The cub of the Nine Emperor Uncle's family is squeamish again

Chapter 257 The dagger plunges into Yuan Deyin's heart

Chapter 257 The dagger plunges into Yuan Deyin's heart
When Yuan Deyin lowered her head, she happened to be able to see Ning Xinyue's gentle eyes, which became slender and sharp, and the surrounding temperature dropped suddenly.

She quickly shook off the opponent's hand, then stood up, looking at him solemnly.

Ning Xinyue also stood up slowly, looking down at her bandaged wound, she sneered.

"Master Deyin County is really a kind person. You are worthy of being an apprentice taught by Jade God of Medicine. Healers are really compassionate. No wonder so many people worship you as gods..."

Ning Xinyue said in an obscure tone.

Yuan Deyin couldn't see her expression clearly, but felt that her expression was extremely gloomy, and her tone of voice was also extremely yin and yang, without the slightest timid and gentle appearance when they first met.

"Wu Zuo is also worthy of respect." Yuan Deyin looked at the side of the other party's face, and finally couldn't help but say this.

But after her sincere words were uttered, Ning Xinyue covered her mouth and laughed exaggeratedly.

I don't know how long she laughed before Ning Xinyue straightened her back, the corners of her eyes showed a hint of resentment.

"Yuan Deyin, your hypocrisy really makes me sick." She sneered, her tone very disdainful.

Yuan Deyin frowned, not understanding why Ning Xinyue said that.

Seeing Yuan Deyin's innocent and dazed expression, Ning Xinyue wished she could rush over and tear her face apart.

"Yuan Deyin, you told me during the day that you respect my elder brother and the master, do you really think so in your heart? You are the high-ranking princess, and you are also the apprentice of Master Gu, the master of the genius doctor. Your precious hands But those who are used to save lives and heal the wounded are not like us, they only touch those dirty corpses, it is very unlucky..."

While looking at Yuan Deyin mockingly, Ning Xinyue said these words contemptuously.

Yuan Deyin's heart sank slightly, she had never thought about it this way, why did Xinyue look at her like this?
Opening his mouth, Yuan Deyin wanted to explain.

But Ning Xinyue never gave her a chance to explain.

Ning Xinyue raised her eyes to stare at Yuan Deyin again, her eyes became extremely fierce.

"Do you know that before you returned to the capital, news came from Haicheng that you had cured the poisoned people, and those people in the capital enshrined you as a god behind their backs. It is Chiyan's blessing to have you..."

Ning Xinyue sneered, her pupils blurred, and she began to recall the past, the resentment in her eyes was ready to go.

Yuan Deyin pursed her lips and remained silent. She didn't know why Ning Xinyue brought up the matter of Haicheng.

"Doctors are the inheritors of medical skills, so isn't that a job? Heh, the person who treats poisoning will not hesitate to accompany the patient in person... Princess Deyin, you are really great." Ning Xinyue glanced at Yuan Deyin, again, has a strange look.

"However, who knows how many poisoned corpses, or even plague-infected corpses, passed through my grandfather, my father, and my elder brother? Because of them, those corpses can speak, and how many criminal evidences Only then can we be found out... But, what kind of treatment did they get! The world treats us like the plague, as if we are some dirty and lowly things..."

Ning Xinyue clenched her fists tightly, her eyes were full of blood, and she exuded a pervasive hostility.

"Xiaoyue." Ning Luan walked behind Ning Xinyue and looked at her with a complicated expression.

Seeing that her thin body was going to be unstable, he raised his hand, trying to support her.

But before he could touch Ning Xinyue, she directly shook his hand away.

"Do not touch me!"

Ning Xinyue gritted her teeth and spoke to Ning Luan, the disgust in her tone was extremely obvious.

This made Yuan Deyin frowned, Ning Luan is Ning Xinyue's real brother, why does she seem to hate him?
Before Yuan Deyin could figure it out, Ning Xinyue gritted her teeth and spoke to her again.

"Do you think it's ironic? The people who made you a god a few days ago started to get scared when they heard that those people died because of you. They even want you to die. How stupid and stupid Funny..."

