Chapter 264 Mocking the Ninth Prince

The next night, the little girl was fully dressed early in the morning, holding the little rabbit and sitting at the gate of the Prince Regent's Mansion, holding her small face, obediently waiting for the arrival of Uncle Nine Emperors.

Soon, she saw a tall figure slowly approaching in the distance.

Today's Jun Yu is still wearing black robes, but the skirt is embroidered with delicate silver thread, and there is a patterned jade pendant pinned to his waist.

Mo hair is high, tall and tall, and the sharp edges and corners are slightly cold.

"Cough, cough, princess, drool... drool..."

Wuyi originally didn't want to remind, but the eyes of a certain little princess are really too hot, and there is still an unknown crystal liquid at the corner of her mouth...

She had no choice but to remind them, Chief Xiaojun, to pay attention to their manners.

Hearing Wuyi's words, Yuan Deyin frantically wiped the corners of his mouth with his sleeve.

Jun Yu could naturally see the little girl who was looking forward to him at a glance.

She is really small, holding a little rabbit and nestling in the corner of the door, it is almost impossible to see her.

Seeing how she was slobbering at her indiscriminately, Jun Yu's brows could be regarded as a slight smile.

It seems that his skin is still useful.

Shen Chuannan also came in from the outside, and he said softly, "A Yu, the princess Deyin."

Tao Lin also appeared soon.

In the end, Yusheng Xiaocai came late, he fanned a jade bone fan slowly, and walked step by step.

Seeing that Yuan Deyin was still holding a rabbit in his arms, he raised his eyebrows and said leisurely: "Little Deyin, why do you need to bring a rabbit when you go to the Hongmen Banquet? I want to give it to the old man Runnan King." Do you want to make braised rabbit heads?"

After Yushengxiao's words fell, Xiaobai's small body trembled, it struggled desperately, trying to escape...

Yuan Deyin hurriedly raised his hand, patted it on the back, and whispered, "Don't panic, the princess won't be so cruel..."

She was the one who made the rabbit head, and it was said that the rabbit head was quite delicious.

Hearing her comfort, Xiao Bai gradually calmed down.But if it could hear her inner thoughts, it would probably explode right now.

Yuan Deyin pursed her lips, looked at Yu Shengxiao, and said helplessly, "Master, why did you scare Xiaobai?"

"Okay, okay, this genius doctor will stop talking."

Seeing that a certain young apprentice had a tendency to explode, Yu Shengxiao didn't dare to joke anymore.

"Since everyone is here, let's go."

Jun Yu glanced at everyone's hands, then reached out his hand actively, picked up a certain fat rabbit from Yuan Deyin's arms, and held it in his hands expressionlessly.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, it's good for Deyin to hug Xiaobai..."

Yuan Deyin opened his mouth, wanting to hug Xiaobai back.

But Jun Yu glanced at her indifferently, and carried Xiao Bai further away.

He flicked his sleeves, turned around and walked directly to the carriage, his black back revealed a touch of coldness.

After a long distance, his indifferent voice came from the front, "It's too fat, you won't be comfortable holding it."

Xiaobai: "???" Are you polite?

So that's the case, that Uncle Nine Emperors is quite caring, Yuan Deyin nodded clearly.

She rubbed her somewhat sore wrist, didn't it mean that Xiaobai had already developed his abdominal muscles, why did she feel that it was still heavy?

Yuan Deyin was still complaining about a certain fat rabbit in his heart, while Jun Yu's cold voice continued to come from the front.

"Also, it's male. From now on, the king can just hold it."

There is still a feeling of indisputability in Jun Yu's tone.

His voice fell...

A certain rabbit smashed: "???"

Everyone: "..."

Could it be that this is the legend... To educate a daughter-in-law to stay away from the opposite sex should be taught from an early age?

While fanning the jade bone fan, Yu Shengxiao muttered in his heart with a strange expression.

"Let's go, if you stay here in a daze, the Hongmen Banquet is about to begin."

