Chapter 259 Expose the crime
"Uncle Nine Emperors, Deyin..."

The little girl was hugged so vigorously by a certain Uncle Nine Emperors that she was almost out of breath. She opened her mouth and wanted to say something.

But Jun Yu interrupted her again solemnly: "Don't talk, let me hug you for a while."

Not far away, Yu Shengxiao saw a certain prince hugging Xiao Deyin tightly and unwilling to let go, his heart was sour.

He also wants to hug...

Finally, I don't know how long it took before Jun Yu released Yuan Deyin from his arms with satisfaction.

The little girl was able to catch her breath, and she secretly patted her chest with her little hand.

But in the next moment, a certain Nine Emperor Uncle quickly took her small hand with his big hand, and the warmth from the palm of his hand made him truly feel her presence.

The little girl looked down at Uncle Jiuhuang's big hand, she couldn't help but pout, why Uncle Jiuhuang looked like he was afraid that she would run away.

Yin Panrong and Mei Qingzhou's eyes were red, and they both wanted to come over and touch Yuan Deyin.

Just now, they all thought that something happened to her...

However, they just took a step, and couldn't help but retract their steps, because a certain Nine Emperor Uncle stood beside Yuan Deyin with a cold face, like an unshakable mountain, and it was difficult for others to One step closer.

"Brother, she is not dead, how could she not be dead?"

When Ning Xinyue saw Yuan Deyin standing there alive, her face collapsed.

She turned her head, grabbed Ning Luan's arm, and asked in an impatient tone.

She remembered that she had plunged the knife into Yuan Deyin's heart, how could she not die!

"Xiaoyue, calm down, I guess... we were all designed by Yuan Deyin." Ning Luan glanced at Yuan Deyin with complicated eyes, and soon had a guess in his mind.

It is estimated that this little princess has already begun to doubt them.

"Impossible, I have been planning for so long, it is impossible to kill her. Besides, I have killed so many people, and I have never made a mistake!"

Ning Xinyue yelled at Ning Luan loudly.

In her words, there was a feeling that she was very proud of killing so many people.

For the first time, Ning Luan ignored her when he heard her words.

He looked at Yuan Deyin sternly, and then asked, "When did you start to doubt us?"

Seeing Ning Luan's stern look, Yuan Deyin didn't have the slightest fear, because Uncle Nine Emperors was by her side.

She looked at Ning Luan with fearless eyes, "Sister Pan Rong told me that Ning Xinyue likes to be a servant, but you don't allow it because you think that if you do this job, you will be looked down upon by others. But before A few days ago, when you were by the river, your words were full of satisfaction with your errands... From this point of view, there is a difference between what you said and Ning Xinyue..."

"At that time, you began to suspect that we killed people?" Ning Luan asked with a frown, his tone very angry.

"No, at that time, the princess was only suspicious. Until later, Sister Pan Rong said that your parents were killed by lightning in Muzhou. But in the past ten years, the daily weather in the whole Chiyan, The owner of this princess knows everything by heart. At that time in Luzhou, there was no rainstorm, so how could there be such a disaster of thunder and lightning..."

Yuan Deyin replied in a cold voice.

After her words fell, except for Yin Panrong, who was prepared, and a certain Lord Regent who looked as steady as Mount Tai, the rest of the people had strange expressions on their faces.

In the past ten years, she has been able to memorize the daily weather in Chiyan all over the place?

Yu Shengxiao gritted her teeth, not knowing whether it was envy or bitterness in her heart.

Wuwuwu, the apprentice is too smart, and the master feels that he is so weak.

"From that time on, the Princess has a strange feeling... that Ning Xinyue is not as simple as it seems on the surface."

Yuan Deyin's dark eyes just looked at Ning Xinyue who was a little crazy.

It is really hard for Ning Xinyue to disguise herself as a submissive and bullied little girl in front of others.

"The Luoye man was given to the princess by the younger brother of the princess. The princess has been carrying it with me all the time. I didn't expect it to be the one who saved the princess' life today..."

Yuan Deyin's eyes fell on the broken "Luoye man" on the ground.