When it came to the end, Ning Xinyue started laughing wildly again, her expression was a little crazy.

"Looking at how everyone in the academy isolates you, do you understand the feeling of being alone and helpless?" Ning Xinyue stared at Yuan Deyin and asked urgently.

Yuan Deyin's eyes changed.

Her little face also became extremely serious.

"Is it you? Did you do all of this?" Yuan Deyin also stared at Ning Xinyue sharply.

Hearing Yuan Deyin's pressing question, Ning Xinyue seemed not to understand, she snorted softly, then said with a sneer: "What are you talking about, I don't understand."

"The princess has been thinking about a few questions these days. The murderer behind the scenes has put in so much effort and killed so many people. What is he planning? Until those rumors appeared, the princess knew... ...The murderer wants the princess to be in a vortex, but she just wants to see the princess tortured like a trapped animal."

Yuan Deyin looked at Ning Xinyue and said calmly.

Without waiting for Ning Xinyue to react, she continued: "There are too many doubts in this case. The first is that there were no traces of struggle on the bodies of the deceased, which proved that they were defenseless before they died. We always thought it was an acquaintance who committed the crime. I started to investigate all the acquaintances around the deceased, but I never thought that this has led the investigation of the case into a dead end..."

Having said that, Yuan Deyin's faint eyes fell on Ning Luan.

"Until just now, the princess didn't realize that there is such a thing as Mafeisan in this world. It is normal for the patient to be given Mafeisan before dying, without feeling pain, and without struggling..."

"However, Mafeisan is not a well-known medicine in the world, so the murderer must be well aware of its pharmacology. Moreover, there must be something strange on the corpse of the deceased who took Mafeisan. This situation is better to be used as an autopsy." It is impossible not to know about it, unless...he deliberately concealed it."

Yuan Deyin's black eyes just looked at Ning Luan.

Hearing Yuan Deyin's words, a sharp light flashed in Ning Luan's eyes.

He stood with his hands behind his back. His face, which was still terrified just now, became calm and calm, and his aura changed drastically.

"Princess Deyin County, don't you think your guess is extremely absurd? Don't forget that the autopsy was performed by your master Yu Shenyi and me. If there is really sputum in the corpse, how can he see it?" There's nothing tricky about it..."

Ning Luan asked leisurely.

"Naturally, it's because Ning Yu played your tricks. When the master and master of the princess arrived at the river that day, before he got close to the corpse, you acted as if you were worshiping him and praised him very much. The master was so praised by you at that time, I will definitely not snatch your job, so I just glanced briefly and handed over the power of autopsy to you..."

Yuan Deyin's eyes were also extremely calm.

Now that her mind has gradually become clearer, she also understands that all the things Ning Luan did by the river that day were actually not simple.

"I missed the opportunity to find Mafeisan in the corpse, and by the time the corpse was sent back to the Yamen, the Mafeisan had already disappeared in the corpse, so Master couldn't find the tricks in the second autopsy. "

"Princess Deyin, you are...much smarter than Yusheng Xiao."

Ning Luan looked at Yuan Deyin, suddenly twitched the corner of his mouth, and said this quietly.

he is...

Have you admitted it?

Yuan Deyin was secretly shocked, and his mood became more and more complicated.

"So, are you also in the Shen family cemetery?" Yuan Deyin's sharp eyes fell on Ning Luan again.

Now that the matter has been exposed, Ning Luan doesn't intend to hide it anymore. He brushed off the remaining water marks on his sleeves, and then said slowly: "That's right, it's me."

"Why are you doing this? No, what exactly do you want?"

Yuan Deyin's eyes fell on Ning Xinyue at the same time.

Hearing that Yuan Deyin also mentioned her, Ning Xinyue smiled contemptuously.

"What do you get? It's just to let out a sigh of relief. People who also live in this world and study medical science, why are they treated so differently?"

Ning Xinyue raised her eyebrows and said in an obscure tone.

