The cub of the Nine Emperor Uncle's family is squeamish again

Chapter 245 De Yin should have been born in Hai Shi

Chapter 245 De Yin should have been born in Hai Shi
"What, Uncle Nine Emperors, how do you know that Deyin will be able to marry?"

The little girl pursed her lips, she always felt that Uncle Jiuhuang was lying to her.

"Of course this king knows, because this king will not let you fail to marry."

Jun Yu said softly, the corner of his mouth raised a shallow arc, which dazzled the eyes of people in the distance.

As soon as Yuan Ying'er came out, she saw Jun Yu seeing Yuan Deyin's gentle appearance, and she almost gritted her teeth.

Why is it that she is also a woman from the Yuan family, Jun Yu treats her so meanly, but treats Yuan Deyin so kindly!

Could it be that Yuan Deyin often speaks ill of her in his ears?

Yuan Deyin really has a vicious mind.

Yuan Ying'er blamed everything on Yuan Deyin again.

"Don't look, Jun Yu is not blind, why should he treat you well?"

Unexpectedly, at this time, Yu Shengxiao fanned the jade bone fan, walked leisurely to Yuan Ying'er's side, and warned her in a faint tone.

With just one look from her, Yu Shengxiao could instantly know the dirty thoughts in her heart.

"Yu, Doctor Yu, what did you say? Why doesn't Ying'er understand?"

When Yuan Ying'er heard Yu Shengxiao's words, her face froze.

After reacting, she twitched the corners of her mouth stiffly, pretending to be gentle and asked back.

As a result, Yu Shengxiao showed no pity for the fragrance and cherished the jade, and directly rolled his eyes.

"This genius doctor has seen countless confidante friends. Your little pretense is nothing in the eyes of this genius doctor! If you dare to use your little trick to kill Xiao Deyin again, this genius doctor will let you know. This world is also a kind of pain."

At the end of the story, Yu Shengxiao's eyes were indifferent like a ghost who had climbed up from hell.

He has a playful smile on the surface, and he is unrestrained, but in his bones, like Jun Yu, he is actually a cold-blooded person.

The blood on Yuan Ying'er's face faded completely.

She opened her mouth several times, but couldn't get the words out.

Yu Shengxiao naturally didn't bother to listen to her, he turned around and walked melodiously towards Yuan Deyin and Jun Yu.

Yuan Ying'er lowered her head, her shoulders were trembling, she lowered her eyes, hiding the resentment deep in her eyes.

Heh, little trick, are you not allowed to deal with Yuan Deyin?

One and two warned her not to let her hurt Yuan Deyin.

However, she was living like this, how could Yuan Deyin be safe and sound?

"You are wrong, this time, I won't play tricks..." She said through gritted teeth.


"Master." Yuan Deyin stepped on his feet and saw Yu Shengxiao walking over.

She waved happily.

"Xiao Deyin, here, I'll return it to you. I'm very touched by the teacher. In such an environment just now, the first thing you thought of was the teacher, and you even covered your mouth and nose with your only handkerchief. "

Yu Shengxiao said with a smile while handing out the handkerchief in his palm.

Yuan Deyin looked at the drool-like handkerchief, and the corners of his mouth shrunk.

Master, he...seems a little...too shameless!

Looking at a certain little girl's angry look.

Jun Yu glanced sideways, glanced at Yu Shengxiao coldly, and then said coldly to Wu Xi who was behind him: "Wu Xi, take it and burn it."

Yu Shengxiao: "???"

Jun Yu, does he dislike him for using Xiao Deyin's handkerchief?
Before Yusheng and Xiao could finish their shock, Wu Xi took the handkerchief away.

"If you grab Yin'er's things next time, I will let you go around the capital three times without anything." Jun Yu warned in a cold tone.

Yu Shengxiao: "???"

I can't see it, you, Jun Yu, are so good at this!
Fearing that Jun Yu would send someone to drag him away to take off his clothes right now, Yu Shengxiao rubbed his nose and muttered softly: "I know, I know..."

"Ah Yu."

At this time, Shen Chuannan, who was wearing court clothes and a black hat, rushed over.

Behind him was Tao Lin who was also full of worry.

"Deyin, are you okay?" Tao Lin ran to Yuan Deyin to check her from head to toe.

"Sister Lin, don't worry, it's fine, it's just that a female body that has been dead for many days appeared in Deyin's room."

The little girl shook her head and softly comforted Tao Lin.

"Female corpse?" Tao Lin and Shen Chuannan asked in shock at the same time.

"Ah Yu, it's no wonder that we always..."

Shen Chuannan turned to look at Jun Yu.

Before he finished asking, Jun Yu nodded indifferently, "Yes."

"Sure enough, there are still dead. Princess, you are not scared, are you?"

Shen Chuannan also looked back at Yuan Deyin worriedly.

