The cub of the Nine Emperor Uncle's family is squeamish again

Chapter 249 The liking of you is enough to counteract the deception

Chapter 249 The liking of you is enough to counteract the deception
"Because Deyin knows that you didn't kill people. Deyin is eager to know, why did you frame me?"

Yuan Deyin had a small face, and his tone seemed aggrieved.

She actually had a very good impression of Aunt Lou Ping.

But why, the other party wanted to frame her.

Knowing the discomfort in Yuan Deyin's tone, Lou Ping smiled wryly: "After all, I lied to you..."

She also appreciates Yuan Deyin very much.

Especially after knowing that she is the daughter of Huixuan whom she adores.

However, there are some things she has to do.

"Lord Ninth, can I let Xiaguan and Princess Deyin chat alone?"

Facing Yuan Deyin's question, Lou Ping pondered for a while, then turned to look at Jun Yu, and asked in a solemn tone.

Although Lou Ping is the aunt in charge of Weiyang Academy, she still retains her official position in the palace, so it is not an exaggeration to call herself a "lower official".

"Ah Yu..." Shen Chuannan called Jun Yu worriedly.

They have made so much effort, but they just don't want the little princess to know some truths.

If the little princess knew the truth, wouldn't it be...

Regarding Shen Chuannan's worries, Jun Yu's expression remained calm.

He pursed his thin lips, his eyes fell on Yuan Deyin for a long time, and finally he compromised.

He looked sideways at Lou Ping, and said in a deep voice, "I only give you half a stick of incense time."

"Your Majesty thanked the Ninth Prince."

After speaking, Lou Ping took Yuan Deyin to the side room.

"Princess Deyin, it's my Aunt Lou Ping who's sorry for you." Lou Ping looked at Yuan Deyin and apologized earnestly.

"Aunt Lou Ping, what's going on?"

"Actually, I don't know how Yao Man died. She was talking about some personal matters, so she asked for leave to go out. But who knows, she came back within a day, and said that she didn't want others to know her back, so she chose to live secretly in a room containing smoke..."

"Hanyan is a soft-hearted child. She thought that Yao Man was her friend, so she agreed. But who knew that the next day, when she came back from morning class, she found that Yao Man...was hollowed out. Heart."

Lou Ping said in an unbearable tone.

She had also seen that bloody scene.

Outrageously cruel.

"Then why didn't Sister Hanyan report to the government?" Yuan Deyin was very puzzled.

When such a big thing happened, the most important thing for Sister Hanyan to do was to report to the officials so that the people from the Yamen could find out the real culprit.

"Is Sister Hanyan worried that others will misunderstand that she killed him?"

Yuan Deyin looked solemn.

"That's just one reason, and there's a more important reason." Lou Ping shook her head.

"what reason?"

"Actually, Yao Man's identity is quite special. She is Yu Gu from the rebellious party." Lou Ping gritted her teeth, and finally said the words.


Chaotic party Yu Gu?

What's happening here?
"I don't know if you know about the Southwest Rebellion?" Lou Ping continued to ask.

"Is it Chen Chaoyu's party?"

"That's right, Yao Man's father, in a moment of confusion, rebelled with Chen Dynasty's remnant party. After the defeat of the Chen Dynasty family in that rebellion, Yao Man's family should have killed everyone. Yao Man was still in her mother's stomach at the time, yes Your father... tried to save their mother and daughter." Aunt Lou Ping explained in a serious tone.

"So, her identity can't be found out?"

Yuan Deyin understood what Aunt Lou Ping meant.

"That's right, your royal father did a good deed back then, and he didn't want to involve innocent people. If this incident were exposed, then Yao Man and her mother would not survive, and your father's reputation would be ruined." Aunt Lou Ping said sighed.

She continued: "When Yao Man entered the academy, I was a little skeptical, because her mother was a classmate with me, and she and her mother looked too similar. Later, I found out the truth by accident, and I have been doing it for her. She hides."

"Students who enter the academy will be investigated for their family background, but Yao Man has never been discovered. Are you covering her?" Yuan Deyin expressed his guess.

"That's right. For the rest of the time, I can cover for her. But when it comes to investigating the cause of her death, I can't hide it. So I can only hide the body."

Lou Ping looked sad.

Yao Man had already passed away in great pain, but the survivors not only failed to help her find the murderer, but even tormented her corpse.

Seeing Aunt Lou Ping's depressed appearance, Yuan Deyin lowered his head with a complicated expression.

"Then why did you frame Deyin? Is... because of the one from Cangshu Pavilion?"

Yuan Deyin looked into Aunt Lou Ping's eyes and asked seriously.

Something flashed through her head now.

When she was in Zangshu Pavilion, Aunt Yu Fang was very respectful to the old man.

When Aunt Lou Ping mentioned Yao Man's mother just now, she called her a classmate.

So could it be that Aunt Lou Ping, Aunt Yu Fang, and Yao Man's mother were also students of this Weiyang Academy back then.

And that old man was also the teacher of Weiyang Academy?

Then contact Uncle Nine Emperors to conceal Aunt Lou Ping's actions.

There is an answer... Yuan Deyin's heart is ready to come out.

"Yes, it is indeed for Mr. Jin Yuan. I think you should know some prophecies."

Lou Ping looked at Yuan Deyin with a complicated expression, and then continued to recall.