"So, you heard that the people in the capital praised the princess because of Haicheng, and you became murderous? You killed so many people related to the princess, just to let the princess feel misunderstood and isolated. a feeling of?"

Yuan Deyin suddenly wanted to understand something, and she looked a little unbelievable.

How could Ning Xinyue and the others kill so many innocent lives because of this kind of thing?

Seeing Yuan Deyin's innocent expression, Ning Xinyue suddenly gritted her teeth, and under the projection of the flames, her expression was slightly ferocious.

"Do you think those people are innocent? No, they all deserve to die, and everyone in this world deserves to die! Don't you think you are noble? Then I will turn you all into dirty corpses. In the end, you His corpse will be cut to pieces by the gangsters you despise to find the so-called truth..."

When Ning Xinyue said what was in her heart, she actually laughed morbidly.

Yuan Deyin shook her head, she couldn't believe that this was the idea of ​​a teenage girl, she was crazy!

She turned her head, looked at Ning Luan, and asked anxiously: "That time, in the Shen family cemetery, you didn't kill the princess, did you just wait for today?"


"Then those crows..."

"Crows love the rotten smell of dead bodies. Isn't it easy for a person who has worked with dead bodies to tame a group of carnivorous crows?"

Ning Luan showed a cold smile.

Seeing his smile, Yuan Deyin's mind flashed the scene of Xiao Liu being pierced through the heart and Li Xiangyang being gnawed on the heart by a crow.

Yuan Deyin covered her mouth as her abdomen twitched, almost vomiting it out.

"Then, then how do you know about the Shen family cemetery...and how do you know the true birth date of the princess?"

Yuan Deyin endured the nausea and continued to ask.

This is what she still can't figure out.

"Li Xiangyang? Are you talking about that idiot who tried to revive the Chen Dynasty?" Ning Luan smiled contemptuously again.

Ning Xinyue glanced at Ning Luan, and then picked up his words, "Li Xiangyang fled all the way from the southwest to the capital. When my brother delivered the body, he found him hiding in the mass grave. He actually blew his identity and gave us A lot of money, just a few small favors from us."

"So, Li Xiangyang escaped the search so easily because you were helping him?" Yuan Deyin reacted instantly.

"That's right, those adults in the patrol team are self-proclaimed, and every time they see their elder brother driving a corpse back and forth from the city gate, they will avoid it, and even disdain to search... Oh, what an irony... "Ning Xinyue said quietly.

"That idiot Li Xiangyang, I know he wants to use us. But what he doesn't know is that he is the one who is really being used. From him, we got a lot of information about you, including your date of the Shen family cemetery At that time, we had already killed the person who should be killed, and Li Xiangyang had nothing to use, so we kindly helped you kill him..."

Ning Xinyue explained in a calm tone.

Her tone of voice didn't seem to be talking about a human life at all, but rather an insignificant matter.

Although Li Xiangyang committed a heinous crime, she couldn't agree with Ning Xinyue's indifference to human life.

Yuan Deyin endured the nausea, so he didn't let himself spit it out.

At the same time, she also got an important clue from Ning Xinyue's words.

The horoscope of the date of birth... was actually learned by Li Xiangyang.

How many secrets does Li Xiangyang know about the Ji family?

Yuan Deyin's eyes gradually darkened, she always felt that Li Xiangyang's matter was not over yet.

However, now that Li Xiangyang is dead, the clues are also broken.

She didn't think that Ning Xinyue lied to her, because now, in the hearts of Ning Xinyue and Ning Luan, she was already a mortal person, so naturally she didn't bother to lie.

While Yuan Deyin was in deep thought, Ning Xinyue said directly to Ning Luan: "Brother, what are you waiting for, kill her, dig out her heart... I'm already looking forward to it, I want to see and know her as soon as possible." When they died, the Prince Regent and Yu Shengxiao looked collapsed. No matter how noble people are, in the end, aren't they all doomed to escape?"

When it came to the end, Ning Xinyue's expression became more and more gloomy.

She stared at Yuan Deyin, with a sick emotion in her eyes.

She took out a sharp dagger from her sleeve, and walked towards Yuan Deyin step by step.

