Chapter 252 What kind of meat is this?
In an instant, the corner of Jun Yu's mouth curved slightly, as if a mountain of camellias were blooming.

Seeing his smile, more women felt that their heartbeats were out of control.

"Fortunately, the Ninth Prince only came to give such a lecture once in a while. If it lasts for a long time, is it okay?"

While muttering, Yin Panrong couldn't help touching the goose bumps on her arms.

Fortunately, she is not interested in handsome men, otherwise, she might really want to be Deyin's Nine Emperor Aunt like the other women.

Jun Yu put down the book, glanced at the people present with his black eyes, and said coldly, "Is everyone here?"

"Except for a small part, it's basically all there." Dean Chang Yuan who was sitting below answered immediately, with a smile on his face.

He was looking forward to the student he once admired the most would be able to speak loudly on the stage...

But who knows, the next moment, Jun Yu said expressionlessly: "Since there are a lot of people here, have you seen the book in your hand?"

"I see." Those women quickly answered while covering their hot faces.

"Okay, you can study on your own."

Jun Yu's cold voice fell...

Everyone: "???"

"Jun... Ninth Prince, aren't you here to be a lecturer? Why do you want to teach yourself?"

Chang Yuan was the first one who couldn't bear it any longer. He stood up from his seat and asked anxiously while stroking his beard.

"A teacher is just a guide, who can give a guide on the way to study. As for knowledge, you need to learn by yourself. What's the problem with self-study?"

Jun Yu's black eyes just looked at Chang Yuan like this, and what he said made Chang Yuan unable to refute.

"Yes, but..."

Chang Changyuan opened his mouth, wanting to say something else.

As a result, Jun Yu added calmly, "When I was studying at Kanyin'er in the Prince Regent's Mansion, I also taught myself. Why, is self-study difficult?"

Everyone: "???"

Chang Yuan's beard was blown up and down, his face was stiff and slightly distorted.

He suddenly felt that it was his biggest mistake to expect Jun Yu to teach.

The rest of the people wanted to cry. Usually, they couldn't understand the content of the master's lectures, but now they are asked to study by themselves. Are they this material?

Mei Qingzhou, Yin Panrong and Ning Xinyue sat beside Yuan Deyin. When they heard what a certain Ninth Prince said, they immediately looked at Yuan Deyin.

Yin Panrong couldn't help being puzzled, and asked directly: "Deyin, when you were in the Ninth Prince's Mansion, did you learn all the knowledge by yourself?"

"Well, strictly speaking, it's not..." The little girl shook her head.

"Huh?" So the Ninth Prince lied?
Looking at the curious eyes of the three of them, Yuan Deyin explained calmly: "Actually, this is not only the case in the Prince Regent's Mansion, but also in the Prince Ji's Mansion, and in Zhuangzi. When I was young, my concubine first taught me to read, Deyin read the books by himself..."

Yin Panrong: "..."

Mei Qingzhou: "..."

Ning Xinyue: "..."

"What should I do if I encounter content that I don't understand?" Mei Qingzhou couldn't help asking.

Although she had the habit of reading books by herself since she was a child, it was really extremely difficult, and every page contained jerky and difficult content.

Hearing Mei Qingzhou's words, Yuan Deyin's first reaction was to wrinkle her little face, and she asked in puzzlement: "Why do you have such a question? Deyin doesn't seem to have read anything in the book that he doesn't understand. Hey. Do you have any?"

Do you...have any?
Mei Qingzhou took a few deep breaths, and she was able to maintain her complexion.

But Yin Panrong and Ning Xinyue directly twisted their faces.

Don't be mad, don't be mad, don't be mad...

Ah, I can't bear it anymore, my wife wants to kill someone!
Yin Panrong slapped the table and was about to rise up, planning to beat up a certain little girl.

But when she saw the clear and serious eyes of a certain little girl, she was instantly discouraged.

Because she understands that Yuan Deyin is really just expressing a fact!
The rhetorical question that came out of her mouth was really just curiosity!

Seeing Yin Panrong's furious and discouraged appearance, Mei Qingzhou couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Hey, we have to learn to accept and reconcile with ourselves, and learn to accept our own mediocrity." She patted Yin Panrong's shoulder lightly, not knowing whether to comfort Yin Panrong or herself.

It's not that they are too bad, but that a certain little girl is too extraordinary.

"Nine, Lord Ninth, knowledge classes are inherently difficult, and the text is also jerky and difficult to understand. The books you ordered to distribute in advance are the most difficult books recognized by Chi Yan scholars. If you don't point out one or two, we will really It's hard to understand."