When Mr. Jin Yuan came to the academy, outsiders knew his identity.

Everyone said that he was a disaster star, if not, he would have killed everyone in the entire mansion.

She was the only one who felt admiration for this man who was full of knowledge, thoughtful, and a few rounds older than herself.

She did a lot to get to know him.

Although until now, she hadn't been able to enter his heart, but she knew his biggest secret by accident.

"Aunt Lou Ping, you mean that there is a prophecy about Deyin, will Deyin destroy Chi Yan?" After listening to her explanation, Yuan Deyin looked at Aunt Lou Ping in shock.

Uncle Jiuhuang knew about this prophecy, so did he want to hide it from her?
Seeing Yuan Deyin's anxious appearance, Lou Ping hurriedly comforted her: "Maybe it's just nonsense, don't take it to heart, the Ninth Prince didn't tell you, just because he didn't want you to feel burdened... As for me..."

Aunt Lou Ping took a deep breath, and then continued to explain: "I know Mr. Jin Yuan, the destruction of the He family is a curse in his heart, so he absolutely takes what he predicted to be true. So I believe that one day he will In order to prevent Chi Yan from perishing, I chose to kill you."

"So, you put the corpse into my room, are you trying to use public opinion to drive me away?"

Yuan Deyin frowned. She understood what Aunt Lou Ping meant, but felt that the other party's actions were really unacceptable.

"I know that my actions will definitely hurt you. But I have no choice. You are the most dangerous in Weiyang Academy. There is a murderer hiding in the dark before, and Mr. Jin Yuan behind. Put the body In your house, you will only leave the academy if you are temporarily suppressed by public opinion. But you have the Nine Emperor Uncle to protect you, and this matter will pass quickly, as long as you can leave Weiyang Academy..."

"Aunt, Aunt Lou Ping," Yuan Deyin shook his head, looking at Aunt Lou Ping disappointedly, "You think this is for my own good, but you don't know, it's a selfish act. You think I will happy?"

"I..." Aunt Lou Ping opened her mouth, but couldn't say what she wanted to say.

"Don't worry, I will not make public what you did, but you will no longer be my most respected Aunt Lou Ping."

Yuan Deyin shook her head, she withdrew her eyes, turned and left with a lost expression.


Aunt Lou Ping called Yuan Deyin behind her, and her eyes were a little red.

Did she... did she really do something wrong?

Shen Chuannan and Yu Shengxiao who rushed over stood outside.

They saw a little girl walking out with a sad face, and Lou Ping's eyes were red in the back.

They probably guessed it too.

It is estimated that Aunt Lou Ping told the little princess everything, but the little princess will not forgive her.

"Then Junyu..." Yu Shengxiao poked Shen Chuannan's arm, his eyes were full of tension.

Aunt Lou Ping just met Xiao Deyin once, and Xiao Deyin became so sad because of her deception.

There is even a feeling of being old and dead.

What about Jun Yu?
Didn't Jun Yu cheat more seriously?
Looking at Yu Shengxiao's worried eyes, Shen Chuannan's expression was not much better.

He frowned tightly.

What should Ah Yu do this time?
When Jun Yu came out of a side room from a certain little girl, she pursed her thin lips without saying a word, and her whole body stood in place like a mountain, exuding a depressing aura.

After a long time, he finally moved.

He took his long legs and walked straight to a certain little girl, who was held back by her.

Then he raised his hand and gently wiped the tears at the corners of her eyes with his fingertips.

"You don't have to forgive the deception, but... don't make yourself sad." He whispered, with a bit of imperceptible worry and loneliness in his tone.

Yuan Deyin didn't speak, just looked at him with eyes as red as rabbits.

"You go." After a long time, the little girl said these three words indifferently.

Hearing these three words from her mouth, Jun Yu's heart trembled, and his fingers trembled.

She finally blamed him.

No matter why he lied to her.

Closing his eyes and opening them again, Jun Yu could resist the trembling in his voice and said softly, "Okay, my king is going."

After finishing speaking, he slowly put his hand down, but before putting it down, he tried to smooth the messy hair on her forehead with his hand.

After doing this, he turned and left.

With a tall body, there is nowhere to hide the sadness.

"Jun Yu is miserable." Shen Chuannan wiped the corners of his eyes, feeling like crying.

Just when Jun Yu was about to walk out of the gate of this other courtyard, suddenly, there was a sound of running behind him.

Before he could turn around, a soft little hand suddenly grabbed his big palm.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, did you forget something?" The little girl's soft voice came from beside her ear.

Jun Yu's tall body froze, he lowered his head hesitantly, and met the little girl's bright eyes.

"Aren't you angry with me?" Jun Yu said nervously.

"Why are you angry with you?" The little girl pursed her lips and asked seriously.

"This king lied to you." Jun Yu frowned and said in a complicated tone.

"Well..." The little girl suddenly smiled slyly. She stepped on her feet, pressed Uncle Jiuhuang's shoulder, and hummed, "Uncle Jiuhuang, you are too tall, lower your head."

Hearing her words, Jun Yu didn't hesitate, just bent down and bowed his head.

At this time, the little girl pouted and approached his ear easily: "Uncle Nine Emperors, Deyin wants to tell you a secret."

"Deyin is not angry, because Deyin's liking for Jiuhuangshu is enough to offset Jiuhuangshu's trivial deception."

(End of this chapter)

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