Chapter 254 Ning Xinyue Lied

Yuan Deyin hesitated for a while.

Did Nine Emperor Uncle mean Xiaobai?

After all, there is now a fat rabbit living in the Prince Regent's mansion.

But, with his short legs, can Xiaobai really run away from home on a horse?
A certain little girl fell into deep thought, without even realizing that she was the little white rabbit that Uncle Nine Emperors spoke of.

"Xiao Deyin, why don't you introduce your friends to me?"

Yu Shengxiao felt that Yuan Deyin and Jun Yu would always ignore him when they stood together, so he could only interrupt the quiet atmosphere between them with a sour heart.

Hearing Yu Shengxiao's words, Yuan Deyin came to his senses and quickly stood beside Ning Xinyue and the others.

Master Mei Qingzhou and Master Yin Panrong have met, but Master Ning Xinyue doesn't know each other yet.

"Master, this is Xinyue. Her full name is Ning Xinyue. Her elder brother is Ning Luan. She is going to the Medical Skill Pavilion this time and wants to learn medical skills with you. You can ask Dai Deyin to greet her."

The little girl exhorted seriously.

Yu Shengxiao's smile gradually froze, he just asked casually, he didn't expect that a certain little apprentice would actually assign him a task.

Before he could answer, Ning Xinyue lowered her head in embarrassment, and said softly: "Mr. Yu's medical skills are famous all over the world. Xinyue and elder brother adore you very much. I hope you don't feel that Xinyue is bothering you."

Yusheng Xiaoben is someone who likes to listen to compliments. When he heard Ning Xinyue's words, he immediately beamed with joy: "How can you say it's annoying, you are not only a student of this academy, but also a friend of Xiao Deyin. My genius doctor guides you." You should be one or two."

Anyway, he is only staying in the academy for a while, if Ning Xinyue really has the talent for medical skills, he doesn't mind giving advice.

"Thank you Miracle Doctor Yu." Ning Xinyue thanked excitedly.

"By the way, Xiao Deyin just said that your brother is... Ning Luan?"

Yu Shengxiao opened the jade bone fan and asked leisurely.

He was very impressed with Ning Luan, who always liked to smile silly at him, but looked like a different person after the autopsy.

"That's right, it's brother." Ning Xinyue hesitated for a moment, then quickly answered with a smile.

"He is very talented in autopsy, and he has lived up to your family's inheritance." Yu Shengxiao praised others with his heart on a rare occasion.

But Ning Xinyue's eyes quickly flashed a gloomy light, as if she was a little annoyed.

However, she quickly regained her composure, and said relaxedly: "Thank you for the praise from Miracle Doctor Yu. If my brother knows that Miracle Doctor Yu praised him so much, he will be very happy."

"What to say, what to say, this genius doctor is just telling the truth..."

Yu Shengxiao slapped the jade bone fan, coughed softly, and pretended to be low-key despite smiling brightly.

"By the way, the emperor recently issued an order to find out the murderer of the heart-digging case as soon as possible. So maybe your brother is busy." Thinking of this matter, Yu Shengxiao said a few words very considerately.

"Is the emperor's brother also paying attention to this matter?" The little girl's face was slightly wrinkled.

But she also understands that with so many people dying all at once, the people are in panic, and the emperor's elder brother has just ascended the throne, if the murderer is not found as soon as possible, the consequences...

"If I can find out which kid is so cruel, I will cut him into pieces!" Yu Shengxiao said through gritted teeth.

"Master, why are you so sure that the murderer is a man?" Yuan Deyin asked with a strange face when she heard Yu Shengxiao's words.

"The strength of heart-digging is not something that ordinary people can have. The opponent's technique is agile, and there are strong men among the dead, so I conclude that the murderer must be a man." Yusheng Xiao said firmly.

"Master... Deyin has read some books written by Mr. Wu Zuo a few years ago. It is mentioned in it that you should not make a decision lightly until the end. The real culprit may be hidden among people you think are impossible."

The little girl put on a serious face, and seriously corrected Yu Shengxiao's concept.

"Deyin, have you read the books written by Wu Zuo?" Although Yin Panrong heard Yuan Deyin's words from the side, she was shocked.

"Well, when I was a child, after Deyin learned to read, my concubine told Deyin to learn to read a lot of books. It's definitely right to read more books." The little girl shook her head and explained seriously.

So that's the case, Yin Panrong followed and nodded.

At the same time, I also have a little more admiration for Princess Ji in my heart.

What kind of mother is it that can raise a daughter like Deyin?

"Okay, don't disturb Yin'er's rest, you can go away."

Jun Yu looked at a certain Yusheng Xiao and wanted to chat with Yuan Deyin, his face darkened, and he immediately issued an order to evict the guest.

