Chapter 238 Punishing Yuan Deyin

"Huh? Uncle Nine Emperors, what do you mean?"

The little girl raised her head from his arms and asked curiously.

"It's not interesting, you go to bed early." Jun Yu shook his head and said in a deep voice.


After watching Uncle Jiuhuang leave, Yuan Deyin ran to her room in a bouncing manner.

"Sister Hanyan? Where are you going so late at night?"

When Yuan Deyin was about to enter the room, she saw a familiar figure coming out of the side room, and she asked curiously.

In this big courtyard, Yuan Ying'er lives in the main house on the east side, and she lives on the south side.

The west side is He Hanyan, and the north side is said to be a person named Yao Man, but she has been home on leave for a long time, so Yuan Deyin has never met the other person.

In this other courtyard, Yuan Deyin is more willing to make friends with other unfamiliar people than Yuan Ying'er.

He Hanyan originally thought that there was no one else, so she pushed the door lightly and walked out with a basket in her arm.

Hearing Yuan Deyin's voice, she shook as if she was frightened, and the things in the basket were about to fall out.

Yuan Deyin noticed something shaking in the basket. She wanted to take a closer look, but found that the basket was wrapped tightly with a layer of cloth, so she couldn't see anything.

"Princess Deyin, you, why didn't you sleep so late at night?"

He Hanyan bypassed Yuan Deyin's question just now, and she asked.

"Uncle Nine Emperors came just now, Deyin chatted with him a little longer." Yuan Deyin didn't hide anything, and directly told about Uncle Nine Emperors' visit.

"Has the regent been here? Is he still here?"

He Hanyan's complexion changed, and her voice became a little anxious. She clutched the cloth covering the basket, leaving deep marks.

"Yes, he has already left just now, sister Hanyan, what's wrong with you?" Yuan Deyin asked worriedly when she saw that He Hanyan's expression was not right.

"It's okay." He Hanyan smiled and shook his head, with an expression of imperceptible happiness, "Just now, Mother Lin asked me to help her pack some things, but I just remembered now that she should She's asleep, I'd better not disturb her, you should go to rest too."

After finishing speaking, He Ruyan hurriedly opened the door and went back.

A gust of wind blew, and Yuan Deyin smelled her familiar scent again.

a bit pungent...

Strange, what does this taste like?

Yuan Deyin opened his mouth, wanting to say something more to He Ruyan, but the door was already closed.

"Am I so scary?"

Yuan Deyin's small face was wrinkled, why every time He Ruyan saw her, she always looked very frightened, making her think that she could eat people!
"Princess, it's windy at night, come back and rest quickly." Wuyi took the cloak and put it on Yuan Deyin.

"En." Yuan Deyin nodded obediently, and trotted back.

Back in the house, she saw Cang Ling looking ready to fight.

"Princess, don't come here yet." Seeing her coming, Cang Ling shouted anxiously.

"what happened?"

"When my servant was cleaning the cabinet for you just now, I found a dead mouse in it. It must have been dead for several days, and it smelled bad. Master Wumu is cleaning it up now. Let's go in after we clean it up. " Cang Ling quickly explained.

dead mouse?

Yuan Deyin's expression changed.

Just at this time, Wuzong used the cover to lift the dead mouse out, and Yuan Deyin could smell it from afar.

"Princess, come here." Wuyi wanted to help Yuan Deyin aside, and then used a fan to help her drive away the smell.

But Yuan Deyin shook her head, her brows were furrowed, "Wait a minute..."

She stared at the dead mouse that Wumu was carrying, slowly lowered her head, and muttered softly: "The princess knows why the smell on her body is so familiar, it seems to be the smell of rotting corpses..."

However, He Hanyan is a living person, how could there be a corpse smell on her body?


"Princess, it's time to wake up and go to Mr.'s class." Cang Ling whispered in Yuan Deyin's ear.

With a "crush", the little girl opened her eyes, but her eyes were blurred.

"Wuuuuu, Cang Ling, can you...not go to class." The little girl begged softly.

"Princess, before you went to bed last night, didn't you tell your servants not to pamper you? You also said that this is a college, you can't give special treatment, and you can't embarrass the Ninth Prince..."

Wuyi came over with a basin of water, not forgetting to recount what happened last night helplessly.

Their princess is good at everything, but she likes to stay in's really a headache.

In the past, it didn't matter how late she liked to sleep in the Jiwang's Mansion or the Regent's Mansion, but now in the Academy, so many people are staring at her!
The most important thing is that the Princess herself has repeatedly told her to remind her to get up early last night.

