Chapter 250 Rumors
Although Yuan Deyin's words were soft, when they reached Jun Yu's ears, there was a feeling of flowers blooming in the barren mountains.

She had no idea what her words could bring to a certain prince.

She stepped on her toes again, and said seriously: "Uncle Nine Emperors, Deyin won't be angry with you."

Yu Shengxiao in the distance: "..."

The clown was me.

He also thought that after Jun Yu was left out by Xiao Deyin, he would go to comfort him and laugh at him by the way.

But who knew, Xiao Deyin... didn't intend to be angry with Jun Yu at all.

Woohoo, Jun Yu has really succeeded in raising cubs.

Yu Shengxiao felt a little sour in his heart.

"I'm sorry, my lord..." Jun Yu looked at Yuan Deyin's serious eyes, lowered his eyes, and apologized in a complicated tone.

In the end, the little girl shook her head seriously: "Uncle Nine Emperors, you don't have to say sorry, because you are not wrong in this matter. It's you really believe in the prophecy?"

Yuan Deyin looked at Jun Yu nervously.

If it is true that she is the one who will harm Chi Yan as the prophecy said, will Uncle Nine Emperors...

"I don't believe in heaven, I don't believe in fate, and I don't want to make vague prophecies." Jun Yu raised his hand and gently rubbed her head.

At the end, he added very seriously, "This king protects this country, and he wants to protect the people he wants to protect. If he can't even protect the people he wants to protect, this country doesn't matter."

Jun Yu's words successfully made a certain little girl's eyes red.

"Uncle Nine Emperors..." she called softly.

"If other people want to harm you, this king will never allow it." Even if they are enemies of the world.

"Cough, cough, stop being sensational, let's think about how to find out the real culprit."

Yu Shengxiao rushed over with the jade bone fan, and then used the fan to separate Yuan Deyin and Jun Yu.

If these two people continue to chat, he, who is watching, will die of sourness.

"Yes, so many people have died now, if the real culprit is not found out, I'm afraid there will be more victims."

Shen Chuannan also came over. When he said this, he looked at Yuan Deyin with complicated eyes.

Now that the matter has been clarified, it is estimated that Princess Deyin can also expect that she will be the No. 12 victim. In this case, he does not intend to make detours.

"It's so annoying, what is the murderer's motive for killing?" Yu Shengxiao put away the jade bone fan, and put it on her chin, looking thoughtful.

"Could it have something to do with the prophecy letter?" Shen Chuannan expressed his guess.

"No." Jun Yu directly denied it.

prophetic letter...

I'm afraid it is a game that was set up more than 30 years ago, which seems to be true and false.

And the latest homicide case just accidentally involved things that happened more than 30 years ago.

"Deyin should know the motive for the murder." At this moment, a certain little girl suddenly raised her head and said in a serious tone.

"Xiao Deyin, you know?" Yu Shengxiao was shocked.

At this moment, Cang Ling hurried over.

"My lord, princess, Mr. Shen, doctor Yu, something happened." Cang Ling said anxiously.

"What happened?" Shen Chuannan asked with a frown.

Before Cang Ling could answer, Tao Lin, who came back from a trip at this time, first explained: "Rumors are flying all over the sky outside, saying that those who died all died because of Deyin. Now many people have joined together and said please The emperor must execute Deyin."

"Ridiculous!" Shen Chuannan and Yusheng frowned, blushing with anger.

Yu Shengxiao glanced sideways, only to find that Yuan Deyin looked calm.

"Xiao Deyin, you must have guessed it, right? Is this your motive?"

He asked Yuan Deyin in shock.

Yuan Deyin shrugged, let out a breath, and then explained seriously: "The other party killed so many people related to me, and even went out of his way to kill people according to the time of birth, just to create an illusion .That is, the death of these people has nothing to do with me, I am a villain."

When Yuan Deyin was explaining, his expression was indifferent, as if he was not the person involved.

"It's a pity that people can be fooled by such rumors."

Tao Lin was also so angry that her face flushed.

She just went out for a while, and heard those people condemning Deyin with righteous indignation, she was so angry that she immediately wanted to argue with them.