Shen Chuannan passed by Yushengxiao, he paused, and said helplessly.

Only then did Yu Shengxiao hurriedly follow.

The entrance of Prince Runnan's Mansion was already full of people. There were many luxurious carriages parked here, and many nobles got out of the carriages.

It is not surprising that half of the elites in Beijing are gathered here.

Although everyone in Beijing who cares about the court affairs knows that King Runnan was on the side of Empress Dowager An's family at first.

But the current emperor did not punish him, which is enough to prove that his foundation is hard to overthrow.

There should be no harm in making friends with such a person.

So after receiving the invitation from Princess Runnan, they brought their female relatives to the Hundred Flowers Banquet.

Suddenly at this time, a luxuriously decorated carriage came slowly, and the wind chimes hanging on the side of the carriage were actually inlaid with rubies.

There are many female family members who can't help feeling envious.

"Whose house is this? It's so extravagant." Someone couldn't help asking in doubt.

"Isn't it Princess Deyin? I heard that Princess Runnan specially invited her this time." Such a voice came out of nowhere.

Everyone froze for a moment, then nodded in agreement.

The current Princess Deyin is really in the limelight.

Not only the reward from the emperor, but also the care of the regent, and the identity of the adopted daughter of the Tusu family...

"Her fate is so good that we can't help being jealous..." a family daughter said a little sourly.

"Then this carriage, will it really belong to Princess Deyin?" Someone asked again uncertainly.

"It must be hers. The regent is so kind to her, and he must have made a big deal. It's so strange that the ruby ​​is inlaid with the carriage..."

It was another daughter of a family, she snorted coldly, and spoke firmly.

The rest of the people also acquiesced that the carriage belonged to Yuan Deyin.

Just at this time, a gray carriage with no decoration came slowly.

It rides alongside the ruby ​​carriage.

The gray carriage was originally just an ordinary carriage, but after comparing it with the ruby ​​carriage, it looked extremely simple.

Someone laughed outright.

"Such a dilapidated carriage, is it going to come to our Hundred Flowers Banquet? Then Princess Runnan invited everyone?"

Someone couldn't help but sarcastically.

Although the sound was not loud, it was enough for many people at the door to hear.

Although they felt that what the voice said was too arrogant, after thinking about it, they found it very reasonable.

They are all dignitaries in the capital, rich and powerful, and they are well-equipped when they go out. Although they are not as good as the ruby ​​carriage, they can still guarantee the luxurious appearance of the carriage...

The price of this gray carriage dropped at first glance.

Seeing the two carriages stop, everyone gathered around the ruby ​​carriage.

"Princess, I am the daughter-in-law of Chen Shilang's family, and my name is Chen Meimei." A woman with heavy makeup pushed forward, and she spoke slowly to the drawn curtain of the carriage.

"Princess, I am the son of Dong Jianjun's family, I call Dong Hexin."

"I am the direct son of the imperial historian, and I call Fang Jian."


They squeezed desperately to the front one by one, trying to show their presence in front of Yuan Deyin.

Some legitimate sons of some families even stretched out their hands, wanting to seize the opportunity for the little hands who can catch Yuan Deyin later.

They have already noticed something tricky from the imperial decree of the emperor.

The emperor sealed Yuan Deyin so honorably because he didn't want to marry her as his queen!
In their opinion, if the emperor really wanted Yuan Deyin to be Chi Yan's most honorable woman, wouldn't it be enough to seal her as queen?

It is estimated that the emperor gave Yuan Deyin so many rewards, even wasting a promise made by the Tusu patriarch to make Yuan Deyin the adopted daughter of the Tusu family, it must be because he did not want to marry Yuan Deyin.

Those rewards, to put it nicely, are rewards, but to put it badly, they are compensation.

Since the emperor is not interested in Yuan Deyin, then the legitimate sons or bastards of their families will have a chance.

The emperor has rewarded so much gold, silver and jewels, and the Ji Palace itself has a family background. Although Yuan Deyin is an orphan with no father and mother, and has no real power in her hands, it does not seem to be a good deal to marry her.

