The cub of the Nine Emperor Uncle's family is squeamish again

Chapter 270 The princess jumped into the lake

Chapter 270 The princess jumped into the lake

King Runnan's words made Jun Yu stop the hand playing with the teacup, and a stern light flashed in his eyes.

"Brother Huang, what do you want to say to this king?"

Jun Yu stared at King Run Nan with indifferent eyes.

King Runnan's expression became more and more obscure, and he said with a straight face: "Brother Jiuhuang, this king knows that you think this king is treacherous and has done a lot of things for An's, and this king doesn't expect you to understand me. But there is a One thing, this king is as anxious as you are, and that is to find the murderer who poisoned the queen mother... Although the queen mother is not the king's mother, she treats the king as if she was her own. How can the king see her wronged Jiuquan? ?”


Hearing that King Runnan mentioned his mother, Jun Yu's expression was a little frightening.

"Brother Jiuhuang, I know that you have been investigating the cause of their deaths all these years. But have you never suspected the people around you? Why did the only imperial decree left behind after the death of the father was to let the King of Ji build the Yuan family army? A A king with a different surname has so much military power, isn't he a master of merit?"

King Runnan's tone became sharper as he spoke.

There was also a reason why Jun Zhouchen insisted on killing the Ji King in the first place.

A king with a different surname actually owns a powerful Yuan family army on the land of the Jun family.

"So, brother, do you think that it was the King Ji who poisoned the father, the queen, and the queen?"

Jun Yu spoke coldly, the emotion in his cold eyes was hard to detect.

"That's just my guess, but I think you'd better keep Yuan Deyin away from you. If she is really the daughter of an enemy, it might be a conspiracy to get close to you..." King Runnan He looked at Jun Yu worriedly.

He is completely a good brother who thinks about his brother.

However, upon hearing his words, Jun Yu sneered.

"Brother Huang, even if the King Ji really killed his father and mother, do you think this king will take his anger out on Yin'er?"

Jun Yu looked at King Runnan with irony in his eyes.

"That's natural, father's debt is repaid, if it is really King Runnan's poisonous hands against father, queen and queen, this king will definitely not spare Yuan Deyin!"

King Runnan slapped the table heavily, frightening the few ministers who were close to him.

"Then, I have no choice but to be your enemy. Anyone who wants to hurt Yin'er is my enemy." Jun Yu's eyes on King Runnan became more and more cold.

He put down the teacup, and said expressionlessly: "Brother Huang, don't do such behaviors that try to provoke relations. Even if this king suspects that you killed your father and queen mother, you will never doubt King Ji."

"You..." King Runnan did not expect Jun Yu to say such words.

In an instant, his face turned black with anger.

Jun Yu actually trusted King Ji so much!
Angry in his heart, but he couldn't do it on the spot.

He suppressed his anger and returned to that inscrutable look, he snorted coldly: "Then I hope Brother Nine Emperors don't regret it!"

Those ministers who were drinking, at this time, they realized that something was wrong with the atmosphere.

The lively atmosphere gradually cooled down, and no one dared to speak too much, for fear of offending the two princes nearby.

They were troubled in their hearts, why these two princes could make trouble when they just had a drink.

At this moment, Wu Xi walked in quickly.

"My lord, something happened, something happened by the lake in the backyard." Wu Xi said anxiously to Jun Yu.

Hearing Wu Xi's words, Jun Yu's heart sank suddenly.

"What's the matter?"

"I was ordered by you to find the princess, but at the lake in the backyard, I saw a servant girl from the Runnan Palace stabbing the princess and pushing the princess into the water. Now the princess is alive or dead..."

Wu Xi said, with a "boom", the pear blossom wooden table next to Jun Yu was shattered into pieces by his palm.

Several ministers not far from here were almost accidentally injured.

The rest of the people lowered their heads tremblingly, their hearts had already been filled with monstrous waves.

Now who doesn't know that Princess Deyin is the treasure held in the palm of the hand of the Ninth Prince.

Now, something happened to this treasure in Prince Runnan's mansion, and he was assassinated by the maidservant of Prince Runnan's mansion.

Now... the problem is troublesome...

"Brother Huang, you'd better give me an explanation."

Jun Yu's hostility was released from his body, and the threatening words he said through gritted teeth made people feel chills in the bones.

After finishing speaking, Jun Yu quickly went to the backyard.

Where did the ministers dare to stay here? They quickly threw away their wine glasses and stumbled out.

They were still praying in their hearts, Princess Deyin, don't let anything happen to you.

If not, the Ninth Prince is afraid that the Runnan Palace will be bloodbathed.

