The cub of the Nine Emperor Uncle's family is squeamish again

Chapter 269: The King Halberd Killed Jun Yu's Mother

Chapter 269: The King Halberd Killed Jun Yu's Mother
Facing Yuan Deyin's eyes, Mu Qing's smile gradually disappeared.

She coughed softly, then pretended to be nonchalant and asked, "Princess Deyin, what do you mean? This servant doesn't understand."

"Take out the dagger in your sleeve, the princess doesn't like to talk to people who hide sharp weapons." Yuan Deyin's voice gradually cooled down.

"Princess, this servant really doesn't know what you are talking about?"

Mu Qing had a serious face, without giving in at all.

But when Yuan Deyin said the next thing, she couldn't calm down at all.

Yuan Deyin let out a breath, and then asked, "Do you still want to save your princess?"

In a word, Mu Qing's defenses were successfully broken.

"Do you know the situation of the princess? What can you do to save the princess?"

After asking two consecutive questions, Mu Qing realized that she could no longer hide.

She gritted her teeth, then took out the dagger in her sleeve and threw it aside.

Then he knelt down to Yuan Deyin and kowtowed heavily.

"Servant Mu Qing, implore Princess Deyin to save our concubine."

There was a little more urgency in Mu Qing's tone.

"The one sitting inside is not the real Princess Runnan, is she?" Yuan Deyin stared at Mu Qing who was kneeling on the ground with burning eyes.

Although she was prepared, Mu Qing couldn't help being shocked when she heard Yuan Deyin say this.

"That's right." She nodded emphatically.

"That's right, the princess has felt something is wrong since she came in, how can a girl pinch the princess's back..." Yuan Deyin muttered softly.

Hearing Yuan Deyin's muttering, Mu Qing realized that she had betrayed herself by her little trick just now.

"Since the one inside is not Princess Runnan, then... who is she?" Yuan Deyin's eyes fell back on Mu Qing.

Mu Qing looked around, her face turned pale.

She took a deep breath, quickly got up from the ground, and then pulled Yuan Deyin into the back mountain next to her.

"Master Deyin County, the matter is very important. The person who wants to attack you is probably coming soon. I have to make a long story short, and I can answer the rest of the questions. But as for who is inside, I am sorry that I can't tell you clearly." ..."

Mu Qing shook her head distressedly.

She actually wanted to explain the identity of the person inside to Yuan Deyin, but I'm afraid...

Princess Deyin wouldn't believe her when she said it, but would think she was lying.

Seeing Mu Qing's distressed appearance, Yuan Deyin's bright eyes flickered.

She pursed her lips, then suddenly raised her head and looked at Mu Qing with a complicated expression.

"You can't say... Could it be that the person inside is not human?"

After Yuan Deyin said this, the handkerchief in Mu Qing's hand fell to the ground, and the blood on her face was gone.

"Could it really make the princess guess right?"

Yuan Deyin also scratched her hair with a slightly manic expression.

She was just guessing boldly, but she never expected that the "Princess Runnan" in it was really not human!

When things got to this point, Mu Qing felt that she had nothing to hide.

She gritted her teeth, then looked at Yuan Deyin solemnly.

"The one inside is actually a puppet. The prince ordered the alchemist to make the body of the princess, then put on human skin, and then put Gu worms inside to manipulate it..."

Mu Qing told what she knew, her body was shaking all the time.

Because these things have surpassed her cognition for so many years.

The prince, he...he actually let a puppet pretend to be the princess.

Yuan Deyin could also hear goosebumps all over his body.

No wonder she thinks Princess Runnan is as beautiful as she is, but the overall feeling is very strange.

The smile is stiff and unresponsive, and there are always only two expressions of laughing and indifference.

When she asked the question just now, Princess Runnan hadn't reacted for a long time.

It is estimated that it takes time for the people behind it to manipulate it.

"Then where are you princesses now?" Yuan Deyin looked at Mu Qing worriedly.

King Runnan used a fake princess to deal with everyone, so the real princess...

Mu Qing shook her head with a painful expression: "The servant girl is not sure where the prince hides the princess. The princess and the prince have always had a disagreement. The prince despises the concubine's high temper. The princess thinks that the prince's unscrupulous behavior to achieve his goals is frightening. These In the past few years, apart from maintaining the superficial respect for each other, after they arrived at the palace, they basically didn't meet each other..."

This is also the reason why there are a lot of sons and daughters in Prince Runnan's mansion, but Princess Runnan has nothing to do.

"The concubine doesn't care about these things. Anyway, she left her hometown and came to Chiyan. She has no extravagance for her personal feelings. Until a few days ago..."

Not knowing what to think of, Mu Qing's body was trembling.

Her mother is Princess Runnan's dowry aunt.

Her mother died, and Princess Runnan single-handedly brought her up.

