Chapter 241 Yuan Deyin is a disaster star
"What were you talking about just now?"

Just when Chang Yuan and Wan Wu were about to step out to find Yuan Deyin in Zangshu Pavilion, Yu Shengxiao suddenly fanned a fan and walked in from outside the door.

He had a dark face, apparently he had heard the conversation between the two of Chang Yuan.

"President Changyuan, can you explain what was said many years ago, what prophecies, what are you going to do to this genius doctor's little apprentice?" Yu Shengxiao's tone was extremely unfriendly.

He was just passing by, who knew that he could hear the words of Chang Yuan and his wife at the door.

It still has something to do with Xiao Deyin. The more I listen to him, the more angry and anxious I become.

It had been a long time since no one dared to speak to him in such a tone, and Chang Changyuan's expression was a little dissatisfied.

But he soon realized that the one in front of him, although he is now the teacher of the academy, is not under his control.

No one in the world knows that the divine doctor Jade in the Valley of Divine Doctors has an arrogant personality, even if he is the emperor of a country, he may not be able to make him bow his head.

It is thanks to Jun Yu that he was allowed to teach at the academy...

Moreover, this matter concerns his apprentice, so he should be anxious.

Thinking this way, the long-term mood is much calmer.

He stroked his beard and looked at Wan Wu.

Wan Wu understood what he meant, hesitated for a moment, and finally began to explain: "You said you are the master of Princess Deyin, then you should be the Jade Doctor. You know that the Jade Doctor, 30 years ago, the capital punishment department Shang Shu's He Mansion, more than 100 people were killed overnight?"

"30 years ago?" Yu Chenxiao was puzzled.

Thirty years ago, he was not born yet.

However, he seems to have heard a little bit from his master when he was a few years old.

The master once said that there was a Shangshu in the capital who was like a god in judging cases.

However, any cases that cannot be solved in the capital are submitted to this lord, and they will be solved within half a month.

At that time, the people in the capital thought that having such an adult was the blessing of Chi Yan and the luck of the people.

But not long after, the grown-up resigned.

Because overnight, all his family members were killed, and his mansion was also burned down.

It burned for a full night, and the fire did not go out, and the entire mansion was burned to ashes.

No matter how powerful the adult's judgment was, he still failed to find out who did it.

In the end, he simply resigned.

As for where he resigned and what he did, no one in the world knows.

Looking at Yu Shengxiao's strange expressions, Wan Wu knew that he must have heard about He Jinyuan.

"Actually, after Mr. He resigned, he came to Weiyang Academy. Dean Chang Yuan had just become the dean of this academy at that time, and Mr. He had been a teacher here for a long time, so he just cleaned up Baggage, I took the initiative to ask Ying to guard the Zangshu Pavilion..." Wan Wu continued to explain.

It turned out that he was in Zangshu Pavilion, no wonder everyone didn't know about him.

Yu Shengxiao frowned: "Then what do these things have to do with Xiao Deyin? Thirty years ago, Xiao Deyin was not born yet."

Hearing Yu Shengxiao's words, Wan Wu and Chang Yuan looked at each other, and they sighed silently.

"That's the problem," Wan Wu shook his head, and said in a serious tone, "Back then, Master He was extremely decadent when he came to the academy. , finally willing to mention one thing to us..."

"What's the matter?" Yu Shengxiao's tone was a little anxious.

"Before exterminating the family, he received a letter saying that he must prevent Emperor Rong's third prince from ascending the throne, otherwise the lives of his wife and children cannot be guaranteed." explain.

Emperor Rong?

Why is this title so familiar?
Yu Shengxiao frowned, and quickly realized it.

Isn't that Jun Yu's grandfather?

Isn't Emperor Rong's third prince Jun Yu's father, Emperor Kai?
"Master He was terrified when he saw the letter at the time. Who the hell was discussing the affairs of the court and trying to drag him into trouble? He wanted to find out the person who sent the letter, but he couldn't find any This is the first time Mr. He, who is a master at judging cases, has found something unclear..."

Wan Wu shook his head and said.

"Then did he report this matter to Emperor Rong at that time?" Yu Shengxiao asked with a frown.

"Of course not. Because there was a storm coming in Chiyan at that time. Emperor Rong was seriously ill, and all the ministers stood in line. There was an undercurrent among the princes. If anyone was careless, it would be doomed. So Master He didn't intend to put himself Being in the middle of a battle for the throne... Besides, after thinking about it later, he felt that the other party was teasing him." Wan Wu continued.

"Why do you feel that way?"

Yushengxiao's curiosity was aroused.

"Because Emperor Rong had twelve princes at that time, and the crown prince was the eldest prince at that time. He was intelligent and loved by the people; the second prince was brave and good at fighting; the fourth prince had a powerful mother family..."

"All the princes have the possibility of succeeding to the throne, but the third prince, the later Emperor Kai, is the most unlikely, because he has been unknown all the time, and has no ministers to support him in the court, just like an abandoned prince... "

"However, in the end, it was this most unbearable prince who became the emperor, and during his more than [-] years of reign, he created a prosperous age of scarlet flames, and the people lived and worked in peace and contentment."

Yu Shengxiao took the words of Chang Yuan and Wan Wu.

Yu Shengxiao still knows a little about Jun Yu's father.

He is a rare Mingjun.

Talented, but also mind the world.

It is no exaggeration to say that he is a natural general.

It's just heartbreaking that he and Empress Puyang passed away so early.

However, such a natural talent of a king, why are so many people not optimistic about him?
Yu Shengxiao's puzzled eyes fell on Chang Yuan and Wan Wu.

