The cub of the Nine Emperor Uncle's family is squeamish again

Chapter 256 Princess Deyin, what are you thinking?

Chapter 256 Princess Deyin, what are you thinking?

"Princess, are you alright?"

Wu Yi saw that their princess's expression was not right, she would inevitably be worried.

"It's okay, take good care of Sister Panrong for me. I'll go see if Brother Wuying has found someone." After Yuan Deyin patiently bandaged all the wounds on Yin Panrong's body, she raised her head, feeling very relieved. Seriously exhort Wuyi.

"But the princess..."

Wuyi opened his mouth, wanting to say that he would accompany her to protect her.

But Wuyi couldn't finish his words, so Yuan Deyin picked up the umbrella and walked out the door quickly.

But fortunately, when Yuan Deyin just walked to the door, Wuying and Wumu, who were covered in rain, carried a person back.

"Heart Moon."

When Yuan Deyin saw Ning Xinyue who had passed out, she cried out anxiously.

But Ning Xinyue didn't respond, her eyes were tightly closed, her face was terribly pale, and there were not many wounds, large and small, on her body.

Yuan Deyin squatted down in a panic, and took a breath of Ning Xinyue.

It's okay, it's's just that he fainted.

"Princess, when we rescued Miss Ning from the tree, she had fainted." Wuying hurriedly explained to Yuan Deyin.

"Brother Wuying, move her to that place." Yuan Deyin pointed to a place where straw was placed.

Wuying quickly hugged the fainting Ning Xinyue onto the haystack.

Yuan Deyin found a small wooden basin in this room, she ran out to fetch a basin of cold water, brought it back, then took out her handkerchief, dipped it in the water, and wiped Ning Xinyue's wound.

After being exposed to the rain for so long outside, no matter how tough my body is, I can't bear it.

"Deyin, how is Xinyue?" Yin Panrong asked worriedly.

"No trauma has been found for the time being. It's just that she has been exposed to the rain for too long, and her body is a little hot. But don't worry, I have medicine in my medicine box, and you can take it for her."

Yuan Deyin turned to comfort Yin Panrong.

While taking care of Ning Wuxin, Yuan Deyin didn't forget to tell Wuying and the others: "Brother Wuying, we don't need your protection here, you should hurry to find sister Qingzhou."

"But Princess, your safety..."

Wuying frowned, he wanted to say that protecting her safety was their greatest duty.

"I have a roof to shelter from the rain, and Sister Wuyi is here, everything will be fine, you go to Sister Qingzhou quickly, there must be no delay."

Yuan Deyin had a small face, and his tone was unquestionable.

Wuying and Wumu hesitated when they heard their princess's almost an order.

In the end, he had no choice but to bow his head respectfully, and promised in a deep voice: "Don't worry, Princess, the subordinates and others will definitely find Miss Mei San as soon as possible."

After Wuying and the others quickly left with their umbrellas and swords in hand, the hut became deserted again, with only the rustling outside.

"Deyin, why am I so dizzy?"

Yin Panrong felt dizzy in her head, she shook her head and asked Yuan Deyin curiously.

"Mafeisan can make people feel no pain, and it will definitely affect people's consciousness. You will feel better if you close your eyes and rest for a while." Yuan Deyin explained calmly.

"It's so... Then, let me squint my eyes for a while, Deyin, if those masters from the hidden guards find Qingzhou, remember to wake me up..."

Yin Panrong wanted to hold on for a while longer, but Naihe couldn't help her eyelids fighting, so she soon fell into a deep sleep.

Yuan Deyin watched Yin Panrong fall asleep, then she looked away, and continued to feed Ning Xinyue the medicine.

After taking the medicine, Ning Xinyue's temperature did drop, but it dropped too low. She was shivering all over, unconsciously shrinking herself into a ball, shivering non-stop.

Looking at this scene, Yuan Deyin frowned tightly.

Wuyi came over, seeing this situation, she wanted to take off her outer skirt and let Ning Xinyue cover it.

But when she was ready to move, a certain little princess shook her head seriously.

"Sister Wuyi, no, it's raining heavily and the sky is very cold. If you don't wear much clothes, what should you do if you're sick?" Yuan Deyin said seriously.

"The servant has practiced martial arts all year round, and his body is resistant to cold. This little rain is not a problem."

Wuyi patted his head lightly, telling a certain little princess not to worry.

She quickly took off her outer skirt and covered Ning Xinyue's body.

However, Ning Xinyue, who was covered with an extra layer of cloth, continued to tremble and groaned from time to time, which made people feel worried.

"Princess, Miss Ning may have entered the body due to the cold air, and the covering of clothes can't keep the cold out at all. The servant will try it with fire."

Wuyi went to the fire to lick wood while talking to Yuan Deyin.

The small room quickly warmed up, and Ning Xinyue's face gradually became a little rosy.

