Chapter 262 The Identity of Yuan Deyin

Yuan Deyin was dumbfounded when he heard his words, and his bright eyes were full of doubts.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, are you going to marry Aunt Nine Emperors to Deyin?"

Her voice was muffled, and for some reason, she felt a little unhappy in her heart.

"Aunt Nine Emperors? No, you won't have Aunt Nine Emperors." Jun Yu rubbed her head more gently.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, are you going to marry a concubine and drive Deyin away at the same time?"

The little girl's face collapsed in an instant, and her eyes were also red.

Because she thought Uncle Jiuhuang meant that she would not have Aunt Jiuhuang—he didn't intend to have her anymore.

"Don't think about it, how could this king abandon you? What this king means is that this king will not marry another woman..."

Jun Yu explained in a deep voice that he almost wanted to say that she was the one he proposed to marry.

But before he could finish his sentence, an anxious voice from the door interrupted his words.

Zuo Qi took a rabbit and a tiger with him, and Cang Ling and a few maidservants behind him ran towards Yuan Deyin in a hurry.

"Sister, I heard they said something happened to you, are you okay now?" Zuo Qie asked Yuan Deyin worriedly.

Behind him, Cang Ling's servant girls were watching her with red eyes, fearing that she might get hurt.

"I'm fine, don't worry. Look, am I fine?"

While comforting them, Yuan Deyin raised his hand and turned around to prove that he was really not injured.

Zuo Xie and the others were relieved to see that she was really safe and sound.

"Zuo Xie, my sister still has to thank you. If it wasn't for the Luo Ye people you gave me, my sister would be stabbed in the heart a few times tonight." Yuan Deyin patted Zuo Xie on the shoulder, thanking him gently .

"Sister, when I have a chance to go back to that place in the future, I must find a way to get you more Luoye people."

Zuo Qi raised his head and said in a serious tone.

Yuan Deyin felt warm when he heard his words.

"My sister knows your kindness, but the Luoye people can be regarded as the national treasure of Lingye country. If you want to take so much away, you probably don't have it." Yuan Deyin said to Zuo Qi with a smile.

She looked up and saw that the eyes of Cang Ling and the others were still red, she couldn't help but tilt her head to look at them, and said seriously: "The princess is really fine, don't worry."

"By the way, it's so late at night, why don't you hurry up and take Master Zuo Qi back to rest?"

Yuan Deyin glanced at the high hanging moon, she said to Cang Ling in a serious tone.

"My maidservant, let's take Master Zuo Qi back to rest. Master Zuo Qi, can we come and see the Princess tomorrow?"

Cang Ling asked Zuo Qi in a low voice, her tone a little nervous.

Because Master Zuo Qie may not necessarily listen to her.

Although young master Zuo Qi is so well-behaved now, he just hides his sharp claws in front of the princess. For the rest of the time, he looks like a demon king, second only to the prince in terms of scariness.

Zuo Xie was reluctant, but when he looked up, he saw his sister's serious face.

He didn't want to upset her, so he nodded obediently: "Yes."

After Cang Ling and the others took Zuo Qi away, Yuan Deyin turned his head and looked curiously at Uncle Jiuhuang who had been silent all this time.

"Uncle Jiuhuang, did you have something to say just now, what do you want to say?"

The little girl stared at a pair of bright eyes, which were not as bright as the stars and moon in the sky.

Jun Yu's thin lips moved, after all, he didn't intend to say what he hadn't finished. still too small.

"The king's words have been finished, why don't you go to bed?"

Jun Yu changed the subject in a calm tone.

But Yuan Deyin didn't want to delve into the meaning of the question just now. She tilted her head, pursed her mouth, and hummed softly: "Isn't it still early?"

"Then why did you let Zuo Qi go back to rest first?" a certain Ninth Prince raised his eyebrows and said quietly.

"He is still a child, so he naturally wants to go to bed early."

"You are a child too." Jun Yu woke her up in a deep voice.

"No, Deyin is already 11 years old. In a few years, he will reach the age of ji, so he won't be a child anymore!" Yuan Deyin put his hands on his hips, raised his head, puffed out his cheeks, and argued with him.

"Even if you grow up, you will always be a child in my heart, my child."

Jun Yu chuckled softly, his black eyes were full of gentle light.

Yuan Deyin froze for a moment, she didn't know why, looking at Uncle Jiuhuang's eyes, her heart seemed to miss a beat.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, Deyin thinks you look pretty good."

I don't know how long it took, a certain little girl blushed and said this coyly.

The corner of Jun Yu's mouth curved slightly, but his fingers quickly punched her on the head.

"It's only now that I feel that this king is good-looking and deserves to fight."

