Chapter 261 Jun Yu asks for marriage
Until Jun Yu stepped into the Regent's Palace first, Yu Shengxiao who stayed at the door still couldn't figure it out.

Why was Jun Yu so angry when he was just joking?

"See what's different at the gate of the Regent's Palace tonight?"

Seeing Yu Shengxiao's dumbfounded look, Shen Chuannan really couldn't stand it any longer. He stepped forward and reminded him.

Hearing his reminder, Yu Shengxiao glanced at the door of the Prince Regent's Mansion, only to realize later.

He excitedly said: "There are actually a lot more guards tonight than usual. Could it be that they are here to welcome this miracle doctor?"

Shen Chuannan: "..." I'm so stupid.

Tao Lin couldn't stand it anymore, she pressed her eyebrows, walked to the other side of Yu Shengxiao, and reminded: "There are not many people in this world who can work hard for the Regent's Palace..."

"Wait, could it be the one from the palace?" Yusheng paused for a moment, then looked at Shen Chuannan and Tao Lin with horror on her face.

"Think with your pig brain." Shen Chuannan didn't want to talk to Yusheng Xiaoduo anymore.

The smile on Yu Shengxiao's face gradually disappeared, and then became extremely flustered.

Of course, he wasn't afraid of Jun Zhouhan.

It was because he finally realized why Jun Yu looked at him with such piercing eyes.

"You said, is it still useful for me to carry the burden and run away overnight?" Yu Shengxiao asked weakly.

"It's useless. Wait to die." Shen Chuannan glanced at him in disgust, and then stopped talking nonsense. He took Tao Lin and quickly followed into the palace.

Behind him, a certain jade doctor began counting down the countdown to his death with his fingers.

With the help of the guards, Yuan Deyin soon found out that Jun Zhouhan was in Uncle Jiuhuang's study, so she ran over directly.

She originally wanted to rush in, but after thinking about it, the most basic etiquette must be maintained.

So she stood at the door and poked her little head in.

Jun Zhouhan was originally standing by the study window, looking at the dark sky.

Hearing the movement, he turned his head, only to see a furry little head sneaking in from the door, like a sneaky little gopher.

Xiao Deyin with such an appearance made Jun Zhouhan laugh.

"Come in, there are no outsiders here, so you don't have to be nervous." Jun Zhouhan slowed down his tone, like a gentle big brother.

Yuan Deyin pricked up her ears when she heard the sound. She followed the sound and saw Jun Zhouhan standing not far from her.

Jun Zhouhan was not wearing a dragon robe today, but only a jade-like white robe. He had a slender figure and a face like a crown jade.

Out of the corner of the eye, I noticed a certain little girl staring at me blankly, her mouth seemed to be about to fall...

Jun Zhouhan was stunned for a while, and then he couldn't help laughing heartily.

The hearty voice spread outside, shocking the accompanying father-in-law not far away.

The palace affairs are busy, and some ministers who rely on the old to sell the old give the emperor a headache. They almost forget how long it has been since the emperor laughed so happily.

Princess Deyin is really a wonderful person.

In the study, Jun Zhouhan smiled deeper as he looked at Yuan Deyin's dazed appearance.

Xiaoyin, it seems that she likes handsome men more than when she was a child.

"Xiaoyin, I heard that you went to the mountain to investigate the heart-digging case. Did the Ning brothers and sisters hurt you?"

When Jun Zhouhan thought about the business, the smile on his face became colder in an instant, and he looked at Yuan Deyin worriedly.

Hearing his words, Yuan Deyin instantly understood that some of the hidden guards had come back to report first.

She shook her head and explained seriously: "Brother Emperor, don't worry. They didn't hurt Deyin. They are the murderers of the murder case. Brother Emperor can tell the truth to the public. In this way, the people will not So if you complain about the court, you won't have a headache."

Hearing her soft voice, Jun Zhouhan's heart warmed.

She even knew that the heart-digging case caused public outrage.

Although she is young, she also knows how to care about people.

