Chapter 255 Accident in Mei Qingzhou

In the middle of the night, Yuan Deyin yawned several times in a row before getting ready to go to bed.

But suddenly at this time, there was a hasty knock on the door.

"Deyin, Deyin." Yin Panrong's anxious voice sounded at the door.

Wuyi, who was about to help Yuan Deyin extinguish the oil lamp, quickly said, "Princess, this servant is going to open the door."

Wuyi opened the door, and the wet Yin Panrong rushed in.

"Sister Panrong, what's wrong with you?"

Yuan Deyin saw that Yin Panrong was not only drenched, but also had large and small wounds on the back of her hands, and the cuffs and hem of her dress were all muddy.

Seeing Yuan Deyin, Yin Panrong was about to cry.

"Deyin, something happened to Qingzhou and Xinyue." Yin Panrong held Yuan Deyin's hand tightly and said in a trembling voice.

"Tell me slowly, what happened to the two of them?" Yuan Deyin's heart tightened, but she still hurriedly comforted Yin Panrong.

In the evening, the rain just stopped, and Ning Xinyue said that there might be heavy rain tomorrow, so she suggested that Mei Qingzhou go to worship early.

Mei Qingzhou thought the same, if it rains really hard tomorrow, then the worship may be delayed.

Moreover, the place of worship is just outside the capital, so it is still very fast to go and return today.

So, she took the offerings and set off.

Ning Xinyue took the initiative to accompany her, and Yin Panrong naturally followed.

Yuan Deyin was unable to accompany her because she was new to the academy and had to listen to admonitions in the evening.

After dark, Yuan Deyin thought they were all back.

Who would have thought that Yin Panrong would come back at this time and say that something happened to Ning Xinyue and Mei Qingzhou.

"We accompanied Qingzhou to pay homage to her parents. After the worship, on the way back, we walked and chatted happily, but suddenly, Qingzhou yelled, and I turned around quickly, only to find that I was following Behind me, the light boat disappeared out of thin air..."

Yin Panrong clasped Yuan Deyin's arm tightly to explain.

Disappear out of thin air?
Yuan Deyin's complexion also changed, and she asked anxiously: "Then you have searched all around, now it's raining, there may be landslides in some places, and she may have fallen."

"No, Xinyue and I have searched around for a long time, but there is no trace at all." Yin Panrong shook her head with a broken expression.

"What about Xinyue... Didn't she look for sister Qingzhou with you?" Yuan Deyin continued to ask.

"By the way, Xinyue... We wanted to come back to rescue the soldiers, but on the way back, in a panic, Xinyue stepped on the hunting net left by the hunter in the mountain, and she was hung up. We really can't get the net out. It was broken, so she asked me to come back by myself to bring rescuers to rescue her and Qingzhou."

Although the whole person was still out of breath, but Yin Panrong gritted her teeth and said a long paragraph directly?


Yuan Deyin's heart couldn't stop at this moment.

It must be very painful for Xinyue to be hung from a tree in such a heavy rainstorm, and she couldn't last long at all.

And sister Qingzhou, where did she go?

"Brother Wuying, Brother Wumu..." Yuan Deyin called out to the dark place.

Soon, two tall black shadows fell in front of Yuan Deyin like ghosts.

"Wuying (Wumu) see Princess."

Wuying and Wumu knelt down respectfully.

"Both of you, and Sister Wuyi, accompany me to save people." Yuan Deyin urged anxiously.

"The princess can't."

Wuying, Wumu, Wuyi, and Cang Ling who just walked in all looked anxious and disapproved.

"Princess, you are a daughter of gold. The place where Miss Mei San and Miss Ning disappeared is in the mountains. It is still raining and the road is dangerous. You must not take risks."

Wu Yiyu earnestly persuaded.

"That's right, Princess, Miss Mei San and Miss Yin should be searched and rescued by the subordinates." Wu Ying also said solemnly.

