The cub of the Nine Emperor Uncle's family is squeamish again

Chapter 253 The little rabbit is going to run away from home

Chapter 253 The little rabbit is going to run away from home
"Xinyue, what's wrong?"

Finding that Ning Xinyue's mood was so strange that Yin Panrong didn't dare to eat meat anymore, she stopped her chopsticks and asked suspiciously.

Mei Qingzhou and Yuan Deyin also looked at Ning Xinyue curiously.

Finding that the atmosphere was a little off, Ning Luan withdrew his hand and asked with some concern: "Xiaoyue, did brother do something wrong?"

"No, it's okay. I'm just talking about the meat. It's been a long time since I bought it last time. I'm afraid the meat has gone bad."

Ning Xinyue shook her head, her expression gradually returned to calm, as if she was okay.

"Xiaoyue, you don't have to worry. I think the meat is still fresh. But because I was in a hurry to cook today, I didn't have time to see what kind of meat it was, so I just put it in the pot. When will you go to the market to buy it?" Ready to eat?" Ning Luan said with a smile.

"That's right, I bought it from an old woman in the east of the city. I saw that she was going out to set up a stall at such an old age, so I wanted to help her, so I bought all the leftover meat from her. But it was dark at that time. I don’t know what kind of meat it is, maybe it’s some wild game we’ve never eaten before from her family.”

Ning Xinyue explained calmly.

"Wild game! Then I should eat more. My mother always said that those wild game would be poisonous, so she wouldn't let me eat them. It would kill me. After all, I heard from my father's subordinates that they drank heavily during the war. , eating wild game is the most comfortable thing."

While complaining, Yin Panrong quickly stretched out her chopsticks, picked up a few pieces of meat, and ate with relish.

"If you like it...then eat more." Ning Xinyue looked at the plate of meat, and then said to Yin Panrong with dark eyes.

"Qingzhou, don't you want to eat?" Yin Panrong ate comfortably and turned her head, only to see that Mei Qingzhou was just sitting.

"In a few days, it will be the death anniversary of my mother and younger brother. I want to pray for them in advance, so I have to be vegetarian." Mei Qingzhou shook her head lightly.

Oh, Yin Panrong nodded.

She also remembered that every year at this time, Qingzhou has to be vegetarian.

Ning Luan looked at the non-vegetarian food on the table, and scratched his head a little embarrassedly, and said apologetically, "Miss Mei, I'm sorry, I didn't know you were going to be a vegetarian for a few days, so I didn't prepare for it." vegetarian diet."

"It's okay, you were cooking for Xinyue, we disturbed you." Mei Qingzhou replied with a smile.

On the side, Yin Panrong touched Yuan Deyin with her elbow, "Deyin, why don't you eat this meat, it's really delicious."

"Wait a minute, I want to finish this soup, this soup is really delicious." Yuan Deyin held a bowl bigger than her own face, almost licking the bottom of the bowl clean.

"This fish soup is really fresh and tender." Yuan Deyin said with bright eyes.

"It's as long as the princess likes it. Your bowl is bottomed out. Let me serve it for you." Ning Luan smiled and wanted to help Yuan Deyin serve the soup.

But when his hand was about to touch Yuan Deyin's bowl, Ning Xinyue frowned.

She quickly reached out and grabbed the bowl, "Brother, let me do it."

Ning Luan realized something at this moment, his calloused hand froze for a moment, then quickly retracted, and kept rubbing against his waist.

Yuan Deyin's small face sank slightly, and from the corner of her eyes, she also noticed a bottle of vinegar and white wine not far away.

She instantly understood that these are all necessary things that Zuo Zuo carries with her, and she must wash her hands in time...

Even if they are not doing an autopsy at this moment.

So, was Ning Luan's action just now worried that she would think his hands were dirty?

Yuan Deyin withdrew his eyes, looking a little disappointed.

Obviously it is a very respectable errand, why did the people of the world force them to become so urgent and cautious,
All of a sudden, Yuan Deyin lost his appetite.

"Princess Deyin, here you are." Ning Xinyue smiled and brought the soup to Yuan Deyin.

"Thank you." Yuan Deyin thanked softly.

