Chapter 268 Yuan Deyin Was Taken Away
Hearing Wei Ying's words, Yuan Ying'er walked proudly to her side like a flower peacock.

So now, Yuan Deyin is on Wei Ying's right and Yuan Ying'er is on the left.

The other ladies, and the wife who stayed here earlier, saw this scene, and their minds turned around a lot.

It seems that Yuan Ying'er is really loved by Princess Runnan.

This love even surpasses the vowel sound.

Yuan Ying'er must not have a bad relationship with her.

In this way, Yuan Ying'er, who was notorious for being kicked out of the Ji Palace, now began to gain the attention of those people again.

Seeing how these people's eyeballs rolled so quickly, Yuan Deyin rolled her eyes. She naturally knew what they were thinking.

But she wasn't angry either.

Yuan Ying'er is like the cockroach that can't be killed, she no longer expects to kill someone once.

"Deyin." Two surprised voices came from behind.

When Yuan Deyin turned around, it was Mei Qingzhou and Yin Panrong.

Yuan Deyin was overjoyed, and quickly waved to them.

When Mei Qingzhou and Yin Panrong arrived in front of Yuan Deyin, they did not forget to salute Wei Ying respectfully.

Behind them was Yin Panrong's mother, Mrs. Yin.

She also quickly blessed Fushen: "I have met Princess Runnan before."

"Well, get up." Princess Runnan responded lightly.

When the rest of the noble girls saw Yin Panrong and Mei Qingzhou, their eyes flashed with disgust.

The Yin family is gradually declining now, Yin Panrong likes to ride horses and make guns all day long, how can this look like a daughter's family?It's a loss of face for a woman!
Naturally, they didn't want to get close to Yin Panrong.

There is also Mei Qingzhou, a concubine, the Mei family has also collapsed, I don't know how she survived!

A woman without a strong mother clan is doomed to be a waste!

Therefore, Mei Qingzhou is not within the scope of their friendship.

Such a person dares to be late.

But seeing that Princess Runnan didn't say anything, they naturally had no chance to make trouble.

Just seeing Yuan Deyin, Yin Panrong and Mei Qingzhou's intimate appearance next to each other, they felt a little angry.

The Princess Deyin was not so gentle when she scolded people at the door just now, why is she so amiable when she treats two people who are of no help to her now!
Forget it, Princess Deyin is probably not a good thing like Yin Panrong and Mei Qingzhou.

They stepped on Yuan Deyin secretly in their hearts, and they felt much more comfortable.

"Okay, let's go with my princess to the backyard." Wei Ying said softly, then turned and left first.

Yuan Ying'er naturally clings to her side like a proud peacock.

And Yuan Deyin frowned slightly, and suddenly a lot of doubts arose in her heart.

Yin Panrong's grandmother is the Princess of Wei State, and Princess Runnan is also the Princess of Wei State. Although the two are a generation behind, they must be the princess of another country who married into a foreign country, and their relationship should be extraordinary.

But why, when Princess Runnan saw Yin Panrong's mother and daughter, she looked so indifferent, as if she was an insignificant person.

Forget it, Uncle Nine Emperors said that Princess Runnan has a cold personality and doesn't like to associate with people. It is also possible that she does not want to associate with Yin Panrong's family.

But why is she so close to Yuan Ying'er?
Yuan Deyin glanced to the front, and found that Yuan Ying'er didn't know what she said, which made Wei Ying smile all over her face.

She secretly glanced at Tao Lin, and Tao Lin shook her head slightly.

Tao Lin also couldn't figure out what Princess Runnan meant.

Finally, they arrived at the lotus pavilion in the backyard, and the maid had already arranged the fruits and pastries.

There are lotus flowers in full bloom in the pond, and the moon hangs high above the head, which is really a bit of a beauty.

After Wei Ying sat down on the main seat, she waved to Yuan Deyin and Yuan Ying'er: "You guys, just sit next to my concubine."

After Wei Ying's words fell, several noble ladies almost knocked over the wine glasses in front of them.

Princess Runnan is really kind to Yuanying'er, and she even let her sit beside her, which is considered to be sitting with Princess Deyin.

"Princess, this, isn't it appropriate?" Yuan Ying'er clutched the handkerchief, looking flattered.