"Yuan Deyin, don't blame me. It's because you have such a good background and became Yu Shengxiao's apprentice. I am also a person who understands medical science. Why should I bear the infamy of being a daughter of a master for the rest of my life, and you You can be respected by so many people..."

Ning Xinyue's tone became more resentful, and her eyes became more vicious.

Yuan Deyin wanted to retreat, but found that he had no way to retreat.

But she never thought about asking for mercy, she gritted her teeth and looked at Ning Xinyue angrily.

"Sister Pan Rong and Sister Qingzhou told this princess that you want to be a coworker wholeheartedly, because your brother blocked you, which made you very sad. In fact, they were all deceived by you. You don't want to be a coworker at all. Maybe there are people in this world. There is no deep taboo against Wu Zuo, but they are not as good as you, the person who hates Wu Zuo and despises himself the most is actually you!"

Yuan Deyin's words touched Ning Xinyue's heart.

Ning Xinyue's face changed, she clenched the dagger tightly and stared at Yuan Deyin.

She opened her mouth angrily, "You are talking nonsense, how could I look down on myself?"

"No? If a person really loves an identity, she will not talk about the badness of this identity, nor will she resent others..."

"That's all because you look at the work with weird eyes, so I will..."

"No, people who really love something will not deny their love because of other people's eyes." Yuan Deyin retorted Ning Xinyue firmly.

"Shut up, you are noble, you don't understand anything, what right do you have to accuse me..."

Ning Xinyue was overwhelmed by what she said, she became angry from embarrassment, she directly raised her hand, and slapped Yuan Deyin hard on the face.

With a loud "pa", a red palm print appeared on Yuan Deyin's fair face, and soon, half of his face was swollen.

But at this time, Yuan Deyin didn't think about compromising.

She turned her head, looked at Ning Luan, and tried to persuade him: "Do you think so too? You also think that everyone who was killed deserves to die. Is this princess going to be poached by you too?"

"Xiaoyue thinks they deserve to die, then they deserve to die, and so do you." Ning Luan replied blankly, as if Yuan Deyin was not a living human being.

"Everyone deserves to die, so your parents deserve to die?"

Yuan Deyin questioned Ning Luan sharply.

"What did you mention my parents?"

Hearing Yuan Deyin actually mentioned their parents, Ning Xinyue's expression changed drastically, and her voice became a little sharp.

Ning Luan also stared at Yuan Deyin in disgust.

It seemed that Yuan Deyin was insulting their parents just by mentioning their parents.

Seeing Ning Xinyue's anxious appearance, Yuan Deyin's guess became more and more certain.

She let out a breath, then looked at Ning Luan calmly, and said, "Do you really think your parents were killed by lightning?"

"Xiaoyue went to Luzhou to see, the body was struck by lightning..." Ning Luan said with a dark face.

"But, you didn't see it with your own eyes, did you?" Yuan Deyin said softly.

"What do you want to say?" Ning Luan's expression tightened, and his tone became a bit sharp.

"At that time in Muzhou, there was no rainstorm, let alone the possibility of thunder and lightning. The death of your parents was man-made. Moreover, the murderer is likely to be someone close to you..." Yuan Deyin looked at Ning Luan with a calm tone explained.

She was sure that Ning Luan didn't know the real cause of his parents' death.

"Brother, don't listen to her nonsense. She started lying just to survive. Let's kill her quickly, lest the regent find something wrong and rush over, and we won't be able to do anything!"

Ning Xinyue clenched her dagger tightly and stared at Yuan Deyin resentfully.

"How dare you lie, you lowly person, I will kill you!"

After the words were finished, Ning Xinyue didn't give Yuan Deyin a chance to struggle, she looked ruthless, raised her hand directly, and inserted the dagger fiercely into Yuan Deyin's heart.

Blood splashed out from the front, sprayed Ning Xinyue's face, and dripped down the dagger drop by drop.

She smiled strangely, then skillfully lowered the dagger, and soon, a blood-red heart was dug out by her.

(End of this chapter)

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