Chapter 258
"Xiaoyue, you..."

Ning Luan stared at Ning Xinyue with a complicated expression.

He still wanted to hear what Yuan Deyin could say, but he didn't expect Xiaoyue to kill someone directly.

Why doesn't Xiaoyue discuss anything with him now?

Ning Xinyue heard a trace of disapproval in Ning Luan's tone, and a few gloomy lights flashed quickly in her eyes.

She asked Ning Luan directly in a questioning tone: "Brother, do you think I shouldn't kill Yuan Deyin? Do you think those who despise us shouldn't die?"

"I don't think so, I just think that there may be something strange about the father and mother..."

Ning Luan said in a low voice.

Because he recalled that five years ago, he wanted to go to Muzhou to see his parents' corpses, but the county magistrate over there obstructed him in every possible way. In the end, he could only see the relics that had been sent back.

"Xiaoyue, when your parents had an accident, you were far away in Songshan to pray for blessings. After returning to the capital, you suddenly heard the bad news. You only saw the relics, and you didn't even see them for the last time. Don't you think it's weird? "

Ning Luan looked at Ning Xinyue urgently.

He thought that Ning Xinyue was not in the capital, so even if something was wrong, she didn't notice it.

Ning Xinyue's eyes flickered unnaturally, she quickly turned her head away, and then said: "What's so weird? The county magistrate of Muzhou and our relatives far away in Muzhou said so, What else do you have to doubt? Do you still think that your father and mother are pretending to die and deliberately not coming back to see us?"

When it came to the end, Ning Xinyue's tone was a bit aggressive.

Ning Luan frowned, he didn't expect that Xiaoyue would have such a big reaction when he mentioned the matter of his parents.

"Xiaoyue, I didn't suspect that my parents had faked their deaths. I just thought that Yuan Deyin might know something. She..."

Ning Luan wanted to explain.

But Ning Xinyue seemed to be even angrier. She looked at him coldly, and then said loudly: "What do you think? Could it be that my brother has started to feel that there are good people in this world after being a gangster for a while? Yuan Deyin just wanted to lie and deceive." It's just a person. Would you rather trust an outsider than your own sister and relatives in Muzhou?"

The more Ning Xinyue spoke, the angrier she became.

"Feel sorry……"

Ning Luan shook his head, apparently not wanting to provoke Ning Xinyue with this matter.

After all, she was the younger sister he had grown up with since he was a child, and she was the only close relative he had in this world.

His eyes fell on Yuan Deyin's body on the ground, looking at the little princess who was still full of vigor and questioned them loudly just now, and now lying there with blood dripping closed eyes, his eyes also flashed a bit of joy.

Turning his head, he quickly took Ning Xinyue's hand.

"Xiaoyue, we deceived Yuan Deyin's secret guard and asked him to send a message to Jun Yu in the wrong place. I guess they have already found out the trick by now. We have to leave quickly. I have prepared the carriage, as long as we disguise ourselves as corpses Leaving the capital, the outside world is so big, no matter how powerful Jun Yu is, it will be difficult to catch us."

Ning Luan's tone was full of determination.

The little princess that Jun Yu was holding in his palm died, Jun Yu and the one in the palace would definitely not let it go.

This time, he was not sure that Jun Yu would not find out about them.

So the best way is to leave the capital as soon as possible.

Looking at Yuan Deyin's body, Ning Xinyue let out a cold snort.

"The world said how powerful the regent is, and how smart the princess Deyin is. It turned out to be nothing more than that. What's more, he was played by us in the palm of his hand, and even lost his life. Brother, let's go, The people who will be killed in the end have been killed, and there is nothing to be attached to in this capital."

After finishing speaking, Ning Xinyue wiped off the blood on her hands and face with a handkerchief, then threw it on the ground and stepped on it a few times.

Finally, he threw the dirty handkerchief onto Yuan Deyin's face.

Just as they were about to turn around and leave, suddenly an angry voice came from the side.

"Kill Deyin, and still want to escape?"

They looked over, only to see Yin Panrong struggling to get up from the ground.

Yin Panrong looked at the lifeless corpse on the ground with red eyes, and tears rolled down her face.