"No, Sister Qingzhou and Xinyue must be in a dangerous situation now. If they are injured, they must be treated as soon as possible. You don't know medical skills. If you are sent back from there, it will be too late for treatment. Deyin must go together."

Yuan Deyin's tone was completely determined.

After speaking, she picked up the umbrella and quickly pushed the door away.


Wumu, Wujing, and Wuyi looked at each other, and finally gritted their teeth, and the three quickly followed.

It was too much of a coincidence tonight, the lord and Doctor Yu have both gone to the yamen, and it may be too late to go to the yamen to report the news from here...

It seems that the only way to find Miss Mei San and the others as soon as possible and send them back safely is to avoid the possibility of accidents with the princess.

Not only Wuyi's three major hidden guards, but also several endless dark guards followed quickly.

"Sister Panrong, doesn't the academy have patrols? Have you asked them for help?"

Yuan Deyin hurriedly walked towards the gate of the courtyard while holding an umbrella.

Now that she left the academy, she no longer cared about asking for leave, and was only thinking about saving people.

However, she suddenly remembered that there is great power in numbers, so she turned around and asked Yin Panrong.

When Yin Panrong heard her words, she almost cried.

"Deyin, don't talk about it. Before I went to you, I was looking for the patrol team of the academy. I hope they can send someone with me to save people. But, what I don't know is that the patrol team is now Aunt Yu Fang is taking care of..."

As Yin Panrong spoke, her face was full of annoyance.

"Aunt Yu Fang doesn't want to send someone, does she?" Yuan Deyin guessed the result in an instant.

"That's right, she insisted on saying that I would issue some proof, or find a witness to prove that something happened to Qingzhou and Xinyue, otherwise she would never send someone." Yin Panrong gritted her teeth and recalled.

If witnesses can really be found, do we still need the help of the patrol team?
When a way to prove the accident is found, it is estimated that the situation of Qingzhou and Xinyue has reached the point of no return.

Hearing this, Yuan Deyin's soft face was also full of anger.

Aunt Yu Fang clearly did it on purpose!

Therefore, it is impossible to save!

Take chicken feathers as arrows!
"Cang Ling, take the token of the princess, go to Chang Yuan, and ask him to send someone to help us."

Yuan Deyin took out her Princess Token, put it in Cang Ling's hands, and said in a serious tone.

"Slave, I understand." Cang Ling was stunned for a moment, and quickly took the token, then turned around and ran with an umbrella, and ran directly to the courtyard where the dean was.

"Brother Endless, go to the yamen now to see if Uncle Nine Emperors and Master are still there. If they are still there, tell them to rush out of the city to help us; if not, ask Master Xiao to send someone over."

Although the situation is very flustered now, Yuan Deyin still tried her best to keep her head clear. She turned her head again and exhorted endlessly in a solemn tone.

"Boundless understands." After endlessly saluting respectfully, he flew away quickly.

Outside the gate, Wuyi had already prepared several horses.

"Princess, you are with the servant, and the servant is protecting you." Wuyi bowed his head respectfully and stretched out his hand.

It's a very long distance from here to the outside of the city, and Miss Mei San doesn't know if she can hold on, so they have to speed up.

Riding a horse is the fastest way.

"Deyin, I can protect you too, my horsemanship is not bad." Yin Panrong also quickly stretched out her dirty hands to Yuan Deyin.

She just tore the rope from the carriage on the mountain, and then rode back.

Otherwise, she would not be able to rush back from outside the city to find someone so quickly.

It seems that Yuan Deyin is the only one who needs help.

Everyone is looking at Yuan Deyin...

But a certain little girl frowned and shook her head seriously.

"When two people ride the same horse, the speed will definitely be affected. You can ride your own horses, and Deyin can do it himself."

After Yuan Deyin's voice fell, Yin Panrong became anxious.

She said anxiously: "Deyin, don't you want to ride a horse by yourself? Now is not the time to joke, come here quickly, or let Wuyi protect you..."

However, meeting her flustered eyes, Yuan Deyin's expression was only calm and serious.