"Princess, she is like a chicken blooded in the middle of the night. She has high fighting spirit and can set countless goals. But when it's time to get up, she forgets everything..." Cang Ling turned her head and looked at Wuyi. Said helplessly.

Wuyi was also a little dumbfounded.

Although the whole person was a little dazed, Yuan Deyin probably heard their conversation.

Are they complaining about her?
A certain little girl pursed her lips, she was willing to get up from the bed.

She stumbled towards the mirror, and with a bang, she hit her head.

"The county master..."

Seeing this scene, Wu Yi and Cang Ling were terrified, and hurried over to help her up.

"It's okay, a small problem," the little girl waved her hand, then sat down on the stool, and said softly, "Cang Ling, hurry up and help the princess comb her hair, otherwise you will be late."

"Your servant obeys." Cang Ling breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, the princess didn't get up angry, so she quickly picked up the comb to help comb her hair.

At this moment, Mei Qingzhou and Yin Panrong came in.

They live in Xingyuan, which is far away from Zhuyuan.

But beware that Yuan Deyin was late for class on the first day at the academy, so they rushed over early.

"Deyin, did you sleep well last night?" Mei Qingzhou asked with concern.

"Well, very good." Yuan Deyin replied quickly.

The Anshen Bead given by Uncle Nine Emperors was really good. She didn't run around all night last night, and she slept soundly.

"That's good. I'm still worried that you won't be able to sleep in bed." Mei Qingzhou said with a smile.

"Everything is fine, even the place where we live is too far away, and it is not convenient to meet each other." Yin Panrong sighed.

Because Weiyang Academy will teach students knowledge of different difficulty according to the time of admission, so it is impossible for her and Qingzhou to take classes with Deyin.

But she still wants to go to school, and they can walk together.

Thinking of something, Yin Panrong asked excitedly: "Qingzhou, why don't I go find Yao Man and ask her to change rooms with me?"

"You, don't think about it. Yao Man has a weird personality and never interacts with us. I tried to communicate with her several times, but she couldn't listen. I guess she doesn't want to listen to you either."

Mei Qingzhou explained seriously, wanting Yin Panrong to dispel this idea.

"Is that so..." Yin Panrong scratched her hair, a little depressed.

But soon she thought of something, and her expression brightened, "Although Yao Man's personality is very weird, she still has friends in this academy, and there is one person who is very close to her."


"Hanyan, when they first entered the academy, the two were inseparable. I think I heard from the nanny that they were put in the same yard at the request of the two of them. If Hanyan came forward, Wouldn't it be easy to convince her?" Yin Panrong spoke out her thoughts.

"Sister Pan Rong, you've already said that she is a very good friend. You asked the nanny to let them live in the same yard, and you let one of them go away. Isn't this breaking up the family?"

The little girl stood up quickly, and she said in a serious tone, hoping to dispel Yin Panrong's thoughts.

"That's right, besides, I haven't seen Yao Man recently, so it might be difficult to communicate with her about this matter."

Mei Qingzhou then explained, hoping that Yin Panrong could dispel these unrealistic thoughts.

"Okay, I was thinking too much. However, when it comes to Yao Man and Han Yan, I feel very strange. Aren't they usually together? Why Yao Man hasn't come back for so long, Han Yan doesn't In a hurry..."

Yin Panrong muttered suspiciously.

Hearing her talking about He Hanyan, Yuan Deyin remembered what happened last night, she opened her mouth, wanting to ask something.

But before he could speak, the sound of the bell ringing outside had already rang.

"Come on, Deyin, it seems that it's time for morning class. It's too late, let's go quickly." Yin Panrong said anxiously, grabbing Yuan Deyin's arm.

"Yes, but my hair hasn't been combed yet." Yuan Deyin pointed to her head anxiously.

"It's really too late. Aunt Yu Fang may be going to get angry again." Yin Panrong and Mei Qingzhou were solemn, and they carried away a certain little girl alone.

And on the little girl's head, there are two big balls tied at this moment, making her fleshy little face even more chubby.

While running to the school, Mei Qingzhou and Yin Panrong helped the little girl put on the hospital uniform with great skill.

At the entrance of the school, Mei Qingzhou pointed to the door on the left and said to Yuan Deyin: "Deyin, your new students go to the school on the left, and we go to the school on the right. Don't go wrong, otherwise, when the master rolls names, you will go to the school. You should be angry."

"Understood." The little girl rubbed her eyes, replied softly, and nodded obediently.

