The cub of the Nine Emperor Uncle's family is squeamish again

Chapter 239 The old man who can't see his face in the library

Chapter 239 The old man who can't see his face in the library
Just when Aunt Fang's slap was about to fall on Yuan Deyin's face, suddenly a majestic and angry voice came from not far away.

"Yu Fang, what are you doing?"

Aunt Yu Fang turned her head, only to see Dean Chang Yuan walking over with a few people. His face was black and his beard was blown up.

Seeing that it was the dean, Aunt Yu Fang was a little arrogant just now, but she restrained herself in an instant.

She smiled and saluted quickly: "Dean, are you here? I am educating students who have done something wrong."

"Did something wrong? What did she do wrong?" Every wrinkle on Chang Yuan's face looked extremely severe.

Little girl Yuan was his most valued student, and Aunt Yu Fang punished her every now and then, so she didn't take him seriously!
Thinking about it, Chang Chang's expression became a little more severe.

Unaware of Dean Changyuan's anger, Yu Fang coughed softly, and then said in a righteous tone: "Dean, you don't even know this arrogant is this Deyin student?" , She has just entered school, and regardless of her humility and friendship, she beat Princess Chujing for no reason. I wanted to punish her for the purpose of teaching her, so that she would know where she was wrong."

No reason to hit Princess Chujing?
This statement is not appropriate.

Standing by the side, Sudan Tong frowned, and his first reaction was to explain to Yuan Deyin and Dean Changyuan.

But before her words came out, Dean Chang Yuan over there sneered.

"Yu Fang, are you foolish when you are the dean? I will let you fool me!" Chang Yuan's voice cooled down.

"Dean, you, what do you mean?" Yu Fang froze, and she tentatively asked.

"The dean has seen everything that happened just now. Are you sure you really scolded people for no reason? Could it be that someone scolded girl Yuan, so she couldn't help but do it?" The anger in Chang Yuan's tone Getting thicker.

Yuan girl?

Yuan Deyin turned to look at a dean in doubt, wondering why the dean was so friendly to her now.

Also, he said that he saw everything, he even heard Jun Chujing swearing!

Why didn't he come out sooner?
Could it be that he wants to watch a play?

Thinking of this, a certain little girl's little face collapsed.

If the old man Changyuan knew what Yuan Deyin was thinking at this moment, he would definitely exaggerate, he is really smart!

Yes, he just wanted to watch the show.

I want to see how this extremely intelligent little girl trained by Jun Yu deals with these problems.

But he has a sense of proportion in his heart, and he will come out to stop the matter before it gets too serious.

After all, he knew very well that if Yuan Deyin was really hurt in Weiyang Academy, he and the academy would end badly.

"Principal, I..." Aunt Yu Fang looked terrified.

He really didn't expect the dean to be watching all the time.

"Changyuan old..."

Jun Chujing held back her anger. Originally, she was happy when she saw that Yu Fang was going to help her punish Yuan Deyin, but who knew that such a spoiled old man would appear in the blink of an eye.

The words "old man Changyuan" almost came out of her mouth, but Jun Chujing soon realized that if she really wanted to enter the academy, she had to ask him to nod.

So she quickly changed her words, "Dean Changyuan, since you have seen it, then you also know that it was Yuan Deyin who slapped this princess in the face. This princess has royal blood, and the person who hurt this princess should have Lost his head."

Jun Chujing looked aggressive.

When Yu Fang heard it, she quickly added: "That's right, Dean, although what Princess Chujing said may be inappropriate, how could Yuan Deyin treat her so violently. There is a saying in the book that doing something is not done by a gentleman. In our In the academy, how can there be such a rough, barbaric, and absurd approach, it is an insult to the teachings of our academy..."

"But, Aunt Yu Fang, didn't you also want to play De Yin just now?"

Suddenly at this time, Yuan Deyin asked softly, looking sideways.

Aunt Yu Fang became anxious when she heard this, and she blurted out: "That's because you scolded me, you should hit me!"

"Then Princess Chujing also cursed Uncle Nine Emperors." Yuan Deyin quickly picked up her words.

"I, I..." Aunt Yu Fang's face turned blue and red at this time, and many words were stuck in her throat like this, and she couldn't say anything.

She raised her eyes and stared at Yuan Deyin with some resentment.

She did it on purpose. She said so many words, so they were all deliberately provoking her.

Sudan Tong also came to her senses. She took a peek at Yuan Deyin and was shocked.

It turned out that Yuan Deyin was not flustered at all, because she had already thought of a countermeasure.

"Dean, I, I..." Aunt Yu Fang opened her mouth several times, but she didn't know how to explain to Dean Changyuan.

"Hmph..." Chang Yuan blew on his beard.

What is Yu Fang thinking? He still doesn't know?
Over the years, relying on her status as Yu's family member, she has often embarrassed the students in the academy.