"I'm fine. But this time, the heart-digging case is really bad. You found the real culprit, how do you want me to reward you?" Jun Zhouhan asked gently.

"Deyin doesn't dare to take credit. This is the result of Uncle Jiuhuang, Lord Shen, Sister Lin and Lord Xiao running around day and night. Deyin just happened to break through the evil deeds of the Ning family brothers and sisters at the last step. If it weren't for Jiuhuang Uncle arrived in time, Deyin still doesn't know what kind of danger he will encounter."

Yuan Deyin shook his head and explained very seriously.

After thinking for a while, she said sincerely: "If Brother Emperor really wants to reward him, then he should reward Uncle Nine Emperors, Master Shen, Sister Lin, Master Xiao...and Master."

Yuan Deyin hesitated for a moment, but still dragged someone into the list of invitations against his conscience.

Seeing that she was actually counting the rewards with her fingers, Jun Zhouhan couldn't help but lowered his head and chuckled. When he raised his eyes, the gentleness in his brows was like sunshine in the daytime.

"Okay, I will reward those people you mentioned. But you, I want to reward you heavily!"

"Brother Emperor, Deyin doesn't need to be rewarded." Miss Yuan shook her head with a sincere expression.

Dare to refuse the emperor's reward, Yuan Deyin... is definitely No.1.

But instead of being angry, Jun Zhouhan became interested. He raised his eyebrows and asked curiously, "Why don't you want my reward?"

"Because, Brother Emperor, if you reward Uncle Nine Emperors, you are rewarding Deyin. Uncle Nine Emperors...isn't it Deyin's."

A certain little girl raised her head, cheekily, and said confidently.

Her words wafted into the ears of Lord Regent, who had just walked into the courtyard of the academy, and she successfully smoothed his hair, making his cold face a lot lighter.

When Jun Zhouhan heard her words, he paused for a moment.

He really never thought that the relationship between Xiaoyin and Jiuhuangshu is so close, he is a little envious of the closeness.

"Okay, then I will reward Uncle Nine Emperors with double rewards according to you, is that good?"

The majestic Son of Heaven actually asked a little girl's opinion on the issue of rewards, but Jun Zhouhan not only didn't feel that there was anything wrong, on the contrary, he was willing to do so.

"Deyin thanked the emperor's brother."

The little girl hurriedly saluted and thanked her. When she looked up, her eyes were shining.

Jun Zhouhan looked at the round and fleshy cheeks on her cheeks, and frowned.

Why did he lose a lot of baby fat on her face just now? Is it because he grew up or lost weight?
"Xiaoyin, do you have any troubles these days? I see that you have lost weight." Jun Zhouhan looked at her distressedly.

As he said that, he still wanted to poke the little girl's soft face.

But before his hand could touch the little girl's face, suddenly a big hand appeared and pulled the little girl back.

"Uncle Nine Emperors..."

Jun Zhouhan and Yuan Deyin looked at a certain Nine Emperor Uncle who suddenly appeared, and the same shock appeared on their faces.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, you are here." Jun Zhouhan sized Jun Yu up and found that he was not injured, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

The joy of Uncle Jiuhuang's safe return had already diluted Jun Zhouhan's doubts. He had forgotten to ask why Uncle Jiuhuang didn't let him touch the little girl.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, you have worked hard in investigating the case these days, and I have thought about it a lot. You must have worked hard to take care of Xiaoyin by yourself. There are many nuns and maids in the palace. If you can let Xiaoyin enter the palace, there must be enough of them." I can go to see her at any time. If I am worried that she will fall behind in her studies, I can ask the master of Weiyang Academy to teach her in the palace..."

Although Weiyang Academy did not have such a precedent, then he asked them to set this precedent for Xiaoyin.

He didn't feel at ease if he didn't put Xiaoyin under his nose.

Jun Zhouhan looked at Jun Yu with an extremely serious tone.

Until now, he has not given up on letting the little girl enter the palace.

I want to enter the palace...

The little girl's first reaction was to wrinkle her chubby face, she didn't want to enter the palace, she still wanted to play outside.