Thinking of something, she quickly stood up, stepped on her feet, pressed Ning Luan's shoulders, pushed him to the side and sat down, and served him a bowl of soup.

"Ning Yuzuo, this time you are investigating the case with Uncle Jiuhuang. The clues found in the autopsy are extremely useful to us. Thank you for your hard work."

When Yuan Deyin served the soup to the other party, he still didn't forget to say such words very seriously.

Ning Luan was shocked when he heard Yuan Deyin's words.

The Ning family has done this job for generations, and no one has ever expressed such solemn thanks to them.

Even if they have helped many people find clues and uncovered the real culprit.

No matter what, those people would look at them with strange eyes, and felt that it was unknown for Zuo Zuo to deal with corpses.

Ning Luan was in a complicated mood, and was flattered at the same time.

"Princess, humble position..." He opened his mouth, wanting to say something.

But Yuan Deyin tilted his small face, pretending to be very serious and said: "Okay, I have finished my words of thanks to the princess, you are not allowed to say anything that you can't bear, everyone who seeks justice for the dead is Respectable person, you can drink the soup, otherwise, this soup will be eaten up by the Princess later..."

In the end, Yuan Deyin's words made people laugh a little.

Yin Panrong and Mei Qingzhou couldn't help but chuckled directly, even Wuyi and Cang Ling behind them looked like they were holding back their laughter.

Ning Luan hurriedly lowered his head, "Drink with a humble job, drink with a humble job..."

His trembling hands had already betrayed his mood.

The princess actually said...they are worthy of respect.

Ning Xinyue drank the soup in a low voice, hiding the emotions in her eyes.

After another bowl of soup, Yuan Deyin felt that his stomach was full and round.

She couldn't eat anymore, so she touched her stomach, then looked up, and saw...

Ning Luan actually picked out the fish bones from the bowl and placed them neatly on the table one by one.

He was doing this while drinking the soup, as if it was the right thing to do.

Yuan Deyin was stunned for a moment, and quickly realized.

I heard that during the autopsy, even if it was a bone as thin as a fish bone, they would put it back neatly, because it was a respect for the deceased.

Because I have developed a habit, it is not surprising that other bones are placed in this way.

However, when Yuan Deyin saw Ning Xinyue's corner of the table, her eyebrows still raised slightly.


Her grandparents have been gangsters for generations, and Ning Xinyue still wants to be a gangster, but why are the bones on her side placed in a mess.

Maybe it's because I didn't really work as a teacher, there are many rules I don't understand, and my habits are different.

Thinking of this, Yuan Deyin quickly threw away the little doubts in her heart.

When the food was almost eaten, especially the delicious meat, Yin Panrong wiped it all out by herself, Ning Luan scratched the hair on the back of her head and said embarrassedly: "De Yin Princess, Miss Yin, Miss Mei, sister, Master Xiao is in a hurry, I may have to go back to the Yamen now..."

"Brother, your matters are more important, you should go back quickly." Ning Xinyue nodded to him.

Yuan Deyin also agreed at this time: "Yes, Xinyue will be taken care of by us."

Hearing what they said, Ning Luan quickly packed up his things and left, heading for the yamen.

"Xinyue, your brother is so good at cooking, and he's not bad looking, when will he bring you a sister-in-law?"

Yin Panrong rubbed her round belly and teased Ning Xinyue.

Ning Xinyue lowered her eyes, and her tone was a little disappointed: "We need a girl who is willing to come to our house. How can there be a girl who can accept my job..."

You can accept it...

Yin Panrong almost blurted out this sentence.

But she soon realized that the statement was wrong. After all, Ning Xinyue was from the Ning family, so she couldn't marry back to the Ning family.

Now that Xinyue is so sensitive about her job status, she shouldn't be talking about these topics...

Yin Panrong scratched her hair angrily, not knowing what to say to ease the atmosphere.

Yuan Deyin glanced over there, and then quickly said: "Sister Pan Rong, what did you tell me about choosing a school?"

Hearing Yuan Deyin's words, Yin Panrong quickly took advantage of the situation to change the subject.

