Chapter 267 Worried

Sensing everyone's suspicious eyes, Yuan Deyin tilted his head and wrinkled his small face.

"Deyin heard it. They all breathed as if they were about to die. Those who took about a quarter of an hour to breathe slightly were not trying to hide their own dead soldiers. What else could it be?"

she asked seriously.

Yu Shengxiao's expression was strange, and he couldn't help but continue to ask: "You just rely on the tiny breath that only takes a quarter of an hour to determine their identity, direction and number?"

"Yes." The little girl shook her head seriously.

"I'm going, how is this possible..."

Yu Shengxiao felt like his head was going to explode.

This hearing ability can't be achieved without decades of internal strength, but Xiao Deyin is obviously a master of kung fu.

Yuan Deyin didn't hear the muttering in Yushengxiao's heart, she just saw his unbelievable face, and she was also puzzled.

She scratched her hair and asked very puzzled: "Master, why are you crazy? Isn't this something you can hear with ears? Why are you so shocked."

With ears can... hear? !

Yu Shengxiao's movements of scratching her hair froze, her face full of lovelessness.

Listen, is this what people say?

Doesn't that mean that these people have no ears?

Even the expressions of Shen Chuannan and Tao Lin were a little twitching.

Fortunately, they are used to the tone of the little princess, otherwise, they would really be easily vomited blood.

The only person present who agrees with the little girl's statement is probably a certain Uncle Nine Emperors.

With a cold face, Jun Yu replied calmly: "This king also feels that this is indeed a movement that can be heard with the ears."

Yu Shengxiao, Shen Chuannan, Tao Lin: "..."

While the few of them were talking, Zhang Zhongrong had already sneaked over several times, as if he wanted to hear what they were talking about.

Seeing Zhang Zhongrong's little action, Yuan Deyuan's face darkened instantly, and his eyes were very angry.

She took a deep breath, and then showed a cute smile.

She first scanned the surroundings with calm eyes, then pointed to a tree that was about to wither and asked Jun Yu: "Uncle Nine Emperors, why do the trees in Prince Runnan's mansion look so lifeless?" ?”

Jun Yu raised his eyebrows, wondering why a certain little girl would suddenly ask such a question.

Before he could make a sound, the little girl lowered her head and muttered to herself: "I guess it's because the watering is not enough. Could it be that the Runnan Prince's Mansion is different from the Prince Regent's Mansion, don't they use the snow water from Tianshan Mountain to water the trees?"

"And this flower, probably because the soil is not good, unlike the Prince Regent's Mansion, where the most fertile soil is transported to the seaside..."

"By the way, why aren't the pillars of their gazebo made of white jade? Is white jade expensive? Why are all the pavilions in the Prince Regent's Palace made of white jade pillars..."

"And this floor, there's not even a single gem, it's really uncomfortable to step on..."


Yuan Deyin's voice came from the front, and Zhang Zhongrong, who was eavesdropping, almost vomited blood.

"The Prince Regent's Mansion is really extravagant." Zhang Zhongrong actually said through gritted teeth.

The word he used was "extravagant", and he was short of saying that Jun Yu was "corrupt" and "wasteful".

But Jun Yu didn't seem to hear his sarcasm, and then nodded very calmly: "This king has earned so much money, it is natural to spend a little more on food and drink. And some people, who have no skills, naturally You have to search your own mansion."

"Slightly" better?
Jun Yu, did he misunderstand the word "slightly"?

Don't say that Zhang Zhongrong's expression is about to collapse now, the group of people following behind, except for Fang Jian who has been secretly carried back by the servant to heal his injuries, the rest of them all have distorted expressions.

Listening to Uncle Jiuhuang's words, the little girl crossed her arms, pointed to several places and asked, "Uncle Jiuhuang, have you seen this fish pond? Have you seen that pavilion? Have you seen that tall pavilion?" Yet……"

Pointing to several places in a row, Jun Yu looked at them patiently, and then nodded indifferently. "Well, the king has seen it."

"That's good if you see it. When we go back to the Prince Regent's Mansion and Prince Ji's Mansion, we must be vigilant. Don't arrange it like this, it's too ugly!" The little girl said seriously, puffing her cheeks.

Everyone: "???"

Zhang Zhongrong: "..." Simply, simply, it's too deceiving!

Does he think he, the housekeeper of Runnan Palace, is a dead man?

To humiliate Runnan Palace in every possible way in front of him!

Zhang Zhongrong, who was a little arrogant just now, already started to need someone to support him, because only in this way, he didn't let himself faint from anger.

He sighed in his heart, it's a good thing the prince is not here, otherwise he might not know what it would be like to be angered by this witch princess.

Just when Zhang Zhongrong rejoiced in his heart.

Suddenly, a dark green figure and a light red figure walked over slowly leading many people.

"My lord." Zhang Zhongrong hurried over to salute.

He took a deep breath in his heart.

The prince finally came, Yuan Deyin, a witch, must not be arrogant.

The dark green figure standing in the front is King Runnan, his face is somewhat similar to the dead Jun Zhouliang and Jun Zhouchen.

He stood with his hands behind his back, his eyes were both gentle and sharp, the wrinkles at the corners of his eyes were clearly visible, he didn't know if he was thinking too much or something.

Under the hooked nose, the mouth is curved into a half-smile.

It was impossible to guess his emotions, and it was unclear whether he had heard what Yuan Deyin and Jun Yu said just now.

