Chapter 260 Uncle Nine Emperor's Daughter
Xiao Jun heard Jun Yu's order, and hurriedly asked his subordinates to carry away the bodies of Ning Xinyue and Ning Luan,
"The king will order people to go to Muzhou to find conclusive evidence." Jun Yu let go of his hand, lowered his head, looked at a certain little girl, and said in a deep voice.

Although the person is dead, the truth that should be there must still be found out.

"The murderer has been found..."

Yin Panrong shook her somewhat confused head, and the stone in her heart fell down.

"By the way, Qingzhou, are you okay?" She thought of something, turned her head quickly, and looked at Mei Qingzhou worriedly.

Yuan Deyin also looked over here, she frowned and asked, "Sister Qingzhou, what happened to you?"

"When I went down the mountain with Pan Rong and Ning Xinyue, I stepped on the ground for some reason, and then fell unconscious. When I woke up, I found myself in a big pit. The stagnant water has already covered half of my body. If it wasn't for Deyin, you would have someone come to me, and I would either die of cold or be drowned."

When Mei Qingzhou recalled what happened back then, she still had lingering fears.

"Reporting to the princess, when we found Miss Mei San, she was indeed in a pit in the middle of the mountain. The soil in the pit was very new, so it must have been newly dug. And on the top of the pit, an artificial hole was made. It is a clever little mechanism, that is, after a person falls, it is difficult for the people above to find it. It is probably because of this reason that Miss Yin was unable to find it when she searched on the top."

Endless hurriedly lowered his head to explain to Yuan Deyin.

It is so.

Yuan Deyin thought to himself, the brothers and sisters of the Ning family really took great pains to kill people.

Yin Panrong couldn't bear it, and cursed directly: "Ning Luan and Ning Xinyue must have dug a hole here early in the morning, just waiting for us to take the bait. We sincerely treat them as friends, but they actually murdered us behind our backs." Our lives..."

Angry to the extreme, Yin Panrong pulled the wound, and she grinned in pain.

"It hurts..."

"Sister Panrong, calm down, don't let the wound open."

Yuan Deyin shook his head, and whispered to Yin Panrong.

At this time, Mei Qingzhou also found that Yin Panrong was injured, she quickly helped her up, and then said softly, "Don't be angry."

"That's right, it's not worth it to make me angry because of them." Yuan Deyin nodded seriously.

"What happened to your hand?"

While Yuan Deyin was still calming Yin Panrong, the cold and hasty voice of Uncle Nine Emperors suddenly came from behind her.

Hearing this, Yuan Deyin was stunned for a moment, and she looked down at her two paws, which were glowing red.

She scratched her head sheepishly, then pulled a slingshot from her sleeve.

"After I hid, I remembered that Sister Pan Rong was still outside, and worried that Ning Luan and Ning Xinyue would hurt Sister Pan Rong, so I hurriedly made a simple slingshot, and wanted to use it when Sister Pan Rong was in danger. Slingshot them."

Yuan Deyin explained very seriously.

When she saw Ning Luan wanting to stab Pan Rong's sister behind the haystack, she was ready to use her slingshot.

But unexpectedly, Uncle Nine Emperors and the others had already arrived.

Everyone looked at the slingshot in her hand, it was indeed simple...

There are only two branches held together, with a rope hanging from them.

They couldn't help wondering, could such a slingshot hurt someone?

A certain jade doctor fanned the jade bone fan, and couldn't help but hum softly: "Xiao Deyin, it's a good thing we rushed over here, your slingshot, let alone hurting people, even smashing an ant, They can't be smashed to death."

"is it?"

The little girl wrinkled her face, as if she was a little annoyed.

She whispered: "When I was a child, I saw my father use the slingshot he made as a weapon, so I just made it casually. I don't have much experience, and I don't know how effective it will be..."

Unwilling, she threw the slingshot away, so she took the slingshot, quickly picked up a stone from the ground, and pointed it at a beam above Yu Shengxiao's head.

Seeing Yuan Deyin's actions, Yu Shengxiao shook his head helplessly, a little bit resentful that iron could not be made into steel.

"Xiao Deyin, those are children's toys, and your slingshot is too ugly, it's a failure, don't try it, it's a waste of effort..."

