Chapter 251 The little girl praised him
"Of course." Mei Qingzhou smiled gently at the other party.

Seeing Yuan Deyin's curious face, Yin Panrong quickly explained to her: "She is Ning Xinyue, and she has been in the academy for a long time, but because she is isolated by everyone, she often walks alone. Sometimes when we see her alone, let her be with us."


Yuan Deyin frowned, why isolate her?

Obviously looks like such a good girl.

"Because, her brother is a gangster, and her family has been a gangster for generations. She originally wanted to be a gangster. But you also know that the world hates the dead, so they hate the gangster. No one wants to be with her. .”

Yin Panrong explained helplessly.

"Aren't people going to die after all? Why are you afraid of the dead? Besides, Zuo Zuo is a righteous person who seeks the truth, so it's fine if he is not respected, why should he be cast aside?"

When Yuan Deyin listened, she was furious.

"Your words, when Xinyue first entered school, when she met those who complained to her, she refuted them in the same way. But after a long time, facing cold eyes and isolation for too long, she also became taciturn. gone."

Yin Panrong's tone was also a little uncomfortable.

She and Qingzhou also thought about helping Ning Xinyue, but the strength of the two of them was not enough to change the deep-rooted prejudices of so many people.

"I still remember that when we met for the first time, Xinyue was still full of ambitions and said that after she had achieved success in the academy, she would go home and become a talented maid..." Yin Pan Rong muttered softly.

"She also wants to inherit the mantle and become a coordinator?" Yuan Deyin looked shocked, with admiration in his tone
It is rare for a girl not to be afraid of an autopsy.

"However, her wish may be hard to come true." Yin Panrong shook her head with a regretful expression.

She would often see Ning Xinyue holding the letter left by her great-grandfather for the rest of the time. Others could see that she really respected him.

So she really hoped that Ning Xinyue could do what she liked.

"Why?" Yuan Deyin was also curious.

"Because their family disagrees, especially his elder brother, who said that being a teacher is useless and will be hated and cast aside. If he had no other choice, he would not choose to be a teacher. The reason why Xinyue came to the academy is because Her brother forced her to."

"Then she must be very sad..."

Xiao Deyin responded in a low voice, feeling a little sad for Ning Xinyue in her tone.

Her ambition was denied by the family members she cared about, if it was her, she would be very sad.

"By the way, you've probably seen her brother." Yin Panrong suddenly remembered something, and she hurriedly said Yuan Deyin.

"I've seen it too?" Yuan Deyin frowned.

The works she has seen...

"Could it be that her elder brother is Ning Luan who is by Mrs. Xiao's side?" Yuan Deyin asked in shock.

Ning Luan was the only one she had ever seen.

"Yes, it's him. Because he often comes to the college to visit Xinyue to see if Xinyue is studying hard, so we all recognize her." Yin Panrong nodded.

It's really Ning Luan...

Yuan Deyin frowned when he heard this answer.

Strange, she remembered that the first time she saw Ning Luan was by the river.

At that time, he was doing the autopsy with his master, and he was still full of excitement, and he was full of enthusiasm for the profession of calligraphy in every gesture.

Is this kind of person really the one that Sister Panrong said that she hates coworkers and doesn't want her sister to be a coworker again?

It's so strange.

Yuan Deyin wanted to ask more questions, but they had already reached the door.

She had no choice but to suppress her doubts, hugged the books tightly, and stepped into the school.

Because this class was taught by Uncle Nine Emperors, it was a rare opportunity, and Dean Chang Yuan actually called all the students of the college to attend.

When Yuan Deyin first entered, he saw a room full of people, and the ones sitting in the front were Dean Chang Yuan and Mr. Wan Wu.

The appearance of the two of them is extremely like two little fanboys.

Chang Changyuan looked around and saw Yuan Deyin coming in, he quickly waved: "Yuan girl, come here, the dean has reserved a place for you."

Yuan Deyin originally came quietly, and was not noticed at all.

As a result, now, with Dean Chang Yuan's voice, she has become the center of attention.

When many people saw her, their first reaction was panic and disgust on their faces, and then they silently took a few steps back.

Now... She really has become a look that everyone hates.

"Princess Deyin County, don't look at those eyes." Worried that she would be sad, Ning Xinyue hurried to her side and comforted her in a low voice.

Her little face was flushed, but she looked at Yuan Deyin with sincerity.

Hearing the kindness in her words, Yuan Deyin's heart warmed up, she shook her head with a smile: "It's okay, these eyes are nothing to me."

After appeasing Ning Xinyue, Yuan Deyin raised his hand and waved to Chang Yuan.

"President Changyuan, it's inconvenient for Deyin to go there, so just find a convenient place."

After Yuan Deyin finished speaking, she took the initiative to hold Ning Xinyue's hand, and quickly found a corner seat with Mei Qingzhou and Yin Panrong.

Seeing that Yuan Deyin took her hand, Ning Xinyue blushed, a little uneasy, she bit her lower lip, trying to pull her little hand out.

"Princess Deyin County, Xinyue's hands have been autopsied with her father and elder brother since she was a child, and they are not clean. Your hands cannot be dirty."

"What are you talking about? Why aren't your hands clean? Deyin just ate osmanthus cake and forgot to wash his hands. If he says it's not clean, it's because my hands are not clean!"

Yuan Deyin snorted and corrected Xinyue's words in a serious tone.

"Master, you..."

Ning Xinyue's eyes were red.

A rich man like the princess doesn't even despise her.

Besides, did she say these words to make her happy?
Holding back her tears, Ning Xinyue lowered her head and whispered, "Thank you Princess, Xinyue understands, and she won't belittle herself in the future."

Is that right...

Seeing Ning Xinyue's appearance, Yuan Deyin nodded in relief.

At this moment, a tall figure walked in through the door.

It was rare for Jun Yu to change out of his ink-colored python robe and put on a black long robe. His brows were cold and cold, a little less sharp, and a little more Mo Shangyan Ruyu, a gentleman who is unparalleled in the world.

There were all female students present, and many of them were dumbfounded, feeling their hearts beating wildly.

The world says the regent is cruel and cruel.

They also guessed in their hearts that he was the ugly monster with three heads and six arms.

But they never thought that after seeing him so closely, they realized that the other rumor was true.

The Prince Regent really deserves the title of the most beautiful man in the world.

"Deyin Deyin, your Nine Emperor Uncle is really handsome today." Yin Panrong said excitedly while holding Yuan Deyin's arm.

As a result, a certain little girl yawned out of boredom. She pouted her lips, and then snorted, "What do you mean today is too handsome? Uncle Nine Emperors has always been handsome, okay?"

The little girl muttered very softly, but it was enough for a Lord Regent who had excellent hearing to hear clearly.

In an instant, the corner of his mouth curved slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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