A woman sitting in front hesitated for a long time, and finally spoke to Jun Yu with a blushing face.

Jun Yu looked sideways, staring at the woman coldly.

He quickly recognized that this woman was the one who avoided Deyin the most.

The corner of his mouth curled up in a contemptuous arc, and his eyes staring at the other party became more and more cold.

"I can't even read a book, I'm stupid. I'm really curious about what kind of people would trust those ridiculous people. It turns out that they are stupid people who can't even read a book."

Jun Yu's indifferent voice spread to the ears of everyone present.

Many people's faces became...extremely embarrassing.

As long as they have a brain, they can tell that Jun Yu is mocking them for listening to the rumors outside and believing that Yuan Deyin killed the eleven people.

Chang Changyuan stared at Jun Yu with some strange eyes.

He seems to have guessed something...

This boy Jun Yu, he actually said that he came to the school to give a lecture so easily, and nothing good happened!
He didn't come here to give lectures at all, but to express his anger for Yuan girl.

Yuan Deyin looked at the people around her who were speechless, and her expression moved slightly.

She raised her head, her bright eyes became brighter and brighter.

Uncle Nine Emperors, is this here to protect her?
After one class, under Jun Yu's disdainful eyes, those people stumbled and read a few pages of a book, and there were many unfamiliar words in it. They were so ashamed that they wanted to find a hole to drill in.

So when a class was over, they felt relieved, hugged their books, and left as quickly as they could escape.

"Look at you, you have scared away the dean's students."

Chang Yuan looked at Jun Yu with complaining eyes, the beard on his mouth was about to be blown into the sky by him.

This shows how angry he is right now.

But Jun Yu didn't seem to notice his angry glance, he glanced sideways, glanced at him faintly, and then said in a disgusted tone: "President Chang Yuan, you spend a lot of time holding the assessment every year, and the recruits are like this student, it really made me doubt your vision."


Listen, is this what people say?

Chang Chang was out of breath.

However, he couldn't find words to refute Jun Yu.

Because to be honest, he observed those students secretly just now, and found that they looked sad after reading a few pages of books, and he was really disappointed.

When did Chi Yan's education become like this?

Those so-called smart children are just because there is a teacher at home, and the teacher randomly stuffs knowledge into their minds.

Because if you pretend enough, you will be profound.

But they don't know that they are just a funnel for knowledge, and they can leak all knowledge at any time.

This is the tragedy of not having the ability to think independently.

Chi Yan's cultural inheritance is worrying...

However, having said that, Jun Yu can't despise them like this.

Chang Yuan blew his beard and stared at Jun Yu: "You, you...Although you are the noble regent of Chi Yan, the dean was once your tutor anyway, don't you know how to respect elders?"

"Sir, don't you also know how to love children?" Jun Yu's indifferent and disgusted eyes fell on Chang Yuan again.

Chang Changyuan's expression froze, and his face flushed with shame.

Because he understood that Jun Yu was reminding him of the things that made things difficult for Yuan girl when she was in the assessment.

He finally knew that Jun Yu really came to avenge Xiao Deyin, and he didn't even intend to let him go.

Jun Yu was still delayed by a long time here, and the little girl Yuan Deyin felt that she was really hungry, so she took Mei Qingzhou and the others by the hand and quickly slipped out of the school.

"I'm so hungry, I don't know what delicious food the cooks in the kitchen have made today."

Yuan Deyin rubbed his shriveled stomach and muttered softly.

hungry again?
Mei Qingzhou and Yin Panrong looked at each other, and they smiled helplessly.

This snack guy really can't do without bringing food with him for a quarter of an hour.

"Then let's go eat, but at this time, the cooks probably haven't prepared the food yet, we need to wait." Mei Qingzhou nodded, and she wanted to call Ning Xinyue to join them.

Still have to wait?

Yuan Deyin shook his head, looking disappointed.

She turned her head, looked at Wuyi and Cang Ling who were following them, and really wanted to ask them if they could cook something delicious.

But she thought quickly.In Weiyang Academy, students are not allowed to have their own kitchen.

It's a real headache.

When Yuan Deyin was very disappointed, Ning Xinyue looked at her and said in a low voice: "Princess Deyin, if you don't mind, you can go to the house of the folk girls to eat, but the food may be rough..."

"Do you have food there?"

As soon as Yuan Deyin heard it, her ears perked up. She quickly grabbed Ning Xinyue's hand and asked excitedly.

Ning Xinyue was startled by Yuan Deyin's excited appearance.

