Chapter 247 Everyone Knows the Truth

"Shen Fox, don't scare me, okay?"

Yu Shengxiao swallowed hard, he was almost stunned.

"So scary?"

Shen Chuannan raised his eyebrows, and glanced at Yu Shengxiao with disgust.

Worried that he was really scared to cry, Shen Chuannan was willing to explain: "I was just scaring you, how could a dead person become a living person?" A Yu guessed that the missing corpse should be in Deyin County By the side of the lord, it has something to do with the lord of Deyin County, so the corpse is probably in Weiyang Academy..."

It is so...

Seeing Yusheng Xiao's expression gradually calmed down, Shen Chuannan continued to explain: "There are so many people in Weiyang Academy, it is not easy to hide a dead body for so long, I am afraid that some living people are deliberately covering it up. So this Weiyang Academy is already full of our people. He Jinyuan was also discovered during our investigation..."

"What did you find?" Yu Shengxiao asked, poking his head.

"We all know what Dean Changyuan and Mr. Wan Wu told you. We also know what they don't know." Shen Chuannan gave Yu Shengxiao a meaningful look.

Yu Shengxiao: "..."

That feeling is that he kept it in his bones.

"Is the prophecy letter true?" Yu Shengxiao thought of this, his heart was itchy as if bitten by an ant.

"Believe it, it can't be faked. But whether the prophecy is true or not, it's hard to say."

Hearing Yu Shengxiao's question, Shen Chuannan's rare expression became a little dignified. He frowned and said this softly.

So, don't they know?
Yu Shengxiao frowned, and he continued to ask: "Leave the prophecy aside, since you said that Jun Yu's people have filled the entire Weiyang Academy, why did someone leave the body in Xiao Deyin's room? I don't know, those people..."

Yu Shengxiao wanted to complain about how unreliable the hidden guards arranged by Jun Yu were.

But before he could finish his sentence, Shen Chuannan's disgusted eyes fell on him, and he said in a deep voice, "How did you know that we don't know how the corpse appeared?"

"So, you know?" Yu Shengxiao was even more shocked now.

"Follow up, a good show is about to begin." Shen Chuannan raised a shallow arc, and walked straight past Yu Shengxiao, and then followed Jun Yu's pace.

Yushengxiao's curiosity was aroused again, so she had no choice but to put away her fan, and then quickly followed.


"Brother Wuxi, why did Uncle Nine Emperors appear so quickly just now? Are you investigating the case nearby?"

Yuan Deyin stepped on the cobblestones on the path, bouncing around, and suddenly thought of a question, she quickly looked sideways at Wu Xi, and asked in a suspicious tone.

She remembered that the yamen, the palace, and the Prince Regent's Mansion were not close to Weiyang Academy, so if Uncle Nine Emperors wanted to come from there, it would take some time.

However, the time of his appearance was obviously extremely fast.

"This..." Wu Xi had a strange expression on his face, feeling hesitant to speak.

"Wait," the little girl saw Wu Xi's expression, she immediately realized, and asked in shock, "Did Uncle Nine Emperors wait near Weiyang Academy early in the morning?"


If he hadn't been waiting at the gate of Weiyang Academy, he wouldn't have appeared so soon.

But why is he waiting with Mr. Xiao and Zuo Zuo?


He had expected something to happen.

"I see, Uncle Nine Emperors, I lied just now!" Miss Yuan crossed her arms with an angry look.

"County, princess, the Ninth Prince asked his subordinates to send you to a new courtyard. Where are you going now?"

After Wuxi heard Yuan Deyin muttering to himself, he quickly turned around and left, and he hurried to catch up.

Wuyi, Cang Ling, and Tao Lin were also worried when they saw Yuan Deyin walking towards the bamboo garden again, so they hurried to catch up.

When Yuan Deyin was about to step into Weiyang Academy, she saw He Hanyan standing at the door with red and swollen eyes, and Yin Panrong and Mei Qingzhou were standing beside her.

They seemed to be comforting He Hanyan.

"Deyin, why are you back?"

Seeing Yuan Deyin's figure, Yin Panrong immediately shouted in doubt.

When He Hanyan saw Yuan Deyin, her pupils shrank slightly, and she quickly lowered her head.

But Yuan Deyin didn't seem to see He Hanyan's expression.

She directly replied to Yin Panrong: "It's okay, I just can't figure out how this corpse can appear out of nowhere, so I want to come back and see the crime scene again."

"Deyin, do you already have a guess in your mind?"

Mei Qingzhou looked at the bright eyes of the little girl Yuan Deyin, and soon realized something.

"That's natural. I'm very sure that someone should have hidden the corpse in this bamboo garden long ago..." Yuan Deyin replied sharply.

 Today is my birthday, I have a lot of things to do, I don't have time to update, I just update a little bit, I will make up for it tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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