Seeing Yuan Deyin yawn frequently.

Isn't it just a position, does Yuan Ying'er still want to act in a play?

"Since Ms. Ying'er thinks it's inappropriate, someone will naturally want to sit in this seat. Princess Chujing, don't you think so?"

Yuan Deyin sat down on Wei Ying's right.

She imitated the habit of Uncle Nine Emperors, playing with the teacup, and then looked leisurely at the figure hiding in the corner.

Hearing Yuan Deyin's words, all the ladies and ladies followed her eyes to look at the corner, only to see Jun Chujing walking out of the darkness with Yuan Tong'er.

Jun Chujing tightly clutched the handkerchief, staring at Yuan Deyin resentfully.

She is a majestic princess of a country, and after following these people for so long, no one recognizes her!

Even that damned Princess Runnan was only friendly to Yuan Deyin and Yuan Ying'er.

An orphan girl, and the daughter of a pariah, what qualifications do they have?
Jun Chujing did want others to discover her existence, but it was definitely not because of Yuan Deyin's reminder.

So now that Yuan Deyin forced her to show up, Jun Chujing was furious, as if she wanted to die like a clown.

But Yuan Deyin didn't pay attention to her resentful eyes. She held her small face in a good mood, then looked at Yuan Ying'er, and said in a leisurely tone: "Since you feel that you are not suitable, why don't you give up your position to me?" Princess Jun Chujing..."

The word "Let" made both Jun Chujing and Yuan Ying'er dizzy with anger.

Yuan Yinger's "flattered" was just a pretense.

Of course she wanted to sit next to Wei Ying to show that she was favored.

And Jun Chujing was even more angry. She is a dignified princess of a country, and she actually wants to let a daughter of a pariah give up her seat?
Everyone felt the smell of gunpowder smoke in the air, they kept silent, thinking that Yuan Deyin is really a troublemaker, must this place be turned into a battlefield?

They looked over to Wei Ying, wanting to see what Wei Ying looked like.

It turned out that Wei Ying was just sitting there with a cup of tea, his eyes calm as if nothing happened in front of him.

"Princess Runnan, who do you think should take this seat?" Yuan Deyin looked at Wei Ying obediently with a smile on his face while holding his small face.

She is like a cunning little fox who likes to make trouble very much.

After Yuan Deyin finished asking, Princess Runnan did not respond for a long time.

Until the servant girl behind her poked her back lightly silently, her eyes blinked heavily.

Immediately afterwards, she said calmly: "Since Chu Jing is here, let Chu Jing sit here."


Yuan Ying'er opened her mouth, and unwillingly called Princess Runnan.

But Wei Ying just smiled at her, then turned around and knocked on the table, asking others to take Yuan Ying'er to sit at the end.

From the position next to Princess Runnan to the position in the corner, the gap made Yuan Ying'er go crazy.

Yuan Ying'er is in a bad mood, and so is Jun Chujing.

She is a princess of a country, under the gaze of so many people, she walked to the seat that Yuan Ying'er "give up" and sat down.

She originally wanted to scold Wei Ying, but when she came here, her mother and concubine told her that they were different from the past, the emperor was not by her side, this King Runnan was not something they could afford to provoke.

So she could only suppress the anger in her heart.

Yuan Deyin picked up the teacup to drink tea as if nothing had happened, but the moment she lowered her head, her brows frowned even deeper.

It's really strange, why is Princess Runnan always running away, and her expression is so elusive?

What's even more weird is that a maid can touch the princess' body at will?

Although the maid was to remind them of the princess.

However, Yuan Deyin read a lot of Yushengxiao's manuscripts, some of which drew human bodies, and it mentioned that there is an acupuncture point on the back of a human being, which is extremely painful when touched...

If she was not mistaken just now, then the maid has touched that acupuncture point.

But why doesn't Princess Runnan even frown?
Did she not feel the pain?
While Yuan Deyin was thinking, Yuan Ying'er had already suggested to all the ladies and wives to start playing games.

"Whoever this bottle is transferred to will have to compose a poem or solve a difficult problem. If they can't do it, they will be punished." Yuan Ying'er said loudly.

When the noble ladies heard this, they all looked extremely interested.

Many of them came out of Weiyang Academy back then.

