The cub of the Nine Emperor Uncle's family is squeamish again

Chapter 246 The dead and the living coexist

Chapter 246 The dead and the living coexist

"Master, do you want to talk about ghosts?"

Yuan Deyin glanced at Yu Shengxiao with helplessness in his eyes.

Why is Master so afraid of ghosts, but he has to bring it up every time.

"This, it's not that the matter has been forced to this point, the teacher can only guess like this."

Yu Shengxiao felt cold all over, and he lost the energy to fan, so he quickly put away the jade bone fan.

"Ah Yu, do you think this genius doctor's guess makes sense?" Yu Shengxiao stared at Jun Yu anxiously.

As a result, Jun Yu's eyes flicked past him, looking at the endless sky with dark eyes.

After a long time, he suddenly uttered a sentence in a cold tone: "Perhaps many years ago, some people thought that Yin'er must be born in Haishi."

"Ah? What?" Yu Shengxiao was a little confused when he heard Jun Yu's words.

Why did some people feel that many years ago, was this prophesied?
Wait, prophecy!

Yu Shengxiao's hairs stood on end, he looked at Jun Yu in shock, and asked tentatively, "Jun Yu, you probably know about He Jinyuan, right?"

"En." Jun Yu said concisely.

He glanced sideways, exchanged glances with Shen Chuannan, and then said in a cold voice: "It seems that we still have to go to the Zangshu Pavilion of Weiyang Academy today."

Shen Chuannan raised his eyebrows, he understood Jun Yu's meaning, he nodded quickly: "Okay, I'll be with you."

Wait, Shen Fox is not surprised!

Yu Shengxiao suddenly realized that both of them knew about the so-called prophecy.

Fortunately, he thought he was the first to know from Chang Yuan and Wan Wu.

"Yin'er, I still have some things to do. I asked Wuxi and the others to take you back to the palace." Jun Yu leaned over, looking at Yuan Deyin seriously with his dark eyes.

Such a thing happened in Weiyang Academy, and people must not be left behind.

"Lord Nine, Princess Deyin's original house cannot be lived in, but the Weiyang Academy is so big, the rest of the house can still be lived in."

At this time, Chang Yuan, who was not far away, came over, and when he heard Jun Yu's words, he became anxious.

He understood Jun Yu's personality, if he were to take him away now, he might never come back.

Yuan Deyin looked at Uncle Jiuhuang's serious eyes, she frowned and thought for a moment, then tugged at the corner of his clothes.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, Deyin knows that you are worried, but Deyin came to the academy to study. Now that he has not completed his studies, how can he go back? Also, although those people dare not talk nonsense, they must still be concerned about Deyin in their hearts. Yin is a little skeptical, if Deyin leaves like this, doesn't it mean that Deyin has a ghost in his heart?"

Uncle Nine Emperor's tone was unquestionable, but the words of a certain little girl were also firm.

Looking at her serious eyes for a long time, Jun Yu understood that she was determined to stay.

"Okay, I'll take care of you." Jun Yu finally made a compromise.

In this world, only she would make him compromise again and again.

"Thank you, Uncle Nine Emperors, Uncle Nine Emperors, go get busy, Deyin won't bother you anymore."

The little girl waved her hand obediently.

She knew that what Uncle Jiuhuang did must have something to do with her, but she didn't ask.

Since Uncle Jiuhuang didn't go into details with her, he must have his reasons, so why should she ask more.

Besides, it would be better for her not to follow Uncle Nine Emperors, after all, she also has things to do.

Seeing with his own eyes a certain little girl leading a group of hidden guards and leaving behind Dean Changyuan, Jun Yu looked back and walked towards the Zangshu Pavilion.

Tao Lin had already left with Yuan Deyin, and Shen Chuannan naturally accompanied Jun Yu.

Yu Shengxiao froze in place, but finally he gritted his teeth and chased Jun Yu's direction.

He is more curious than afraid of danger.

In front of Zangshu Pavilion, a thin young man was already standing there.

When he saw Jun Yu, he was only slightly taken aback by Jun Yu's deep and awe-inspiring aura, not too shocked.

He quickly saluted without being humble: "Caomin Qingxiu has met the Prince Regent, Mr. Shen, Doctor Yu."

"You know us?" Yu Shengxiao fanned the jade bone fan, raised her eyebrows, and asked in shock.

"That's natural. Someone was killed in the academy. With such a big disturbance, it is inevitable that some rumors will be heard in the library. Mr. Jin Yuan expected that the regent would definitely come here, so he ordered Qingxiu to wait here."

Qingxiu replied softly.

That Jin Yuan could guess what Jun Yu was thinking!
A sharp flash of light flashed in Yusheng Xiao's eyes, he turned his head, and exchanged a glance with Shen Chuannan, who had the same dignified expression.

"Then does he have something for you to bring to this king?" Jun Yu glanced at the closed door, and his cold eyes fell on Qing Xiu again.

Qingxiu was stunned again.

Mr. Jin Yuan knew that the regent would definitely come to him, and the regent also expected that Mr. Jin Yuan would definitely not see him...

How powerful these two people are at guessing people's hearts.

Suppress your emotions.

Qing Xiu took out a note from his sleeve.

Jun Yu took the note and saw that it said——

"Eighteen years ago, the birth date of Princess 'Deyin' was left on the letter. Lord Nine, it is impossible for a man to fight against the sky, and those who defy the sky will surely perish."

Those who defy the sky must perish?
These words fell into Jun Yu's eyes, which made him sneer.

"Back then, he was a high-spirited case-solving wizard, Mr. He, how could you believe in heaven?"

"Go back and tell him what he thinks in his heart, this king doesn't bother to care about it. But if he wants to hurt Princess Deyin half a point, this king will never allow it."

Jun Yu left after saying this in a cold voice.

This, this is leaving?

Don't you run up and question the old man?
Yusheng Xiao froze on the spot, looking anxious.

But seeing that Jun Yu had left, he couldn't force his way into the Zangshu Pavilion by himself.

Sighing loudly, Yu Shengxiao quickly closed the jade bone fan and followed quickly.

While following Jun Yu's fast pace, Yu Shengxiao asked Shen Chuannan who was beside him suspiciously.

"Actually, Ah Yu has long suspected that those people who were killed are related."

Seeing Yu Shengxiao's curious appearance, Shen Chuannan felt helpless, so he paused and answered patiently.

"What's the connection?" Yu Shengxiao's curiosity was completely aroused.

"The dead beater, who worked as a guard in the palace of Jiwang in the early years, mainly protected the concubine of Jiwang who had just married into the palace; the dead woman in the brothel, she stepped into the world because her husband died and had nothing to rely on. His husband was a very trusted subordinate before King Ji; there was also that thin woman who used to be Princess Deyin's wet nurse, but she had no memory of Princess Deyin until she returned home early because of something at home..."

"Wait, are you saying that those who died were all related to the Ji Palace, Xiao Deyin, or were they people who had contact?" Yu Shengxiao realized something, and she asked back in shock.

Without waiting for Shen Chuannan to answer, he began to talk to himself: "If this is the calculation, Li Xiangyang and Xiao Liu have also been in contact with Xiao Deyin..."

"So, A Yu guessed that the dead person who has not been found may have been with Princess Deyin all the time." Shen Chuannan continued to add.

"Wait, did you use...'he'?"

Yu Shengxiao's expression gradually froze, his eyes widened, and he looked at Shen Chuannan in fear.

"That's right, it's following. As a living person, I have been following Princess Deyin's side." Shen Chuannan said calmly.

(End of this chapter)

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