But she opened her mouth, but before she could say the words of refusal, Uncle Nine Emperors lowered his eyes, rubbed her head, and said softly: "Yin'er, you go out first, this king has something to say to the emperor. "

Facing Uncle Shangjiu's dark and serious eyes, although Yuan Deyin didn't know what they were going to say, she didn't question it either. She nodded obediently, then trotted out with her skirt lifted.

When the little girl was gone, Jun Zhouhan raised his eyes and glanced at Uncle Jiuhuang's tense cold face, his heart sank slightly.

Maybe, Uncle Nine Emperors still doesn't want Xiaoyin to enter the palace.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, I don't know what you are worried about. I don't have any women in my harem now, so it won't cause trouble to Deyin. Besides, Xiaoyin didn't live in the palace directly as a queen when she entered the palace this time. , I just want to take better care of her..."

Every word of Jun Zhou's letter is sincere, trying to convince Uncle Nine Emperors.

But Jun Yu's face was always tense, there was a strong sternness in his brows, and his thin lips were also tightly pursed.

Jun Zhouhan continued to speak sincerely: "In the palace, I can take better care of Xiaoyin. Don't bother Uncle Nine Emperors. You have to handle official duties and take care of Xiaoyin every day. What's more, Xiaoyin and I At the same time, you can also cultivate feelings..."

He and Xiaoyin haven't seen each other for so many years, and their relationship is estranged. If this continues, in a few years, he will marry Xiaoyin as his queen, and he doesn't know whether Xiaoyin will be willing.

Thinking of this, Jun Zhouhan frowned slightly, while Jun Yu's brows began to wrinkle like ravines.

"This king absolutely does not agree, neither does she agree to enter the palace now, nor does she agree to marry you in a few years!"

Jun Yu spoke coldly, his tone unquestionable.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, why don't you agree?" Jun Zhouhan's tone was also a little anxious.

"Because she is the only person this king wants to marry in this life." Jun Yu's black eyes stared at Jun Zhouhan like this, and he spoke coolly, but his words were sonorous and forceful.


Jun Zhouhan was stunned, his eyes widened, as if he had heard something out of the Arabian Nights.

Uncle Nine Emperors actually said that he wanted to marry Xiaoyin, and he was the only one who wanted to marry.

Outside, Eunuch Li Da heard the argument from a distance, worried that the emperor and the regent would quarrel, he was very anxious, and with his fly whisk, he quickly ran over with small steps, trying to persuade the fight.

But as soon as he reached the door, his delicate face was stunned.

Is there something wrong with his ears? If not, why did he hear Uncle Nine Emperors wanting to marry Princess Deyin?
and many more……

No wonder the Prince Regent's face turns so dark every time the Emperor and Princess Deyin meet...

It turned out that he had a taste for it.

Eunuch Li Da deserves to be the celebrity around Jun Zhouhan, and he quickly figured out some things.

But soon, his heart hung up again.

The regent wants to marry Princess Deyin, so does the emperor...

The two of them must be fighting.

No, the emperor's small body is not enough for the regent to beat him up.

When Eunuch Lida thought of this, his heart was in turmoil.

The emperor is also a passionate person, he must disagree, he must fight with the regent, what should I do...

Eunuch Li Da walked up and down the door like ants on a hot pan.

In the study, after falling into a long dead silence.

The emperor, who Eunuch Li Da thought would be furious, suddenly burst out laughing.

Jun Zhouhan put his arm on Jun Yu's shoulder and laughed a few times. Finally, he looked at Jun Yu with fiery eyes and said anxiously: "I knew it, my guess was right! Uncle Nine Emperors, you must like it!" Xiaoyin, I finally forced you to speak your mind!"

Jun Yu: "..."

Eunuch Lida at the door: "..."

Ignoring Uncle Jiuhuang's weird look in his eyes, Jun Zhouhan let out a long breath: "Although I haven't had a deep emotional experience, when I saw Xiaoyin when I returned to Beijing for the first time, I saw you from the eyes of Uncle Jiuhuang. I saw that you have different emotions towards Xiao Deyin...Of course, at that time, I was just confused and not sure..."

