Chapter 266 I Want To Kill Her
"Some people are obviously born to their parents, but why do they have to learn what this girl has in their hands..."

Tao Lin stared at the sword in her hand and sneered.

Now, those who heard her words really looked like a palette.

Miss Tao, is she trying to call them... "cheap"?

Some people want to get angry, but look at the sword in Tao Lin's hand, and the evil spirit all over her body, and there is a Lord Shen Xiang who is like a patron saint beside her.

They can only suppress their anger and shrink their tails to be human.

"So, Yuan Ying'er, do I need this princess to remind you again, what should you do?"

Yuan Deyin was standing behind Shen Chuannan, Yushengxiao and Tao Lin, and beside her was Uncle Nine Emperors who protected her very well. She was like an arrogant and domineering little girl who had nothing to fear, she raised her head and asked Yuanying Son.

Chen Meimei was standing by the side, and the anger in her heart could hardly be hidden anymore.

Because she came here on purpose to befriend Yuan Deyin because of the advice of her elders.

But she had been talking to Yuan Yinger's carriage for so long just now, and Yuan Deyin was in another carriage. The other party must have heard her flattering words, but he didn't stop her.

What is this? She clearly wants to watch her make a fool of herself!
Thinking about it this way, how much Chen Meimei wanted to befriend Yuan Deyin at the beginning, but now she hates Yuan Deyin.

Young, but so scheming.

No wonder Yuan Ying'er is known as a talented woman in the capital, and no one can beat her.

So Chen Meimei looked at Yuan Yinger's eyes with a little more sympathy.

She moved her mouth, and then took the initiative to say: "Princess, Ying'er, she will help you look after the shop, there is no credit but hard work, you just let her hand over the shop, wouldn't it be chilling. "

Chen Meimei actually took the initiative to speak for Yuan Ying'er.

Yuan Deyin raised his eyebrows, not only was there no shame, anger or nervousness on that soft little face, but a satisfied smile on the contrary.

She's been waiting for these words...

"Miss Chen is right. The princess also knows that Yuan Ying'er has worked hard to take care of the shop. Therefore, the princess has not planned to let her hand over all the profits earned by the shop over the years. She only needs to pay the shop. And [-]% of the profit earned in these years can be returned to the princess. The remaining [-]% of the profit will be given to her..." Yuan Deyin said indifferently.

She was worried that there would be no way for Yuan Ying'er to spit out the "profit" of these years, and Chen Meimei's words just gave her an opportunity to make her own request.

Yuan Ying'er saw Chen Meimei winking at her, a mouthful of blood stuck in her throat, it was fishy and sweet, and she almost spat it out.

Damn bitch, if you can't speak, don't speak.

Originally, the worst outcome she thought was that Yuan Deyin forced her to hand over the shop, so she just handed it over. Anyway, those shops still owed debts, so she could be relieved after handing over the shop.

But who knows, just because Chen Meimei said these things, now she has to hand over the "profit", where will she get the "profit"?
Yuan Ying'er opened her mouth, trying to dissuade Yuan Deyin from asking for money.

But how could Yuan Deyin do what she wanted?

When she was about to speak, Yuan Deyin poked her head out directly from behind Yu Hexiao, and she said sincerely: "Do you think Liu Sifen is too wronged for this princess? It doesn't matter, this county The lord is so kind-hearted, seeing that you have worked so hard to manage the shop, it’s okay for the princess to be wronged, if you don’t want to let it go, or else the princess will treat you like four..."

"No..." Yuan Ying'er opened her mouth anxiously.

Originally, she couldn't afford to pay [-]%, but now she has to pay [-]%, which is absolutely impossible.

"Oh, the princess also knows that you are a sensible person, so you must agree with the original approach." Yuan Deyin nodded with a smile, blocking Yuan Ying'er's words to continue.

Yuan Ying'er's throat was sweet again, and she was so angry that she wanted to vomit blood.

And Yuan Deyin continued to say seriously: "If the princess remembers correctly, those shops are all on East Street, which is the most prosperous place in the capital. Most of the shops are very profitable, and the most profitable one is..."

The little girl watching frowned, and Jun Yu continued in a deep voice: "The most profitable one is the Linlangfang of the Prince Regent's Mansion, which earns tens of millions every year..."

"Then Yuan Ying'er can earn tens of millions of silver in the shop?" The little girl asked softly.