King Runnan didn't react for a long time.

When he came back to his senses, he could only see Jun Yu's indifferent back, and his naked warning echoed in his ears.

With a sound of "pa", King Runnan turned his head and slapped Zhang Zhongrong hard.

"Who is it, who is going to kill Yuan Deyin! Didn't this king tell you that her life is still valid, so don't move her!" King Runnan asked with a sullen face.

"This, I don't know." Zhang Zhongrong quickly knelt down, his face was both white and red, he hadn't seen the prince so angry for a long time.

Yuan Deyin was injured and fell into the lake, which not only alarmed the people in the front hall, but also the courtiers and noble ladies who were enjoying the flowers and chatting in the backyard were alarmed.

Because the lotus pond and the lake in the backyard are next to each other, when Yuan Deyin fell into the lake, a huge splash was caused, which naturally alarmed Wei Ying and the others.

"Then, isn't that Princess Deyin?" Someone shouted in surprise.

Everyone looked over and saw a maidservant holding a dagger stained with blood, and Yuan Deyin sank in the lake after a few plops.

"Deyin!" Seeing this scene, Mei Qingzhou and Yin Panrong were so anxious that their hearts almost jumped out.

Mei Qingzhou almost didn't even think about it, she just wanted to jump into the water to save people.

Sensing her intention, Yin Panrong quickly pulled her back.

"Qingzhou, your water skills are so poor that you can't go into the water. I'll do it." After Yin Panrong finished speaking, she gritted her teeth and jumped into the water.

Tao Lin didn't hesitate at all, she threw the sword aside and jumped into the water directly.

The other women could only scream in panic, when someone recognized Mu Qing with bloody hands.

"Isn't that Princess Runnan's maid? The princess asked her to take Princess Deyin to change clothes, but she actually killed Princess Deyin!"

All the ladies turned pale.

If something really happened to Princess Deyin today, they really don't know if they will be implicated.

They all looked back at Princess Runnan, wondering if she knew about this matter.

But the moment they turned their heads back, Princess Runnan closed her eyes, she fell down lifelessly like a dead person.

"Princess Runnan, Concubine..." These people rushed to help.

A group of maidservants standing behind were also completely panicked.

"Come here, go to the imperial doctor quickly."

"Also, save the princess, hurry up, find someone to save the princess."


Just now there was a peaceful gazebo, but now everyone is in fear.

Of course, among these people, some people are still in a good mood, such as Chen Meimei and Yuan Ying'er.

Chen Meimei sneered.

If Yuan Deyin had scolded arrogantly at the door, he would be punished now!
She is just the daughter of a wealthy businessman, and the turmoil in the court will not affect her family for the time being, so even if Yuan Deyin dies today, the emperor and the regent will not come to question her first.

Yuan Deyin... you better die in this lake!
Yuan Ying'er's heart beat faster, her eyes were full of excitement.

King Runnan was really willing to help her.

Yuan Deyin, as long as you die, the regent will be mine!

When Jun Yu came here, he saw only bubbles in the lake and a large group of people who went to save people.

"Mu Qing" saw Jun Yu coming, she immediately threw away the dagger, then turned around and ran away.

"Wuxi, chase after me." Jun Yu's tone was horrifying, like an infiltrating scene when a storm hits.

"Xiao Deyin, Xiao Deyin..." Yu Shengxiao ran over with one foot high and one foot low, lying on the bank and crying.

Why is his little apprentice so pitiful, accidents happen every day, and he is killed every day.

Just this time, there was a huge splash of water around him, he stared blankly at the black figure that dived directly into the water, and the jade bone fan fell to the ground.

Not to mention Yusheng Xiao was shocked, everyone standing on the shore looked horrified.

Lord Regent, he actually went down to the lake to rescue Princess Deyin himself.

How much does Princess Deyin hold in his heart!

To let him have such a noble body, he did not hesitate to take the risk of going down to the lake to save people.

"No, no, no..."

When Yuan Ying'er saw Jun Yu jumping into the lake, her complacent expression just now became extremely ferocious.

She firmly grasped the guardrail on the gazebo, and then shouted loudly: "Quick, save people, save the regent..."

Her appearance scared a group of people.

Why didn't I see her so flustered just now? Why did she seem to be crazy after the Ninth Prince went down to the lake.

But they didn't want to think so much, they quickly stared at the lake, watching the servants of the entire Runnan Palace jump into the lake to save people.

Chen Meimei was standing next to Yuan Ying'er, she looked at Yuan Ying'er's jealous red eyes, she bit her lip, and suddenly showed a weird smile.


Yuan Ying'er is the Prince Regent she likes.