"Yes, I should have told you about this a long time ago. There are five pavilions in our college, that is, five pavilions, which are the four contents you assessed plus a medical pavilion..."

"These pavilions have specializations, mainly to find a certain aspect of talent in each student, and then stimulate that talent better..." Mei Qingzhou took Yin Panrong's words to explain.

"Is that so? Besides, what are the benefits of joining these schools?" Yuan Deyin became interested when he heard this.

"Of course there are many benefits. You new students now have to learn everything. But as long as you join a school, it doesn't matter if you don't come to these common courses. As long as you can ensure that you You just need to pass the assessment to choose that school at the end." Mei Qingzhou continued to explain.

It's still possible!
Yuan Deyin probably understood.

In fact, a college is subdivided into several fields, and each student enters that field to study, as long as he learns the content of that field well, he can basically complete his studies.

Doesn't that mean that she doesn't have to take so many classes?

When Yuan Deyin heard this, his expression became a little excited.

She doesn't want to take so many classes, it's too tiring!
"Don't be so excited. You still have to take these common classes once in a while. As for the exams for the classes you choose, they are usually very difficult. You have to be prepared."

Seeing Yuan Deyin being so excited, Yin Panrong guessed what Yuan Deyin was thinking, and she didn't forget to tell her seriously.

After all, she chose the equestrian pavilion. Although she has been training horses since she was a child, every time she comes to the assessment, she is worse than death.

But after she finished speaking, she looked a little dull again.

A little princess who has won three first grades, does she need to be reminded of this?
do you need?

"Okay, thank you sister Panrong for reminding, Deyin will pay attention." Yuan Deyin smiled and thanked obediently.

"Deyin, what school do you choose?" Mei Qingzhou looked at Yuan Deyin and asked.

"Naturally..." Yuan Deyin's voice was drawn out.

"It's the Medical Skills Pavilion, right? Miracle Jade Doctor has come to the academy, so you must have studied with him." Yin Panrong said confidently.

"No, Deyin doesn't want to choose Medical Skill Pavilion." Yuan Deyin snorted softly, then shook his head.

"Why?" Yin Panrong and Mei Qingzhou asked at the same time.

Miracle doctor Yu is her master, why doesn't she learn from her master?

Seeing their shocked faces, a certain little princess said arrogantly: "Master is Deyin's master, when can he not teach Deyin? Deyin only has one chance to enter the Xuege, so naturally he should seize it It’s time to learn the rest.”

This word...

It makes sense so hard to refute.

"Then, what pavilion do you want to enter, Deyin? can't be...the equestrian pavilion?"

Yin Panrong stared at Yuan Deyin in shock.

As Xiao Deyin said just now, she wanted to say something she didn't understand.

Isn't that the riding court?
Yuan Deyin looked at her shocked appearance, and then smiled obediently: "That's right, Sister Panrong, you guessed it right."

"" Yin Panrong was so anxious that she was almost speechless.

Mei Qingzhou was still calm enough, she frowned and explained: "Deyin, riding is difficult to learn, and it's easy to get hurt, what if you get hurt?"

"It's okay, Deyin just wants to learn riding skills. In this case, if Uncle Nine Emperors quarrels with Deyin in the future, Deyin can still ride a horse and run away from home. Otherwise, walking on legs will be so tiring."

A certain little princess folded her arms, raised her head, and analyzed with a reasonable appearance.

Mei Qingzhou: "..."

Yin Panrong: "..."

At this time, a certain prince who had just walked over from a distance heard these words very well, and his handsome face turned black.

Yu Shengxiao followed beside him, and he also heard those words.

He raised his eyebrows, and said to Jun Yu in a provocative tone: "The apprentice of this miracle doctor is smart, and he knows that he needs a horse to run..."

Heh, his little girl thought so much, she even thought that they would quarrel...

A certain Ninth Prince's eyes darkened, and the air-conditioning in his whole body became a little bit more.

"Hey, how about this genius doctor give you an idea..."

Yu Shengxiao still whispered in Jun Yu's ear.

In the next moment, Jun Yu glanced over with murderous eyes: "Do you want me to break the horse's leg, or break yours?"

Yusheng Xiao; "..."

What a violent regent.