Glancing at him, the two of them knew what was on his mind.

"People of the royal family, concealing one's strategy is a way to protect oneself." Chang Yuan explained in a calm voice.

Emperor Kai didn't have a strong mother clan to support him, so if he showed his sharpness, he might cause trouble and rise up.

"Emperor Kai's life, in fact, is just to be an ordinary person, but before Emperor Rong died, he entrusted this country to him." Chang Changyuan's tone gradually became complicated.

He was also regarded as a close friend of Emperor Kai who grew up with him since he was a child, so he knew very well that Emperor Kai had no desire for the throne.

Hearing Chang Yuan's words, Yusheng Xiao was stunned for a moment.

He also remembered, as if Jun Yu had said that his father wanted to withdraw from the throne many times while he was still here, and he didn't have any nostalgia for this country.

On the contrary, this country gave him too much restraint and pain.

But before he could unload the mountain, he was poisoned together with Empress Puyang.

"It's strange. According to what you said, Emperor Kai was not interested in the throne back then, and he didn't show his talent. Logically speaking, he couldn't get the throne. Why did he become emperor in the end?"

Yu Chenxiao looked up and asked suspiciously.

Chang Yuan and Wan Wu continued shaking their heads and sighing.

"The doubt in your heart is the question we have been thinking about all these years. When the imperial decree written by Emperor Rong before his death was promulgated to the world, and Emperor Kai was appointed as the new emperor, everyone was shocked, especially Mr. He. Because he felt that the content of the letter was like a prophecy, he was a little uneasy."

"Then his wife and children okay?" Yu Shengxiao asked with some concern.

"Of course...something happened," Chang Yuan smiled wryly, "On the day Emperor Kai ascended the throne, Mr. He's first wife and his eldest son drowned. Mr. He investigated and found that there was no trace of man-made, it was just an accident."

"It's just a coincidence." Yu Shengxiao shook his head, he didn't believe any prophecy, that was too weird.

"Lord He thought the same way. He hid his distraught feelings, and after burying his wife and eldest son, he began to concentrate on helping the new emperor. But a few years later, the calm was broken by a new letter. "

Chang Changyuan shook his head, looking helpless.

"A letter again?" Yu Shengxiao's heart tightened, he stopped fanning and quickly put it away, staring nervously at Chang Yuan.

"That's right, it's another letter. That letter warned Mr. He that he must prevent Emperor Kai from marrying Empress Puyang." Chang Yuan continued to explain.

Knowing that Yu Shengxiao didn't understand what was going on, Wan Wu helped explain.

"Before Empress Puyang married Emperor Kai, no one ever thought that Emperor Kai's queen would be her. Because at that time, the first emperor appointed Emperor Kai to be a daughter of Tong's parents..."

"So, He Jinyuan didn't stop it either, because he thought it was impossible for Empress Puyang to appear, right?"

Yu Shengxiao had vaguely guessed something.

"That's right, the wedding between Emperor Kai and Tong's parents and daughters did not continue, because Emperor Kai brought back the then Empress Puyang and directly announced her identity. The night after the empress canonization, the He family was destroyed..."

Long Chang's tone became more and more solemn, that is hundreds of lives.

Why is this thing so weird!

Yu Shengxiao's hand holding the fan turned white, but he couldn't help but ask in a low voice, "Will this happen? It's Kai, Emperor Kai..."

Although Emperor Kai is Jun Yu's father, Yu Shengxiao still couldn't help but suspect that Emperor Kai was responsible for this matter.

Because of these two things, it seems that the only beneficiary is Emperor Kai.

"No, it can't be Emperor Kai. Although for a long time in the past, Mr. He had vaguely doubted Emperor Kai. This was also one of the important reasons why he chose to resign and leave the court. Until 20 years ago, He got another letter."


"The letter mentioned that the astrology is dangerous, evil gods descend, and evildoers cause chaos. Within ten years, Emperor Kai will die when the plum blossoms are in full bloom."

"So later, Emperor Kai was killed..." Yu Shengxiao's face turned pale.

If this is really a situation set up by Emperor Kai, he can't kill himself.

"That's right, what's even more weird is that the day Emperor Kai was poisoned was in June, but the wintersweet flowers in the entire capital actually bloomed."

Chang Yuan spoke in a complicated tone, his brows were tightly frowned.

By the way, he also knows about this.

Yu Shengxiao remembered that his master had told him about this strange appearance.

Normally, wintersweet should bloom in winter.

If someone deliberately changes the soil and the environment around the wintersweet, it may be possible to make the wintersweet on a piece of land bloom out of season.

But, this is wintersweet in the whole capital...

Who can do it?
Yu Shengxiao swallowed hard, these things are beyond his cognition, it's weird.

He coughed softly and didn't want to continue this topic. He asked: "These things are indeed very weird, but what does this have to do with Xiao Deyin? Why does He Jinyuan in Zangshu Pavilion want to hurt Xiao Deyin?"

"That's because, 18 years ago, the same letter appeared again. Both Wan Wu and I have read the letter. It said that seven years later, a girl named Hu Deyin would be born .This woman was born in a noble family and received all the honor and favor. However, she overcame her father and her mother. She..."

As he was talking, Wan Wu couldn't continue.

Hearing that he stopped talking about Xiao Deyin halfway through, Yusheng and Xiao died of anxiety.

"You keep talking, what's wrong with her!"

"She, she is really a catastrophe. If she appears in front of Mr. He in the future, Mr. He must kill her with his own hands, otherwise, Chi Yan will be forever." Seeing Wan Wu, Chang Yuan was really unable to speak out, so he had no choice but to Helped out.

(End of this chapter)

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