Hmph, Nine Emperor Uncle beat her up again.

Yuan Deyin stomped his feet angrily, and said, "Deyin is going back to sleep, Jiuhuangshu, you can watch the scenery by yourself."

After speaking, she covered her head, turned around and ran away.

"Jun Yu, are you bullying the apprentice of this genius doctor?"

Yu Shengxiao walked over with the jade bone fan and saw Yuan Deyin leaving. His first reaction was that Jun Yu was bullying her.

Hearing Yu Shengxiao's words, Jun Yu raised his eyes, his black eyes just glanced at him, then he quickly retracted his eyes, and turned directly into the study.

It seems that as long as a certain little girl is not here, he will feel extremely bored if he takes another look at Yu Shengxiao.

Yu Shengxiao still wanted to follow, but Jun Yu had already closed the door.

The merciless "bang" almost knocked his nose crooked.

Yu Shengxiao: "..." What a heartless and ungrateful man.


The next morning.

As soon as Yuan Deyin got up from the bed, he saw Cang Ling quickly push the door open and run in.

Cang Ling didn't care about dignity anymore, she went straight to grab Yuan Deyin's arm, and said anxiously: "Princess, the imperial edict is coming from the palace, you hurry to receive it."

Holy decree?

What decree?

Because of the Anshenzhu given by Uncle Jiuhuang, Yuan Deyin has been sleeping soundly these days without experiencing sleepwalking, which made her feel like she wanted to continue sleeping when she woke up in the morning...

So now even if Cang Ling shakes her, she still feels confused.

After casually putting on her dress and shoes, Yuan Deyin was ready to go out to receive the order.

"Princess, how can you go out like this, you haven't combed your hair yet."

When Cang Ling looked at their princess's little head like a chicken coop, she almost died of anxiety.

But a certain little princess seemed very calm, she waved her little hand, and then said calmly: "It's okay, it's just an imperial edict."

Yuan Deyin walked out of the yard.

Eunuch Li Da had been waiting there for a long time holding the sacred decree, but he didn't feel any sense of impatience.

Seeing Yuan Deyin appearing, his eyes lit up, he bent over quickly, and trotted over with a smile on his face.

"Princess Deyin, you are awake."

He wished he could yell, "Little ancestor, you are awake."

The master in the palace, but in the middle of the night, he began to urge him to deliver the imperial decree.

So he came to the gate of the Prince Regent's Mansion almost when it was still dark, and then waited outside the courtyard.

He didn't dare to disturb this...

This, now, is not only the little ancestor that the master in the palace puts on top of his heart, but also the little girl that the Lord Regent puts on top of his heart. He would not dare to urge her for a hundred lives.

Yuan Deyin's eyesight was excellent, and she quickly noticed that Eunuch Li Da's feet staggered.

She could quickly guess that he must have been waiting here for a long time.

Thinking of this, Yuan Deyin looked a little embarrassed.

"Brother Wuying, come and help Eunuch Lida, Cang Ling, go and pour a glass of water for Eunuch Lida."

Yuan Deyin's order was given so quickly that Eunuch Li Da didn't even react.

When he reacted, his face was flattered.

He entered the palace at a very young age. Although he is only in his twenties now, he has lived in that complicated palace for more than ten years.

In the past ten years, he has seen through the hearts of those corrupt people in the palace.

The emperor was the first person to treat him well, so he was called to his side and became a celebrity around him.

Although those people in the harem and some officials in the imperial court treated him with smiles because of his status as a celebrity of the emperor, he also knew that those people must be scolding him as an eunuch behind his back.

But Princess Deyin, he couldn't see the slightest bit of contempt in her eyes.

Moreover, she is the first person who can sympathize with the difficulties of little people like him.

For a moment, the corners of Li Dagong's eyes became moist.

He looked up, trying to wipe the tears from the corners of his eyes.

But seeing that he was still holding the imperial decree in his hand, he had no choice but to give up.

However, he had a firm idea in his heart, and he must try his best to help the little princess in the future.

Even if he knew that this little princess who had been protected and loved so much should not need his help.

Yuan Deyin didn't know that she was just a small act of kindness today, but Lida remembered her kindness for many years and helped her a lot in the future. Of course, this is a later story.

"It's so lively."

Yu Shengxiao walked in slowly, fanning the jade bone fan.

He heard that there was an imperial decree coming from the palace, the situation was so weird last night, and there is actually an imperial decree today...

There must be a good show to watch.

With the mentality of watching a good show, Yu Shengxiao not only came, but also sat down on the chair next to him.

Seeing her master's contented appearance, Yuan Deyin twitched the corners of her mouth.

Master, becoming more and more unreliable.