"Okay, let's go in quickly." Seeing Yuan Deyin walk into the door on the left, Mei Qingzhou and Yin Panrong felt relieved to go in to the right.

"Yuan Deyin."

As Yuan Deyin was walking, he suddenly heard a very unkind voice behind him.

She turned her head, only to see Jun Chujing and Yuan Tong'er coming in arm in arm, they looked so close like a pair of sisters.

The eyes of these two people are also surprisingly consistent, both of them are extremely dissatisfied with her.

How did these two... get together?

Yuan Deyin's expression became extremely puzzled.

Didn't Jun Chujing break up with Yuan Ying'er?
I met in the academy yesterday, Jun Chujing and Yuan Yinger still looked like they hated each other, how did they become good friends with Yuan Tonger in a blink of an eye?
Is it...

Yuan Deyin quickly realized that the relationship between Yuan Tong'er and Yuan Ying is actually very stiff now.

Could it be that the enemy of an enemy is a friend?
Also, didn't Yuan Tong'er fail the assessment?How did she get in?
Seeing Yuan Deyin's expression was a bit puzzled, Yuan Tong'er said in an arrogant tone: "The concubine appreciates me and let me be the princess's companion! So I have the opportunity to enter the academy. Yuan Deyin, you have done everything possible to perform so well , suppress me, but in the end, I still can come to the academy!"

At the end, Yuan Tong'er snorted arrogantly, as if it was something worth showing off to be Jun Chujing's companion.

Do everything possible to behave so well, to suppress her?

When Yuan Deyin heard Yuan Tong'er's words, the corners of her mouth gradually twisted.

Yuan Ying'er's paranoia is really getting worse.

"Yuanying'er, you see that you forgot one thing. The princess next to you is just an auditor. As an auditor's companion, you say that you are a student of Weiyang Academy?"

Yuan Deyin exposed them mercilessly.

"Princess, you are..." Yuan Tong'er looked at Jun Chujing nervously.

Jun Chujing clearly said that she is a student of Weiyang Academy?

Facing Shang Yuan Tong'er's flustered eyes, Jun Chujing's face turned dark.

"You don't care what the identity of the princess is. If the princess can let you study in the academy, that is your blessing. You have to thank me!" Jun Chujing said indifferently.

Yuan Tong'er's expression froze for a moment, and there was a bit of sadness and anger in the depths of her eyes.

Too lazy to pay attention to Yuan Tong'er's thoughts, Jun Chujing turned her head and said to Yuan Deyin in a commanding tone: "Yuan Deyin, I want you to be my princess' classmate."

"Why?" Yuan Deyin's face sank.

"In this way, when you take the test later, you can show this princess the answer you wrote." Jun Chujing said loudly.

Because Concubine Mu said, Chang Changyuan, that damn old man, is willing to let her enter the academy officially, but the condition is that she must rank among the top three in each assessment.

How could she do it by herself!
In order to fight the faces of those bitches who laughed at her failure to be admitted to Weiyang Academy, she felt that she had to formally enroll in Weiyang Academy.

This must rely on the vowel sound!
Hearing Jun Chujing's words, Yuan Deyin laughed angrily.

She had never seen such a brazen person.

"Yuan Deyin, this princess knows that you are stingy, and you still want to fight against this princess, so naturally you don't want to give me an answer. But don't forget, Nine Emperor Uncle has a strange poison in his body, but he won't live long. You are an orphan girl, if you rely on him, you will end up in a terrible situation, so you may have to rely on this princess in the future!"

Jun Chujing's words became more and more arrogant as she spoke.

Yuan Deyin's face became darker and darker.

Jun Chujing, this vicious thing, actually cursed Uncle Nine Emperors again.

"Jun Chujing, come here, the princess has something to tell you." Yuan Deyin took a deep breath and hooked Jun Chujing.

Jun Chujing saw Yuan Deyin's move and thought she agreed.

So she raised her head and walked up to Yuan Deyin like a noble swan.

In the next moment, Yuan Deyin saw a maidservant wiping the pole beside her, she immediately reached out, picked up the dirty basin of water, and poured it directly on Jun Chujing's face.

"Since your head is so unconscious, then the princess will wash you up. You won't live long!" Yuan Deyin said angrily.

"Yuan Deyin, you bitch, this princess wants to kill you!"

After Jun Chujing came back to her senses, she found that she was filthy all over and had a strong stench on her body. She almost went crazy.

"What are you doing?"

Just when Jun Chujing was about to rush over, Aunt Yu Fang appeared with a group of people.