Jun Zhouhan continued to recall: "Later, after many things were verified, I slowly confirmed my initial guess. Today, I finally forced you to tell the truth. It was not easy..."

While talking, Jun Zhouhan patted his chest, sighing about his difficulty.

Jun Yu: "..."

Looking at the black eyes of Uncle Jiuhuang, Jun Zhouhan chuckled: "Uncle Jiuhuang, I never thought of fighting. Because you are not only my Uncle Jiuhuang, but also the benefactor of my mother and concubine. Without you, I can't live in this world, and my mother and concubine can't justify their names. Therefore, I won't touch anything that belongs to you..."

"What's more, I can see how well you treat Xiaoyin, and I know that I am ashamed. Let me ask myself, if I really married Xiaoyin, it would be difficult for me to treat her as well as you..."

"Actually, to follow the wishes of the mother concubine and Prince Ji's mansion and take good care of Xiaoyin is not just about marrying him. I can also be her brother. With an emperor's brother, can Xiaoyin walk sideways in Chiyan?"

Jun Zhouhan said something to himself, not sure if he was explaining to Jun Yu or enlightening himself.

All he knew was that after he said what was in his heart, the big stone that had been pressing down on his heart finally slowly fell down.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, you must treat my sister well."

It was the first time that Jun Zhouhan called himself "Zhen" in front of Jun Yu so seriously.

"Naturally." Jun Yu's expression remained unchanged, but his tone was extremely firm.

Hearing his assurance, Jun Zhouhan smiled with relief, turned around and wanted to go out.

But when he reached the door, his footsteps suddenly stopped.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, I want to give you and Xiaoyin a big gift, just wait."

After speaking, he quickly walked away.

At the door, Eunuch Lida was in a daze for a long time, until Jun Zhouhan walked a long way, he didn't react.

After regaining his senses, he hurriedly put on his whisk and trotted to catch up.

"Your Majesty, wait for your servant."

However, a certain emperor's footsteps are relaxed and cheerful, and he naturally walks fast, so where will he be waiting for him?

This time, Eunuch Li Da was almost exhausted to death.

Yu Shengxiao was squatting at the door, thinking that if there was any accident, for example, if Jun Zhouhan snatched Xiao Deyin away, he would immediately rob someone and help Jun Yu snatch Xiao Deyin back.

But who knew that at this time, he saw Jun Zhouhan coming out from a distance, but he came out alone, and there was no little girl beside him.

And Jun Zhouhan smiled in two steps, as if he had received some joyful news, which made people puzzled.

When Jun Zhouhan left in a happy mood, Yusheng and Xiao were still in a daze.

What's going on here?

Shen Chuannan beside him looked at the team of Ouchi guards who were leaving far away, and the corner of his mouth curled up in a meaningful arc.

"It seems, A Yu, I'm confessing." He said softly, his tone quite emotional.

The only thing that can make A Yu so anxious is the lifelong event of the little princess.

"Frankly, what are you confessing?" Yu Shengxiao looked bewildered, and really didn't understand what Shen Chuannan meant.

"You are such a stupid person, I don't bother to tell you the truth." Shen Chuannan raised his eyebrows, glanced at Yu Shengxiao, turned around and left quickly.

Yu Shengxiao: "..."

"Damn Shen Fox, you actually said that this genius doctor is stupid, you come back to this genius doctor, what are you confessing?" Yu Shengxiao chased Shen Chuannan's back, screaming non-stop.

When a certain little girl heard the news that the emperor's brother had returned to the palace, she hurried to the study with her skirt in hand. As she ran, the bell around her waist jingled.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, Uncle Nine Emperors, what did you say to Brother Emperor?"

Before reaching the study, her hurried voice came in.

She pushed the door open so hard that she crashed into a wall of flesh.

Jun Yu smoothly stuffed her into his arms, then rubbed her head, and said softly: "My lord, I asked him to marry a little girl."

(End of this chapter)

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