Yu Shengxiao almost exploded, why does a certain regent never give him time to get along with Xiao Deyin!

"Master, Master Shen said this morning that he wanted to ask you about the case. Have you gone to him?"

Yuan Deyin saw that her master was about to fight with Uncle Nine Emperors, she sighed helplessly in her heart, then turned to ask her master.


"Almost forgot about it..." Yu Shengxiao patted his head on the spot as if he just remembered it.

"Xiao Deyin, as a teacher, go to Shen Huhu first, and try to come to you to play with me after finishing the work."

After Yu Shengxiao instructed Yuan Deyin, he quickly put away his jade bone fan, turned around and left quickly.

But whoever was instructing, there was a serious voice from a little girl behind him: "Master, in fact, you will be fine later, don't worry!"

Did she despise him?
Yeah? !
This heartless little apprentice...

Yusheng Xiao was so angry that he almost threw a dog to eat shit.

"Yin'er, I have some things to deal with, so take care of yourself."

Jun Yu raised his hand, patted Yuan Deyin's head lightly, and said in a deep voice.

"Well, Uncle Nine Emperors, Deyin knows, you have to take care of yourself." Yuan Deyin tiptoed, imitating Jun Yu's movements, and gently patted Jun Yu's shoulder.

Watching her small movements, the corner of Jun Yu's mouth curled up slightly.

If Yu Shengxiao was still here now, he would definitely vomit blood.

It's also a farewell, why the difference between that big!

When Jun Yu turned to leave, his deep and dark eyes lingered on Ning Xinyue for a while.

When the tall figure of a certain regent disappeared completely, Yin Panrong and Mei Qingzhou, who had been tensely hanging for a few breaths, were relieved.

"Huh, the Lord Regent has finally left." Yin Panrong patted her chest and muttered softly.

She even had the feeling of escaping after a disaster.

"Why do you look so afraid of Uncle Nine Emperors? Is Uncle Nine Emperors scary?"

Yuan Deyin frowned, and looked at Yin Panrong and the others with a puzzled face.

Yin Panrong smiled wryly.

Isn't it scary?

When the Ninth Prince was standing here, the temperature dropped rapidly, and the surroundings were gloomy. They couldn't withstand that aura!

He is indeed not scary sometimes, but that is only when facing De Yin!
Yin Panrong sighed silently.

The same people, how can there be such a big difference?
"It's going to rain, let's go back quickly." Mei Qingzhou looked at the sky that suddenly darkened, and reminded her quickly.

"Okay." Yuan Deyin raised his head and glanced at the dark place, and hurried to his other courtyard.

"Oh, I suddenly forgot that I don't live in Zhuyuan now, where is my yard?"

Yuan Deyin ran a few steps, as if she had just realized something, she stopped quickly, her face full of confusion.

"Silly girl, you forgot that an hour ago, the dean said that there happened to be an empty room in our yard, and you can come and live with us." Mei Qingzhou explained helplessly.

"That's right, how did I forget about it?" Yuan Deyin stuck out her tongue embarrassingly.

"Now, we can meet every day. By the way, Xinyue also lives in our yard." Yin Panrong looked at Yuan Deyin anxiously.

Yuan Deyin glanced at Ning Xinyue immediately, and sighed softly: "Very good, it will be much more convenient to eat in the future."

Yin Panrong: "..."

Mei Qingzhou: "..."

This child, why is there only food in his mind!
You love food so much, does your Nine Emperor Uncle know? !

The four of them finally returned to their yard when the rain poured down.

"Princess, please wait a moment, we will go in and clean up first."

Wuyi and Cang Ling asked Yuan Deyin to wait in the pavilion first, and they quickly went into the empty room to clean up.

"It's okay, there are grapes in the pavilion, you go to work first."

Yuan Deyin waved to everyone, then sat down on the chair and started peeling grapes to eat.

Yin Panrong and Mei Qingzhou couldn't laugh or cry. Couldn't the mouth of a certain little princess be quiet for a while?

"Forget it, I'll accompany Deyin here. Qingzhou, aren't you going to pay respects to your mother and younger brother tonight? Go back and prepare things."

Yin Panrong sat down beside Yuan Deyin, she also sat down when she saw Mei Qingzhou, she immediately frowned and said in a serious tone.

Every year, Mei Qingzhou goes to pay homage to her mother and younger brother a few days before and after their death.

Although Yin Panrong was careless, she could remember this matter clearly.

"Okay, then you stay with Deyin. If there is anything missing in her room, you can tell me, and I will see if I can find my mother and bring it quickly."

Before Mei Qingzhou was about to leave, she didn't forget to tell her.