In the past, he always turned a blind eye to it, because one is that some students in the academy really need to be trained, and the other is because he is too lazy to pay attention.

But Yu Fang is so arrogant now and wants to bully Yuan Deyin, then he really can't just sit idly by.

"As the aunt in charge of the academy, you were originally there to protect the students, but your behavior made the dean feel that the big yellow dog guarding the door is more loyal than you." Chang Yuan said with a dark face.

After his words fell, people around couldn't help chuckling.

Dean Changyuan's sarcasm is more poisonous than Yuan Deyin's sarcasm just now.

He clearly meant that Aunt Yu Fang was worse than a dog.

Aunt Yu Fang also heard the meaning of Chang Yuan's words, her face was a bit distorted, and the wrinkles under her eyebrows looked extremely ferocious.

But she still had to suppress her anger tightly and not let her emotions show.

"The dean taught me the lesson. I didn't think carefully." Aunt Yu Fang twitched her lips and quickly admitted her mistake.

But when she lowered her head, she glared at Yuan Deyin fiercely from the corner of her eye.

The venomous look in his eyes gave him the feeling that he wanted to kill Yuan Deyin and then hurry up.

Yuan Deyin noticed that look, she shrugged, and turned her head away with a very indifferent look.

It seems that to deal with a bullying person like Yu Fang, someone like Dean Chang Yuan has to come forward.

Seeing Yuan Deyin's small appearance, Chang Changyuan blew on his beard, and pretended to be serious and said to her: "Yuan Deyin, although you did it out of anger, it was wrong for you to do it, so the dean I will punish you to go to Zangshu Pavilion to copy "Moon" twice, and you will not be allowed to come out if you don't finish the copy."

To copy "The Demon"?

Jun Chujing covered her mouth and was about to laugh.

People who don't like reading as much as she know know that "Xiao" is a unique copy in the world. It used to be placed in the library in the palace, and was later rewarded by the emperor's grandfather to Weiyang Academy.

This book is about weird things, and for many people, there is nothing interesting about it.

Above all, this is not a book for copying.

Because it is full of uncommon characters with extremely many strokes.

Use it as a copy of the punishment, hehe, I'm afraid Yuan Deyin will cry when copied.

Thinking of this, Jun Chujing's mood became extremely comfortable.

Even Aunt Yu Fang couldn't help the corners of her mouth fluttering, feeling refreshed.

She still remembered that the dean punished a student who made a huge mistake a few years ago, and that student only needed to copy "Moon" once, and almost couldn't get out.

It seems that the dean didn't think about protecting Yuan Deyin either.

Just when Jun Chujing and Aunt Yu Fang were secretly complacent, Chang Yuan's eyes fell on them.

"Princess Chujing, you uttered wild words and cursed your own Nine Emperor Uncles, which violates human relations. Therefore, you also copied "Moon" three times."

Hearing that she would also be punished, Jun Chujing's face turned dark.

She gritted her teeth and asked loudly: "Old man Changyuan, why do you punish this princess? This princess has a title, you are just a troublemaker..."

"Four times." Regarding the insult, Chang Yuan just glanced at Jun Chujing in disgust, stroked his beard, and said coldly.

"Funny, this princess is Chi Yan's most honorable woman, how could she be punished by you?" Jun Chujing laughed exaggeratedly.

But a few men in Qingfeng robes who followed Chang Yuan directly grabbed her and took her away.

Before Jun Chujing could react, she was taken away.

After she reacted, she could only scream desperately: "Untouchable, let go of this princess, this princess will let my concubine chop off your head..."

Yuan Tong'er hid in the corner and shivered, rarely daring to make a sound.

She didn't expect that Dean Changyuan would really dare to do something to Jun Chujing, she was a princess.

Yu Fang looked at all this coldly, and she sneered in her heart.

This Jun Chujing can be regarded as a strange creature in the royal family, she is really stupid and frightening.

Didn't her mother and concubine tell her that the princess who entered Weiyang Academy is actually no different from common people?
At this moment, Dean Chang Yuan also told her about her background: "Yu Fang, you don't know right from wrong, and you should be punished. Copy "魏" six times."

"Six times?" Aunt Yu Fang's voice became a little sharp because of her anxiety.

"Do you have an opinion?" Chang Yuan's eyes turned cold.

Yu Fang has no objection, Yu Fang should be punished. "She quickly lowered her head, her face pale.

She knew that if she was as ignorant as Jun Chujing, her fate would be even worse.

Suppressing the hatred in her heart, Aunt Yu Fang gave Yuan Deyin a gloomy look, and then walked towards Zangshu Pavilion.

"You..." Sudan Tong looked at Yuan Deyin worriedly.

She has just entered the academy, and I heard that she grew up in Zhuangzi, so she probably doesn't know much, so this punishment is clearly to make things difficult for her.

"Hey, little girl Yuan, how about you beg the dean, the dean can exempt you from punishment."