"When enough people die, it is enough to cause panic. The people are ordinary people. It is not surprising that they have such a reaction."

Yuan Deyin shook his head and explained calmly.

"But..." Yu Shengxiao gritted his teeth, how could his little apprentice be bullied like this!

"Uncle Nine Emperors, Master Shen, Sister Lin, should you investigate the case?" Yuan Deyin suddenly raised his head and asked them seriously.

"Aren't you going back to the palace with me?" Jun Yu heard her words, and immediately understood that she wanted to drive them away.

"Deyin originally wanted to go back with you, but think about it, Deyin can't be knocked down by such a trivial matter. Besides, there is also a master in the academy, he can protect Deyin."

Yuan Deyin nodded, telling a certain Nine Emperor Uncle not to worry.

"That's right, this genius doctor can indeed protect Xiao Deyin."

Hearing that Xiao Deyin trusted him so much, Yusheng slapped the jade bone fan, raised her eyebrows, and whispered.

"In that case, this king will also stay." Jun Yu said coldly with a handsome face.

"What are you doing here? Aren't you going to track down the real culprit?" Yu Shengxiao widened her eyes in shock.

"My lord thinks that even you can teach as a teacher, why can't I?" Jun Yu looked sideways, and his cold eyes fell on Yu Shengxiao.

Everyone: "???"

So, not only does he want to stay, but he also wants to teach as a teacher?


In the afternoon, the school began to give lectures again.

Mei Qingzhou and Yin Panrong sandwiched Yuan Deyin in the middle, both of them had extremely weird expressions.

"Deyin, I heard that we have the Ninth Prince giving a lecture in the afternoon, is it true?" Yin Panrong couldn't help but asked in doubt.

"En." The little girl's expression was still calm, she nodded directly.

"Did he come here for you?" Yin Panrong was so frightened that she couldn't calm down.

The Lord Regent, who was murderous and impermanent, came to the academy to give lectures in person, and they were flattered and at a loss as to what to do.

"Maybe, or maybe it's for investigating the case." Yuan Deyin chuckled lightly, with extremely sly eyes.

"Wait, why are they avoiding us?" Mei Qingzhou found that when many people saw them from a distance, they avoided them directly. She was very puzzled.

"Qingzhou, don't you know the rumors outside?"

Yin Panrong glanced at Yuan Deyin worriedly, and then spoke to Mei Qingzhou.

"What rumor?" Mei Qingzhou frowned. She didn't go out today, so she didn't know what rumors were outside.

Looking at Yin Panrong's hesitation, not knowing how to speak.

Yuan Deyin explained directly for her: "People outside said that the eleven people died because of me, and some people even proposed to execute me."

"Ridiculous!" Mei Qingzhou stopped in place, and she flushed with anger.

How can there be such rumors!

"Sister Qingzhou, don't be so angry. People will believe rumors, and it is because the identities of these dead are really too subtle..."

Yuan Deyin shook his head and smiled wryly, and gave a rough overview of the relationship between the deceased and her.

Although the relationship is relatively far away, for a person who has been away from the capital all year round, this is already the part of the people who has the closest relationship with her.

Of course, she didn't say anything about Yao Man's relationship with her.

"It's a coincidence at most. Forget it, even if it's not a coincidence, it's the murderer's intention. How can they blame you?"

Mei Qingzhou shook her head, her anger was indescribable.

"Right now, the most important thing is to find the murderer and rectify Deyin's name." Yin Panrong said helplessly, shaking her head.

"By the way, Deyin, you said that the person who put the corpse in your room was someone else..." Mei Qingzhou thought of this, and quickly asked Yuan Deyin.

He Hanyan went home at noon, and when she left, her eyes were red from crying.

As for the person who put the body in Yuan Deyin's room, none of them knew who it was.

"Actually, they are just irrelevant people."

Yuan Deyin shook his head at them.

In the end, she chose not to expose Aunt Lou Ping.

"Princess Deyin, Qingzhou, Panrong, can I go to school with you?"

Suddenly at this time, a woman holding a book appeared in front of them hesitantly.

Yuan Deyin looked over and found that the other party was actually an extremely petite girl with flushed cheeks, as if she was nervous and shy.

(End of this chapter)

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