She just woke up when she heard Ning Xinyue's last words.

She quickly figured out a lot of things.

It turned out that the murderer... was the Ning family brothers and sisters!

"Brother, I originally thought that Yuan Deyin was the last person I wanted to kill, but now, I guess there is one more."

Ning Xinyue glanced at Ning Luan leisurely, then said these words with a cold sneer.

Ning Luan remained silent, but his eyes on Yin Panrong were vigilant and fierce.

"Ning Xinyue, I, Qingzhou, and Deyin really treat you as friends. How can you be so vicious?"

Yin Panrong asked loudly, if she was agile now and had a sword by her side, she would definitely rush over with the sword in hand and stab Ning Xinyue's heart hard to see if her heart was dark.

Hearing Yin Panrong's words, Ning Xinyue not only did not feel any guilt, but her expression became even more sarcastic.

She covered her mouth and laughed.

"Good friend? You come from a noble family. Every time you look at me with that kind of compassion and pity, I feel disgusted. You masters, how can you treat me as a real friend?"

Ning Xinyue spoke disdainfully, the disgust in her tone was undisguised.

Yin Panrong clutched her chest, her heart was throbbing.

She has known Ning Xinyue for so long, but she didn't recognize her as such a white-eyed wolf.

She was blind and hurt De Yin.

Seeing Yin Panrong's grief-stricken appearance, Ning Xinyue felt extremely at ease.

She sneered triumphantly again, and then said leisurely: "For the sake of your dying, let me also tell you a secret. Is that meat delicious during the day?"

"You... what kind of meat is that?"

Hearing Ning Xinyue's words, Yin Panrong's heart tightened and her expression changed.

"That's naturally... the meat that fell from the person I killed. Hahahaha..."

After all, Ning Xinyue covered her mouth with her hands and laughed exaggeratedly.

On the side, Ning Luan was slightly shocked when he heard her words.

He didn't even think that she actually hid the dead human flesh in the house. No wonder when he did the autopsy, he found that the corpses were all in short supply.

However, he just frowned and didn't say anything.

Because it is absolutely impossible for him to blame his sister for a few pieces of dead flesh.

Whatever she likes, he will agree with.


Hearing Ning Xinyue's words, the blood on Yin Panrong's face disappeared instantly.


Yin Panrong covered her mouth and knelt beside her, retching non-stop, her eyes soaked with tears.

"Ning Xinyue, people like you will go to hell if you die!"

Enduring the nausea and pain, Yin Panrong turned around and accused Ning Xinyue angrily.

Directly, Ning Xinyue raised her eyebrows coldly, and then said disdainfully: "You hypocrites are the ones who will go to hell, I am just punishing you on behalf of God..."

"Xiaoyue, stop talking nonsense with her, time is running out." Ning Luan reminded from the side.

After speaking, he took the dagger and wanted to kill Yin Panrong.

But Ning Xinyue directly blocked his movements.

"Brother, it's up to me to kill people. Only by personally slaughtering these hypocritical people will I be happy." Ning Xinyue said in a sinister tone.

After speaking, she snatched the dagger from Ning Luan's hand.

Seeing Ning Xinyue walking towards her step by step, Yin Panrong wanted to retreat, but her leg was injured, her body was still numb, her head was in a mess, and her body was out of control.

Soon, Ning Xinyue came in front of Yin Panrong, looking down at her from above.

"For the sake of you being my friend, I will give you a good ride. I will... dig your heart to look better, hehehe..."

Ning Xinyue gritted her teeth and said in a frantic tone.

With a movement of the hand, the dagger stabbed directly.

Just when the dagger was about to pierce Yin Panrong's heart, suddenly a sword flew in from outside.

"Be careful." Ning Luan rushed over to push Ning Xinyue away.

Ning Xinyue fell beside her, and the sword directly pierced Ning Luan's shoulder.

"Brother..." Ning Xinyue quickly supported Ning Luan.

She gritted her teeth and shouted, "Who is it, get out of here."

At this time, a few tall figures walked in the door.

The leader is dressed in Jun Yu.

He was wearing a black python robe, and his tall figure would blend into the night behind him.