But he couldn't finish his words.

With a "bang", the stone in the slingshot hit the beam directly.

With a "click", the beam fell straight down.


"Be careful." Shen Chuannan frowned, and he quickly pulled Yu Shengxiao who was standing there blankly to his side.


The beam, which had been in disrepair for a long time, fell to the place where Yu Shengxiao was just now.

Swallowing hard, Yu Shengxiao looked at Yuan Deyin in horror.

"Xiao, Xiao Deyin, did you shoot this thing with a slingshot?"

"It should be." Yuan Deyin said in a low voice.

She was also a little uncertain, so she picked up another stone from the ground and aimed at a big tree outside.

The stone flew out like an arrow from the string.

With a "bang", a branch of a big tree at the door was knocked down.

Everyone: "..."

Is this the failed slingshot? !
"It seems that it was really shot by Deyin's slingshot. Do you want to try again?" The little girl said hesitantly.

Seeing that she was going to try again, a certain prince raised his hand, his slender five fingers grabbed her little paw, and then wrapped it gently.

His deep voice came from above his head: "Don't play anymore, if you continue to play, your master should be scared to death by you."

"Cough cough cough..."

Yu Shengxiao touched his nose in embarrassment, and quickly closed his exaggeratedly opened mouth.

It was the first time he had seen such a lethal slingshot.

"Xiao Deyin, how do you make this slingshot? Do you have any skills?"

Yusheng Xiaoba looked at Yuan Deyin with squinted eyes, his face was full of curiosity.

If he can make this slingshot, he will shoot birds with this slingshot every day when he returns to the Godly Doctor Valley.

Facing Yusheng Xiao's curious eyes, a certain little girl tilted her head with a very puzzled expression.

"This is the slingshot that Deyin made casually, without any tricks."

"You can do so much damage just by doing it casually?" Yu Shengxiao raised his voice slightly, and his tone was unbelievable.

"That's right, it's just doing it casually. Is it difficult to reach this point?" The little girl frowned and looked at Yu Shengxiao puzzled.

Yu Shengxiao: "..." Please be a genius doctor and never ask.

"Okay, Yin'er was shocked today, let's go back to the mansion to rest first." Jun Yu said coldly.

His sudden utterance can be regarded as an end to the brutal crushing of Yu Shengxiao.

"Well, let's go back home." A certain little girl shrugged her head, it was rare that she was so obedient this time.

"Then I'll go back to Yin's residence to recuperate." Yin Panrong said to herself.

"Sister Pan Rong..." Yuan Deyin opened his mouth, wanting to send someone to escort them.

But she didn't even finish her words, and Uncle Nine Emperors beside her guessed her thoughts in an instant.

He said in a deep voice, "Endless, send them back safely."

"Subordinates obey."

"Thank you, Prince Nine. Deyin, we'll see you again some other day." Yin Panrong and Mei Qingzhou said goodbye.

They originally wanted to chat with Deyin a few more words, but the Ninth Prince was blocking Deyin's side like a god, and it was difficult for them to talk.

Taking the little girl's hand and going out, Jun Yu still didn't forget to tell you in a cold voice: "The king of Kairi will teach you how to learn martial arts. It's not enough just to use your brain, but you have to be agile in your hands and feet. Just like Wuying and the others, just being able to What's the use of martial arts, it can't protect you."

A certain Ninth Prince actually said such a long sentence in one breath.

But this doesn't really sound like a good thing.

Behind them, Wu Xi, Wu Ying, Wu Mu, Wu Yi, and Wu Zing's secret guards gradually froze, and the corners of their mouths began to twitch uncontrollably.

The prince wants to say, do they only have martial arts and no brains?

The prince must be angry that they didn't protect the princess well today.

"Okay." Yuan Deyin didn't listen carefully to what Jun Yu said, she only heard that he asked her to learn martial arts, and her eyes instantly became extremely bright.

"Are you so happy to let you learn martial arts?" Jun Yu lowered his eyes and asked with an unclear expression.

Aren't the delicate little girls afraid of practicing martial arts?
Hearing his words, the little girl raised her head and raised her chest, and said in a serious tone: "If Deyin learns martial arts, he will be able to protect Nine Emperor Uncles in the future."

