Chapter 243 Suspect Yuan Deyin
A dead body appeared in her house?
Yuan Deyin was also shocked.

"Let's go and see what's going on first." Chang Yuan said with a straight face.

"Xiao Deyin, don't panic, my teacher will protect you. If you are really captured, my teacher will definitely send you meals regularly." Yusheng Xiao said in a serious tone.

Yuan Deyin: "..." Master, you might as well not protect me.

Worried, Yuan Deyin followed Changyuan and Wanwu to Zhuyuan, only to find that the place was already full of people.

"Yuan Deyin, you dare to show up, come and arrest this murderer for this princess."

Jun Chujing arrived at the door, and when she saw Yuan Deyin appearing, she immediately yelled and asked her guards to arrest him righteously.

Just as the guards were walking towards Yuan Deyin, Yuan Deyin put his hands back, his soft face was full of coldness.

"Who dares the princess? The father is gone, do you also want to despise the princess?"

As expected of the little girl raised by the Prince Regent, her warning tone was exactly the same as Jun Yu's.

After her words fell, the guards froze in their footsteps and their expressions were a little hurried.

This princess should always be the princess, if they hurt her at all, I'm afraid it will be difficult to do business.

"It's a big gesture. Didn't you say that the emperor committed a crime and committed the same crime as the common people? If a princess kills someone, he doesn't have to pay with his life?"

Yuan Tong'er was on the side, and said in a strange way.

Jun Chujing heard it, and she hurriedly muttered loudly: "That's right, Yuan Deyin, you are so brave, you dare to kill someone. Now, no matter how Uncle Nine Emperors protects you, you can't get rid of it. This princess Now I have sent people back to the palace to report to the concubine mother, and you should lose your head when the concubine mother's order comes down."

Jun Chujing's tone became more and more embarrassing, as if she had completely caught Yuan Deyin's dead point.

But listening to her words, Yuan Deyin just wanted to sneer.

"Princess, it is true that the emperor broke the law and committed the same crime as the common people, but how can you be sure that the person was killed by Deyin?"

Yuan Deyin said indifferently, her disgusted eyes almost wrote the word "mentally retarded" on Jun Chujing's face.

"People died in your house, you didn't kill them, who killed them, you are the murderer!" Jun Chujing murmured loudly like a shrew.

"That's enough, Princess Chujing, the dean has already sent someone to find Mr. Xiao. It's up to Mr. Xiao to decide what the situation is."

Dean Changyuan said impatiently.

He was restless, how could the royal family have such a princess, it was simply unreasonable.

Ignoring Jun Chujing's angry eyes, Chang Changyuan quickly walked into Yuan Deyin's room with a dark face.

Yuan Deyin held up the hem of her skirt, exchanged glances with Yu Shengxiao, and followed closely behind.

The rest of the people hurried out of the way, and many of them stared at Yuan Deyin warily.

In their hearts, they also doubted Yuan Deyin.

Walking into the house, Yuan Deyin saw a female corpse in the familiar hall.

Corpse spots had already appeared on the neck of the female corpse, and the body was gradually decomposing, and a foul smell came out of her nostrils.

Yuan Deyin took out his handkerchief and wanted to cover his nose.

As a result, on the side, a certain miraculous doctor directly snatched her handkerchief.

And he said frankly: "The teacher's nose is bigger than yours, and he will absorb more odors, so the teacher needs to cover his nose more than you."

Yuan Deyin: "..."

Master said fallacies, and there really is a set of things.

"Deyin." Yin Panrong and Mei Qingzhou hurried over after hearing the news.

When they entered the room, they also tightly covered their noses.

"Sister Panrong, Sister Qingzhou." Yuan Deyin frowned and looked back at them.

"We heard that there is a corpse in your room. What's going on?" Mei Qingzhou asked solemnly.

"Deyin doesn't know. After Deyin left the mansion with you, he hasn't come back. As for how the corpse appeared, Deyin really doesn't know."

Yuan Deyin shook her head, and she couldn't figure out how the corpse came out.

"Girl Yuan, where are your maids? Maybe they can see." Chang Yuan turned around and asked Yuan Deyin.

Now, it's time to find more clues.

"Deyin left some things in the Prince Regent's Mansion, so I asked Cang Ling and Sister Wuyi to go back to the mansion to get them..."

Yuan Deyin explained helplessly.

In other words, her maid was not in the house either.

"Hehe, what was left in the Prince Regent's Mansion? Let your maid go back to pick it up today? Yuan Deyin, isn't this too a coincidence!"

Jun Chujing stood far away. She covered her mouth and nose with a few handkerchiefs, and she didn't dare to approach this side at all, as if there was some kind of plague here.

But after she heard Yuan Deyin's words, she immediately started targeting.

Is this also a coincidence?
Yuan Deyin glanced at Jun Chujing indifferently, and didn't even bother to talk to him.

"Today, who discovered this corpse first?" Chang Yuan cast his eyes on the crowd and said seriously.

"Reporting to the dean, it's a slave." A little maid in a green dress came out, and she quickly knelt down.

"Why did you come to Yuan girl's room?"

Chang Yuan's eyes turned cold, and his tone became sharper.

"Reply, report back to the dean. Today, Grandma Liu said that she would clean all the students' rooms. It stands to reason that slaves should not enter the students' rooms, so they only wanted to clean outside, but they didn't. When I arrived in front of the princess's house, I smelled an unpleasant smell. The servant was worried about what was going on in the house, so she couldn't help but opened the door...But, who knows, I saw such a terrible smell. A dead body..."

The maid kowtowed while explaining, her voice trembling, obviously frightened.

"Yuan Deyin, what else can you explain? This princess saw that the murderer was definitely you. You killed someone and there was no place to put it, so I hid the body in your house. You thought you were the princess, No one dares to enter your house, but who ever thought that in this world, there is no paper that can hold fire..."