If Zuo Qie hadn't given her this amulet that day, she might not be able to retreat from Ning Xinyue and Ning Luan by herself today.

"You suspect me of killing someone based on these?" Ning Xinyue stared at Yuan Deyin with hatred.

"Naturally it's not enough. When I came to this mountain to save people, when the princess used Mabosan to Pan Rong's sister, he suddenly figured out something... We have always wondered why the deceased didn't struggle. It turned out that he used Mafeisan! And thinking that you all understand medical principles, I have doubts. Also, during the autopsy, the only one who can hide the residue of Mafeisan in the corpse is your brother."

Yuan Deyin's earnest voice reached the ears of the Ning family brothers and sisters, making their expressions even more embarrassing.

"It's you who made me really use the idea of ​​the Luo Ye people. When Brother Wuying sent you back, your feet were actually covered with mud..."

Yuan Deyin looked at Ning Xinyue with sharp eyes.

On the side, Wuying realized instantly, his expression changed.

"Princess, it's my subordinates who have neglected their duties, and they didn't find out about it." Wu Ying quickly knelt down and pleaded guilty.

Everyone also understood a little bit.

Because I heard that Ning Xinyue was hanged on a tree for a long time before being rescued by Wuying.

Everyone's eyes slowly fell on Ning Xinyue's muddy shoes, and their expressions were a little cold.

A person who has been washed by rain for so long in a tree, shoes, should not have so much mud.

The only explanation is...

"I understand. You came down by yourself when I went back to rescue the soldiers." Yin Panrong thought of many things in an instant, and her expression was a little angrily.

Unexpectedly, she was kind enough to save people, but she never thought that she would be used by the "white-eyed wolf".

"You're not too stupid." Seeing that the matter had failed, Ning Xinyue didn't intend to hide it anymore, she snorted coldly and glanced coldly at Yin Panrong.

With her appearance like this, Yin Panrong was once again so angry that her heart ached.

"Hanging on a tree, you won't be able to get down so easily. Someone should be helping you. That person must be your brother."

Yuan Deyin looked at Ning Xinyue firmly.

After finishing speaking, she turned her head, looked at Ning Luan, and said in a very firm tone: "Ning Luan, you have been hiding in this mountain for a long time, waiting for the princess to come. You also found this cabin in advance. Yes."

Yuan Deyin's words made Ning Luan silent.

Because she was right.

"Also, Ning Luan, the princess tried you once. The princess asked you where the master of the princess went. But you actually said that the master heard a new clue to the case, and then volunteered I went to investigate. However, the princess knows the master, he is not such a positive person, he will take the initiative to help the deceased find the truth."

Yuan Deyin's cold voice uttered such firm words, which successfully silenced everyone.

After a while, Shen Chuannan glanced sideways at Yu Shengxiao who was gnashing his teeth beside him, and said calmly: "Princess, I still know you very well."

Yu Shengxiao: "..." Are you polite? !

This genius doctor doesn't like her "knowing" this genius doctor so much!

"How did you cut off the news of Brother Endless?" Yuan Deyin asked coldly.

The only thing she can't figure out now is, since Ning Luan has been hiding in this mountain all the time, why can she stop the disappearance of her letting Brother Endless to pass on to Uncle Nine Emperors?
Not far away, Endless quickly knelt down.

"Princess, this subordinate is guilty. When this subordinate was going to pass the letter, several officials from the Yamen stopped him on the road, saying that the prince was investigating the case in the east of the city. Therefore, the subordinate just went to the east of the city, and the road was delayed for some time. ..."

The endless expression is full of guilt and regret.

As the secret guard of the palace, he would have made such a mistake, he was deceived so easily, and almost harmed the princess.

"Go back to the palace and get fifty lashes." Jun Yu's cold eyes looked endless, and there was a hint of coldness.

"Subordinates obey."

After being punished with fifty lashes, Endless heaved a sigh of relief.

Because this is already the lightest punishment the prince has ever given.

Sure enough, with the little princess by his side, the prince...will become more merciful.

Endless retreated to the side, and it was Xiao Jun's turn to kneel down in shame with an old face on his face.