Haha, that would be interesting.

King Runnan ran over, and happened to see Jun Yu jumping into the lake, and the gloom on his face became more and more pervasive.

"Hurry up, I must rescue the person to this king."

He turned his head and warned the people behind him in a dark tone.

Zhang Zhongrong wiped the cold sweat off his forehead.

He knew that their prince was so angry, it must not be because he was afraid of Jun Yu's death...

What he was afraid of was Yuan Deyin's death.

If Yuan Deyin died, then the prince's efforts over the years would be in vain.

"Wait, the Ninth Prince seems to be missing."

I don't know who shouted this suddenly, and it made everyone's hearts hang.

Everyone looked at the chaotic lake, only to find that the black figure that could be seen just now had disappeared.

Ninth Prince, he...

Could something happen to him too?
"Hurry up and get someone!" Zhang Zhongrong stomped his feet and anxiously ordered the servants.

If people really die in this lake, then the consequences...these slaves cannot bear it.

Hearing Zhang Zhongrong's order, the servants turned pale.

"Steward Zhang, the lake in our palace was transformed from a volcano. The middle of the lake is extremely deep, and because the lake is not cleaned all year round, there are many weeds in the lake, which are easy to bind feet. People with excellent water quality are also dangerous..."

"I don't care, even if you die, you have to save people." Zhang Zhongrong cursed.

They were not loud, but loud enough to be heard by those on shore.

In an instant, many people's faces changed a bit.

Those ministers kept wiping cold sweat.

It's over, it's over, if something happens to the regent, the emperor will definitely kill them, and this red-flame sky will also collapse.

"What, this lake is so dangerous!" Yu Shengxiao was full of anxiety.

Although Xiao Deyin often turned his arms out, and Xiao Junyu was also very venomous, but to him, he was still reluctant to let them die.

Thinking of this, Yusheng Xiao's eyes flashed a little firm.

He threw the jade bone fan away, and then jumped down with a "plop".


Shen Chuannan sensed his intention, and it was too late to stop him.

"Stupid." He cursed secretly, and finally jumped down too.

Did Yu Shengxiao forget that his water skills are also extremely poor?
Can't he use his brain!
"Master Prime Minister."

Those ministers were about to cry.

Why did Chi Yan's pillars jump off one by one, who will save them?
The lakeside became more and more chaotic, more and more people gathered, and even the dead soldiers hiding in the dark were forced to come out to fish for people.

Wu Xi found that no one was following him, so he caught up with "Mu Qing" very quickly.

"Okay, endless, don't pretend anymore." He flew directly in front of endless, and said coldly.

Hearing Wu Xi's determined tone, Wu Wuxi raised his eyebrows, and quickly tore off the human skin mask on his face.

"Boundless, tell me quickly, where did the Princess go?" Wu Xi asked anxiously while grabbing Endless's collar.

The princess did tell them that he let endless to hide in Prince Runnan's mansion as a fake maid. Just now, he saw endless from a distance. Although there is a layer of human skin mask, they are secret guards who grew up together, so he can see it at a glance. recognize each other.

But the princess didn't tell them in detail what she had planned.

Wu Xi thought that if the maid could be fake, then the princess should also be fake.

Hearing Wu Xi's words, Wu Xi shook his head helplessly: "The top ten hidden guards of the palace, except for my disguise technique, who can pretend to be a princess?"

"Wait, you mean, the princess is real?"

Wu Xi's face suddenly turned pale.

"You actually hurt the Princess?" Wu Xi gritted his teeth, wanting to fight Wu WuXi desperately.

After so many days of getting along, he has completely regarded the little princess as his master. In their hearts, the little princess and the prince have the same status.

Now that Endless actually hurt the little princess, he will never spare him.

Seeing that Wu Xi's fist was about to fall, Wu WuXi hurriedly said: "The blood is fake, I didn't hurt the Princess."

"The princess fell into the lake..."

"The princess really fell in." Endless replied with an apologetic expression.

"You..." Wuxi's heart tightened again.

"The princess asked me to take her to the lake, then handed me a knife, and she punctured a blood bag she was carrying with her. Before I could react, she jumped directly."

Hentai explained aggrievedly.

He also wanted to know what the princess wanted to do.

He also wanted to save someone just now, but before jumping down, the princess let him run very fiercely, and it was the kind of run that didn't look back.

Wuxi has been with Yuan Deyin for a longer time, so he naturally understands that Yuan Deyin often has unexpected ideas in his little brain.

"Princess, it's probably not in the lake anymore." Wu Xi sank for a while, and suddenly said this to Wu Wuxi with a strange expression.

(End of this chapter)

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