But it is because she has nothing to rely on and is still young that she can control it better.

If they can get acquainted with her and ask for a marriage gift in front of the emperor at that time, then the family property of Prince Ji's mansion and the benefits brought by Yuan Deyin's identity will all be theirs!
Many people started to think of Yuan Deyin because of thinking of such a layer.

Yuan Deyin didn't know it at all, because her emperor's brother did something kindly, which made her a "sweet potato" in the eyes of many dandies in Beijing.

Under the covetousness of those eldest sons and sons of the aristocratic family, the curtain was finally lifted.

A small white hand was stretched out first, and the legitimate sons and concubines scrambled to catch it, and the legitimate daughters were not far behind. After all, their father had ordered them to befriend Yuan Deyin.

All of a sudden, there was a panic at the side of the carriage.

But when the curtain of the carriage was completely opened, revealing a face with exquisite makeup, everyone's expressions froze.

"Why are you?" Fang Jian's tone was very unfriendly when he looked at Yuan Ying'er's face with plum blossoms dotted between his brows.

Yuan Ying'er heard Fang Jian's questioning tone, and noticed that when everyone saw her, their eyes changed from anticipation to disappointment, and her teeth were about to be gritted.

Damn it, are these people just looking forward to Yuan Deyin?
Especially people like Fang Jian and Dong Hexin, who cared for her in every possible way when she was also the daughter of Prince Ji's Mansion, and even wanted to marry her back home as the main wife.

She despised them for their low status, so she never looked at them directly.

Who would have thought that after Yuan Deyin drove her out of the Palace of Ji Wang, all the sons and gentlemen who had greeted her in the past would avoid her one after another, as if they were avoiding the plague.

Now that I saw her, I was still asking this question.

The more she thought about it, the more angry she became. Yuan Ying'er's other hand was hidden in the wide sleeve, and the sharp nails pierced into the palm, and it was difficult to explain the resentment in her heart.

She has always been the only one who looks down on these lowly dudes like them, and they must not look down on her!
Thinking of this, Yuan Ying'er suppressed the anger in her heart.

She slowly brought up a smile, the plum blossoms in the plum blossoms swayed and bloomed, she put her finger on Qing'er's hand, and then got off the carriage.

As he walked, the luxurious robes swayed in waves, and as he waved his sleeves, a scent wafted out.

Standing beside her were a few men with many concubines in their families, they couldn't help but get distracted, and their eyes couldn't help burning hot when they looked at Yuan Ying'er.

Sensing that many people saw her with drooling eyes, Yuan Ying'er sneered in her heart.

For these stupid guys, Miss Ben has only put a lot of effort into dressing up. Aren't they overwhelmed by her beauty in the end?

"Miss Yuan, your carriage..."

When Chen Meimei saw that the person getting off the carriage was not Yuan Deyin, she no longer wanted to befriend her at all.

But when she looked at the ruby ​​on the carriage, she felt a little weird.

Didn't it mean that Yuan Ying'er has been kicked out of the Ji Palace? Why is there such a luxurious carriage?
Hearing Chen Meimei's words, Yuan Ying'er covered her mouth and laughed a few times.

"Although Ying'er is homeless, fortunately she has a few shops on hand. Although she doesn't have much skills, she can earn some money to buy some clothes."

Qing'er was silent when she heard what their eldest lady said.

Because, this is Yuan Ying'er lying!

When the Han family was kicked out of the Ji Palace, she still had several shops hidden in her hands, which were originally Yuan Deyin's mother's dowry.

Because it was not registered in the account book of Jiwang Mansion, when Wu Xi and others settled the accounts, they did not include this account.

Relying on this, the Han family hid those shops tightly.

But she didn't know how to manage the shop, so Yuan Ying'er coaxed her a few times, and she handed over the shop to Yuan Ying'er.

Yuan Ying'er thought that she could make the shop prosperous, but she didn't know that the shop had been losing money in the past few months, and she didn't know how much of her private money was paid back.