"Lord Nine, Princess, it's the lower officials who have neglected their duties. On the way here just now, the lower officials have already interrogated those people. They were all deceived by Ning Luan. But in the final analysis, it was the lower officials who failed to manage them well. ..."

Xiao Jun also kowtowed heavily.

"Get up, let's talk about your dereliction of duty at another time." Jun Yu said indifferently.

Xiao Jun didn't dare to provoke him any more, so he stood up quickly.

"Brother, how sure are you of sending me away?"

When they were not paying attention, Ning Xinyue grabbed Ning Luan's sleeve and asked in a low voice.

"If Jun Yu doesn't make a move, there might be a [-]% chance if you risk my life."

When Ning Luan heard Ning Xinyue's words, his back stiffened, and he raised his head to glance at the person opposite.

Jun Yu, Shen Chuannan, and so many hidden guards behind them...

Thirty percent of the time, he was coaxing Ning Xinyue.

But after hearing his words, Ning Xinyue's face brightened, and she quickly whispered: "Then brother, we have to try. Even if there is only a [-]% chance, I will escape. When I escape, I will definitely To take Yuan Deyin's life..."

At the end of the sentence, Ning Xinyue's tone was full of hatred.

If she can't kill Yuan Deyin this time, then she will dig out Yuan Deyin's heart as her biggest goal in this life.

Now, the most important thing is to get out of here.

Only by saving your life will you have a chance to seek revenge from Yuan Deyin!
"But Xiaoyue, what I said just now is to protect my life, so there is only a [-]% chance."

Ning Luan turned his head back, looking at Ning Xinyue with a pair of black eyes with unclear emotions.

Ning Xinyue didn't find anything wrong with his tone and eyes, she pursed her mouth and said: "Brother, at least you have a little friendship with Xiao Jun, maybe he can help you plead with Jun Yu and save your life. Locked up in a big prison. But I am different, Yuan Deyin must hate me to death, after she takes me away, she will have my head cut off, if I die, who will avenge us... ..."

Ning Xinyue's tone was very righteous.

"That's right, the most I can do is to be imprisoned in a prison, but you will die..."

Ning Luan twitched the corner of his mouth and muttered with a strange expression.

"Brother, it's good that you understand. Hurry up and protect me before they react. There is a window there, and I will leave from there. You must hold them back."

Ning Xinyue grabbed Ning Luan's sleeve tightly and said urgently.

Because she was afraid that if she delayed any longer, she would really be unable to escape.

"En." Ning Luan replied very coldly.

Hearing that he agreed, Ning Xinyue breathed a sigh of relief.

She glanced fiercely at Yuan Deyin's side face, and then quickly ran towards the window next to her.

"Jun Yu, they want to escape!" Yu Shengxiao was the first to realize that something was wrong, he immediately yelled as soon as he retracted the jade bone fan.

Jun Yu raised his eyes coldly, and glanced at the brothers and sisters of the Ning family with cold eyes.

Ning Luan's heart sank when he noticed that his eyes had swept over here.

He frowned, quickly stood in front of Ning Xinyue, and shouted: "Xiaoyue, run away."

Hearing his words, Ning Xinyue didn't turn her head back, she just ran forward, all she wanted was to escape for her life.

Looking at this scene, Jun Yu's eyes flashed a bit of ridicule.

He raised his hand, and a gust of palm swept over.

Ning Luan hastened to raise his internal strength to resist, but his internal strength was only against Shang Junyu's palm.

With a "poof", he felt that all the internal organs in his body were shattered, and he spat out a mouthful of blood.

But at this time, Ning Xinyue still didn't look back.

Ning Luan knelt on the ground weakly, he pulled out a wry smile
He naively thought that he could withstand Jun Yu's palm, so...

The title of the Lord of War is indeed well-deserved.

Ning Xinyue finally jumped out of the window, she thought she could escape.

But she never thought that Wumu, like a ghost, fell lightly from the roof, and then put the sword on her neck.

Sensing the chill on her neck, Ning Xinyue turned her head stiffly.

When she saw Ning Luan kneeling on the ground, she felt a little annoyed, and immediately said loudly, "Brother, I've been caught, please save me."

However, Ning Luan didn't even have the strength to look back.