Seeing that there were not many people left, Dean Changyuan coughed and encouraged Yuan Deyin in a low voice.

He has done so much, in fact, he just wanted to see Yuan Deyin admit defeat.

After all, he still remembered how she beat him in chess.

"Dean, thank you for your concern, but Deyin doesn't need it, because... Deyin has wanted to read that book for too long, and Deyin has to thank you!"

Yuan Deyin turned his head and nodded obediently to Changyuan, then turned around and ran towards the road of Zangshuge.

With her appearance, she really looks... I really want to see it.

Chang Yuan: "..." Does anyone really like to read such books?

Sudan Tong: "..." It seems that I was worrying for nothing.


When Yuan Deyin walked to Zangshu Pavilion, someone was already guarding it.

"Student, you come with me." A thin boy came out, and he said softly to Yuan Deyin.


Yuan Deyin followed behind him, stepped into the library, and a simple and heavy atmosphere came over his face.

She looked up, only to see that the pavilion was actually a spiral structure.

Every floor reveals a corner of the bookshelf.

There are as many books as there are stars in the vast sea.

Xu was worried that the books would be damaged if the oil lamp caught fire, so each pillar was inlaid with night pearls for lighting.

"This way." The boy pointed to the stairs and asked Yuan Deyin to follow.

Following the boy, Yuan Deyin went up to the second floor.

Then I saw an old man with white hair and stooped figure sitting there cross-legged,

Hearing movement, he slowly raised his head.

But his messy white hair covered his face and neck, and only a trace of eyebrows could be vaguely seen.

Yuan Deyin could also feel that the other party's eyes just fell on her and left for a moment.

The atmosphere is a little stiff.

Yuan Deyin swallowed her saliva, walked to the farthest seat and sat down.

At this time, Aunt Yu Fang and Jun Chujing pushed open the wooden door behind them and came out.

Seeing Yuan Deyin, Jun Chujing's face was gloomy. She opened her mouth, wanting to curse at Yuan Deyin.

But when her eyes noticed the old man in front of her, her body visibly trembled and her face turned pale.

In the end, she didn't even have the thought of staring at Yuan Deyin, but quickly sat down next to her.

Aunt Yu Fang was the same, she didn't pay attention to Yuan Deyin at all, but looked at the old man with respectful and flustered eyes, and then sat down in the third seat cautiously.

Yuan Deyin tilted her head, and she could see something tricky from the faces of Jun Chujing and Yu Fang.

Yu Fang must know this old man, and Jun Chujing was taught a lesson just now, otherwise she wouldn't be so scared.

Although he didn't know the identity of this old man, Yuan Deyin felt that it was absolutely unusual.

"The three of you have to copy the same book, but this book is a lonely copy, and there is only one in the Library, so I will read this book to you now, and you should write it down, and then write down the number of times you have copied."

The boy next to them gave them the paper and didn't forget to explain.

"What?" Jun Chujing couldn't help being surprised.

Although the voice is small, the manic emotion can still be heard.

There were so many rare words in that book, even if she heard it, how would she know which word it was?
"If you can write, write, if you can't, get out." Suddenly at this moment, the old man spoke.

His throat seemed to have been cut by something, it was extremely hoarse, coupled with his stern tone, it was very scary.

He also glanced at Jun Chujing coldly.

Jun Chujing's body trembled, and she quickly lowered her head, not daring to make a sound.

"I'm sorry..."

The old man read the contents of the book directly.

Jun Chujing and Yu Fang held pens, their faces dazed and frantic.

At this time, the silent Yuan Deyin picked up the two brushes.

Jun Chujin and Yu Fang saw this coming from the corner of their eyes, and they both sneered.

Yuan Deyin is an idiot who can't write if he can't write, but he is still playing with his pen here.

How stupid and stupid!

But soon, their eyes widened in shock, and their expressions gradually became stiff.

Because Yuan Deyin was listening patiently to what the old man said, and then quickly wrote words on two pieces of paper with both hands.

She can understand these words?
and many more……

Jun Chujing was the closest to Yuan Deyin, she turned sideways secretly, and could barely read the words on the two pieces of paper.

The font on one piece of paper is beautiful, and the other is flamboyant.

Even if she was asked to copy those words, she might not be able to copy them well.

The more she watched, the angrier Jun Chujing became.

The young man and the old man also noticed Yuan Deyin's movement, and they glanced at it with slightly shocked expressions.

Especially the old man, his bottomless eyes under his white hair had a very sharp light.

He didn't need to go over to take a closer look, but just by looking at the direction of Yuan Deyin's wrist, he knew that her writing was correct.

Moreover, she wrote it on two pieces of paper together, and changed the handwriting to different ones.

If you make two copies, do you just write by hand on both sides?
In this Weiyang Academy, there is such an interesting little girl movie?

But he just looked at Yuan Deyin a few more times, and finally quickly withdrew his eyes and continued to read the content of the book.

(End of this chapter)

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