Her words successfully made Jun Yu couldn't help chuckling a few times, his dark eyes curved a bit, and the coldness on his face slowly dissipated, as if the mountains and glaciers were melting.

She had such thoughts.

A certain Ninth Prince, the softest part of his heart was gently smoothed again.

"My lord, I don't need children's protection," he pursed his thin lips, and finally added, "But if you want, my lord doesn't mind letting you protect me."

"Yes, Deyin is very willing."

The little girl's soft voice was like a feather, gently rubbing Jun Yu's ears and heart.

The two people walking hand in hand in front of them have a kind of warm and quiet atmosphere.

But the people who followed them were not so beautiful.

Yusheng Xiao was expressionless, staring at the two people in front of him, how could he have the illusion that he shouldn't be here.

Beside him, Shen Chuannan and Tao Lin also had complicated expressions.

"Is it cold?" Shen Chuannan looked sideways at Tao Lin.

The weather in the mountains is colder than the weather in the city, and Tao Lin came here in a hurry, wearing only light clothes, and she is a woman, her body's ability to keep out the cold is weak.

She is actually a little cold.

But looking at Shen Chuannan's profile, Tao Lin shook her head and said softly, "It's not cold."

But as soon as her words fell, Shen Chuannan quickly took off the cloak on her body, and then put it on her body.

"It's windy, put it on." He patiently helped her fasten the strap, and said in a warm voice.

When Tao Lin raised her eyes, she could see his gentle eyebrows and eyes. Her heart moved slightly, and her eyes were a little astringent.

For some reason, she couldn't help but think of what they looked like back then.

Yu Shengxiao saw this scene from the corner of his eye, and his teeth were gritted.

Come on, he knows, everyone has a company, but he doesn't!
"Why, are you cold too?" Shen Chuannan helped Tao Lin fasten the belt, and when he turned around, he could see Yu Shengxiao staring at him and Jun Yu's back, gnashing his teeth constantly, so he asked directly .

"That's right, this genius doctor is also cold!" Yusheng Xiao said confidently.

"Then you can continue to be cold."

Shen Chuannan gave Yu Shengxiao a disgusted look, and then quickly went down the mountain with Tao Lin.

Yu Shengxiao: "..." After all, it was the genius doctor who made the wrong payment.


At the foot of the mountain, the carriage was ready.

Yuan Deyin quickly climbed into the carriage, Jun Yu looked at her climbing like a puppy, and frowned helplessly.

He was right behind him, and he could easily carry her into the carriage as soon as she spoke to him.

But obviously, she won't ask him for help every time.

With a helpless sigh, Jun Yu also got into the carriage.

There were comfortable cushions in the carriage, and as soon as Yuan Deyin lay on it, she couldn't help lying there with her butt pouted, wanting to sleep.

"You still have injuries on your body, get up, and I will apply medicine to you first."

Jun Yu looked at her and said in a deep voice.

"Injured? Where is Deyin injured?"

Yuan Deyin turned her head, the flesh on her face was squeezed into a ball by her, she asked puzzledly.

"Hand." Jun Yu replied with the same expression.

on hand?

No, except for a little redness and swelling on her hands, there is no injury.

The little girl put her little paws in front of her eyes in doubt, and with the help of the light of the night pearl, she could see clearly...

On the side of her index finger, there was a small scratch the size of a mung bean.

The damage was so small that not even blood came out.

If she hadn't been reminded, she would never have found out, let alone feel pain.

However, Uncle Nine Emperors could actually find such a small wound?
Yuan Deyin was shocked.

Facing Uncle Shang Jiuhuang's unquestionable eyes, she knew that this application of medicine could not be avoided.

She pursed her mouth, and finally got up from the ground reluctantly, obediently enshrining her little paws.

When Jun Yu raised his hand, he was able to catch her little paw.

Her hand was really small, placed in his palm, as if it could be wrapped up at any time.

Jun Yu glanced at her nearly invisible wound, and calmly took out the wound medicine to give her the wound medicine.