After asking Uncle Nine Emperors, Yuan Deyin asked Yuan Ying'er very seriously: "You are so capable, it shouldn't be difficult to make a shop more profitable than Uncle Nine Emperors, right?"

Listening to her words, Yuan Ying'er's teeth were about to be gritted.

But she dared not speak out, because she was the one who said from the beginning that she had the ability to manage the shop.

"The Ninth Prince is a man of heaven. He can fight wars, discuss court affairs, and do business. How can Ying'er surpass the Ninth Prince?"

Yuan Ying'er suppressed the hatred in her eyes, and spoke to Yuan Deyin.

She thought, if she said that, Yuan Deyin wouldn't cling to her tightly.

After all, it is normal for someone as powerful as the Ninth Prince to be surpassed by no one.

She wasn't embarrassed at all when she lost to him.

The profit of the shop is tens of millions of silver, which is out of reach for her.

With so much money, I don't know how much Yuan Deyin would steal away when he lived in the Prince Regent's Mansion.

The more Yuan Ying'er thought about it, the angrier she became.

The people on the side nodded, and Chen Meimei was very considerate to help Yuan Ying'er, "Although Miss Ying'er is a business genius, it is a bit too difficult for her to surpass the Ninth Prince..."

"My princess thinks so too." Yuan Deyin nodded in agreement, her face was full of "my uncle Jiuhuang is the most powerful".

On the side, Jun Yu's eyes are full of tenderness. The little girl in his family admires him very much. It seems that he will continue to work hard to make money in the future.

When Chen Meimei heard Yuan Deyin's words, her expression froze, and after a while, her expression also became distorted.

Although what she said was the truth, Yuan Deyin was too shameless to come over like this. Thinking of this, her disgust for Yuan Deyin deepened in her heart.

However, Yuan Deyin didn't seem to notice Chen Meimei's disgusted eyes.

As if she suddenly thought of something, she muttered in a calm tone: "My princess remembers, the Mingyi Pavilion on the East Street should make the least money. where, so let an illiterate old man who has not been in business become the shopkeeper..."

Although it was a muttering, the volume was not low at all, enough for everyone around to hear clearly.

When Chen Meimei heard this, she sneered in her heart. To actually let an illiterate, untouchable untouchable with no business sense to help run the shop, she probably lost all her money...

But she just finished sneering and sarcastic in her heart, when she heard Yuan Deyin snapping her fingers and said seriously: "Although shopkeeper Yang is not that capable, the shop that he manages earns the least amount of people on the East Street, only about [-] people a year." Wan, but the Princess has already thanked him very much..."

After Yuan Deyin said this, everyone around looked strange.

Especially Chen Meimei, that mocking expression also froze there, not continuing, not putting it away, the expression was very strange.

An illiterate untouchable can actually make a profit of 30 silver for the shop...

The best shop in her family does not have such great ability.

Listening to Yuan Deyin counting on her fingers alone, Yuan Ying'er felt more and more uneasy.

Yuan Deyin said so many irrelevant things, what does this bitch want to do?
Just when Yuan Ying'er was about to collapse, Yuan Deyin's eyes could be regarded as falling on her face.

Yuan Deyin smiled slightly, and then asked seriously: "Yuan Ying'er, you are so capable in business, and the carriages are decorated with rubies, so the profit of the shop is not as good as that of shopkeeper Yang..."

"how is this possible!"

When Yuan Ying'er heard that Yuan Deyin said that she was inferior to an illiterate untouchable, she was furious and immediately denied it without a word.

"This princess thinks so too," Yuan Deyin's smile deepened, "Yuan Ying'er, why can't you even compare to shopkeeper Yang..."

"Since this is the case, then the princess will calculate with you according to the profit of shopkeeper Yang in charge of the shop. You are in charge of the five shops of the concubine mother. Assuming that the minimum profit of each shop is 30, the total is 150 million. And you and Your mother has been in charge of the shop for more than ten years, so it is 50 million. According to our four-six method, that is 900 million taels of silver for you, and 600 million taels of silver for the princess. No more, no less, you will give the princess 600 taels of silver. Ten thousand silver coins will be fine."

Yuan Deyin was full of smiles, and she calculated the accounts clearly in her words.

By the time everyone followed her train of thought, she had already calculated the final number.

Yuan Yinger's head was dizzy for a while, 600 million taels of silver, she and her mother and grandmother have been greedy for the palace's silver all these years, it's not that much.