Isn't it just poetry, why is it so rare to beat them?
Especially since Princess Runnan is sitting here today, if Princess Runnan can please her, it will be a good thing for their family.

Princess Runnan ordered someone to put a bottle in the middle of the pavilion and started to turn it around. The daughters of several families in the previous few times were all transferred.

Although they were a little flustered, they finally finished the poem.

Yuan Deyin looked rather boring.

Why didn't Wang Runnan and Yuan Ying'er make a move yet? She was getting a little impatient.

At this moment, the mouth of the bottle was aligned with Yuan Deyin.

"Princess Deyin, it's time for you to write a poem." Yuan Ying'er stared at Yuan Deyin with a strange look.

The rest of the people also looked closely at Yuan Deyin.

I heard that she got three first grades in the assessment of Weiyang Academy, and they didn't know if the dean let her go, they didn't believe that a little girl could get three first grades!

"The subject of this poem is..." Yuan Ying'er just wanted to express her request in one go, but Yuan Deyin interrupted her directly.

"Who said that the main poets in this county are poets. Is there any problem?" The little girl asked boredly with her soft face.

Hearing Yuan Deyin's words, Yuan Ying'er sneered in her heart.

She was afraid that Yuan Deyin would not understand the problem.

This idiot really fell into her trap.

"When Ying'er read a lot of books these days, I found that the predecessors were very troubled by one thing, that is... Nine Links is still an unsolved mystery. I wonder if Princess Deyin can solve it?"

Yuan Ying'er's tone pressed Yuan Deyin tightly.

The rest frowned.

They have also heard of the Nine Links, but they have never heard of anyone who can untie it.

This problem... is it a bit too rare?
The faces of Tao Lin, Mei Qingzhou and Yin Panrong changed instantly.

Especially Tao Lin, she was holding the sword in her hand, her face was very dark.

Yuan Ying'er clearly wanted to force Deyin to be punished.

"Deyin, don't be afraid, I'll cut off the nine chains for you later." Tao Lin comforted Yuan Deyin softly.

Although Yuan Ying'er couldn't hear Tao Lin's words, she could see the shape of her mouth.

A sneer twitched at the corner of her mouth, and she said loudly, "Ying'er has read a solution to Jiulianhuan in the book, which is to cut off Jiulianhuan. Although this is indeed a solution, but think about it carefully, isn't this cheating? Princess Deyin, you shouldn't be a liar, right?"

Yuan Ying'er put a high hat on Yuan Deyin, because she thought that Yuan Deyin had no way out.

Tao Lin held the scabbard, her face was extremely cold.

She wanted Yuan Deyin to ignore Tao Lin, but Yuan Deyin quickly agreed.


When everyone saw Yuan Deyin, they had already responded, and their eyes were more about watching a play.

Whether Yuan Deyin was spoiled by the Nine Princes or not, I really don't know how powerful she is, she actually thinks she can unravel the Nine Chains!
Forget it, her little workmanship made her suffer so much that she realized that without the Ninth Prince by her side, she couldn't do anything!

If she can make a fool of herself, she can also relieve their anger at being ridiculed by her at the door.

Thinking about it this way, their posture in watching the show became more and more calm.

Yuan Ying'er beckoned, and Qing'er brought Jiu Lianhuan up.

Everyone looked at the tightly intertwined Nine Rings, as if they had seen Yuan Deyin make a fool of himself.

It's rare that Jun Chujing's face is not so ugly, there is a sly smile on the corner of her mouth.

If Yuan Deyin is punished later, she will definitely get involved, so that Yuan Deyin will receive the cruelest punishment.

"The Nine Links were brought by Ying'er. If Princess Deyin is worried about what Ying'er will do, you can..."

Yuan Ying'er spoke with a very considerate look, as if to say that if Yuan Deyin was worried about her hands and feet, she could check in advance.

But she couldn't finish her words, so Yuan Deyin stood up and took Jiu Lianhuan over.

Don't wait for people to react.

"A few clicks".

Nine chains became nine rings and fell from Yuan Deyin's hand.

The entire pavilion began to fall into an eerie silence.

I don't know which minister's daughter couldn't hold back the shock in her heart, and asked directly: "Here, is the nine chains untied?"

"Of's untied." I don't know who it is, and I replied aggrievedly.