Water droplets trickled down the edges and corners of his resolute and handsome face, but they still couldn't wash away the terrifying hostility on his body.

Beside him, there were Shen Chuannan, Tao Lin, Yusheng Xiao, Xiao Jun, Wu Xi and several other secret guards, as well as Mei Qingzhou who was being supported.

The strength of the sword, it can be seen that Jun Yu did it.

When Yin Panrong saw a familiar face, she burst into tears: "Qingzhou, Qingzhou, they, they killed Deyin..."

Killed Deyin?
After her words fell, Mei Qingzhou's head buzzed.

The blood on Jun Yu's resolute face faded, and his hands under his wide sleeves trembled a little.

Wu Xi had several people standing behind, and their hearts could not be peaceful.

Looking up, I don't know if it's because I was dazzled or what, if not, why did they see Wang Ye's body... staggered a few times.

"Small, is Xiao Deyin dead?"

Yu Shengxiao's hand holding the jade bone fan was also a little trembling, he pulled the corner of his mouth lightly, and then whispered: "Don't be joking, that little guy is smart, how could he die."

"Heh, the people are really neat, but it's also just right, I can see your grief with my own eyes, which is very satisfying to me."

Ning Xinyue was stunned for a while, but after she realized it, the arrogance in her eyes became even worse.

"You vicious murderer, what have you done to Xiao Deyin!" Yu Shengxiao asked Ning Xinyue angrily, clutching her jade bone umbrella tightly.

On the side, Jun Yu's bloodshot eyes were also staring at the Ning family brothers and sisters.

During the day, he sensed that something was wrong with Ning Xinyue, so he sent someone to investigate Ning Luan.

As a result, many tricks were found.

For example, during the time when the deceased had an accident, Ning Luan actually frequently drove out of the city gate in the horse-drawn carriage used by the Yamen to transport the corpse.

However, in the case files of the yamen, there is no record of that period of time, and there were other murders.

Also, in Ning Luan's residence, a large amount of Mafeisan was unexpectedly found.

Everything gradually became coherent.

Just when he was about to arrest someone, he realized that the little girl had gone up the mountain...

"What did you do to her? Miracle Doctor Yu, didn't you see it? I cut out the heart of the honorable Princess Deyin, and died of bleeding..."

Ning Xinyue pointed at the corpse on the ground and laughed wildly.

Yin Panrong also said angrily: "Lord Nine, Lord Shen, Lord Xiao, you must kill Ning Xinyue and avenge Deyin... Deyin, you died a terrible death, Deyin..."

Ning Xinyue pointed at the corpse and laughed exaggeratedly, while Yin Panrong looked at the corpse and cried bitterly.

But Yu Shengxiao and others who were standing at the door, seeing the body with its chest torn apart, everyone's eyes were red.

"Xiao Deyin, I'm sorry, it's because the teacher didn't protect you well." Yu Shengxiao clutched the jade bone fan, the veins on his fingers violently.

There was probably only one person present, and at this moment, his expression was a little weird.

Jun Yu stared at the corpse tremblingly for a long time...for a long time...

Finally, I don't know how long it took.

He suddenly chuckled, the blood in his eyes slowly faded, and he murmured softly: "This king knows that she won't abandon me so easily..."

When everyone heard Jun Yu's murmur, especially the Ning brothers and sisters and Yin Panrong, their eyes were extremely puzzled and they didn't understand what he meant.

Jun Yu was silent, and coldly ordered Wu Xi behind him: "Wu Xi, go get a basin of cold water."

Although Wu Xi didn't know their lord's intentions, he still responded quickly.

It happened that there was a wooden basin in this hut. He quickly picked up the basin, and then ran outside to fetch a basin of rainwater.

"My lord, the water is ready."

"Pour it on the body of the princess." Jun Yu ordered coldly.

Fall, fall on the body of the princess?
Wu Xi's hand trembled, he never thought that their prince would give such an order.

The rest of the people also looked at Jun Yu in disbelief.

Yusheng was so angry that she rushed to Jun Yu's side, stepped on her feet, grabbed his collar, and roared commandingly: "Jun Yu, are you crazy? Xiao Deyin died so badly, why do you want to desecrate her body?" , do you still have a heart!"