"Qingzhou, I am most familiar with the selection of sacrifices. I will accompany you. It happens to be the anniversary of my parents' death in a few days. I also want to prepare something."

Ning Xinyue, who had been extremely quiet all this time, suddenly stood beside Mei Qingzhou and said softly.

Mei Qingzhou froze for a moment, then nodded quickly: "Okay, let's go together."

Seeing them all leave, Yin Panrong turned her head, only to see that the basket was full of grapes just now, but now there is basket.

She originally wanted to reach out to grab the grapes, but in the end she could only withdraw her hand in embarrassment.

"Sister Panrong, this is for you." Seeing Yin Panrong's embarrassed expression, the little girl acted slyly, and then took out a large bunch of grapes from behind.

Yin Panrong raised her eyebrows: "You actually kept it for me? Isn't it your favorite food?"

"Although Deyin likes to eat, he can't eat alone. This is taught to Deyin by his concubine mother." The little girl held her small face and hummed.

Princess Ji is indeed a strange woman.

Yin Panrong plucked the grapes to eat, while sighing in her heart.

Suddenly, thinking of something, Yin Panrong grabbed the grapes, looked at the direction Ning Xinyue left, and said with a strange face: "It's strange, I have known Xinyue for more than three years, why didn't I hear her talk about it a few years ago?" What about celebrating the anniversary of her parents' death?"

"Maybe it's because it's Xinyue's inner scar, and she doesn't want to show it."

Yuan Deyin held her small face, turned her head, and helped to explain.

"That's right. After all, the death of Xinyue's parents was rather sudden, which makes people very sad..." Yin Panrong sighed.

"How did her parents die?" Yuan Deyin asked suspiciously, her voice also a little uncomfortable.

It turned out that she, like Xinyue, had no parents.

"I heard from Xinyue that five years ago, her parents went to visit relatives in Luzhou, and there was a heavy rain there. Lightning struck them, and both of them lost their lives. It is said that the corpses were hacked beyond recognition No. When Qingzhou and I listened to Xinyue mentioning this matter, we couldn't bear to listen any longer..."

At this moment, the carefree Yin Panrong's eyes were full of depression.

Xinyue must be very sad, her parents passed away like this.

Yuan Deyin also lowered his head, looking lonely.

Xinyue's parents are also miserable.

However, when she suddenly remembered something, her disappointed little face became a little more puzzled.

She raised her head, looked at Yin Panrong with a strange face, and asked: "Although this question is very presumptuous, I still want to ask a question. Sister Panrong, Xinyue's parents were really in Luzhou and were struck by lightning. dead?"

Hearing Yuan Deyin's solemn question, Yin Panrong's expression became much more serious.

"That's right, that's what Xinyue told us. By the way, I still remember that because Xinyue's elder brother Ning Luan was a member of the yamen, there was a random inspection by the imperial court to review his family background. At that time, Master Xiao brought people to In the college, I asked Xinyue a few questions, including the reason for her parents' death, and Xinyue answered in this way."

Yin Panrong recalled the past, her words were very firm.

"No," Yuan Deyin shook his head, his expression getting weirder. "Sister Pan Rong, the alfalfa state you are talking about is the alfalfa state that is rich in rice? The alfalfa state that is located in the center of the canal?"

"That's right, that's the Clover State. Because of my ignorance, I curiously asked Xinyue where 'Clover State' was, and she explained it to me in the same way."

Yin Panrong nodded vigorously.

"Then it doesn't make sense..." Yuan Deyin gritted his teeth, his face full of thought.

"Deyin, are you going to tell me what's going on?"

Yin Panrong looked at Yuan Deyin's appearance, which made her very puzzled.

"It's July [-]th now, but Deyin clearly remembers that five years ago in Muzhou, around July [-]th, it was all dry and there was no rain, let alone a rainstorm with thunder and lightning."

Yuan Deyin looked at Yin Panrong with bright eyes, and explained very seriously.

"Wait a minute, how did you know what the weather was like in Alfalfa five years ago, around July [-]?" Yin Panrong looked dull.

"Do you know Qin Tianjian?" Yuan Deyin asked back.

"Of course I know. Isn't that the official who observes the weather, compiles the solar terms, and calculates the calendar?"

Yin Panrong nodded. Although she is ignorant, she still knows this.

"Originally, the Qintian Supervisor was only found in the palace, but at the time of Grandpa Kaidi, in order to know the harvest situation of the people in Chiyan, Qintian Supervisor was set up in various places in Chiyan, and the harvest was collected from all over the place on time. The weather conditions were sent to the capital in detail, and the Qin Tianjian in the capital collected them, compiled them into a collection, and placed them in the palace..."

