The cub of the Nine Emperor Uncle's family is squeamish again

Chapter 244: Uncle 9 said that he will never marry

Chapter 244 Uncle Nine Emperors Said That He Wouldn't Be Unmarried
"Yao Man, why did you die?"

Suddenly, a voice of grief came.

Soon, a figure in a flowing neon dress ran over.

If it weren't for the officials who stopped her, Yuan Ying'er would have jumped directly on the corpse.

Yuan Yinger?
Why is it her again?
Yuan Deyin's cheeks were bulging, filled with air.

"Who are you?"

Xiao Jun didn't know Yuan Ying'er, and when he saw her sad face, he immediately asked.

"My lord, Huan Yuanying'er, the daughter of the people, is the cousin of Princess Deyin, and has known Yao Man for many years. I heard that something happened to her, and I was heartbroken."

Yuan Ying'er shook her head, covered her face and began to cry.

Seeing this, the other students quickly comforted her: "Ying'er, don't cry anymore, if Yao Man knows how sad you are, she will be very pleased."

"Yes, Ying'er, don't be sad anymore."

Listening to these people's words, Yin Panrong almost vomited.


I'm afraid Yao Man will wake up from anger.

Can't these people see it?Yuan Ying'er is full of vanity. In this academy, only those of noble birth can become her friends. Jun Chujing back then was her key acquaintance.

As for Yao Man, this kind of poor and inconspicuous girl, Yuan Ying'er probably wouldn't bother to look at her more.

Yuan Ying'er jumped out at this time, nothing more than to let others see how "kind" she is.

Of course, there may be another reason...

When Yin Panrong noticed that Yuan Ying'er's eyes were vaguely falling on a certain lord regent.

She was horrified.


This damned Bai Lian must have taken a fancy to the Regent!

Does she want to marry into the Prince Regent's House and abuse Xiao Deyin?
Thinking of this, Yin Panrong felt bad all over.

Over there, when Xiao Jun heard Yuan Ying'er's words, his face became happy, and he quickly asked, "Then do you know where Yao Man went after leaving Weiyang Academy?"

"I don't know about this, Minnv. But Minnv also lives in Zhuyuan, so she knows a thing or two about the situation in this courtyard."

Yuan Ying'er said in a low voice.

"What's the situation?" Xiao Jun continued to ask, and the eyes of the others also fell on Yuan Ying'er.

Yuan Ying'er looked hesitant, and she secretly glanced at Yuan Deyin's side, as if hesitating to speak.

"Sister, if sister tells everyone the truth, will you be angry?" Yuan Ying'er bit her lower lip, looking very embarrassed.

Yuan Deyin: "???"

What does her words and tone mean?
"How does this king not know that King Ji has given birth to an extra daughter?" Jun Yu was standing behind a certain girl, and he spoke indifferently, without even looking at Yuan Ying'er.

But what he said made Yuan Ying'er's face turn pale, and the movement of biting her lower lip seemed extremely stiff.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, don't slander Deyin's father, who only has one daughter, Deyin."

The little girl puffed up her cheeks again, put her hands on her hips, and said angrily.

Jun Yu lowered his eyes, stared at the angry look of a certain little girl, chuckled lightly, and then said seriously: "It seems that some people who tried to seek relatives and relatives talked nonsense, which caused this king to misunderstand. Apologize to you and your father."

Jun Yu's words were like stabbing a knife in Yuan Ying'er's heart, which made her look more and more embarrassed.

With Xiao Jun beside him, he finally saw the trick.

It seems that the ninth prince and the little princess have a very bad relationship with this person who claims to be the sister of the princess.

That's right, it was Yuan Ying'er who was rude.

The identity of the princess is there, but not everyone can call "sister", and the order is orderly. Is this Yuan Ying'er trying to flatter herself?

Suppressing the subtle thoughts in his heart, Xiao Jun's tone became extremely serious.

"Miss Yuanying'er, tell me, what's going on?"

Hearing Xiao Jun's words became a little indifferent, Yuan Ying'er gritted her teeth resentfully in her heart.

She looked at Yuan Deyin, and said directly: "Last night, I saw my sister... In her room, Princess Deyin, after the oil lamp was turned off, there were still figures shaking."

After Yuan Ying'er finished speaking, the atmosphere became subtle.

This Princess Deyin is really becoming more and more suspicious.

Could it be that she got up late at night and brought the corpse in.

"I thought it was a thief or something, but I observed for a long time, and it seemed that I saw the black shadow put something down. I guessed that the black shadow had put something bad, but when I got up in the morning, I haven't seen the princess shocked..."

"Princess, where did you put that thing? Or, have we already seen it?" Yuan Ying'er asked in an obscure tone.

When everyone heard this, they felt that their souls were about to take off.

They took a few steps back quickly, staring at Yuan Deyin warily.