In her heart, Princess Runnan is like her mother.

However, the prince treats the princess like that...

Sensing that Mu Qing's mood was not right, Yuan Deyin quickly grabbed her wrist and comforted her softly: "You tell the princess what happened, so that you can save your princess."

After hearing Yuan Deyin's words, Mu Qing gradually calmed down, but her face was still pale.

"A few days ago, the prince came back from the street with a very excited look on his face. Yuan Ying'er was still behind him. He took Yuan Ying'er into the study for a long time, and rumors and rumors arose in the palace. The slaves were impatient and wanted to make the princess She came forward, but the princess said that it is his right to do what the prince wants, she is just a woman and cannot interfere. Who knows, after a while, the prince came to the courtyard of the princess..."

"and then?"

"The lord ordered the servants to go out. The servants could not hear what they said at all. They could only vaguely hear them arguing and even smashing things. Half an hour later, the lord ordered the door to be opened, and the servants saw ……See……"

"Wangfei's face is swollen, and her neck is covered with blood, but the lord... beat the wangfei."

"That's not all. He also ordered the hidden guards to take the princess away. The servant wanted to save the princess, but the prince threatened that if he didn't want the princess to die, he had to listen to him."

"The servant was afraid, so he could only let him order. He asked the servant to dismiss all the servants in the yard, and said that the princess was going to be unwell and needed to rest. After a while, he sent the puppet over. ..."

When Yuan Deyin heard Mu Qing's words, she was also very angry, how could she have such a husband!
It's downright nasty!

After all, Princess Runnan is also his first wife, and she is also the Princess of Wei!
"Then, does Yuan Ying'er know the real situation of your princess?" Yuan Deyin thought of this question, and she looked at Mu Qing anxiously.

"I probably don't know." Mu Qing shook her head.

A person who seemed to be alive turned out to be a puppet...

Normal people would not dare to approach the truth if they knew the truth.

She stayed with the puppet because she was eager to find out the truth from the puppet and rescue the princess.

Therefore, Yuan Ying'er probably didn't know that it was a puppet, otherwise she couldn't approach it so calmly.

Yuan Deyin thought about it carefully, and felt that this was the reason.

"Then do you know the relationship between Yuan Ying'er and King Runnan?"

Yuan Deyin continued to ask.

This is also a question she really wants to know.

What did Yuan Ying'er do in Prince Runnan's mansion to let King Runnan treat Princess Runnan like that after he came out.

"This, I don't know..." Mu Qing shook her head, she looked helpless, her eyes were red.

But suddenly remembered something, Mu Qing quickly raised her head, and said urgently: "Your maidservant remembered, when the princess was taken away, she said something to the lord—"My lord, you just think that Yuan Ying'er gave it to you." Is that thing real? The princess doesn’t have what you want, and even if she did, she wouldn’t give it to you.’”

What did Yuan Yinger give?
Yuan Deyin frowned slightly.

This thing must be an important thing to maintain the relationship between Yuanying'er and Runnan Palace, and it is also related to Princess Runnan.

wait, no...

Why must it be related to Princess Runnan?
In case, what matters is... what about Wei Guo?

"Did Lord Runnan ask you to kill this princess?" Yuan Deyin continued to ask.

"No," Mu Qing shook her head, "Yuan Ying'er came to Runnan Palace a few days ago, and her request really wanted the lord to kill you at today's Hundred Flowers Banquet, but the lord didn't."

"How did you know about Yuan Ying'er's request to King Runnan?" Yuan Deyin tilted his head with a strange expression.

"Because at that time, the servant was also called out of the study by the prince. It is also because he knew that the servant cared about the life of the princess, so the prince has the confidence to handle the servant..."

Mu Qing sneered with a sarcastic expression.

"At that time, the prince was kind to Yuan Ying'er, and accepted any conditions she proposed, including killing you. However, after Yuan Ying'er left the palace, the prince turned around and indifferently gave other orders to the slave... "

"What order?" Yuan Deyin's face changed slightly.

It seems that King Runnan is not obedient to Yuanying'er.

This in the end is why?

"My lord asked my servants to bring you to Fangshi Shao." Mu Qing replied in a deep voice.

"Shao Fangshi? Is that the alchemist who made the puppet? Hmph, King Runnan is really brave. He is not afraid that the princess will disappear. Will Uncle Nine Emperors turn the house of Prince Runnan upside down?"

Yuan Deyin crossed his arms, his cheeks bulging with anger.

But soon, her face became discouraged.

She thought of something, and her expression gradually became shocked. She lowered her head and whispered: "Could it be that he wants to give another Deyin to Uncle Jiuhuang?"

Just when Yuan Deyin was thinking, Mu Qing's eyes, which were still red just now, suddenly became dark and cruel.

