Chapter 242 Someone Died Again

"Ridiculous, a joke, just nonsense!"

After hearing this, Yu Shengxiao directly clenched his fists and said angrily.

How could Xiao Deyin be a disaster star?

"Doctor Yu, don't worry. The dean also thought that this was really ridiculous. How can the survival of a country depend on a child? That's why the brother of the regent king, that is, the mausoleum emperor, canonized the little girl of Yuan. When I was the master of Deyin County, my heart sank, and I quickly blocked the news inside the academy. Fortunately, Mr. He had already entered the Library Pavilion at that time, and was isolated from the outside world, so I didn't know about it..."

Changyuan shook his head, telling Yu Shengxiao not to be so irritable.

Back then, when he heard that there was really a person like Deyin in this world, he was also extremely disturbed.

He also specifically asked the Halberd King why he named it "Deyin".

King Ji said that because the arrival of Deyin was a gift from heaven to him, he asked for a signature, and this name was the one in the signature.

Maybe it was just a coincidence, he thought.

Ji Wang and his wife will be safe for the rest of their lives, and the "virtuous sound" of Ji Wang's mansion is definitely not the "virtuous sound" mentioned in the letter.

Until the Halberd King died in battle, and the Halberd Princess fell ill and died...

Only then did he realize that all of this seemed to be happening according to the contents of the letter.

"A letter from 18 years ago. How did you know that there would be a 'Prince Deyin' in the Palace of Jiwang? Little Deyin is only 11 years old this year."

Yu Shengxiao said through gritted teeth.

"Because of this, in our opinion, that letter is actually a letter of prophecy, or a letter of curse." Wan Wu said.

"Wait, old man Changyuan, you recruited Xiao Deyin into Weiyang Academy with such enthusiasm, are you planning to attack her here?"

Yu Shengxiao realized this problem, his eyes became dangerous, he gritted his teeth, and directly grabbed Chang Yuan's collar.

Even though someone grabbed his collar, the dean didn't look too flustered.

He patted the back of Yushengxiao's hand, and said in a serious tone: "I swear on my reputation forever, after I knew about the letter, I never thought of hurting an innocent life. To be honest, I heard I was horrified by the death of King Ji and King Ji’s mansion, but I never thought that it was caused by Yuan girl. I almost forgot about it. If Wan Wu hadn’t mentioned it just now, I wouldn’t have thought of the prophecy letter so much. one thing……"

The long-term mood is also extremely complicated.

Even if all these weird things are told to him, killing Yuan Deyin may prevent many things from happening.

But killing a child like this is absolutely impossible for him.

"The dean is indeed about to forget about this matter. It was just an accident that Princess Deyin went to Cangshu Pavilion." Wan Wu also helped explain in a serious tone.

Yusheng paused for a moment, remembering what she heard at the door just now, it seems that this is indeed the case.

"Forget it, this genius doctor will trust you just once. If you really want to harm Xiao Deyin, then this genius doctor will make your life worse than death first."

Yu Shengxiao stared sideways at the courtyard, and said in a cold tone.

The chief courtyard flicked his sleeves and sighed inwardly.

Not to mention being warned, even if he wasn't warned, he couldn't bear to hurt that little girl.

Such a clever little girl who won his heart must live a long life.

"Oops, according to what you said, didn't He Jinyuan hurt Xiao Deyin in Zangshu Pavilion?"

Yu Shengxiao came to his senses at this moment, and his expression became urgent.

"Yes, we have to hurry to save people."

The two old men Wan Wu and Chang Yuan also realized that they wanted to hurry to Zangshu Pavilion.

But as soon as they went out, they saw a little girl running back bouncing around with a bouquet of flowers picked in the back garden.

When she saw Chang Yuan, she said very loudly: "Dean, Deyin has finished copying. If you don't believe me, you can ask that brother in Cangshu Pavilion."

The elder brother from Zangshuge?

Changyuan was stunned for a moment, and soon realized that Yuan Deyin was talking about Qingxiu, a child he rescued from a pile of beggars, who had been placed in the Library Pavilion all these years.

Little girl Yuan only saw Qingxiu?
That's good, that's good.

As long as it's not He Jinyuan.

Chang Chang secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Soon, he realized a problem, and he couldn't help asking: "The dean punished you for copying "魏" twice, and you finished copying it so quickly? Even if you write extremely fast, by this time, you should have copied it. Just finish it once."

"Yes, at this time, it is reasonable to say that it should be copied once, but since Deyin is written with both hands, isn't that the same as twice?"

Miss Yuan put on a pair of bright eyes and explained seriously.


"Did you write with your left and right hands at the same time?" Yu Shengxiao beside him couldn't help asking.

"Because I wanted to be quicker, so I played both hands." The little girl didn't hide anything, and directly expressed her little thoughts.