He coughed a few times, bloodstains flowed from the corner of his mouth again, and his internal organs were in severe pain.

He said softly: "Xiaoyue, we can't escape, they can hear what you said to me just now..."

Even if Xiaoyue spoke in a low voice, according to Jun Yu and his group's deep internal strength, they could already hear clearly.

"Then why didn't you remind me just now?" Ning Xinyue became even more annoyed when she heard Ning Luan's words.

Knowing that Jun Yu and the others could hear her plan, but as an older brother, he didn't even remind her, and treated her like a clown, isn't it funny?

Is there anyone like him who is an older brother?
The more Ning Xinyue thought about it, the angrier she became, and her tone of voice also felt like being questioned.

Over there, Ning Luan didn't answer her.

He raised his head with difficulty, then looked at Yuan Deyin with complicated eyes, and asked softly: "Princess, at that time in Luzhou, was there really no rain?"

"Really not. Maybe, you should think about whether the sister you protected so much five years ago really went to pray for blessings."

Yuan Deyin replied blankly, when she said this, she glanced in Ning Xinyue's direction from the corner of her eye.

Hearing Yuan Deyin's words, Ning Luan rolled his eyes.

She quickly recalled that in the past, before Xiaoyue was born, their family was still very warm, and they never underestimated themselves.

Until Xiaoyue was born, she went to school and heard too many gossip...

Then I came back and questioned my parents, asking them why I couldn't be an official, why I didn't do some admirable job, why I wanted to be that dirty job!
Every time, parents want to persuade Xiaoyue about this matter, but Xiaoyue always slams the door and leaves.

Five years ago, before parents left for Clifford, the adults said they would be rewarded for breaking a big case.

If it is a reward, it is estimated that many people in the entire capital will know about them, and naturally they will also know that Xiaoyue is the daughter of Wu Zuo.

At that time, Xiaoyue was extremely resistant to this matter, and had conflicts with her parents many times.

In desperation, the parents had no choice but to go to Muzhou and come back to talk about this matter.

But I never thought that once I go, I won't come back.

"If you want to investigate what happened in Muzhou, I don't mind helping you."

Yuan Deyin glanced at Ning Luan again, then said softly.

Of course, her "help" was not intended to help Ning Luan.

She wanted to "help" those two innocent lives.

No matter what their identities are, as long as they are Chi Yan's people, they have to die in vain.

"No need, I...can guess what's going on."

Ning Luan raised his head and smiled palely at Yuan Deyin.

"My parents have been wronged for so many dead souls all their lives, but I am the executioner who created the dead souls. I guess they don't want to recognize me as a son." Ning Luan bowed his head and said to himself.

"Maybe, going to hell can alleviate my sins..."

After the words fell, Ning Luan burst out of power from nowhere. He bit his blood-stained teeth and supported his body with his sword.

Several hidden guards quickly stood in front of Jun Yu and Yuan Deyin, staring at him vigilantly.

But he didn't come towards Jun Yu and Yuan Deyin, he turned his head.

Any chest pain, step by step towards Ning Xinyue.

Ning Xinyue thought that Ning Luan was there to help her, so she was overjoyed and hurriedly shouted: "Brother..."

But in the next moment, a sword was directly inserted into her heart.

"Brother, you..."

Ning Xinyue widened her eyes in fear.

"I gave you this sword on behalf of my parents. Let's go to hell together to redeem our sins." Ning Luan laughed loudly, but his breath became weaker and weaker.

He pulled out the sword, and without batting an eye, he plunged it directly into his heart.

The two corpses fell down at the same time, Ning Xinyue's eyes widened, she did not want to die.

Jun Yu quickly covered the eyes of a certain little girl with his big palm when Ning Luan started to do it, never letting her see such a cruel scene.

"My lord, they are all dead, what should we do?" Xiao Jun asked Jun Yu with a headache.

The heart-digging case has become so big, and now the two murderers committed suicide in fear of crime, what should we do!
"Hang up their corpses and hang them at the city gate for three days. After that, throw them into the mass grave." Jun Yu said indifferently.

It is not so easy to go to hell if the sin is serious.

(End of this chapter)

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