A female corpse appeared out of nowhere in her room, let alone a little girl, even if it was a man, she was very disturbed now.

"Lord Shen, don't worry, with Uncle Nine Emperors by your side, what is there to be afraid of?"

The little girl explained in a serious tone, her words were full of trust in Uncle Nine Emperors.

"Cough, cough, Shen Fox, this genius doctor is also at the scene of the crime, why don't you worry if this genius doctor will be scared!"

Yusheng Xiao, who had been neglected all this time, was furious. He kept fanning the jade bone fan, trying to get attention.

"It's good that you didn't scare the corpse, but are you afraid that the corpse will scare you?"

When Shen Chuannan heard Yu Shengxiao's words, he raised his eyes and glanced at him with extreme disgust.

Yu Shengxiao: "!!!" Did anyone say that?
Seeing that the other party was about to quarrel again, Yuan Deyin quickly stood up and changed the subject.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, Master Shen, what have you guys found out in the past two days?"

"No, apart from the similar way of death, these dead people have nothing to do with each other, which is extremely troublesome."

Shen Chuannan shook his head helplessly.

The impact of this incident was so bad that it reached the emperor's ears.

This morning, the emperor has issued an order to thoroughly investigate the truth and find out the real culprit.

"It can't be unrelated, at least they must have the same motive for killing." Yuan Deyin shook his head and explained in a serious tone.

"What is the motive for killing? The other party is a pervert. He wants to gather people born at twelve hours, so that he can feel a sense of accomplishment..."

Yusheng snorted, and said the matter without restraint.

But after he said it, he found that the eyes of Jun Yu and Shen Chuannan had become extremely cold, he quickly covered his mouth, and instantly realized that he had said something wrong.

The atmosphere is a little subtle.

Yuan Deyin's eyelashes trembled slightly, she raised her eyes, looked at Uncle Jiuhuang with weird eyes, and asked softly: "Uncle Jiuhuang, are all the dead people who were born at eleven hours ago. So , is the murderer someone who was waiting for Haishi?"

And she... "should" be born in Haishi.

That day by the river, the note dug out by Ming Zhou probably meant——

She will be the next to die.

If not, Uncle Nine Emperors wouldn't have dispatched so many hidden guards to protect her these days.

His little girl is sometimes too smart, which really makes people a headache.

Jun Yu sighed silently in his heart, and finally he nodded calmly.

"Well, Xiao Deyin, you don't have to be afraid. If the murderer wants to hurt you, this genius doctor will definitely protect you."

Yu Shengxiao saw Yuan Deyin's face changed, and he rarely assured her in a manly tone.

But the little girl Yuan Deyin shook her head, frowning tightly, as if she was thinking about something.

After a long time, she raised her head again and looked at Jun Yu with a strange look.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, why do you know that Deyin was born in Haishi?" She asked in a strange tone.

"It's very simple. Your father is the king of halberds. You are considered a member of the royal family. Your birthdays and horoscopes are all recorded in the ritual department of the palace. If anyone who is interested in entering the palace has a look at the record book of the royal family's ancestral temple , it must be easy to know..."

Yu Shengxiao waved his hand, as if he knew it well.

But at this time, Jun Yu said indifferently: "No, according to the records of the ancestral temple, Yin'er was born in Xu time."

Yu Shengxiao, Shen Chuannan and Tao Lin changed their faces at the same time.

This thing seems to be wrong.

Jun Yu's eyes slowly fell on Yuan Deyin's body, and then continued to explain: "The reason why this king knows that Yin'er's real birth time is Haishi is because King Ji once told this king once, and this king remembered down."

"That's right, Deyin's real time of birth was Haishi, but the mother and concubine asked her father to change the time to Xushi. Although I don't know why they did this, Deyin always remembered her true birth date. The date of birth, but it has never been disclosed to outsiders."

Yuan Deyin explained seriously.

"Then, how did the person who left the note know Xiao Deyin's real birth date." Yu Shengxiao touched his arm, and goose bumps all over his body.

"King Ji is not a talkative person. He will not tell everyone what Princess Ji has done. The reason why he told me Yin'er's real birth date before that battle was because he thought that if he really After leaving, there are still people who can remember her daughter's real birth date..."

I never thought that that time, I really left forever, and never came back from the battlefield.

Jun Yu looked at Yuan Deyin with complicated and imperceptible distress.

"Concubine Mu and Deyin have never told anyone else in recent years that Concubine Mu gave birth to Deyin by herself, and there was no stable woman around her." Yuan Deyin shook his head and continued to explain.

"So, before that, the only people in this world who knew the real birth date of Princess Deyin were King Ji and Princess Ji, A Yu and Princess Deyin?" Shen Chuannan concluded, his brows furrowed.

"Could it be that something dirty is peeping?"

Yu Shengxiao swallowed his saliva, his eyes glanced around a few times, goose bumps all over his body.

(End of this chapter)

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