"Hahaha, Dean, as you said, she is really a smart little girl. I have been teaching and educating people for so many years, and I have never seen anyone who can write with both hands at the same time."

Wan Wu grabbed his beard and laughed.

Although this was the first time he saw Yuan Deyin, he had a good impression of her.

Such a well-behaved and intelligent little girl, if it were him, he wouldn't have the heart to hurt her.

"This gentleman is with the dean, he should be Mr. Wan."

Yuan Deyin saw Wan Wu and quickly guessed his identity.

"That's right," Wan Wu saw that Yuan Deyin had guessed his identity, and his smile became more amiable. He walked over and asked curiously, "Princess Yuan Xiao, can you tell me how you use How do you train someone who writes with both hands at the same time?"

Hearing his question, Miss Yuan's first reaction was to wrinkle her face.

After a while, she said in a very puzzled way: "Deyin didn't know what method to use. She practiced writing with her right hand when she was a child, and her left hand followed suit, and then her left and right hands learned together. It is very difficult to write with both hands. ?"

is it hard?

Wan Wu's beard was blown up, and his expression was slightly distorted.

Yu Shengxiao watched from the side, and the gloomy mood just now disappeared a lot in an instant.

He laughed relentlessly.

"Hahahaha, that's right, it's quite simple, as expected of a master's little apprentice."

A certain miraculous doctor even boasted without shame.

Seeing another person being crushed by Xiao Deyin made him feel extremely comfortable.

Chang Chang couldn't hold back his laughter, and his expression became much more comfortable.

Seeing Wan Wu like this, he felt that he had nothing to be ashamed of being crushed by Yuan girl during the chess assessment that day.

"Forget it, Xiao Deyin, don't talk nonsense with these two old men, come here, Master has something to ask you."

Yu Shengxiao coughed softly, and his expression became serious.

He waved to Yuan Deyin.

"No, master, Deyin should go to class." The little girl looked a little annoyed when she thought of this.

Sister Panrong and Sister Qingzhou urged her to listen carefully to class today.

But who would have thought that if he failed to enter the school, he would be punished for copying books.

"There's no need to go, the school is over now, sir, the class will start in the afternoon." Yu Shengxiao waved his hand and explained to Yuan Deyin.



Miss Yuan pursed her lips and walked towards Yu Shengxiao.

"Master, what do you want to ask?" The little girl was full of curiosity.

"Master asks you, have you ever seen any strange people in that book library?" Yu Shengxiao asked solemnly.

His voice was not low, enough for Chang Yuan and Wan Wu behind him to hear clearly, and their ears immediately perked up.

Weird person?
The appearance of He Jinyuan flashed across Yuan Deyin's mind instantly.

She quickly said: "Deyin remembered, there is indeed such a person, a grandfather..."


Chang Yuan and Wan Wu's expressions changed suddenly.

"Is it an old man who can't see his face clearly and his hair is all white?" Long Yuan looked at this side, and asked in a worried tone.

Although he already guessed in his heart that that person was He Jinyuan, Chang Yuan still didn't give up and planned to ask again.

"That's right, it's him, Dean, who is he?" The little girl became more curious.

Finally... still met.

Chang Chang's expression became a little gloomy, and the atmosphere was extremely tense.

Although we met, fortunately, Mr. He did not attack her for the time being.Long Chang could barely breathe a sigh of relief in his heart.

From the changes in their expressions, Yu Shengxiao also guessed it.

The old man Xiao Deyin saw must be He Jinyuan.

Damn it, let Xiao Deyin meet such a dangerous person.

Yusheng and Xiao were about to explode.

How could a young apprentice he found with great difficulty stay in such a dangerous place?

What if the person is gone, where is he going to find such an interesting little apprentice!

He directly grabbed Yuan Deyin's arm, and said in a serious tone: "Little Deyin, you go back with this genius doctor, we don't want to stay in this broken academy anymore."


Yuan Deyin didn't understand why her master came and was about to leave.

She opened her mouth, wanting to ask Master why he was in such a hurry.

But she couldn't say a word, and suddenly a maid came running in a hurry.

"Dean... Dean, something happened."

"What's the matter?" Chang Chang Yuan was already extremely irritable, but now that he heard that there was something else to do, his tone sank and his beard was stretched.

"Dean, yes, someone went to clean the student's room, and a female corpse was found in a room in Zhuyuan..." The maid answered with a trembling voice, her face turned pale.

"Female corpse? Whose house is it?" Chang Yuan and Wan Wu couldn't stand at the same time, they asked anxiously.

"Yes, it's in Princess Deyin's room." The maid took a peek at Yuan Deyin, then shrank back tremblingly, her voice trembling.

(End of this chapter)

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