"How is it possible!" Yuan Ying'er, who had reacted, shouted angrily immediately.

She had never seen anyone succeed.

Jun Chujing also looked manic. She stood up from her seat and muttered loudly: "I have never heard of anyone who can untie Jiulianhuan, Yuan Deyin, are you cheating..."

"That's because you are ignorant." Yuan Deyin gave her a small look of disgust.

"You..." Jun Chujing was so angry that she wanted to swear.

"Besides, is it difficult to untie Jiulianhuan? Isn't it enough to have hands?" Yuan Deyin stuck out his tongue at Jun Chujing.

No... just have hands?
Among the noble girls, some people are already covering their hearts. They... their hearts hurt?
Jun Chujing and Yuan Ying'er felt like someone had slapped her hard on the face a few times, and the pain was severe.

"Princess Deyin, that's amazing." Yuan Ying'er's tongue was bleeding from biting herself, and her mouth was full of copper rust, but she still smiled and said words of praise to Yuan Deyin.

"It's okay, it's just a very simple gadget. Jiu Lianhuan, the princess didn't want to look at it when she was four years old, because it's too low-level to treat it as a plaything." Yuan Deyin said with a smile.

Yuan Ying'er bit her tongue harder, and she clenched her fists tightly to resist the urge to rush up and tear Yuan Deyin's face.

This brash little slut just relied on her verbal ability to anger her!
Ignoring Yuan Ying'er's appearance of eating people, Yuan Deyin withdrew her eyes, and she sat down on the chair, holding her small face, with a very relaxed expression.

Others looked at her as letting go, but only she knew that she was thinking quickly.

Yuan Yinger's problem for her must not be just to make her look ugly.

It is estimated that she wants to be punished.

Forget it, the enemy is too stupid, so she will take the initiative to walk to the entrance of the enemy's cave.

After thinking about it, Yuan Deyin poked a teacup with his finger.

"Oh, my princess's clothes are wet." Yuan Deyin jumped up quickly, pointing to the water marks on her dress, and said anxiously.

The corner of Tao Lin's mouth twitched slightly.

Others didn't see Deyin's little movements. She was sitting so close, so she naturally saw it.

Deyin, what does she want to do?
Seeing that Yuan Deyin's dress was wet, Yuan Ying'er was overjoyed.

It's such a coincidence, it really didn't take much effort, it seems that the gods look down on Yuan Deyin, a little bitch, and want to help her deal with Yuan Deyin.

However, Yuan Ying'er's excitement was only fleeting, and soon returned to calm.

Seeing Yuan Ying'er's silent look, Yuan Deyin frowned slightly.

Why Yuanying'er hasn't spoken yet, could it be that she guessed wrong?
At this moment, Wei Ying turned her head and said to her maid: "Mu Qing, why don't you hurry up and take the princess down to change into clean clothes?"

"I'll be with Deyin." Tao Lin quickly stood up.

"Miss Tao, my concubine's maid is a nimble girl. She will take the princess there, and it will be done soon, so I won't bother you."

Wei Ying's expression was still calm, but it was rare for her to say such a long sentence in one breath.

"That's right, Sister Lin, just stay here and play with all the sisters. Deyin is going to change clothes, and he will be back soon." Yuan Deyin smiled at Tao Lin.

Her eyes were full of seriousness, and she was begging Tao Lin not to follow.

If Tao Lin followed, how could she lead the snake out of the hole?
Before Tao Lin could say anything, Yuan Deyin asked Mu Qing to take her away quickly.

After Yuan Deyin left, Yuan Ying'er's eyes flashed a bit of crazy obsession.

Yuan Deyin...

Finally dying.


Mu Qing and Yuan Deyin walked back and forth, the road became more and more deviated, and the surroundings became darker and darker.

Suddenly, Yuan Deyin stopped, she didn't intend to leave.

Mu Qing turned her head, smiled and said to Yuan Deyin: "Princess Deyin, why don't you leave? Your clothes are wet, but you will catch a cold."

Looking at Mu Qing's obscure face, Yuan Deyin suddenly grinned, revealing eight small teeth, and asked softly——

"Miss Mu Qing, do you think the dagger on your body will hurt Deyin if it is stuck on Deyin's body?"

(End of this chapter)

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