However, Wuyi and Yuan Deyin looked dignified looking at the gradually decreasing firewood.

The firewood left in this small house is indeed too little, it is not enough for them to burn.

"Princess, this mountain is extremely steep. Even if Orion is very familiar with the environment here, it is inconvenient to go down the mountain at night, so the servant suspects that there should be more than one wooden house here. There must be other wooden houses nearby. The servant will search Take a look and see if there is any dry firewood in those wooden houses."

Wu Yi quickly thought of an idea.

"That's the only way to go." Yuan Deyin sighed.

If there is no firewood in this room, Xinyue's condition will not be optimistic.

"But the princess..." Wuyi wanted to go out, but her footsteps seemed to be rooted, and she stood in front of Yuan Deyin with a very worried expression.

Yuan Deyin glanced at her expression and could guess what she was thinking right away.

Shaking his head, a certain little princess said very seriously: "Sister Wuyi, don't worry, Deyin will take care of herself, just bring back the dry firewood as soon as possible."

Seeing the clear and trusting eyes of their princess, Wuyi gritted his teeth, and then nodded vigorously: "Your servant obeys, and your servant will return soon."

After finishing speaking, Wuyi disappeared from Yuan Deyin's sight like a gust of wind.

In this wooden house, only Yuan Deyin who was busy adjusting the medicine, Ning Xinyue who fainted, and Yin Panrong who was sleepy were left.

Yuan Deyin had just finished the last dose of medicine to treat the wind and cold, when he suddenly heard the sound of "da da da" from behind him...

It was as if a drop of water was dripping down something, and it was dripping drop by drop on the ground.

The sound came from far to near, accompanied by a gust of cool wind.

The wind blew through the hair behind Yuan Deyin and across her wide sleeves, and she felt something chilly gently touching her neck and wrists.

Yes, is there something coming in?

The courageous Yuan Deyin couldn't help but start to shudder at this moment.

She swallowed hard, the fingers of her left hand clenched the fingers of her right hand tightly, and her nails drew deep and shallow crescent-shaped marks on the back of her hand.

I don't know how many times I cheered myself up in my heart, but she finally became ruthless, gritted her teeth, and turned her head quickly.

It turned out that the door that was closed just now opened at some point, and a gust of cold wind blew in.

"It's okay, it's probably because the wind was too strong and it blew the door open." Yuan Deyin let out a long breath, and she patted her chest and said in a relaxed tone.

Xinyue and sister Panrong couldn't blow the cold wind. After realizing it, Yuan Deyin quickly patted his sleeves, and then walked towards the door, preparing to close the door.

But after taking two steps, her footsteps suddenly froze.

She lowered her head stiffly, only to see long bloodstains under her feet.

The blood was not stained by Yin Panrong, nor was it dripped by Ning Xinyue.

But as if it just dripped on.

Wait, could it be that the "tick-tick-tick" sound she heard just now was real?
Just when Yuan Deyin was so frightened that her breathing became cautious, she suddenly saw a pair of black shoes falling in front of her eyes.


Yuan Deyin took a step back, and she almost fell to the ground.

Lifting her head up in shock, the fear on her face froze at first, and then gradually dissipated.

"Ning Wuzuo, why are you here?" She asked with lingering fear.

Ning Luan was wearing a black coir raincoat and was wet all over. Seeing that Yuan Deyin was frightened by him just now, his hands and feet were flustered and he had nowhere to rest.

He could only keep apologizing: "Damn the humble job, damn the humble job, I scared you, princess..."

"Wait, don't apologize first. How did you come here? Did Uncle Nine Emperors come?"

Yuan Deyin suppressed his fear just now and asked anxiously.

If Uncle Nine Emperors came, then all problems would be solved very easily.

A certain little girl, her heart is full of trust in Uncle Nine Emperors.

Hearing Yuan Deyin's words, Ning Luan shook his head and explained apologetically: "Jun, princess, I heard you. Your secret guard went to the Yamen to find someone to find out that something happened to Xinyue, so I hurried over here. But extremely Unfortunately, Lord Nine and Master Xiao got clues to the heart-digging case, and they left the Yamen before your dark guard arrived... So your dark guard chased after you, and now the humble official doesn't know what's going on... "

Although the words were stumbling, Ning Luan finally finished explaining.

It was such a coincidence that Uncle Nine Emperors and Lord Xiao both went to investigate the case at the same time.

"Then this blood..." Yuan Deyin frowned, pointing to the blood on the ground and asked.

"This, this is the blood of the humble official. The humble official rushed over anxiously, but accidentally fell down and scratched his hands. Did it scare you?"

Ning Luan asked in fear.

"No problem, how's your wound?" Yuan Deyin looked at the position of his wrist worriedly.

Ning Luan quickly pulled out a piece of cloth, wrapped it around the wound on his wrist, and said with a smirk, "It's nothing, it's just minor injuries."