Hmph, wouldn't it be alright if the genius doctor didn't tell me?
Yu Shengxiao snorted coldly, then opened the jade bone fan, turned around and went to calm down the fire in her heart.


Mei Qingzhou and Yin Panrong still looked worried, and they were still trying to persuade Yuan Deyin.

"Deyin, it's actually not that easy to get into the equestrian pavilion. These schools only recruit talented students. You don't even know how to ride a horse. Your husband won't accept you." Yin Panrong said earnestly. explain.

"It's okay, Sister Panrong..." The little girl smiled heartlessly.

Worried that they would continue this topic, Yuan Deyin quickly turned to look at Ning Xinyue and asked curiously: "Xinyue, which school do you belong to?"

"I, I'm from the Chess Pavilion, but... I'll transfer to the Medicine Pavilion first." Ning Xinyue said shyly.

Go to the medical court?
Mei Qingzhou and Yin Panrong looked at each other, and they soon understood.

In fact, it is the same reason that a doctor "sees a doctor" for a corpse, and a doctor "sees a doctor" for a person.

In the past, there were not many masters with excellent medical skills in the academy, so Ning Xinyue had no choice but to choose another academy, so now that Yu Shengxiao is here, she must seize this opportunity.

"I, you don't have to tell my brother about my transfer to another school." Ning Xinyue pleaded softly.

"I understand, I won't." Yin Panrong nodded her head vigorously.

Yuan Deyin and Mei Qingzhou also nodded.

Xinyue's brother disapproved of her continuing to work as a doctor, and probably didn't want her to be exposed to medical skills, so they had to help her keep her mouth shut.


At this moment, a deep voice came from not far away.

Yuan Deyin's ears perked up in an instant, and she turned her head, only to see Uncle Nine Emperors coming.

"Uncle Nine Emperors~"

She yelled, then lifted the hem of her skirt and trotted towards him, the bell around her waist jingling.

Seeing the little girl running towards him, Jun Yu's icy eyes instantly softened a little.

He stretched out his long arms to catch her, and said in a deep voice, "Why are you running so fast, what if you fell?"

"It's okay, Uncle Nine Emperors will pick it up if you fall down." A certain little girl raised her head and said in a very determined tone.

"Cough cough cough... There is a living person here, please take a look."

Yu Shengxiao was left out for a long time, and he couldn't take it anymore. He coughed hard to remind Yuan Deyin that he almost coughed up his lungs.

"Master, why are you here too?" Yuan Deyin asked in shock when she saw Yu Shengxiao, looking sideways.

Yu Shengxiao: "???"

How long have you been standing here as a teacher, do you have bad eyesight, and you can't see me as a teacher!

A certain jade doctor felt that his heart had been stabbed several times.

"As a teacher, I came with your Nine Emperor Uncle." Yu Shengxiao said through gritted teeth.

"Strange, why did Deyin only see Uncle Nine Emperors just now?" Yuan Deyin tilted his head, muttering in puzzlement.

It just so happened that her voice was not loud enough for Yu Shengxiao to hear.

Yu Shengxiao: "..." Zhu Xin.

Why does this miracle doctor take his own humiliation?

"Uncle Nine Emperors, why don't you go back to the palace?" The little girl raised her head and hummed softly.

"Are you trying to drive me away?" Jun Yu's eyes darkened, and there was a gloomy emotion in the depths of his eyes.

"No, Uncle Nine Emperors, don't you have a lot of things? The emperor's elder brother wants to find you, and you are also needed to handle the case, and you are the master of the Regent's Palace. If you don't even know how to be the Regent's Palace, isn't the Palace in chaos?"

The little girl pursed her mouth and explained very seriously.

"The Prince Regent's Mansion has long been messed up." Jun Yu lowered his eyes, and his tone was a little more helpless.

"Huh? Why, did something happen?"

When Yuan Deyin heard this, she was very anxious, and she looked at Jun Yu nervously and asked.

"Because, a little rabbit that this king likes always wants to run away from home, and the little rabbit also said that she wants to run away from home on a horse." Jun Yu looked at it with black eyes and replied in a deep voice.

(End of this chapter)

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