Chapter 263 Yuan Deyin Will Die

I don't know if the Tusu family was cursed or what. For nearly a hundred years, all the patriarch's wife gave birth to sons, not a single daughter.

Yuan Deyin was recognized as a righteous daughter by the Tusu family, so she must be a legitimate daughter...

Even if the members of the Tusu family are unwilling to admit her, as long as they have this false name, it can cause a sensation in many countries in this land.

Eunuch Li Da put away the imperial decree. He secretly looked at the expressions of the people present from the corner of his eye. He naturally knew how shocked they were.

Not to mention them, when he saw the emperor holding the token of the Tusu family, and hurriedly asked the hidden guards to find the Tusu patriarch last night, his heart almost jumped out of fright.

That's the promise of Patriarch Tusu, and it can save his life in critical times.

Although when he made this promise, Patriarch Tusu pointed out in advance that the fulfillment of the promise in the future cannot be related to national disputes and power struggles, but it is still possible to protect one's life.

But the emperor actually used such an important promise on the status of the little princess.

Forget it, the little princess's weight with the emperor is probably higher than this promise.

Although Yuan Deyin doesn't quite understand what the Tusu family means, she has already noticed a little trickiness from the expressions of the people around her.

Especially her idle master, who now has a shocked expression on his face.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, Deyin is the adoptive daughter of the Tusu family. Did the emperor's elder brother pay a price? If Deyin doesn't want to be, it is enough for Deyin to have a father, queen, mother and concubine."

Yuan Deyin tugged on La Junyu's sleeve, her voice was muffled.

Eunuch Li Da was beside him, and when he accidentally heard this, he was worried that Yuan Deyin would lose the emperor's kindness.

He was anxious, he couldn't compare to the next offense, he said anxiously: "Princess Deyin, that's what the emperor is willing to do, and this status is good for you and everyone."

This it so important?
Although Yuan Deyin couldn't figure it out a little bit, but when she saw Eunuch Lida crying, she knew what she said just now must be too childish.

So she silently shut her mouth and stopped saying that kind of willful words.

Seeing that she had accepted this status, Eunuch Li Da secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

It was time for him to return to the palace to return to his command, but before returning to the palace, he still had to say something.

Eunuch Li Da walked to Jun Yu's side and said in a low voice, "Lord Ninth, the emperor has something that I must tell you privately. The status of Tu Su's daughter-in-law has both advantages and disadvantages. This is both a protection for Princess Deyin. , but at the same time, it is also dangerous..."

His words made Jun Yu's face darken.

In fact, Li Dagong can understand these truths without telling him.

The Tu Su family has never had a daughter-in-law, and now a daughter-in-law appears suddenly, and this daughter is also the princess of Chi Yan...

How can people from other countries keep their eyes on Deyin?

"Go back and report to the emperor, this king will naturally protect Yin'er." Jun Yu said to Eunuch Li Da in a calm tone.

Eunuch Li Da smiled: "Okay, that slave has returned to his life."

"So, this miracle doctor is now related to the Tusu family?"

Yu Shengxiao had already returned to his foolish appearance, he fanned the jade bone umbrella and teased slowly.

"Master, they might not even want me, so why would they want you?" Miss Yuan glanced sideways at her master, and couldn't help reminding him.

Hearing Yuan Deyin's reminder, Yu Shengxiao's smile froze.

He snorted proudly: "Although his Tusu family has a great fortune, and their roots may be a little deeper than the Valley of the Miraculous Doctor, the Valley of the Miracle Doctor is also well-known in the world. I, the Miracle Doctor, don't bother to get involved with them."

"Okay, you can do whatever you want." Jun Yu suddenly interrupted Yu Shengxiao's words, and glanced over with indifferent eyes at the same time.

Yu Shengxiao instantly understood that a certain lord regent didn't want to listen to his nonsense anymore, he touched his nose in embarrassment, and muttered in a low voice: "I don't want to waste time here, if it's not because Xiao Deyin is here, This divine doctor won’t come…”

Clearing his throat, Yu Shengxiao looked at Yuan Deyin and said with a smile: "Xiao Deyin, you have been studying as a teacher for so long, and you haven't formally practiced medical skills with me. When are you free? I want to teach you acupuncture and moxibustion." .”

As a master, I have to ask my apprentice when he is free to attend classes. I guess Yu Shengxiao is the only one in this world.

"Deyin is free now!"

A certain little girl's eyes lit up when she heard that she could learn medicine, and she nodded quickly.

Yusheng Xiao just wanted to say that he should go to his other courtyard now, but suddenly, Wuxi hurried in.

"My lord, Prince Runnan's mansion has issued an invitation card, saying that Princess Runnan wants to invite Princess Deyin to the mansion." Wu Xi said to Jun Yu in a serious tone.