Seeing that Yin Panrong was fascinated, Yuan Deyin continued to explain: "A few days ago, in order to understand the situation in various places, Uncle Nine Emperors collected dozens of books and brought them back to the Regent's Palace. Deyin stayed in his study. I’m bored, so I’m done helping, so Deyin knows the weather conditions in Muzhou every day for the past ten years.”

"Every, every day?" Yin Panrong's voice trembled.

"Really, do you really remember every day?" Yin Panrong continued to look at Yuan Deyin with a shocked look.

"Isn't it just the daily climate of each region? Isn't this something you can write down after reading it? Sister Panrong, don't you believe in Deyin? If not, Deyin will recite every day in the capital for the past ten years. climate..."

Yuan Deyin had a serious face and was about to start reciting.

"Don't, don't, don't... I believe you, I believe you..."

Yin Panrong grabbed Yuan Deyin's shoulder and said firmly.

She doubted everything and would never doubt a certain little girl's memory. She didn't want to be crushed by Xiao Deyin's super memory to doubt her life anymore.

She just couldn't react because of the momentary shock.

"Let's discuss about Xinyue." Yin Panrong coughed softly, and then said, "Could it be that Xinyue made a mistake, or it was before July [-]th five years ago instead of after ?”

"No, in July in Alfalfa, there are [-] days of sunny days, the rest are cloudy, and there has never been any heavy rain. It is also the same in June, with a lot of rainy weather and no thunder and lightning. Summer Japan should be It was rainy, but the weather was extremely weird that year, and the Qin Tianjian at that time emphasized this point in the records." Yuan Deyin's tone was firm.

Yin Panrong: "..."

"Then, could it be that Xinyue's statement was wrong, and her parents didn't have an accident in Luzhou, but on the way back?" Yin Panrong thought for a while, and then continued to ask tentatively.

"No, around July five years ago, the weird weather didn't only appear in Muzhou. There was drought everywhere in Chiyan, with very little rain, and even the people were in dire straits. There were about eight routes to choose between Dajing City in Muzhou. Among them Seven routes may pass through Yuezhou, Tongzhou, Hanzhou, Sizhou... There is no heavy rain in these places. The only route is through Bianzhou with heavy rain. But there was a plague in Bianzhou at that time, and the city had already been sealed off. How can I get in?"

Yuan Deyin explained patiently, her tone was full of determination.

Listening to her explanation, Yin Panrong's opened mouth seemed to be unable to close anymore, and her eyes were a little dull.

She had also heard about these places from her grandmother, but she never thought that they were between the alfalfa and the capital.

"Do you know where you can go from Muzhou to the capital and what happened?" Yin Panrong looked at Yuan Deyin as if he had seen a ghost.

"That's right, it just so happened that there was a record in that book, and Deyin memorized it at a glance, isn't it hard to remember?" Yuan Deyin asked in confusion.

Yin Panrong: "..." Pretend I didn't ask.

"Wait, if it's really what you said, then it's impossible for Xinyue's parents to be tortured to death by lightning five years ago in Muzhou... Isn't it, Xinyue is lying ?”

When Yin Panrong calmed down, she suddenly turned her head and looked at Yuan Deyin in horror.

"Perhaps, she wanted to hide the real cause of her parents' death. But why did she hide it?" Yuan Deyin also frowned slightly.


"My lord, the princess has already moved to the yard where Miss Mei San and Miss Yin are. By the way, Ning Luan's younger sister is also in that yard."

Wu Xi quickly pushed the door open, and said respectfully to Jun Yu.

Hearing the sound, Jun Yu put down the daggers in his hands.

He was thinking just now, what sharp weapon did the murderer use to kill.

"You mean, Ning Xinyue is also in that yard?"

Jun Yu raised his eyes, his eyes were cold, and his tone was even colder.

"That's right, my lord. The Princess has so many friends by her side, so she won't be bored." When Wu Xi answered, he didn't forget to sigh.

When the princess was in the palace, she didn't have many friends. Now that she's in the academy, it wouldn't hurt to make more friends, especially since she's still a young girl.

"Keep an eye on Ning Xinyue." Jun Yu's eyes darkened, and his tone was extremely cold.

"My lord?"

Wu Xi raised his head in shock when he heard Jun Yu's words.

Why keep an eye on Ning Xinyue?

"My lord, isn't Miss Ning a friend of the princess? Could it be that she has something wrong?" Wu Xi asked puzzled.

Jun Yu lowered his eyes, and his slender eyelashes drooped down, blocking the sharp light in his dark eyes.

After a long time, his cold voice came out slowly.

"My lord, I smell the breath of a dead person on her body."

(End of this chapter)

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