Yuan Deyin looked at the wound medicine, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

If she remembers correctly, this medicine is an excellent wound medicine made by Master with hundreds of medicinal materials.

Master hurt her head last time, and she was reluctant to use it. Uncle Nine Emperors actually used it on her small wound.

She could even imagine how Master would be beating his chest in pain if he knew about it.

Jun Yu didn't know what her little head was thinking at this moment, he lowered his eyes and gave her the medicine seriously.

The little girl raised her head and looked at the earnestness in his beautiful eyebrows. She blinked and blinked curiously.

In the end, she couldn't help but whispered: "Uncle Nine Emperors, you are really gentle. In the future, your daughter goose will be very happy."

"Why, do you want to be the king's daughter?" Jun Yu's hand stopped, he raised his eyes, and his dark eyes looked at her sly eyes like this.

Yuan Deyin just said it casually, but he didn't expect Uncle Jiuhuang to ask so seriously.

She swallowed her saliva, and her momentum became so weak for some reason.

She tentatively opened her mouth in a low voice: "If...if Deyin think, what would you do?"

"This king will kill your thoughts in the cradle. Don't forget, this king is only five years older than you. It is impossible for this king to give birth to you at the age of five."

Jun Yu kept a straight face, it was rare for him to explain something to her so seriously.

Yuan Deyin swallowed forcefully again, and he was completely cowardly.

Why did Uncle Nine Emperors seem to be angry just now?

She naturally knew that he was only five years older than her, and he didn't need to remind him.

After talking to her, Jun Yu lowered his eyes and continued to give her medicine patiently.

I don't know how long it took, in the quiet carriage, when a certain lord regent put away the wound medicine, his gloomy eyes glanced at the soft face of a certain little girl.

He whispered softly: "In this life, you can't be the daughter of this king. However, you can choose to be the closest person of this king's daughter."


Miss Yuan was confused by his words, and she couldn't react.

She stared at him curiously, asking him to explain.

But at this time, the carriage stopped.

Wuyi's respectful voice came from outside: "My lord, princess, the regent's mansion has arrived."

"Finally home." Yuan Deyin let out a sigh of relief. Holding the hem of her skirt, she quickly opened the curtain and jumped off the carriage.

The word "go home" obviously pleased a certain prince, he ticked the corner of his mouth, and then followed.

"My lord, princess, you have returned safely."

Steward Dong ran over from the door, seeing that the prince and princess were safe and sound, his eyes were full of tears.

Poor little princess, why is there always so many disasters.

"Dong Butler, don't worry, Deyin and Jiuhuangshu are fine." Yuan Deyin comforted Dong Butler.

Butler Dong wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, and suddenly remembered something, he hurriedly said: "My lord, the princess, the emperor is here, and he is now in the mansion. He heard the news of the princess' accident, and hurried over from the palace. If it wasn't for Just now, Wu Ting first brought back the news of your safety, I am afraid that the emperor will take his men to the mountain right now."

The emperor is here?

Jun Yu's eyes darkened in an instant, and even the shallow curvature of the corners of his mouth just now gradually sank, and his thin lips formed a sharp straight line.

Yuan Deyin didn't notice his mood swings. When she heard Jun Zhouhan coming, her eyes lit up.

"The emperor's elder brother is here. Deyin is going to see him." After speaking, the little girl quickly ran into the palace with her skirt in hand.

Behind him, in another carriage, Yu Shengxiao, Shen Chuannan and Tao Lin just got off.

As a result, I saw Jun Yu with a dark face, like a murderous look.

Yu Shengxiao didn't understand the situation, he looked forward and only saw Yuan Deyin's cheerful back.

Fanning the jade bone fan, he said leisurely: "Why did Xiao Deyin run so fast? If it wasn't because the genius doctor knew that she was still young and there was no one else in the palace, the genius doctor would have mistakenly thought she was going to the palace. I've met someone I like."

Yu Shengxiao thought he had made a very funny joke, but he didn't know...

After he said these words, the surrounding temperature dropped suddenly, and there was even a feeling of wind gusts.

A cold gaze fell on him, making all the hairs on his body stand on end.

Yu Shengxiao turned her head stiffly, only to meet Jun Yu's cold and frightening eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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