"King Runnan?" Shen Chuannan, who was beside Jun Yu, immediately changed his face.

Although this King Runnan and Ah Yu are brothers, but there is a big difference in age, and they have never been close. In these few turmoil in the battle for the throne, no one knows which side he wants to stand on, because he has targeted Ah Yu in the court. Yu, secretly helped Ah Yu...

"King Run Nan, is that guy who has a strange yin and yang energy and can't tell good from bad?" Yu Shengxiao put away the jade bone fan and asked with raised eyebrows.

When everyone heard Yu Shengxiao's words, the corners of their mouths twitched.

It's a good thing that the servants of Prince Runnan's mansion didn't follow in. If he did, wouldn't he be furious when he heard what he said?

"Push it." Jun Yu said coldly.

He never thought that King Runnan was a good person.

The other party must be plotting something.

Hearing that Uncle Jiu Huang refused so quickly, Yuan Deyin hurriedly tugged on his sleeve.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, don't worry." She shook her head at Uncle Nine Emperors, and then explained seriously.

"Do you still remember that Yuan Ying'er secretly went to see King Runnan when Empress Dowager An and Jun Zhouliang wanted to seek power and usurp the throne?" Yuan Deyin asked seriously.

"Of course I remember." Jun Yu's eyes flashed several times.

There is also Yuan Ying'er, who has repeatedly targeted Yin'er, which is definitely a disaster and cannot be kept.

"A few days ago, Xiaobai discovered that Yuan Ying'er had gone to the Runnan Palace secretly again, but the Runnan Palace was heavily guarded and Xiaobai couldn't enter, so I don't know what Yuan Ying'er did. But Deyin suspected that Runnan The concubine deliberately invited Deyin because she has something to do with Yuan Yinger..."

Mu Chen and the others have already left, and the remaining Yu Shengxiao and Shen Chuannan are very trustworthy people from Yuan Deyin and Jun Yu, so Yuan Deyin dared to let Xiaobai stare at him directly in front of them. Tell me about Yuan Ying'er.

Ever since Xiaobai found out that Yuan Yinger had sent her maidservant to Runnan Palace secretly, Yuan Deyin suspected that Yuan Yinger and King Runnan had some shady business, so she entrusted the difficult task of monitoring Yuan Yinger to her. Give it to Xiaobai.

It is said that in order to monitor Yuan Ying'er, Xiaobai abruptly changed from an obese rabbit to a rabbit with abdominal muscles.

"It's Yuan Ying'er again... Doesn't that mean that this invitation is a grand feast?" Yu Shengxiao raised her eyebrows, and a stern light flashed in her peach eyes.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, we have never known why Yuanying'er was able to connect with Prince Runnan's mansion, and when they would make insidious tricks. This is because the enemy is in the dark and we are in the open. The best way now is to Only by taking the initiative to approach their conspiracy can we get closer to the truth."

Yuan Deyin explained seriously.

After she said these words, the eyes of the three men present all fell on her.yes
Although the little girl is young, she can think about things better than those in the imperial court.

As expected of his little girl...

The corner of the mouth of a certain lord regent raised a slight arc.

But thinking of something, his eyes gradually turned cold.

He rejected Yuan Deyin's suggestion with disapproval: "Since it is a Hongmen Banquet, it must be in danger, and I don't want you to be in danger. As for the matter of King Runnan and Yuan Ying'er, I will let people investigate carefully. "

"Uncle Nine Emperors..." Yuan Deyin stretched out his claws, grabbed Uncle Nine Emperors' palm, and shook it.

With a downcast face, she whispered: "Uncle Nine Emperors, let Deyin try it once. Deyin went to the banquet in an open and aboveboard manner. Even if they really have evil intentions, they will restrain themselves a little bit. Deyin Not wanting to be protected all the time, Deyin also wants to take the initiative to fight back against the enemy..."

Hearing the little girl's increasingly frustrated tone, Jun Yu was unable to utter the words of stern refusal.

He pursed his thin lips, remained silent for a long time, and finally said: "The king will go with you."


The little girl knew that this was the biggest concession made by Uncle Nine Emperors, so she nodded quickly with a cute look on her face.

"Wait, if Jun Yu can follow to protect you, then the genius doctor will also follow. You are the only apprentice of the genius doctor, so the genius doctor will naturally protect you."

Yu Shengxiao listened to their conversation, not to be outdone, he quickly raised his head and chest, and said in a firm tone.


It's rare that Jun Yu didn't refuse Yu Chenxiao's request this time.

After all, the more people who protect Yin'er, the more security.

Wu Xi watched as they discussed for so long who was going to protect them and how to protect them...

He hesitated for a moment, but finally said bravely.