Today's words are just her deceiving everyone.

As for the carriage, and her luxurious was given to her by King Run Nan.

Since she took out that thing, King Runnan has been responsive to her requests.

Even killing Yuan Deyin is willing to help her, let alone just giving her money and a carriage.

"Ying'er also knows that her status is not worthy of being a guest at Prince Runnan's mansion, but she can't stand Princess Runnan's repeated invitations..."

Yuan Ying'er covered her face halfway, as if she was in a dilemma.

But the jade bracelet on her finger is extremely eye-catching.

Because that bracelet came from the state of Wei.

It was Princess Runnan's dowry day, and it was her beloved thing, which she always carried with her when she attended palace banquets many times.

After hearing Yuan Ying'er's words, those people saw the bracelet on her hand with different expressions.

Especially Chen Meimei, her mother was a businesswoman, so she is very sensitive to money.

She thought to herself, Yuan Ying'er is like this, yet she still has the ability to manage the shop and make the shop profitable. It must be great to make friends with such a person.

In particular, Yuan Ying'er still has Princess Runnan's jade bracelet on her wrist, so she must have a very good relationship with Princess Runnan.

Otherwise, how could he give such a precious thing to her!
Thinking of this, she put on a smiling face and took the initiative to take Yuan Ying'er's hand.

"Sister Ying'er is really smart. There aren't many women in the capital who can match your ability to make money."

The rest of the ladies also rushed forward, patiently coaxing Yuan Ying'er.

The young masters of Fang Jian also began to be kind to Yuan Ying'er.

After all, if Yuanying'er really has the ability to do business, she can still make friends with Princess Runnan, and it's okay to marry her back home.

"Whoever's carriage is in the way here, hurry up and get rid of it!"

More and more people gathered here, and they felt that the simple gray carriage next to them was an eyesore.

When Yuan Ying'er heard this, her eyes flickered, and she quickly walked to the gray carriage on lotus steps.

She frowned, bit her lip, and shook her head sadly.

"Everyone, don't be so angry. Ying'er guesses that the owner of this carriage probably didn't know that today is the banquet of Prince Runnan's residence, so he accidentally parked the carriage here. He probably didn't mean it either, maybe he was tired from the journey and rested here...or else Ying'er will tell Princess Run later to order someone to deliver some food to the owner of the carriage?"

Seeing Yuan Yinger's appearance, everyone shook their heads with emotion: "Miss Yuan is really kind-hearted, she can have empathy for those humble people."

"That's right, that's why Princess Runnan is on good terms with Miss Yuan, such a kind person, who wouldn't want to be friends with her?"

Fang Jian said loudly, and the others nodded.

Hearing that everyone praised her more and more, Yuan Ying'er's eyes flashed a disdainful smile.

Oh, how could she care about the life and death of the people in the gray carriage!
Although I don't know who is in this carriage, but in this bustling capital, the person who still drives such a dilapidated and shabby carriage is probably a poor ghost.

But it just so happened that the poor ghost parked the carriage here, just enough for her to pretend to be a good person and improve her reputation.

"Come here and tell Princess Runnan what I just said."

Yuan Ying'er waved to the guard at the gate of Prince Runnan's mansion.

The young man knew that Yuan Ying'er had visited Princess Runnan a few days ago, and when he remembered what the steward had told him, his heart turned several times, and he quickly said respectfully: "Okay, I'm going to report to the princess, Miss Yuan. ,Please wait."

Seeing that the servants in the Runnan Palace were so respectful to Yuan Ying'er, everyone was even more sure that Yuan Ying'er could really get in touch with the Runnan Palace.

Then her worth will go up.

Thinking of this, those people looked at Yuan Ying'er more tenderly.

Chen Meimei directly ordered her servants: "You don't need to bother Princess Runnan with such trivial matters. There are also such lowly people who don't deserve our kindness to him. Come here and drive the carriage away."