Unexpectedly, the little princess who was held in the palm of the regent's palm by everyone in the capital with curiosity turned out to be... an out-and-out foodie.

Before Ning Xinyue answered, Yin Panrong realized something, she asked curiously: "Xinyue, is your brother here again?"

Hearing Yin Panrong's words, Ning Xinyue nodded: "Well, he should have arrived. I have been weak since I was a child, and I can't eat food cooked by others, so my brother will cook for me and deliver it to me every other day. There are so many things delivered this time, I can’t finish them all, and it’s a waste if I pour them out. It’s just that what I eat is a rough meal, I don’t know..."

Ning Xinyue wanted to say that she didn't know if Yuan Deyin, a rich man, would not like it.

But before she finished her sentence, a certain little princess shook her head seriously: "How can there be no distinction between high and low in food? Hee hee, Deyin is really not picky about eaters, he just fights with you Yes, it's kind of embarrassing..."

At the end, a certain little princess grabbed her hair and giggled a few times in embarrassment.

"No, Princess Deyin, if my brother knows that you have eaten the food he cooked, I will only feel honored in my heart."

Ning Xinyue smiled and shook her head, leading them to her residence.

Although Weiyang Academy is managed in a closed manner, students and family members are by no means allowed to enter and leave.

As long as they register, family members can enter the college to visit students.

However, the students in the academy are all women, men and women are different, so whenever a man comes to visit, he must wait in the Yunfang Pavilion outside the student's residence, and he is not allowed to step into the student's residence.

Thinking that there would be something to eat later, Yuan Deyin jumped up and down along the way with a very happy expression.

Cang Ling and Wuyi followed behind them, and they smiled helplessly when they saw the princess's little appearance of being energetic when he heard the food.

They really wanted to tell the princess that Chang Yuan had prepared meals for the prince, and the princess followed him, do you want anything to eat?
But unfortunately, the princess ran too fast, and they had no choice but to remind them.

If the prince knew that the princess had left him behind just for a meal, he wondered if he would be heartbroken.

Yuan Deyin walked beside Ning Xinyue, asking questions like a little sparrow from time to time.

"Xinyue, does your brother really deliver food to you the next day?" She asked curiously.

"Well, although my brother is busy working in the yamen, but at noon, he will always make time to cook for me." Ning Xinyue said with a smile.

Yuan Deyin pursed her lips.

"Deyin really wants a brother who can cook for Deyin." She muttered expectantly.

On the side, Yin Panrong accidentally heard this, the corners of her mouth twitched, and she said helplessly: "Deyin, are there not enough cooks in the Regent's Palace and Jiwang Palace, and you still want a brother who cooks? "

"Isn't there a lot of rice? If there is one more person who can cook, Deyin can have an extra meal." Yuan Deyin explained seriously with a straight face.

Yin Panrong: "..."

For this reason, I can't refute it.

"By the way, Xinyue, your brother is following Lord Xiao, right?" Yuan Deyin continued to walk to Ning Xinyue and asked in a low voice.

"That's right, my brother also told Xinyue about you, the princess. She said that you are different from ordinary women, and you won't be afraid when you see the corpse." When Ning Xinyue mentioned her brother, her eyebrows brightened. Feiyang felt a little more energetic.

Yuan Deyin was a little embarrassed to be praised like this.

She smiled shyly, she wasn't afraid at all, it was clearly that Uncle Nine Emperors had been protecting her, preventing her from seeing the terrifying appearance of the corpse.

"Ning Wu's work is also very good. With so many corpses, he can examine them in a short period of time by himself."

Yuan Deyin praised Ning Luan sincerely.

"Well, my brother is the most formidable assistant Xinyue has ever seen. Father and grandfather are not as capable as him, and Mr. Xiao has praised him many times. Back then, there were many big cases that could not be solved in the capital, all because of my brother's help." The autopsy revealed clues..."

Ning Xinyue's words were full of admiration for Ning Luan.

As she spoke, her tone was a little lost again, and she murmured softly: "My brother is good at everything, but he doesn't let me act as a slave, he is too stubborn..."

Hearing her disappointed words, Yuan Deyin's heart sank.

For a moment, she couldn't think of words of comfort.

At the same time, she was also curious.

A man who loves his sister so much, who always finds time to deliver meals to his sister when he is extremely busy, does he really have the heart to break his sister's ideals?

Could it be that because you are too worried about her, you don't want her to go her own way?

When Yuan Deyin was full of wild thoughts, they finally came to Yunfang Pavilion.