The dagger was out of her hands, and she quickly removed a sharp hairpin from her head.

He stabbed at Yuan Deyin's white and tender neck.

"Princess, I'm sorry."

But before her hairpin could touch Yuan Deyin's neck, Yuan Deyin quickly avoided it as if she had eyes in her back.

In the next moment, a slender figure in the clothes of a maid came out from the darkness, and the other party kicked Mu Qing's hairpin away.

Mu Qing was also kicked to the ground.

Her heart ached from being kicked, she covered her heart, and asked Yuan Deyin angrily: "You are still hiding someone here, did you expect that I would do it again?"

She obviously threw away the dagger, and she relented.

She looked so pitiful that she thought Yuan Deyin trusted her.

who knows……

"Uncle Nine Emperors said that it is essential to guard against others!" Yuan Deyin folded his arms and stared at Mu Qing coldly.

"Tell me, why did you kill the princess?"

"I didn't intend to kill you, the prince said, as long as I make you faint and hand you over to Shao Fangshi, the prince will be released by the princess..."

Mu Qing said urgently, acting as if she was not wrong at all.

Yuan Deyin's face gradually darkened.

I have to say, the appearance of Mu Qing, the protector, is very touching.

However, this cannot be used as a reason for her to hurt others at all.

"Brother Endless, knock her out."

Yuan Deyin knew that she had no way to dig out anything more from Mu Qing's mouth, so she turned her head and nodded to the "servant" behind her.

Endless tugged on the extremely ill-fitting maid skirt on her body, then quickly stepped forward, knocked Mu Qing out with a palm, and then dragged her to a corner.

Watching Wu Wukong come back, Yuan Deyin saw that his face had been covered with a thin layer of human skin mask, which was obviously Mu Qing's appearance.

However, his body was much taller than Mu Qing's.

"It's okay, it's dark, they probably won't recognize it." Yuan Deyin murmured softly, comforting himself.

But who knew, just after she finished speaking, Wu Wuxing pressed her bones and "clicked" a few times, and then her whole body shrunk by half a circle.

"This, this, this..." Yuan Deyin covered her mouth with shock.

Is this the legendary "bone shrinking skill"?

"Princess, don't worry, since the lord can get his subordinates in, then his subordinates will definitely not let the people in Prince Runnan's mansion find it tricky." Endless spoke respectfully.

That voice was exactly the same as Mu Qing's.

The hidden guards beside Uncle Nine Emperors were indeed all geniuses.

Yuan Deyin was shocked for a moment, but soon calmed down.

She knows that not everyone can practice the bone shrinking exercise, and shrinking the bones once will definitely cause great damage to the body, so she must not waste time.

"Brother Endless, here you are..." Yuan Deyin picked up Mu Qing from the ground and threw the dagger just now.

Although Endless didn't know what Yuan Deyin wanted to do, he still took the dagger quickly.

"You lead the way and walk to the lake." Yuan Deyin said in a low voice behind.

Endless frowned, and he noticed unusual aura fluctuations around him.

It is estimated that the dead soldiers and hidden guards of Prince Runnan's mansion began to approach.

If "Mu Qing" didn't succeed, they probably did.

At this time, it is better to obey the princess's orders.


In the front hall, the ministers talked loudly.

But there are a few people who are out of tune with this place.

One is Yusheng Xiao, he is playing with his jade bone fan with his legs crossed and his head bowed, looking very leisurely.

On his left and right are Jun Yu and Shen Chuannan respectively, one is silent and the other is sipping tea lightly, as if they are two big mountains.

King Runnan sat on the main seat, with an obscure expression sweeping over here from time to time.

Zhang Zhongrong walked quickly to his ear, said something in a low voice, his eyes flickered a little.

He stood up, went to the seat next to Jun Yu and sat down.

Because those ministers were all drunk, no one noticed this side.

King Runnan poured a glass of wine and pushed it to Jun Yu's side. He knocked on the table with his fingers and said casually, "Brother Jiuhuang, you don't worry about that girl you raised."

"Didn't you say that you will protect her safety, Brother Huang?"

Jun Yu tilted his head, his deep eyes fell on King Runnan, and the temperature around him dropped suddenly.

After being silent for a while, King Runnan actually laughed a few times.

He withdrew his hand, looked out into the darkness, and then said in a flat tone: "Of course this king will help you protect that girl. But..."

King Runnan changed the subject, and looked at Jun Yu with strange eyes: "Are you sure, you really want to be so nice to that girl?"

"What do you mean, Brother Huang?" Jun Yu raised his eyes, and looked at King Runnan with cold eyes.

"This king knows that you have been investigating the cause of death of your father, queen and mother all these years, so you have never suspected... King Ji?"

King Runnan suddenly approached Jun Yu, lowered his voice and asked in his ear.

(End of this chapter)

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