Yuan Deyin walked straight towards a tall brown and black horse.

The horse let out a long cry, and raised its hooves high.

Just when everyone thought the horse was going to collide with Yuan Deyin, a shocking scene happened.

A certain little princess jumped up and sat on the horse.

"Let's go." Yuan Deyin swung his whip and patted the horse's buttocks, and the horse ran away in an instant.

She couldn't hold an umbrella while riding a horse, and the raindrops fell directly on Yuan Deyin's body, but she didn't look embarrassed at all, and her serious little face seemed a bit heroic.

The sound of the bell hanging on her body gradually faded away, and everyone could only see the back of her flapping skirt in the distance, and they couldn't regain their senses for a long time.

Especially Yin Panrong, she was at a loss.

Didn't Deyin say that he can't ride a horse?

Then she just made a group of strong horses so obedient to her in one go, it can't be done after a few years of training, right?

Did Deyin lie to them? Not only can she know how to ride a horse, but she is also proficient in it!

If Yuan Deyin knew that Yin Panrong was thinking now, she would have no choice but to explain.

She would never lie to her friends about these matters...

She did not know how to ride a horse before.

Just now... was actually her first attempt at riding a horse.

"Miss Yin, please lead the way." Wuyi saw that the princess's small body was about to disappear, Wuyi chased after him, but he still didn't forget to turn his head, and anxiously reminded Yin Panrong.

Wuyi's words brought Yin Panrong back to his senses in an instant.

"Okay, okay, I'll..."

She shook her head at the thought, and then hurried to catch up.

When Yin Panrong rode to the foot of the mountain, she found that Yuan Deyin and Wuyi had been waiting for her for a long time.

It turns out that among so many people, her horsemanship is the worst.

After wiping the sweat and rain off her face, Yin Panrong quickly jumped off her horse.

The torrential rain continued, and the feet were all muddy, making it extremely difficult to walk.

"Sister Panrong, which way is it?" Yuan Deyin asked Yin Panrong anxiously as she saw that there were four small paths in front of them.

"Let's think about it, let's think about it, yes, it's the second road on the left." Yin Panrong scratched her hair, but she remembered it.

Fortunately, on these issues, her memory is still not a problem.

"Okay, let's go." Yuan Deyin nodded, then quickly turned around and walked up the second path on the left.

Wuying opened the way ahead, and Wuyi picked up the umbrella, trying to hold Yuan Deyin's umbrella.

But Yuan Deyin shook her head, and she said softly, "Sister Wuyi, this little rain is not harmful to Deyin, Deyin just wants to find someone now."


Suddenly, Yin Panrong stepped on the ground, and her calf was directly drawn with a deep bloodstain by the branch next to her.

The flesh and blood were turned upside down, and the bones could be seen in the depths.

The blood kept flowing down, mixed with the rain, staining half of her trouser legs red.

"Sister Pan Rong." Seeing this scene, Yuan Deyin's eyes turned red.

"It's all minor injuries, Deyin, don't worry. You help me up, and I'll show you the way. I'm almost at the place where Xinyue was hung up."

Yin Panrong was obviously grinning from the pain, but she still had to pretend that she was fine.

Yuan Deyin's tears became heavier, and she said in a serious tone: "No, you can't delay this injury, this wound must be bandaged, you can point out the direction, I will let Brother Wuying and the others go find it first."

Seeing Yuan Deyin's serious appearance, Yin Panrong frowned.

She clenched her fingers tightly in pain, and her face was pale.

It seems that this is the only way...

After all, she may not be able to lead the way with her current appearance.

She raised her hand and pointed in a direction not far away.

"Go along this path, walk three hundred steps, and you will probably see it..."

"Okay." Wuying and Wumu nodded, and they quickly turned around and walked in that direction.

However, before they left, they still didn't forget to give Wuyi and the others a look, telling them to protect the princess well.

"Princess, my subordinates found a hut on the side. It is probably a resting place for hunters in the mountains to hunt. We can send Miss Yin there."

