei Shi even more sad is that Wei Shi... can't compare to Osmanthus Cake!
Yusheng Xiao's face was broken, and she was about to cry.

"Doctor Jade, the headmaster asked the servant to arrange another hospital for you. Are you going now?" At this time, a maid hurried over and asked respectfully.

"Okay, I'm going to have a look at this miracle doctor now." Yu Shengxiao sighed, and finally decided to leave here first, so as not to be pissed off by his little apprentice.

When Yu Shengxiao left, Yuan Deyin just finished eating all the sweet-scented osmanthus cakes.

Jun Yu lowered his eyes, seeing that she secretly licked her fingers behind his back, he was stunned for a moment, and then the corner of his mouth curled up in a helpless arc.

Fortunately, the Prince Regent's family has a big business, otherwise they would really be poored by a certain little girl.

"Cough cough..."

Jun Yu coughed softly, and the back of a certain little girl who was secretly licking her fingers stiffened, and she quickly put her hand on her back, pretending that nothing happened.

"I'm going to investigate a case recently, so I might not be able to come to Weiyang Academy often. You remember to take care of things. If you need to find me, let Wuying come."

Jun Yu raised his hand, rubbing her head skillfully while exhorting her patiently.

The Lord Regent, who is unwilling to say a few words in front of others, will become a chatterbox in front of a certain little girl.

"Yeah, Deyin understands." The little girl assured her earnestly.

"This is the Anshenzhu that this king asked Yushengxiao to make for you. You can put it under the pillow to sleep, and you will sleep soundly."

As Jun Yu spoke, he took out a string of beads and put them in her palm.

Yuan Deyin stuck out her tongue, it turned out that Uncle Jiuhuang already knew about her nocturnal excursion.

"Well, Deyin understands. Uncle Nine Emperors, you have to deal with official business and investigate cases. You are really exhausted. You should go back and rest early."

The little girl took the An Shenzhu away, and said seriously.

Is she trying to drive him away?

A certain lord regent sighed silently in his heart, and finally nodded.

"By the way, Uncle Nine Emperors, next time you come, you should also bring osmanthus cake." Seeing that he was about to leave, the little girl urged anxiously.

Jun Yu's footsteps paused, and he looked back at her helplessly, "It seems that in Yin'er's eyes, sweet-scented osmanthus cake is more important than this king."

After finishing speaking, he added: "Don't worry, the king will bring osmanthus cake."

After the words fell, he turned and left.

But he had only taken a few steps when the little girl's anxious voice came from behind him.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, why do you compare yourself with sweet-scented osmanthus cake?"

Because sweet-scented osmanthus cake is very important to you, just like your mother, concubine and father are in your heart.Jun Yu didn't look back, he sighed in his heart.

But just when he wanted to move on, the little girl behind him seriously added——

"Osmanthus cake is naturally not as good as Jiuhuangshu you. There are thousands of things to eat, without osmanthus cake, there are other cakes. But, as a human being, Deyin only likes Jiuhuangshu you."

Hearing her words, Jun Yu's footsteps stopped instantly.

He turned his head and looked into her clear eyes with deep eyes.

The little girl probably doesn't know what true liking is.

After a long silence, Jun Yu quickly came back to the little girl.

Before the little girl realized what was going on, she was suddenly pulled into her arms.

Jun Yu held her in his arms, put his chin on her head, and said in a deep voice, "Yin'er, you must eat on time and grow up on time... No, I hope you grow up quickly."

(End of this chapter)

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