"My lord, my lord, in fact, in that greeting card, I also invited you, Master Shen, Doctor Yu and Miss Tao. This is a banquet of flowers, a banquet held by Princess Runnan to invite the dignitaries in Beijing... County In the words of the lord, Princess Runnan said that she had never met the princess before, and she was curious, so she gave a very special greeting card, asking the housekeeper of Prince Runnan to invite the princess..."

"You invited us all?" Shen Chuannan's expression changed, which was strange.

If King Runnan really wanted to attack Princess Deyin, wouldn't it be more difficult for him to invite so many of them and protect Princess Deyin with so many people?
"Could it be that we all guessed wrong, in fact, this is an ordinary banquet. As for the person whom Princess Runnan specially told her to invite Xiao Deyin, it is only because the person in power in the court is Jun Zhouhan, and he values ​​Xiao Deyin so much." Deyin, so she wants to make friends with Xiao Deyin on behalf of Prince Runnan's residence?"

While fanning the jade bone fan, Yu Shengxiao spoke out his analysis slowly.

"Impossible. Concubine Runnan is the Princess of the Wei Kingdom. She has a noble personality. She has never done anything to make friends with others at the banquets before, let alone hold a banquet in the mansion. She even told Yin'er Must come."

Jun Yu cut off Yu Shengxiao's guess in a cold voice.

Shen Chuannan also nodded in agreement: "Besides, Princess Runnan and King Runnan do not get along, how could Princess Runnan try to please others for the sake of King Runnan?"

"Wait, Fox Shen, how do you know that the husband and wife are at odds? You shouldn't be lying under the bed to watch it in the middle of the night, right?"

Yu Shengxiao looked at Shen Chuannan in horror.

Hearing Yu Shengxiao's conjecture, Shen Chuannan's face turned black, and his teeth were clenched tightly.

He, who has always been refined in front of outsiders, now has a distorted expression, wishing he could bite Yushengxiao to death.

"What are you thinking about all day long? This must be guessed from the truth!" Shen Chuannan said to Yu Shengxiao in a cold voice.

Worried that this stupid Yu Chenxiao could not understand my words, he patiently explained: "Although Princess Runnan would accompany King Runnan to attend the palace banquets in the past, the two of them respected each other as guests outside. It’s very warm. But the truth has been noticed several times. After Princess Runnan poured wine for King Runnan, she desperately wiped her hand that touched the wine glass with a handkerchief..."

"Shen Fox, you actually have the hobby of spying on others?" Yu Chenxiao said with a look of horror.

While talking, he couldn't help but backed away quickly, as if Shen Chuannan had some shady habit.

Seeing him like this, Shen Chuannan really wanted to squeeze him to death this time.

He explained so much, but his focus turned out to be that he has a penchant for voyeurism!

It was just because he felt that King Runnan was extremely dangerous, so he observed it a little more, but he didn't expect that it could make Yusheng Xiao think wildly.

"Forget it, you can think whatever you like..." Shen Chuannan didn't bother to talk to Yusheng Xiaoduo.

But who knows, his disdain to say more, in Yu Shengxiao's eyes, turned into...

"This genius doctor understands, is this a confession?"
Shen Chuannan: "..."

"Uncle Nine Emperors, why does Master always like to quarrel with Mr. Shen?"

The little girl stood on tiptoe with great effort, grabbing Uncle Jiuhuang's shoulder with one hand, it took a lot of effort to touch Uncle Jiuhuang's ear, and then she asked curiously.

Hearing her words, Jun Yu glanced at Yu Shengxiao with his black eyes, and then said softly, "Perhaps he wanted to attract Shen Chuannan's attention."

Yuan Deyin: "Huh?"

"You're still young, so you don't understand." Jun Yu raised his hand, gently rubbed her head, and pushed her down on tiptoe.

At the same time, I still didn’t forget to remind me patiently, “In the future, if you want to whisper something to me, if you wave to me, I will bend down for you, so you don’t have to work so hard on tiptoe.”

"Then Uncle Nine Emperors, shall we still go to Runnan Palace?" Yuan Deyin looked at Jun Yu expectantly.

Looking at her expectant eyes, Jun Yu nodded lightly: "Since Yin'er said that she wants to find out the truth on her own initiative, then we will go."

"Thank you Uncle Nine Emperors." Seeing Uncle Nine Emperors agreed, the little girl's eyes lit up, her face was full of smiles, and there were dimples at the corners of her mouth.

"By the way, Brother Wuxi, when is the banquet?" Yuan Deyin just remembered to ask the world.

"Tomorrow night." Wu Xi hurriedly turned around.

"You're in such a hurry." The little girl frowned, she hadn't prepared some things yet.


The Prince Regent's Mansion was quiet, as if the imperial decree this morning had little effect on them.

But outside, because of this imperial decree, a huge disturbance was caused.

The hermit family, which has never had much contact with the outside world, unexpectedly adopted a adopted daughter who is also Chi Yan's princess.

The people of Chiyan are envious, and they are a little more envious.