"Oh, it turns out that Lord Regent is also a hypocrite." Ning Xinyue also covered her mouth and laughed, with an arrogant and complacent expression.

The more chaotic and painful Jun Yu's situation was, the happier she was.

Seeing Wu Xi froze in place, motionless, he did not complete the task he ordered.

Jun Yu quickly came to him, brought the water over, and then walked towards the little girl's body without hesitation with his long legs.

Sensing Jun Yu's intentions, Yu Shengxiao's face was full of anger.

"Jun Yu, stop for this genius doctor, stop, this genius doctor forbids you to bully Xiao Deyin's corpse..."

Saying that, Yu Shengxiao was about to rush over to stop Jun Yu.

But Shen Chuannan beside him moved faster and grabbed him directly.

"Yu Shengxiao, calm down, no matter what A Yu does, he has his reasons."

"Fuck his shit, no matter how reasonable it is, you can't insult Xiao Deyin's body, I'm going to kill him..."

Yu Shengxiao roared loudly.

On the other side, Jun Yu ignored it and poured water on the bloody corpse.

The moment the water fell on the corpse, Yu Shengxiao's roar also stopped abruptly.

Everyone looked at the "corpse" on the ground in shock...

Ning Xinyue's expression collapsed, "Why is Yuan Deyin's corpse like this? Her corpse!"

Not far from her, Yuan Deyin's "corpse" turned into a puppet.

But this puppet is incomplete, and a big hole was dug out in its chest.

"Shen, Fox Shen, what's going on?" Yu Shengxiao still had tears in his eyes, and he touched Shen Chuannan's arm with his elbow in a little helplessness.

Shen Chuannan also hesitated for a long time, and finally, he let out a breath, and the grief on his face gradually dissipated a lot.

"Fortunately, the little princess is probably fine. What we saw just now should be the 'Luo Ye people' of Ling Ye Kingdom." Shen Chuannan explained softly.

"Luo Ye people?" Yusheng Xiao was stunned.

"This genius doctor remembered that Grandma Zonglin once said that there are several treasures in the treasury of Lingye Kingdom, one of which is the Luoye people. It is said that the Luoye people are made of precious Luoye. Little puppet. Because the outer layer of the puppet is protected by a layer of wax, when outsiders look at it, it is an ordinary puppet..."

"However, as long as that layer of wax is melted, the smell of Luo Ye inside will come out. The biggest effect of Luo Ye is to make people hallucinate. They will regard this puppet as the person they think in their hearts..."

Shen Chuannan took Yusheng Xiao's words.

After a while, he explained seriously: "Perhaps because after we came in, the brothers and sisters of the Ning family and Miss Yin both said that it was Princess Deyin, so we were influenced by Luo Ye's smell and showed the puppet too. He has become Princess Deyin."

"So, when Jun Yu splashed it with water, it covered the scent of Luo Ye, so we wouldn't have hallucinations, so we could see it in its original appearance!"

Yu Shengxiao also woke up.

However, he would not be ashamed at all because he misunderstood Jun Yu's actions, but was full of excitement.

Little Deyin is not dead, his cutest little apprentice is not dead, he has someone to succeed him!
"What happened, what Luo Ye people, what hallucinations, no, it must be Yuan Deyin's body, I dug out her heart with my own hands..."

Ning Xinyue's face collapsed when she heard the explanation here, she couldn't accept this explanation.

At this moment, a pile of straw piled up beside it moved, and a little furry head poked out.

The little girl stared at the slender figure with sparkling eyes.

She stretched out her hands and said softly, "Uncle Nine Emperors, Deyin is here."

Hearing the movement, Jun Yu suddenly turned around.

The originally calm black eyes instantly exuded uncontrollable excitement.

He quickly moved his long legs, and in the blink of an eye, he was in front of a certain little girl.

Seeing him coming, a certain little girl wanted to crawl out while also wanting to say something to him.

But before she could do anything, the tall body of a certain Uncle Nine Emperors turned over.

Jun Yu's long arms hugged her tightly, and then pulled her into his arms.

His body trembled a little, with a kind of joy of regaining what was lost.

"Uncle Nine Emperors..."

"Don't talk, hug." He said seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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