Seeing Yuan Deyin again, Aunt Yu Fang's face became very gloomy.

A little princess whose father, queen, mother and concubine died unexpectedly caused her trouble again.

Aunt Yu Fang was angry in her heart, and the expression on her face was also very ugly. She said directly, "Tell me, what happened?"

"Aunt Yu Fang, you have to help this princess teach this slut a lesson, she actually poured dirty water on this princess." Jun Chujing pointed at Yuan Deyin with her finger, and said through gritted teeth.

"Yuan Deyin, what's your explanation?" Aunt Yu Fang turned her head and stared at Yuan Deyin unkindly.

"Auntie, it's because Jun Chujing said a lot of things, and Deyin couldn't get angry for a while, so he splashed water on her..."

Faced with this menacing momentum, Yuan Deyin's expression changed, but she quickly raised her head and explained to Aunt Yu Fang in a neither humble nor overbearing tone.

However, before she could finish her words, Aunt Yu Fang sneered: "So, you admit that you spilled Jun Chujing?"

"Yes, but..." Yuan Deyin continued to explain.

But Aunt Yu Fang didn't want to hear it at all. She waved her hand and said blankly: "As a student, you are so ruthless. You can be so ruthless to other students. Where have you read all the sage books?" ? Is this the only tutor in Jiwang Mansion?"

Aunt Yu Fang even scolded the Ji Palace.

When Yuan Deyin heard this, she clenched her fist slightly, but she finally forced herself to calm down.

"Come here, Yuan Deyin insulted the princess, folded her staff fifty times, locked her in the bookstore, copied the disciple's rules a hundred times, and if she can't write it, she will never come out!" Aunt Yu Fang ordered in a cold voice.

"Auntie, the princess seems to be splashing water for a reason, why don't you listen to her explanation one more time?" Suddenly at this moment, a fifteen or sixteen-year-old woman whispered.

Yuan Deyin looked over and quickly recognized that the other party was also the one who passed the assessment and was admitted to the academy. She called Sudan Tong and danced extremely well.

Yuan Deyin was deeply impressed by her because she looked good.

Sudan Tong originally didn't want to get involved in this muddy water.

Because she knew that Aunt Yu Fang and the princess hated Yuan Deyin very much, if she came forward to speak for Yuan Deyin, she might cause trouble to her upper body.

But for such a limp little girl, she folded her stick fifty times and copied the disciple's rules, isn't that...a bit too much?
Hearing that someone was speaking for Yuan Deyin, Aunt Yu Fang and Jun Chujing both looked so gloomy.

"The state has state laws, and the court has court rules. Here, if you make a mistake, you should bear it. Why, do you want to be punished with her?" Aunt Yu Fang sneered.

"Aunt..." Su Dantong looked a little anxious, she didn't expect Aunt Yu Fang to be so powerful.

Knowing that Sudan Tong would be implicated if he said anything more, Yuan Deyin hurriedly stood up and shook his head at the other party.

She stood in front of Sudan Tong, looking at Aunt Yu Fang calmly.

"Aunt Yu Fang, you are right. If you do something wrong, you will be punished. Deyin should pay for what you did, so Deyin is willing to accept the punishment."


When Aunt Yu Fang heard that Yuan Deyin had finally given up, she let out a foul breath.

Feeling that the face she lost on Yuan Deyin was finally found back, she felt refreshed.

But who knows, the next moment, Yuan Deyin actually said loudly: "However, there is one thing that Deyin doesn't understand. My aunt has been unwilling to listen to Deyin's explanation, but just emphasized Deyin's fault. Did she just acquiesce? Others have scolded us, but we can't take any action?"

Without giving Aunt Yu Fang a chance to speak out, Yuan Deyin continued: "In this case, Deyin also has a few words to send to Aunt Yu Fang."

"Aunt Yu Fang, you are still running around in this world at an old age, does it mean that even Lord Yan despises you and is unwilling to accept you?"

"You, what did you say?" Aunt Yu Fang's eyes widened when she heard Yuan Deyin's words, she looked shocked.

"Also, you have been unmarried for so many years, is it because you are too clear about yourself? It's rare to be kind and don't want to harm others."

"" Aunt Yu Fang clutched her heart, feeling pain in that position again.

"If someone else bullied Deyin, Deyin would have thought of hitting back directly, but you are different, because you are not other... people." Yuan Deyin continued to say with a smile.

"Yuan Deyin, are you saying that I'm not human?" Aunt Yu Fang was so angry that her face was flushed, and she was about to slap Yuan Deyin with her hands.

(End of this chapter)

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