Yuan Ying'er gave Chen Meimei a disgusted look, it was because of this bitch that she had to give so much money for no reason.

Yuan Ying'er opened her mouth, wanting to say that what she and Chen Mei said just now doesn't count.

But Jun Yu had already run out of patience with them. Hearing that the little girl had finally caught Yuan Ying'er into the trap she had set up, a smile flashed across his dark eyes.

But when Yuan Ying'er looked at him, his face turned cold.

"Okay, Yuan Ying'er, you send the money to the Prince Regent's Mansion before tomorrow evening. If you want to default on the arrears, the King will personally send you to the official."

Jun Yu's awe-inspiring voice reached Yuan Ying'er's ears, killing all the words she had thought up in the cradle.

Ninth Prince, he really loves Yuan Deyin in every possible way.

With jealousy burning in her heart, Yuan Ying'er endured the trembling of her body, and then smiled, "Don't worry, Ninth Prince, 600 million taels of silver, Ying'er will definitely be handed over to Princess Deyin as soon as possible."

Heh, she has now hooked up with King Runnan. When King Runnan helps her kill Yuan Deyin tonight, will she still have to pay back the money?
Without Yuan Deyin acting as a demon beside the Ninth Prince, the Ninth Prince would definitely wake up and see how good she is...

When she becomes the princess of the Regent's Palace, does she still care about a mere 600 million?

Thinking of it this way, Yuan Ying'er's mood is not so depressed, but she feels very comfortable.

Her indifferent expression seemed as if Jun Yu was already in her pocket.

Jun Yu, Yuan Deyin and the others had already walked into the Runnan Prince's Mansion. Without the strong oppressive feeling, these people felt as if they were really alive. Get up on the ground.

Realizing that he had offended Lord Nine and Princess Deyin, they didn't dare to continue participating in the Hundred Flowers Banquet.

But they were invited by Princess Runnan, if they left rashly, they would probably offend Prince Runnan's residence...

Gritting their teeth, they had no choice but to bite the bullet and follow in.

Chen Meimei got up from the ground with the help of her maidservant. From the corner of her eye, she saw Yuan Ying'er's indifferent expression, and her eyes flickered, thinking that her guess must be right.

Yuan Ying'er must be someone who can make a lot of money, and it is definitely right to make friends with her, especially when she has already offended Yuan Deyin.

After thinking about it, she showed a smile that she thought was kind and walked to Yuan Ying'er's side.

She covered her mouth and said with a smile: "Miss Yuan, that Yuan Deyin is so mean, she actually tried to obliterate your efforts for those shops, but don't worry, this lady is definitely on your side."

Chen Meimei said it alone was not enough, Xinghua, the maidservant behind her, said loudly: "Fortunately, our young lady was resourceful and told you the credit for Miss Yuan in advance, so that Yuan Deyin gave the [-]% of the profit to you. Spit it out."

Xinghua's posture was as if Yuan Ying'er should thank their eldest lady.

The two masters and servants looked very complacent, and they didn't notice at all. Yuan Ying'er's eyes darkened, as if she wanted to eat people.

Yuan Ying'er glanced at Chen Meimei, and said in disgust: "Chen Meimei, do you want to use this lady to deal with Yuan Deyin? Just because you offended Yuan Deyin, and then you want to use this lady's hand to offend others? This lady is natural It is to deal with Yuan Deyin, but it will never be used by a fool like you..."

Chen Meimei did not expect Yuan Ying'er to say such words.

Her face was also a little ugly, she gritted her teeth, and stared at Yuan Ying'er angrily.

"Yuan Ying'er, what do you mean? Miss Ben is kind enough to help you, but you still disdain Miss Ben's help?"

Chen Meimei was going to die of anger, she had never tried to help someone before.

Seeing that little bitch Yuan Deyin was too arrogant today, she wanted to help Yuan Ying'er, but she didn't expect Yuan Ying'er to be so ignorant.

Hearing Chen Meimei's words, Yuan Ying'er's sneer became more obvious, and the disgust in her eyebrows and eyes was also undisguised.

"Help Miss Ben? Miss Ben is capable, and I don't need an idiot like you to make trouble. You'd better not meddle in Miss Ben's affairs, otherwise, I won't let you go."

Yuan Ying'er looked at Chen Meimei with murderous intent in her eyes.

If it weren't for what this idiot said just now, how could she be held by Yuan Deyin, and she would have to pay 600 million taels of silver even if she was ashamed.