Ning Luan was waiting with a few food boxes.

It looked like it had been waiting for a long time.

"Little Moon."

When seeing Ning Xinyue, Ning Luan was overjoyed and immediately called out.

Ning Xinyue also quickly ran towards him.

"Brother, have you waited for a long time again? Didn't I tell you that you can come later." Ning Xinyue whispered coquettishly.

In front of Ning Luan, she was a little less shy and unnatural.

Ning Luan put down the food box, he grabbed his hair, and smiled a few times: "You don't have a uniform time for school, I'm afraid you will come here early, and you will starve if you don't have food."

"Xinyue knew that elder brother was the best." Ning Xinyue thanked her with a full face.

Ning Luan looked behind her, only then did he notice Yuan Deyin and Mei Qingzhou.

"This, this... Princess Deyin..."

When Ning Luan saw Yuan Deyin, he planned to kneel down.

"You don't need to be too polite." Yuan Deyin hurriedly stopped the other party.

Ning Luan, who stood up straight, froze there, a little nervous, and he didn't know why the Princess would appear in such a place.

Seeing his nervous appearance, Yuan Deyin quickly comforted him with a smile: "Don't be nervous, my princess...Actually, that's it, just to eat..."

When it came to the end, the little girl Yuan Deyin's tone was rather embarrassing.

To eat?
Ning Luan was stunned for a long time, unable to react.

Ning Xinyue hurried forward and tugged Ning Luan's sleeve.

"Brother, the princess came here with Xinyue to taste your food."

"Here, princess, how can this be? The ingredients of the humble job are all rough food..."

Ning Luan was in a hurry, he was very embarrassed, he was afraid that his food would ruin Yuan Deyin's stomach.

"You don't need to be nervous, the princess's stomach is no different from that of ordinary people. Wait, Ning Wuzuo, you look so resistant, but you don't want the princess to eat the food you cook?"

Yuan Deyin's small face stiffened, pretending to be angry.

Ning Luan was in a hurry at this moment.

He kept shaking his head, so anxious that he stumbled for words.

"No... no, county... princess, that's not what you mean by being humble..."

"It's fine if it doesn't mean that, Ning Wuzuo, may I have it?"

Yuan Deyin held his shriveled stomach and looked at Ning Luan with an embarrassed expression.

"Of course it is possible..."

Ning Luan couldn't care less, so he quickly opened the food box.

There were also tables and chairs in Yunfang Pavilion. Ning Luan opened the food box, and a burst of vegetable aroma wafted out, almost seducing Yuan Deyin's saliva.

But fortunately, she still remembered her status as princess, and she didn't lose her composure.

"Sister Qingzhou, Sister Panrong, Xinyue, let's sit down quickly."

Yuan Deyin took them to sit down.

Unable to bear it anymore, Yuan Deyin picked up the spoon in front of him, wanting to try the soup that had tempted him for a long time.

But who knew, when his hand slipped, the spoon fell from his hand.

Her heart tightened, thinking that the spoon was about to break.

But suddenly, a hand appeared from under the table and directly caught the spoon.

"Princess, here you are." Ning Luan wiped the spoon clean with a cloth before handing it to Yuan Deyin.

Yuan Deyin's expression remained unchanged, he said "thank you" softly, and quickly took the spoon back.

But when she retracted her eyes, a strange emotion flashed in the depths of her eyes.

Strange, she clearly remembered that before she came back by the river that day, she vaguely heard Mrs. Xiao say that Ning Luan would send someone to protect him when he went to the place where the crime happened for autopsy, because he was the only one in the yamen, He doesn't know martial arts yet, if something happens, the problem will be serious.

However, the speed at which he picked up the spoon just now doesn't look like... someone who doesn't know martial arts.

"Deyin, eat this meat, it's delicious." Yin Panrong called out at this time, interrupting Yuan Deyin's thoughts.

Yuan Deyin looked over, only to see a plate of fried meat not far away, with a tangy aroma.

Moreover, the meat is finely chopped and covered with chives, giving people a sense of appetite.

"What kind of meat is this?" Yuan Deyin asked curiously.

"Well, I also want to ask, what kind of meat is this?" Yin Panrong also asked curiously, because she had never eaten such delicious meat.

"I don't know about this, because this meat was taken by Xizhi at home. It seems that Xiaoyue put it there a few days ago." Ning Luan explained while scratching his hair in embarrassment.

"What, you took the meat I left at home?" Ning Xinyue's complexion changed suddenly, and her voice was also a little sharp.

(End of this chapter)

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