Endless searched around, and immediately came back to report the situation.

"Of course it's very good. Sister Panrong's wound can no longer touch the rain." Yuan Deyin said in a serious tone.

"Miss Yin, I'm offended." Endless bent down, said this to Yin Panrong, and immediately carried her to the wooden house.

Yuan Deyin and Wuyi followed quickly.

The wooden house was a bit dilapidated, dark, and the ground was a bit dirty, but fortunately, it was able to shelter from the rain.

Yuan Deyin turned to Wuyi and said, "Bring me the medicine box."

Wuyi quickly handed over the medicine box.

Yuan Deyin originally wanted to keep this medicine box for Xinyue and Sister Qingzhou, but she never thought it would be used by Sister Pan Rong.

Endless found the fire pocket left by Orion and some firewood beside him, and he hurriedly lit the fire to illuminate the small room.

With the light of the fire, Yuan Deyin could see Yin Panrong's calf injury clearly.

It's more serious than expected...

The flesh is about to fall off.

"Sister Pan Rong, your wound is too serious and must be stitched up. Otherwise, I'm afraid you won't be able to keep your calf." Yuan Deyin said worriedly.

"Sewing, sewing? Is it the same as sewing clothes?" Yin Panrong swallowed hard when she heard this, her face was extremely pale.

"That's right, Deyin has read in Master's medical books that patients with serious wounds must be stitched up as soon as possible, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous." Yuan Deyin explained seriously.

"Then, let's sew it up. Anyway, your master is Jade Doctor, and your embroidery is so good, it shouldn't be bad to sew up the wound. I, I believe you..."

Yin Panrong was obviously frightened to death, her teeth were shaking, but she still had to pretend that she was not afraid of anything, so that Yuan Deyin wouldn't worry.

Yuan Deyin took out the things from the medicine box. Fortunately, sister Wuyi protected the medicine box so well that it didn't get wet.

Yuan Deyin turned around, only to see Yin Panrong closed her eyes, raised her head and chest, exposing the wound, with a look of death.

"Sister Panrong, actually, you don't have to do this, Deyin has a way to make you feel better." Yuan Deyin said softly.

Before Yin Panrong could speak, Yuan Deyin took out a pack of powder from the medicine box, poured it into a water bag, and fed it to Yin Panrong.

After a while, before Yin Panrong could react, the needle and thread in Yuan Deyin's hands were like flying flowers, and he quickly sewed up the wound.

"De, Deyin, really, it really doesn't hurt."

Yin Panrong looked at Yuan Deyin in shock.

"Of course it doesn't hurt. What Deyin gave you just now is Mafeisan, which can make people feel no pain. It was created by a senior. Deyin happened to read his book, so he did some research. , It can come in handy. In fact, this is not a novelty, some seniors with good medical skills have begun to use this thing to heal people."

Yuan Deyin sighed with emotion.

"There is such a miraculous thing..." Yin Panrong's expression brightened.

Wuyi and several big hidden guards were beside him, also looking curious and shocked.

"If everyone has this thing in their hands, even if they are stabbed to death, they may not be able to find out." As a Wuyi who used to live with sharp knives and often wanders in the gate of hell because of injuries, I couldn't help but I sighed softly.

"Wait, sister Wuyi, what did you say?" Yuan Deyin, who had just bandaged Yin Panrong's wound, froze when she heard Wuyi's words, and immediately raised her head, looking at Wuyi with a strange expression.

"Princess, what's the matter? What the servant girl said just now is that if everyone has this thing in their hands, even if they are stabbed to death, they may not be able to notice it."

Although Wuyi didn't understand why the princess's expression was so weird, she still repeated what she said just now very seriously.

"That's right, as long as there is Mafeisan, it won't hurt so much when you die, won't struggle..." Yuan Deyin lowered his eyes and muttered softly.

Although her muttering was very soft, everyone in this cabin could hear it clearly.

Naturally, it also allowed the black shadow standing outside the door to hear clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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