If, as Yuan Yinger said, a black shadow entered Yuan Deyin's room and put down the things, Yuan Deyin was neither shocked nor screamed...

Doesn't that mean that Yuan Deyin knows the truth.

It is even possible that Yuan Deyin instructed the shadow to carry the things in.

That thing... could be this corpse!

Seeing everyone's shocked expressions, Yuan Ying, who was about to say something, covered her mouth, and asked Yuan Deyin in a panic: "Princess, did I say something that shouldn't be said, will you be angry?" Angry at me?"

Yuan Deyin: "..."

Her small teeth were about to be smashed by herself.

Yuan Ying'er, is she trying to frame her on purpose?
Yin Panrong and Mei Qingzhou were also full of anger.

This Yuan Ying'er's eccentric tone was so close to directly saying that De Yin was the murderer.

"Princess, this, do you have anything to explain?"

Xiao Jun turned his head and asked Yuan Deyin anxiously.

There were so many corpses in the capital, and the death was so cruel. Xiao Jun wanted to find the murderer, so he asked Yuan Deyin in a somewhat aggressive tone now.

"Deyin wants to explain..." Yuan Deyin opened his mouth.

She would have liked to say that no one had ever entered her room at all.

If someone enters the house, Brother Wuying and Brother Wumu will definitely find out.

Moreover, when she woke up in the morning, she didn't see the so-called thing.

But just when she couldn't even finish her sentence, the Lord Regent beside her suddenly raised his eyes, staring at Yuan Ying'er indifferently.

"The black shadow last night was my king." Jun Yu said expressionlessly.

Yes, is it Ninth Prince?

Yuan Ying'er's expression froze.

But she calmed down quickly, and she pulled out a gentle smile.

"My lord, the daughter of the people knows that you care about the princess, but you can't bury the truth for this..."

Yuan Ying'er's tone was sour.

She thinks that Jun Yu lied to clear Yuan Deyin's relationship.

Regardless of whether Yuan Deyin was the murderer who killed Yao Man today, she would drag her into the water and be isolated and suspected by everyone.

"The king was worried that Yin'er would put on the quilt in the middle of the night, so he came here to cover her with the quilt. Is this called burying the truth?"

Jun Yu sneered, looking at Yuan Ying'er with extreme disdain.

Cover the quilt?
Everyone was shocked.

The majestic Lord Regent, ran into the little princess's house in the middle of the night just to cover the little princess with a quilt?
This, is this really the Lord Regent who killed and ruthless?

Yuan Deyin also raised his head curiously.

Uncle Jiuhuang even covered her with a quilt.

Wu Xi glanced at the shocked eyes of a certain little princess, and he sneered.

What's the matter, if the princess knows that your Jiuhuang uncle covers you with a quilt every day, will you be scared to death?

"As for that box..." Jun Yu's indifferent eyes fell on the cabinet not far away.

Then, with long legs, he walked to the cabinet and opened it.

A box of lychees appeared in front of everyone.


This is a fruit unique to Lingnan, and there is actually a box of it.

Everyone's eyes were hungry, and the smell of corpses in the room was almost ignored by them.

"This king remembered that it was the day when the lychees were harvested in Lingnan, so he specially ordered someone to bring them over quickly. I came to see Yin'er last night and put it in her cabinet by the way. Are you satisfied with my explanation?"

Jun Yu's last words were already tinged with killing intent.

Yuan Ying'er's body was trembling.

There is not only fear of Jun Yu's killing intent in his heart, but also jealousy of what Jun Yu has done to Yuan Deyin.

"This corpse has been decomposing for a long time. Do you really think that Yin'er can kill a person and hide in this academy for so long? She has only been in the academy for three days."

Jun Yu's indifferent eyes swept over everyone.

The words fell into my ears, and no one dared to say anything anymore.

The Lord Regent is rectifying the name of Princess Deyin.

On weekdays, Jun Yu would not bother to explain things.

But it was about the reputation of a certain little girl, and he became patient.

Everyone no longer dared to expose their doubts to their faces.

"Send the body back to the Yamen for a detailed autopsy." Jun Yu said indifferently.

Xiao Jun responded immediately.

Before leaving, he gave Yuan Ying'er a weird look.

He could see that this Yuan Ying'er deliberately made everyone doubt Princess Deyin.

When she walked out, the little girl couldn't help complaining.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, why did you come to Deyin's house in the middle of the night? You came here as soon as you came, and made it known to the public, so how will Deyin marry in the future?"

Seeing a certain little girl's aggrieved appearance, Jun Yu chuckled lightly.

"Why, this king did something wrong?"

"Well, you just did something wrong. What if Deyin can't get married in the future." The little girl continued to hum.

"No, I will get married." Jun Yu lowered his eyes and said softly.

(End of this chapter)

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