Why is the fate of Princess Deyin so good...


Weiyang Academy, Yuan Ying'er's room.

With several loud bangs, several vases placed in the room were directly smashed by Yuan Ying'er.

"Miss, calm down, don't hurt yourself." Qing'er walked over tremblingly, trying to stop Yuan Ying'er.

In the next moment, with a loud "slap", Yuan Ying'er slapped Qing'er hard on the face.

"Miss..." Qing'er looked at Yuan Ying'er with red eyes, her face was burning with pain.

Don't worry, when the eldest lady slapped her, she must have scratched her skin with her sharp nails.

Missy is trying to disfigure her.

"Yuan Deyin, why didn't you die together with your short-lived father, queen, and queen? Why did you keep being an eyesore in front of this lady? It's nothing more than taking away the love of the regent, and now you are still the adopted daughter of the Tusu family! Why are you both Daughter of the Yuan family, you are so lucky, did you take away all the good luck of this lady..."

Yuan Ying'er stared at Qing'er condescendingly, asking ferociously.

Qing'er's body trembled a bit, she understood that the eldest lady was insulting her as Yuan Deyin.

She lowered her head, not daring to say anything, and allowed Yuan Ying'er to continue to insult her.

Seeing Qing'er's low-browed and pleasing appearance, Yuan Ying'er felt even more resentful.

Jealousy burned in her heart, Yuan Ying'er rushed over, grabbed Qing'er's collar, and then began to scratch Qing'er's face with her nails.

"Bitch, all are sluts, you look so ugly, and you want to seduce the regent and the emperor, this lady will tear your face to pieces..."

After tearing for a long time, Yuan Ying'er was finally tired, so she released Qing'er.

But at this time, Qing'er's face was covered with bloodstains, and there was not a single piece of good flesh on his entire face.

Qing'er lowered her head, hiding the hatred in her eyes.

She took a deep breath, then raised her head, and said in a loyal tone: "Miss, don't care what Yuan Deyin is doing now, after all, she won't live long, right?"

Hearing Qing'er's words, Yuan Ying'er's eyes flickered, and the anger on her face gradually calmed down.

"You're right, King Runnan has promised this lady that the banquet tomorrow night will be the date of Yuan Deyin's death." Yuan Ying'er sneered, her eyes full of resentment.

"But miss, is King Runnan really reliable? What if Yuan Deyin really died in his mansion, and the regent and emperor pursued him and punished him? He probably wouldn't be willing to take such a big risk." risk?"

Qing'er frowned, looking worried.

"Oh, King Runnan is not a stupid person. Yuan Deyin must die, but he must not use his own sword. As for how we plan, you don't have to worry about it. Also, King Runnan Did he sincerely cooperate with Miss Ben? Heh, as long as Miss Ben has that thing in her hand, he will be willing to satisfy all of Miss Ben's conditions." Yuan Ying'er was full of disdain.

"That thing... is that of Princess Ji?" Qing'er asked tentatively in a low voice.

Before Princess Ji passed away, there was something hidden in her yard, which was originally planned to be given to Yuan Deyin on Yuan Deyin's birthday.

But who knows, before Yuan Deyin's birthday, both Princess Ji and King Ji had an accident.

Even Yuan Deyin didn't know the existence of that thing, Qing'er found it when she went to monitor Princess Ji, and then when Princess Ji died, she secretly took out this thing and gave it to Yuan Ying'er.

Yuan Ying'er originally thought that this thing belonged to a dead person, which was very unlucky.

But looking at the fineness of that thing, the price must be high.

So she and Qing'er went out of the house to pawn the thing.

Who would have thought that on the road, I bumped into the carriage of Prince Runnan's mansion, and it happened that the thing fell out, and King Runnan saw it...

"Miss, what is that thing? Why does King Runnan value it so much? Also, that thing was originally given to Yuan Deyin by Princess Ji. If it is exposed, will something happen?" Qing'er was a little worried.

"Then let Yuan Deyin not know it for the rest of his life. Only the dead will not snatch things from this lady! Since the thing has arrived at this lady's place, no matter who it belongs to, it must only belong to this lady now." Yuan Ying'er glared at Qing'er in disgust.

Qing'er quickly lowered her head.

But when she thought of something, she quickly raised her head, and her face was a little grim.

"Miss, although King Runnan promised to help us, what if there is a flaw in the plan? The servant girl thinks that we have to come up with a backup plan to ensure that Yuan Deyin will definitely die."

Hearing Qing'er's extremely cold words, Yuan Ying'er picked her nails, sat down on the chair, then looked up at Qing'er quietly, "Say, what plan do you have."

"Miss, we can do this to ensure that after Yuan Deyin's death, the soul will not live in peace." Qing'er approached Yuan Ying'er, and then lowered his voice to say his plan.

(End of this chapter)

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