The light red figure behind him is Princess Runnan. Although she is nearly 40 years old, she is well maintained and does not look old.

And there was no extra emotion on her face, as if everything was indifferent.

Behind them followed a group of ministers.

The sons of the ministers standing at the door are just making small troubles. These ministers are the ones who caused the undercurrent to surge in the court.

Those ministers really didn't expect Jun Yu to be here, they were stunned for a moment, then pulled their faces and hurriedly saluted.

"Minister, please see the Ninth Prince."

Out of the corner of his eye, he glanced at Yuan Deyin who was able to get so close to Jun Yu. They were all human beings, so they could quickly guess Yuan Deyin's identity.

Quickly followed suit and shouted respectfully: "See Princess Deyin."

Jun Yu nodded indifferently, letting them flatten.

"It's been a long time since I saw you, but Ah Yu has become an upstanding young man." Princess Runnan Wei Ying looked at Jun Yu and said softly.

Her expression was indifferent, neither polite nor alienated.

Princess Runnan was the first to greet Jun Yu. Yuan Deyin looked up at him curiously, wanting to see his reaction.

Jun Yu didn't have much contact with Wei Ying, and didn't know much about her real background.

His eyes flashed a little dark, but he said calmly on his face: "Jun Yu has seen the emperor's wife."

Jun Yu's voice fell, and the atmosphere fell into dead silence again.

I don't know if it's her own illusion, but Yuan Deyin always feels that King Runnan's eyes are always sweeping over her body, which makes her very uncomfortable.

"Since everyone is here, let's take a seat inside. The Hundred Flowers Banquet prepared by the princess is about to begin."

I don't know how long it has passed, King Runnan laughed and said.

King Runnan spoke up, and the ministers quickly followed suit.

Banquets are held separately for men and women.

Men go to the front hall to discuss state affairs, while women go to the backyard to drink tea and discuss private matters.

"This is Princess Deyin, she is really pretty." Wei Ying smiled and waved to Yuan Deyin.

Although Yuan Deyin felt that Wei Ying was smiling at her, for some reason, she always felt that the smile was weird.

But Princess Runnan took the initiative to wave to her, and with so many people watching, Yuan Deyin couldn't refuse.

So she frowned, and finally walked towards Princess Runnan.

The rest of the women naturally followed to the backyard.

But Jun Yu grabbed Yuan Deyin's shoulder, reluctant to let her leave his side.

"Brother Huang, in the mansion of Brother Huang, are you still worried about Deyin's safety? Could it be that you don't trust Brother Huang?"

King Runnan noticed Jun Yu's movements, he stopped, turned around, and looked at Jun Yu with a half-smile.

Everyone could clearly feel that after King Runnan said this, the coldness on the Ninth Prince's body deepened.

Even though it was a hot day, they felt like they were in winter.

Yu Shengxiao fanned the jade bone fan, he really wanted to answer with a sneer, they naturally couldn't trust the old man Runnan Wang!
Before Jun Yu and Yu Shengxiao could react, Yuan Deyin smiled obediently, and she took the initiative to say, "Uncle Nine Emperors, don't worry about Deyin leaving home. It's not small, you can go chat with Prince Runnan, Deyin has Princess Runnan, and sister Lin is also there."

Yuan Deyin emphasized the words "Sister Lin" in order to let Uncle Jiuhuang and the others know that Sister Lin can also protect her in the backyard.

Tao Lin also spoke quickly at this time: "It's okay for the princess to be afraid of life, Tao Lin just stays with her."

But within a few words, Yuan Deyin, Tao Lin, Jun Yu and the others had already completed a balance-like duel.

Looking at the seriousness in the little girl's clear eyes, Jun Yu sighed in his heart, and finally compromised.

"Well, you go. But Deyin, you are used to going to bed early, and the king will accompany you back to the mansion early." Jun Yu said softly.

"Deyin understands."

The little girl laughed until the crescent moon bent.

She understood what Uncle Nine Emperors meant. He told her to get out as soon as possible regardless of whether she found anything or not, safety first.

Their actions have caused great shock to the rest of the people.

Those ministers' eyes were full of undercurrents. They never thought that this cold-blooded Ninth Prince would be so kind to an orphan girl.

Thinking of the emperor's recent rewards to Yuan Deyin, they became more determined in their hearts to let their children and Yuan Deyin befriend each other.

The other women looked at Yuan Deyin with jealous eyes.

Although the world is so mysterious about the cruelty of the regent, they also saw Jun Yu's stern look just now at the door.

But they were just scared for a moment, and seeing Jun Yu treating Yuan Deyin so well, they couldn't help the envy in their hearts.

Yuan Deyin, an orphan, can arouse the pity of the regent, who treats her so well.

If they could become his women, he would definitely treat them so well.

Therefore, they quickly forgot Jun Yu's cold appearance, and their admiration for him deepened.

Now, seeing that Jun Yu had to tell Yuan Deyin to go to bed early so many times, they felt even more sour.

If the dark glow could shoot people to death, Yuan Deyin's back would probably be riddled with holes.

Yuan Deyin breathed a sigh of relief seeing that Uncle Jiuhuang was willing to take the first step.

But soon, her back stiffened, because Princess Runnan had stood beside her at some point, and then beckoned to Yuan Ying'er who was not far away: "Good boy, come to my princess. "

(End of this chapter)

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