"By the way, princess, how is Xiaoyue?"

Thinking of something important, Ning Luan's heart became tense again, he quickly walked behind Yuan Deyin, looking at Ning Xinyue lying there helplessly.

"She just fainted from the cold, and the princess has also given her medicine. She should wake up soon."

Yuan Deyin comforted Ning Luan softly, telling him not to worry.

"Princess, you, you are Xiaoyue's savior, a humble savior." Ning Luan blushed, his eyes were red, and he wanted to bow down to Yuan Deyin.

Yuan Deyin sensed his intention and quickly helped him up.

"Ning Yuzuo, Xinyue is also the friend of the princess, this is what the princess should do." She said softly.

At this moment, Ning Xinyue, who was in a coma, groaned uncomfortably.

"I guess she still feels cold. In this case, Ning Wuzuo, you can carry her to the side of the fire, and maybe she will feel better."

Yuan Deyin quickly had an idea, and she quickly proposed.

Ning Luan's eyes lit up, and he nodded quickly: "I understand."

He quickly leaned over and approached Ning Xinyue.

But when he was walking, the mud on his shoes fell on the ground. He scratched his head and said embarrassedly: "Jun, princess, I'm sorry, the road is too muddy in this rainy day, and the humble shoes are dirty."

"It's okay." Yuan Deyin shook her head, and she also came over, wanting to help Ning Luan lift Ning Xinyue up.

But at the same time as she walked over, the corner of her eye just caught Ning Xinyue's sole.

It was also muddy... even more muddy than Ning Luan's.


The soles of Ning Luan's shoes are muddy because he ran over from the road, but Xinyue has been hanging on the tree for a long time. Such a heavy rain has washed the wounds on her body white. Why can't the mud on the shoes wash away? drop it?
She clearly remembered what brother Wuying said just now, Xinyue had just been rescued from the tree, and there was no chance to touch the soil for the second time on the way.

Logically speaking, there should not be so much mud.

Is it...

Did she come down from the tree halfway?

Thinking of this possibility, Yuan Deyin's heart beat violently, and something flashed through his mind.

She quietly withdrew the hand she was about to reach out to help, and just watched from the side.

When she watched Ning Luan hugging Ning Xinyue, with his generous back facing her, her beautiful eyebrows frowned slightly, and her expression was a little weird.

Because of insufficient firewood, only a small part of the cabin is lit.

When Ning Luan hugged Ning Xinyue, half of his body was plunged into the darkness.

The light flickered, and the plain coir raincoat on his body was turned into a black robe.

Looking at the black figure, a figure quickly flashed in Yuan Deyin's mind.

extremely familiar...

It's as if...

In the Shen family cemetery, the ghost-faced man wearing a mask.

"Master, what's wrong with you?"

Ning Luan suddenly leaned over, his dark eyes staring at Yuan Deyin just like that.

As soon as Yuan Deyin raised his eyes, he could see the dark vortex in his black eyes.

But when she took a closer look, she found that he showed a simple and honest appearance.

Yuan Deyin shrugged, his tone relaxed as if nothing happened.

"It's okay, the princess is just thinking about when sister Wuyi will bring the firewood back."

"It should be ready soon." Ning Luan immediately replied with a smile.

Yuan Deyin continued to maintain a calm face, but in the depths of her eyes, other emotions were already flowing.

Ning Luan just arrived here.

How did he know that Wuyi was looking for firewood?

Yuan Deyin walked over calmly and helped Ning Xinyue wipe off the dirty marks on her face.

"Ning Wuzuo, I don't know where the princess' master has gone? Why didn't he come with you?" Yuan Deyin asked seemingly unintentionally.

"When Miracle Doctor Yu heard there was a clue to the case, he hurriedly set off with the Ninth Prince, so he didn't know what happened on our side." Ning Luan replied quickly.

"Oh." Yuan Deyin nodded, and stopped asking this question in depth, as if it was really just a whim.

With lowered eyes, she hid all her emotions.

Master, will you take the initiative to investigate the case with Uncle Jiuhuang?

No, absolutely impossible!

In her perception, Master is a person who can be lazy but will never actively do more.

and so……

Ning Luan is lying!
Is it because Brother Wuwu didn't pass the news to Uncle Nine Emperors, or...

By the way, she was confused, the Yamen is not close to here.

Even if Ning Luan is a person with excellent lightness kung fu, it is impossible for him to arrive here in such a short time.

Ning Luan, there must be a problem!

Just as Yuan Deyin was thinking about Ning Luan's problem.

Suddenly, a cold and slender hand grabbed her wrist.

Ning Xinyue, who was still lying down, suddenly opened her eyes faintly, a cold smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and her whole body exuded a sinister aura.

"Princess Deyin, what are you thinking about?"

(End of this chapter)

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