Just as Yuan Deyin was muttering about Yu Shengxiao in his heart, Jun Yu and Shen Chuannan, who were discussing how to deal with the follow-up of the heart-digging case, also came over in the study room, followed by Mu Chen and others.

Now, Yuan Deyin's small courtyard is even more crowded.

Jun Yu's eyes immediately fell on Yuan Deyin's body. Not only could she see her confused eyes because she got up early, but also her chubby little face and the messy chicken nest.

Following Jun Yu's eyes, Yu Shengxiao also noticed Yuan Deyin's slightly slovenly appearance, he shook his legs and teased: "Why, do you think Xiao Deyin's appearance is too ugly?"

"No, this king thinks she is so cute." Jun Yu corrected Yu Shengxiao's words expressionlessly.

Yu Shengxiao: "..."

This Jun Yu is probably blind.

Listening to the conversation between the two, Shen Chuannan glanced sideways and glanced at Yuanshen Xiao's unshakable head-shaking appearance, and he could guess what was going on in his head in an instant.

He muttered in distaste: "This Yu Shengxiao must be out of his mind."

Realizing that everyone's eyes were on her, the little girl felt a little embarrassed.

She brushed her hair a few times, and then whispered to Eunuch Li Da: "Eunuch, please declare the decree."

"Oh, this slave will declare..."

Hearing Yuan Deyin's words, Eunuch Li Da nodded quickly.

"Fengtian Chengri Emperor, Zhaoyue..."

Eunuch Li Da began to read the imperial decree at the top of his voice.

Being the same father-in-law, his voice is different from other father-in-laws, it is actually kind of nice.

The rest of the people knelt down when they heard the decree.

Naturally, Yusheng Xiao, the unrestrained genius doctor and valley master, did not have to kneel down.

Jun Yu is Chi Yan's regent, so naturally he doesn't need to move.

Yuan Deyin was in a daze, and was about to kneel down.

But Jun Yu's tall figure quickly walked to her side, took her arm, and pulled her up.

"You are my king's man, so you don't need to kneel." Jun Yu's calmness not only reached Yuan Deyin's ears, but also let the rest of the people hear clearly.

Not only did Eunuch Li Da not have any objection, but he secretly nodded in agreement in his heart.

He cleared his throat, and then continued to read: "The daughter of King Ji, Princess Deyin, is intelligent and pleasant, and she has repeatedly committed crimes. It is the gospel of Chiyan, so I will reward you with ten thousand taels of gold, and then give me the title of Qing'an, with the same status as the descendant Princess. Since she was young and had no parents, she was brought up by the head of the Tusu clan. She is the legitimate daughter of the Tusu clan and is taken care of by the regent..."

After Mr. Li Da said a series of words, many people present were dumbfounded.

Even Jun Yu's eyes darkened slightly.

It turns out that the "big gift" that Jun Zhouhan was talking about was this.

This "big gift" is really "big", he didn't even expect it.

The status is like the first princess, which is no different from the status of the prince.

Especially now that Jun Zhouhan has no princes and daughters, Yuan Deyin is Chi Yan's most honorable little girl who lives up to her name.

If other people want to bully her, they have to think about her identity and the people behind her.

This is the first big gift.

The second gift...

Thinking of this, Jun Yu's black eyes flickered again.

If he wants to marry a little girl in the future, he will definitely be criticized by the world.

Although the little girl did not enter the royal family tree, she was adopted by him after all, and he even called him Nine Emperor Uncle. The deep-rooted concept of the world is difficult to change.

But now, Jun Zhouhan has let the little girl be adopted by the head of the Tusu family, and has become the first daughter of the Tusu family. Even if it is just a false name, it is enough to silence the mouths of the world.

Because, the Tusu family has no blood or ethical relationship with the Jun family.

"Is it the Tusu family that the genius doctor thought of?" Yu Chenxiao's slender eyes narrowed slightly, and he touched the shoulder of Shen Chuannan, who was already kneeling beside him, with his elbow.

Hearing his words, Shen Chuannan responded lightly: "Yes."

His expression was also a little shocked.

In this world, the countries are divided.

But some hermit families are independent of the country.

The Tusu family is the fourth family among these families.

Because of the mysterious power of these families, they have been able to stay away from the flames of war and not be troubled by the disputes among the countries over the years.

On the contrary, the emperors of various countries have to treat these families with courtesy.

The Tusu family, how long has it been since they heard the name of this hermit family.

These families would not have contacts with the people of other countries, but a few years ago, Jun Zhouhan's mother and concubine saved the life of the old patriarch of the Tusu family by chance, so the old patriarch made a promise.

Maybe Jun Zhouhan used this promise in exchange for Yuan Deyin's new identity.

(End of this chapter)

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