"Yes, yes, Ying'er, you are kind, but this kindness should not be directed towards such lowly people. They are dirty beggars." Fang Jian nodded.

Dong Hexin was not far behind, he raised his head and chest, and ordered his own people: "You guys, go over there quickly, and get rid of this carriage quickly, lest these lowly beggars stain our eyes."

Just when a group of servants raised their sleeves and were about to overturn the carriage.

Suddenly, a cold voice came from the carriage.

"Why doesn't Miss Ben know that she has become a pariah, a beggar?"

After the words fell, the curtains were lifted, and a heroic figure in a white robe supported the carriage with one hand, and quickly jumped off.

Tao Lin's long hair was only tied high with a hair band, and her waist was tied with a jade belt, revealing her extremely slender waist.

When everyone saw Tao Lin's cold little face, they were shocked.

These days, Tao Lin and Master Shen led soldiers and horses to investigate the case, and they all recognized her appearance.

Damn it, the person in the carriage turned out to be Tao Lin!
Although Tao Lin has no title, but her father is a capable subordinate of the Southwest King.

This person cannot be offended!
Many people gritted their teeth and realized that they had offended Tao Lin this time.

But at the same time, I felt a little lucky, fortunately it was only Tao Lin.

If she really wanted to vent her anger, she probably had to send a letter back to the southwest. The journey was far away, and she probably wanted to give up.

Thinking about it this way, they were not so scared anymore.

But soon, their happiness disappeared a lot.

Because another person slowly got off the carriage.

Shen Chuannan's warm eyebrows now seem to be frozen by a layer of frost.

He walked to Tao Lin's side. He was also wearing a white robe, and he looked like an indescribable match with Tao Lin.

"Why don't you know the truth? The children raised by the ministers in the court are actually untouchable beggars. The truth will go to court in another day. It seems that I have to report it to the emperor to see how the ministers educate their daughters. Is it true?" In their hearts, the people of Chiyan are just mud, not as noble as half of their fingers!"

Shen Chuannan's angry voice fell into the ears of those people, making their legs go limp.

It's over, Shen Chuannan is now the emperor's celebrity, and the only prime minister in the court.

If he was really asked to say something in front of the Holy Spirit, their father would probably have to shed a layer of skin.

Chen Jian and those people wanted to turn around and run away.

Yuan Ying'er also looked a little flustered, because she didn't expect that the person in the carriage was actually Shen Chuannan.

Her current status does not allow her to offend these people.

But what they don't know is that the matter is not over yet...

With a sneer, the curtain was opened by a jade bone fan.

Yu Shengxiao, who was wearing a long red dress, slowly stepped down from the carriage.

"Someone actually wants to drive this genius doctor away. Is this genius doctor... planning to poison him to death?"

After Yu Shengxiao's cold words fell, many people present felt cold all over.

"Master, don't be so cruel... just kill it by hand, why waste medicine?"

In a soft voice, he spoke serious and cold words.

As soon as everyone froze, they saw the little princess crawling out of the carriage swiftly.

A bit of anger flashed across her little face.

These people actually treat the common people so lowly.

She will let them know that what they think is noble is actually ridiculous!

The jingle bells around her waist sounded very nice... But to them, it sounded like a reminder for death.

Who will tell them why the princess is in this carriage!
However, the still not over.

A cold and cold voice came from the carriage.

"Yin'er, why did you dirty your hands? Wouldn't it be better to throw them into the pack of wolves and be bitten to death one by one?"

These cold words, this familiar figure.

Someone had already knelt down in fright, and a yellow liquid flowed out from between the legs.

Fang Jian and the others staggered a few times. If it wasn't for the servant supporting him, he would probably have collapsed by now.

Could the rest of the people in the carriage be...

Everyone's throats were dry, and their eyes were horrified to see a big hand that they knew clearly opened the curtain.

A cold and handsome face appeared in front of them.

The sound of "bang bang bang" sounded, and the person who was arrogant just now kneeled on the ground with weak legs.

(End of this chapter)

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