Jun Chujing jumped out again, muttering loudly, as if she must bring Yuan Deyin to justice.

The point is, the rest of the people also nodded after hearing her words.

All kinds of weird eyes fell on Yuan Deyin.

Yuan Deyin's little face collapsed.

Because she heard someone whispering: "I think Princess Chujing is right, this man was killed by Princess Deyin."

"That's right, the murderer is hiding in her room, so what else can I justify."

"You said that she is a princess, and she is such a delicate little girl. How can she be so cruel? Then why did the deceased make her unhappy?"

"That's why I said, people should not be judged by their appearance."

"Forget it, so what if she really killed someone? She is the princess, and with the protection of the Ninth Prince, there will be no emperor who breaks the law and commits the same crime as the common people."

All kinds of yin and yang words came to their ears, Yuan Deyin didn't have time to get angry, Yin Panrong's fiery temper couldn't help but explode.

"Heh, you guys are amazing. Just relying on a corpse placed here, you can assume that Deyin is the murderer. You think you are gods, don't you have your eyes open?"

While talking, Yin Panrong rolled up her sleeves, and continued to gnash her teeth and said, "Is it because Miss Ben carried this corpse into your house, and you are all accomplices?"

Yin Panrong's insulting words made those people's faces red and black.

"Yin Panrong, why are you so angry? Why, you are the accomplice." Jun Chujing sneered.

Yuan Deyin ignored their quarrel.

She approached Yu Shengxiao and whispered: "Master, this smell can't be formed in four days, right?"

"That's right." Yu Shengxiao nodded.

Finding that the corpse was placed in a strange posture, Yuan Deyin walked over to straighten the corpse.

The face of the corpse was covered by the hair, and the corpse was so rotten that bugs were surging.

Yuan Deyin endured the nausea, she held her breath, and wanted to straighten the corpse.

As a result, a piece of cloth from the corpse was accidentally pulled away.

Suddenly, an empty hole appeared in front of her eyes.

"Don't look."

A black image was swept in like a gust of wind.

A corner of the black python robe flashed across the air, and Jun Yu, with thin sweat on his forehead, came very quickly behind Yuan Deyin.

A big hand covered her eyes.

While covering her nose with a black handkerchief with a big hand, there was a familiar scent of sweet-scented osmanthus on the handkerchief.

Smell the familiar smell, and this gentle low voice.

Yuan Deyin's heart instantly settled down.

"Uncle Nine Emperors~"

She yelled softly.

"En." Jun Yu also responded.

The deep voice gave her an inexplicable sense of security.

After a long while, Xiao Jun hurried over with the people from the yamen.

Behind him was Ning Luan, who was carrying the autopsy tools.

"This, this is another Wuxin corpse." When Xiao Jun saw the corpse, his expression changed.

Because after the cloth was pulled away, a big hole was revealed, which was the empty chest without the heart.


Many female students, nuns and maidservants present couldn't help feeling sick.

Even Wan Wu and Chang Yuan turned pale when they saw this kind of scene for the first time.

Chang Changyuan kept tugging at his beard, the pain woke him up, so he didn't lose his composure and vomited.

"Master Xiao, this should be the lost corpse that we have been looking for for a long time."

Jun Yu pulled the little girl up and put it behind him, then turned his eyes and said to Xiao Jun in a deep voice.

Xiao Jun wiped the cold sweat off his forehead, and there really was No.11 corpse.

But, why did this corpse appear in Weiyang Academy?

I heard that this is the house of Princess Deyin.

"Xiao Jun, you came at the right time. Yuan Deyin is the murderer. You should quickly take her back to the Yamen for interrogation."

When Jun Chujing saw Xiao Jun, she immediately muttered loudly.

"Noisy." Jun Yu's slender eyelashes cast a shadow, and his whole body exuded a cold aura.

"My lord, I understand."

As expected of the dark guard who followed Jun Yu the longest, Wu Xi understood what he meant in an instant.

With a straight face, Wu Xi quickly walked up to Jun Chujing.

"Wuxi, you dog slave, what are you going to do to this princess?"

When Jun Chujing saw Wu Xi coming, she panicked, but the arrogance on her lips didn't diminish at all, and she warned Wu Xi loudly.

In the next moment, Wu Xi directly hit her on the back of the neck with the scabbard, causing her to faint.

Behind him, several guards wanted to come over.

As a result, Wu Xi glanced over with a disgusted look, "Do you want to die too?"

Just such a faint sentence made the guards freeze in place, and no one dared to go forward to help Jun Chujing get up.

Although the others doubted Yuan Deyin in their hearts, they didn't dare to say anything at this moment.

The Ninth Prince can be so cruel to his own niece, let alone these little people who have nothing to do with him.

"My lord, the deceased should have been dead for four days. He was pierced through the heart by a sharp weapon and died of excessive blood loss. The rest are very similar to those of the ten deceased." Yu report.

"Who is the dead?" Jun Yu asked coldly.

Well, at this moment, the hair on the corpse's face was pulled away.


Yin Panrong yelled in shock.

Pointing to the face of the corpse, she was so shocked that she could hardly speak, she stumbled and said, "This, this, this is Yao Man!"

"Yao Man?"

Yuan Deyin poked his head out from behind Uncle Jiuhuang at this time, "Isn't this the person in another room in Zhuyuan?"

The rest of the people also endured the nausea and probed one after another.

"Yes, this is Yao Man."

Although there are already signs of decay on the face, the basic features are still obvious.

"Didn't she say she asked for leave to leave the academy? She didn't come back for many days, so she died."

"But why did she die in this room..."

The crowd was in a commotion and panic.

(End of this chapter)

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