In the past, Yuan Ying'er would still pretend to be a gentle fairy in front of Chen Meimei, but now, she doesn't bother to pretend.

Now she is protected by Prince Runnan's Mansion, besides, although Chen Meimei's family is rich, they are idiots.

Using such a fool is simply insulting her.

To put it simply, Chen Meimei is not qualified to be used by her.

Therefore, Yuan Ying'er didn't need to pretend anything to Chen Meimei, and directly showed her disgust and killing intent on her face.

After warning Chen Meimei, Yuan Ying'er turned around proudly and strode into Runnan Palace.

Chen Meimei was left standing there, dizzy with anger.

"Miss, did Yuan Ying'er want to kill us just now? But isn't she a very kind person?"

Xinghua could already sense Yuan Ying'er's killing intent just now, she trembled and her face turned pale.

Chen Meimei's complexion was not much better either.

She clenched her fists tightly. It turned out that Yuan Ying'er was also pretending.

"Oh, the women of the Yuan family are indeed a nest of snakes and rats. Yuan Deyin is disgusting, and Yuan Ying'er is the same kind." Chen Meimei said disgustedly.

Not far from them, Jun Chujing and Yuan Tong'er came out from the dark.

"Dog bites dog. It's a good show. This princess thinks it will be even more exciting tonight." Jun Chujing clapped her hands with a proud expression.

The mother concubine has already taught her that Yuan Deyin's methods are too clever, he knows how to fake the power of a fox, and is used to using Jun Yu's hands to harm them.

This time, she didn't plan to do it herself, she wanted to hide in the dark, watch Yuan Deyin and Yuan Ying'er fight to the death, and then come out to give them a fatal blow.

"Yuan Deyin, Yuan Ying'er, this princess will slowly watch you die in pain..."

Jun Chujing's expression became more and more distorted and perverted, as if Yuan Deyin and Yuan Ying'er had already knelt on the ground begging her for mercy.

Yuan Tong'er's heartbeat kept speeding up behind her. As long as she was a good running dog beside Jun Chujing, she would definitely see Yuan Deyin and Yuan Ying'er die in an ugly way.


Yuan Deyin and Jun Yu walked into the Runnan Palace, and Zhang Zhongrong followed them step by step, with an apologetic smile on his face, as if he was very respectful to them.

But Yuan Deyin didn't notice his sincere respect at all.

If it was really respectful, how could it have been so long since the Nine Emperor Uncles had come to the gate of Prince Runnan's mansion, neither King Runnan nor Princess Runnan came out, only De Zhang Zhongrong was watching the play by himself.

If it wasn't for the instruction of King Runnan, Yuan Deyin wouldn't think that a little butler would dare to watch a play by the side.

Yuan Deyin's eyes swept around, and her face became more and more ugly.

She tugged on Jun Yu's sleeve, and she said to Jun Yu in an angry voice: "Uncle Nine Emperors, Deyin is confirmed now, this is definitely a Hongmen banquet. On the southeast side of us, there are at least ten dead Soldiers, northwest direction, more than fifteen..."

Yuan Deyin's soft words were not only heard by Jun Yu, but also by Shen Chuannan and others on her left.

Shen Chuannan frowned tightly.

Although these big families will have dead soldiers, it is not easy to train a dead soldier. If there is no important task to be performed, no one is willing to send a dead soldier, especially if there are more than twenty or thirty.

Even a feast of hundreds of flowers is worth sending out so many dead men from King Runnan?

Still staring at them from the beginning of the door...

King Runnan, it's really a big handwriting.

After thinking about it, a bit of anger flashed in Shen Chuannan's eyes.

Compared with King Runnan's intentions, Yu Shengxiao was more concerned about another matter.

He looked at Yuan Deyin with a strange face, and then asked, "Little Deyin, how did you notice that there were ten dead men on the southeast side and fifteen dead men on the northwest side?"

Although when he was at the door, he felt that there were surveillance eyes looking at them.

But he didn't realize that it was a dead man, let alone the number.

After Yu Shengxiao's doubtful voice fell, Shen Chuannan and Tao Lin also looked at Yuan Deyin with doubts on their faces.

Even Jun Yu's black eyes lowered, looking deeply at the little girl beside him.

What the little girl noticed, he could naturally feel it too, but that was because he had deep internal strength and could detect movement within a radius of several miles.

But little girl, she clearly...doesn't even have internal strength.

(End of this chapter)

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